Destiny is Served

By idet843

1.6M 48.9K 2.1K

Kara is a struggling restaurant owner in the most famous city. Her father taught her everything he knew abou... More

Destiny is Served-Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Author's Note-2
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 42

21.2K 688 40
By idet843

Chapter 42 

-Clues or Coincidence 

The rain has been coming down heavy since last night.  Kara pulls into the parking lot of her restaurant and notices the huge tarp flapping in the wind at the construction site.  There’s a huge sign on it for Lester.  She’s learned so much she didn’t know about him and the Hurst family in general in the last few days.  It’s early morning and the parking lot only has a few cars in it. 

Hurrying inside the restaurant where it’s dry she stops at the restaurant’s back kitchen entrance to hang up her coat.  Her shoes are squeaking filled with water she takes them off.   

Braylin kept his word in spite of everything that’s going on.  Somehow he was able to get her restaurant opened back up without any restrictions.   The car accident caught everyone off guard.  Living seems to be the only urgent requirement anyone is concerned about right now everything else can wait a day, weeks or however long it takes. 

“Hey…”  Darla rushes toward Kara taking the unopened umbrella and her bag out of her hand sitting it on the table nearby while Kara grabs a napkin from a pile to wipe the rain water from her face and hands. 

Mica walks through the bi-fold doors followed by Casey.  They stand around the kitchen area waiting for Kara to adjust her clothing and try to fix her hair.  She put it up in a messy bun when she got dressed this morning she’s taking it down putting it in a ponytail as she walks toward them. 

“You going to tell us what happened right?”  Casey ask.  A worried look is on his face. 

Kara looks startled seeing the three of them looking at her with anxious eyes.  They know Lester because of her.  They like him and want to hear about his wellbeing. 

“Ahum… Morning first of all.”  She clears her throat.  “I’m glad we’re open again and happy to see you all.  Let me just get that out of the way.”  Kara responds to their impatient waiting. 

Mica takes a seat near where she stands, Darla follows by sitting down in a chair nearby and Casey leans against the huge prep island. 

“Morning to you to Kara.”  They say in unison.  “Now tell us?”  Casey adds on. 

“Ok….alright.”  Kara says her own pensive mood haunting her. 

“Well, like I told you on the phone.  We were talking to the Sheffield’s about Liam at Hurst Corporation when Aaron called and told us about Lester being in the car accident.  We all got to the hospital as soon as we could.  We didn’t know about James Monroe’s son being in the same accident until James came rushing through the waiting room door.”  Kara explains. 

“And James Monroe’s son is named Maxim, right.”  Darla adds in. 

“Yeah…he also has an estranged daughter who lives in London.  Maxim and Lester used to be best friends apparently.  They were college roommates, they worked together for a while at Hurst Corporation when there was some type of rift between James and his father.  I really don’t know all the details, but that’s what I got from Michelle while we were waiting.  Of course my mother is married to James so who knows if she’s involved somewhere in the breakup of that friendship.  I have my own suspicions.” 

“Mm, Maxim and Lester you said aren’t friends anymore because Maxim slept with Lester’s wife?”  Casey interjects. 

“Ahem….it’s not quite that simple.  It appears Lester and his wife Alexandra were having some marital problems.  She’s an attorney so she couldn’t just up and travel where he wanted her to go.  She left Lester, Maxim kept showing up he was supposed to be checking up on her for Lester instead he, you know…got close to her and she got pregnant by him.  Lester divorced her.”  Kara softly says to a silent room. 

“So how are you holding up Kara?  How’s Braylin and his brothers.  This has got to be a harrowing experience for all of you.”  Mica questions with a furrowed brow. 

“It’s not easy….I want to be there for Braylin…I also really like Lester and I want him to come out of this okay.  I just hope he comes out of the coma alright.”  Kara sadly answers. 

“You know….I’ve never liked any of the Sheffield’s the whole time I worked for them.  I really couldn’t stand Mrs. Sheffield, but I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.  I know what he did to you Kara and he should have paid for it but this….I didn’t expect him to lose his life in a car accident.”  Casey replies. 

“Yeah…it’s all so surreal the connection the three men have in common.  They had to be all going to that restaurant for dinner or something since it was the only place close by.  It’s crazy that Liam and Maxim were driving the same type of car?  I mean how did Liam get ahold of a car like that when he’s on the run?  Where did the money come from to get something like that?  Were his parents helping him while coming to the Hurst for help?”  Darla exclaims. 

“Ah….I don’t know but I don’t think they had that kind of money.   I haven’t discussed that with Braylin.  Its day three we’re still not any closer to finding out what happened.  We know that Lester and Maxim know each other but we don’t know where or how Liam gets thrown into the picture.” 

Kara moves around the kitchen accepting a cup of coffee from Darla and taking a seat across from Mica at the table. 

“Liam was on the run so anything’s possible.  The police haven’t been able to speak with Lester or Maxim yet.   This is all just so unbelievable you know.  Lester’s in a coma, Maxim appears to have lost his memory and now he’s unconscious.  I mean he’s in and out but he doesn’t recognize his own father.  The doctor told his dad that something traumatic must have occurred and he’s repressing everything.  His father looked so broken when they told him and the poor Sheffield’s.  I felt so bad for them in spite of what Liam did.” 

“One of the officer’s told us they have different witness reports they have to work through.  There are different accounts of what happened.  Liam got the worst of it all, he lost his life.  They thought at first he was going to make it they did an emergency surgery he lost a leg, but something happened I don’t know….a few hours later we were told he was dead.”   Kara swallows the lump in her throat. 

“Did you get along with Amelia while you were there? You haven’t said anything about her I’m assuming she was by her husband’s side when they arrived?”  Mica asks. 

“Actually….she wasn’t with him.  I don’t know where she was, he never said or seemed to care that she wasn’t there.  It was strange, Michelle and I were trying to comfort him the best we could.  I sort of felt bad for him but my mother is a selfish woman.  Who knows where she was, maybe she’ll be there with him today.”  Kara comments. 

They sit around for about an hour asking Kara questions letting the subject slowly change to matters in the restaurant. 

“Hey Kara did anybody tell Lester’s wife what was going on?”  Darla thoughtfully ask. 

“I don’t know….there divorced why would she need to know?  I don’t think it was an amicable divorce.”  Kara shrugs her shoulders looking at Darla.  Casey and Mica turn to look at her too. 

Darla blushes causing Mica to smirk.  “What do you know about his ex-wife and how do you know?”  He curiously ask. 

“Oh don’t give me that look, I know nothing about her really except that Aaron mentioned her a couple of days ago when we were talking that’s all.”  Darla defends herself. 

“Oh….so was this when you and prettyboyIcan’tstandthatman Aaron were just “talking” and not flirting with each other.  Casey teases Darla imitating her voice and manner making Mica and Kara smile. 

A blush covers Darla’s face.  She turns her head trying to hide it. 

“You like him don’t you, it’s alright, now it’s my turn to tease you.”  Kara rubs her arm. 

“Teasing each other is about all there is.  He came here for lunch the other day.  I talked to him for a while.  There’s nothing happening between us.  We just like to annoy each other that’s all.”  Darla tries to tone down the teasing. 

“Yeah…I’ll bet you want to have a go at that.  He came here by himself.  He could have gone so many other places to have lunch.  I don’t think anything on the menu is what he wanted to eat.”  Casey teases. 

“Euuugh Casey, do you have to be so vulgar.”  Darla picks up a green bell pepper throwing it at him. 

He catches it rolling it on the island.  “What….that’s the way you two talk to each other?  You both looked like you were ready to do it on the table in front of the customers.  Just screw him and get it over with, you know you want to.”  Casey smirks at her. 

“Shut up Casey just because you’re finally getting some doesn’t mean you have to project on others.”  Darla is already sexually frustrated from thinking about Aaron, now she’s getting angry.

“Project….where the hell did you get that word….the only thing you want to project is his big dick into your wet vagina.  You can’t function when he’s around.  Darla you want that man to screw you stupid.  He made his move the other day, now it’s time for you to make yours.  You know you want to ride that train.  All I’m saying honey is climb on board.”  Casey explains with a smirk. 

Mica looks between them shaking his head he turns to Kara.  “See what you leave me with?  Let’s get to work.”  He gets up leaving the room. 

Walking to the front door of the restaurant Mica opens it to find a woman standing on the other side in the rain.  She looks grief stricken.  Her eyes are swollen and red, her blond hair is matted to her face.  Her coat is soaked and there’s a wet scarf dangling from her hand which she starts to wring out in front of him.  The rain is still coming down heavily.  The tattered and wellworn overhang above the restaurant is doing little to protect her from the downpour. 

“Excuse me….I’m sorry to show up so early I know you aren’t open yet but I was wondering if I can talk to the owner.  It’s still Kara Santino right?  I….I mean she is still the owner here isn’t she?”  The woman’s voice croaks as she finishes her sentence. 

Mica looks around her trying to see if there is anyone else with her or around her.  “Please, I’m here alone…..I just need to speak with her, it’s important that I talk to…h..her.”  The woman reaches her hand out she looks like she’s going to faint.  Mica catches her in his arms just before she actually does. 

“Mica, what the….”  Casey rushes to the door helping him by holding it open.  Mica carries the wet body of a passed out woman in his arms. 

“Oh my god….Kara come quick.”  Darla yells hurry to do the door. 

Mica brings the woman inside to one of the settees her purse falls to the floor it’s partially open some of her things fall out including her phone.  Casey picks it up.  He hits the button on it trying to open it up  but it’s locked.  Mica and Casey move the table out of the way so they have more room. 

“Who is she?”   Darla ask grabbing a couple of napkins she wipes the water from the woman’s face.  Kara rushes to where they are.  Looking down at the woman she doesn’t look familiar but they are all concerned that she passed out in front of the restaurant. 

“Who is she?”  Kara ask Mica. 

“I don’t know, she asked to speak to you.  She asked me if you were still the owner here.”  Mica responds. 

We need to call 911.”  Casey pulls out his phone. 

“Wait, she’s moving.”  Darla exclaims still trying to wipe some of the water off of her. 

The woman opens her eyes finding several pairs looking anxiously down at her.  She sets up with the help of Darla who is near her on the settee. 

“Are you alright….do we need to get some help for you?”  Mica holds her hand. 

“No…I’m fine…well….I’m not hurt in anyway.”  She rethinks her answer taking one of the napkins from Darla she wipes her face and hands. 

“Why did you ask for me?”  Kara is standing in front of her. 

The woman looks up to the voice speaking to her.  “I’m sorry to disturb all of you.  “I need your help?  I’m Alexandra Kerr….ah…..Hurst.  I’m Alexandra Kerr Hurst.”  The woman says with big eyes looking between the four people staring at her in shock.  “I’m Lester’s….w…wi.…wife.”  She tearfully exclaims. 

“Oh….oh….oooooooh.  Casey sits down in the chair behind him. 

“Ah….ah….How can I help you?  Mrs. Kerr…ah….Hurst….Alexandra.”   Kara seems confused why the woman is at her restaurant door. 

“I….Lester….the accident.  He was coming to pick me up?”  We were going to have dinner and talk but Maxim showed up at the restaurant and I…. they had a fight.  I tried to break them up.  They were so angry with each other.  The restaurant manager and a waiter, they managed to get them apart.  They both left and I….I tried to call Lester but he wouldn’t talk to me.  I….couldn’t follow him so I got a cab….that’s when I saw…..”  She can’t finish her quick ramble she starts to softly cry. 

“Kara I think you better call Braylin.”  Mica tells her with a stern look on his face.

 “No…”  The woman grabs Mica’s wrist.  They won’t let me see Lester I watched them take him away in the ambulance.  They wouldn’t let me go with him.  The Hurst family hates me.  They don’t want me around, they’ll never let me see Lester but we were talking….we spent time together.  Please, I just need to know that he’s alright?”  I want to see him.”  Alexandra tries to pull it together. 

Mica looks over at Kara.  “Maybe we should leave you two alone.  Mrs. Hurst, can you walk?”  Mica ask Alexandra. 

“Yes…Kara I’m sorry we had to meet like this.  They’ve probably told you all kinds of bad things about me.  I’m not a threat to anybody, please I just want to make sure that Lester is alright.”   

“Come on, let’s go to the back and talk.  I’ll tell you what I know.”  Kara responds. 

“Logan makes his way back to his apartment to pick up his luggage.  He’s been packed since that night.  He just needed to tie up some loose ends.  He’s convinced his employer that he needs to return to Paris to help out on a stalled deal they have.  Lauren seemed suspicious about his motives but she didn’t say anything at the time.   

He’s nervous as he gets off the elevator.  He doesn’t know if Liam was the only target Amelia had that night he just learned that Liam’s dead this morning.  Logan doesn’t know the condition of Maxim or Lester.   Making his way cautiously down the hallway of his apartment floor he gets to his door seeing the lock has been tampered with.  The door is cracked open.  Afraid to go inside he runs back down the hallway to the parking garage he flies out of the garage driving down the street.  He doesn’t know where he’s going or what to do.  It has to be the hitman inside his apartment.  He’s sure Amelia is going to try to get rid of him he knows too much that can bring about her downfall.

Amelia makes her way down the palatial stairway in her six inch stilettos to the kitchen area.  Checking her nails she needs to pay her manicurist a visit this morning is the thought that goes through her mind.  Rearranging the smirk on her face to a more serene look for her husband’s benefit he’s sitting at the breakfast table with a cold cup of coffee in front of him.  His elbows rest on the table with his head in his hands. 

With her shoulders slumped she pinches her cheeks trying to put some color into them to appear like she’s upset about Maxim’s predicament.  She was actually terrified the next morning when she snuck into the house and learned from one of the maids that James was at the hospital by his son’s side.  They told her that the younger Mr. Monroe had been in a horrible car accident and Mr. James had rushed from their home to the hospital.  She and James haven’t talked much since that night. 

James is unaware that she is the reason for all of it after the hitman changed his plans firing the shot that struck Maxim instead of Liam.  The hitman could see Maxim’s car crossing into Lester’s lane in what he thought was a form of strange aggression against the Audi driver.  The reason for it was unknown to the hitman but beneficial for him to get his job done.  

As he carefully watched the three cars coming toward him at a high speed he waited to pick off his intended victim until he witnessed Maxim’s BMW M5 cross into Lester’s lane, the hitman didn’t know if the aim was to scare the Audi driver or to intentionally hit him but he made sure that contact between the two cars was made he took his shot at Maxim.  The car careened out of control slamming hard into the Audi R8 causing it to go out of control, both cars then slammed into the second BMW M5 just ahead of them causing all three cars to twist together in a horrible wreckage.   

Amelia waited to give the hitman a piece of her mind when he returned to pick her up until she received a text from Logan telling her there was a horrible accident down the road involving the three men and he knew that her hitman was involved in it somehow.  He texted that she really fucked up and he was getting away from her because he didn’t want to be a part of it.   

The hitman confirmed what Logan texted her except he had no clue who the other men were when he returned to the restaurant to get the rest of his payment.  Amelia showed her appreciation to him for the way he handled the situation she slept with him.  She used pillow talk to coherence him into taking care of an additional lose end, Logan Spector.  Of course the hitman was no fool in addition to sleeping with Amelia he demanded a substantial additional payment. 

Amelia agreed but she’s taken out so much money to keep what she’s doing secret from James that she’s depleted her personal bank account.  She has to find a way to get James to give her allowance to her early in order to pay the hitman or she will have to dip into her stash money and she can’t afford to draw any suspicion to herself right now. 

“Have you received an update James?  Amelia ask getting herself a cup of coffee. 

James gives her a cursory look.  Now that things have settled a bit, he remembers that she didn’t come home that night. 

“Where were you that night Amelia….did you come home?”  His look is dark and unwavering.  Amelia tries to stay composed.  She’s learned through the years to not react when he ask her where she’s been. 

“I was having dinner out with a friend.”  She keeps her voice in a monotone answering without hesitation to avoid suspicion. 

“Would that friend happen to be male?”  James gets up from the table getting himself another cup of coffee.”  He turns his back to her. 

“James, why are you asking me that.  I thought we agreed not to discuss my bedtime activities since you no longer want to be a part of them.”   She tries to quickly draw a mask over her face to avoid her nervousness. 

“Dammit Amelia….I don’t want to discuss your promiscuity now.  Can you think of someone else for once besides yourself?”  James huffs. 

Getting up from the table Amelia walks over to slide her arms around his waist she lays her head against his back.  He doesn’t shrink away from her like he normally does.  They haven’t slept together for a few years now.  She knows he’s distraught and not clearly thinking.  

“I’m not being selfish James, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you the other night, but I’m here now if you want me.  I’ll be in your bed tonight and I’ll go to the hospital with you to see Maxim.  We’ll get through this together as a family.  Maybe we can get things back between us the way they were.  I want that don’t you?”  She moves around him to caress his cheek.  He holds her in his arms.  Taking his face in her hands she kisses him passionately receiving from him the response she intended.

Nana Rita is at Lester’s bedside holding his hand.  The hospital room is also occupied by all three Hurst brothers and Michelle who’s sitting in another chair across from Nana Rita. 

A knock at the hospital door causes Aaron to open it revealing Conner.  The brothers all step into the hallway to talk but Conner wants to go somewhere else.  He takes them to a private room.  He’s talked with the police learning additional information about the accident. 

He tells them that all three men were seen at an Italian restaurant in Staten Island but it doesn’t appear they were together.  He informs them of the altercation had between Lester and Maxim.  They learn that the altercation involved a woman.  Hearing it’s Lester’s ex-wife Alexandra Kerr upsets the three brother’s.  They speculate whether Lester was lured there by Alexandra and Maxim for some reason.  It’s unknown why or where Liam comes into the picture.  He was seen having a conversation at the bar with a woman.  The bartender provided a description of the woman.  The report Conner has says that the woman reported to have been seen talking to Liam threw a drink on him before he left.  No one knows who the woman was and the bartender didn’t get a clear look at her face.  He’s being asked to do a sketch drawing of her.   

What Conner doesn’t want anyone else to hear is the information he received from his personal police contacts.  Everyone believes the three men were in a speeding accident but Conner reveals to the brothers that there is an additional piece of evidence recently discovered that hasn’t been made public.  A bullet was found lodged in the backseat of Lester’s Audi.  There were no weapons found at the scene of the accident.  It’s unknown where the shot came from.  Cameron immediately tells Conner they want their own personal investigation of the accident to be conducted. 

The brothers are understandably angry and upset.  Cameron and Braylin give each other a look of comprehension they are believing now more than ever there is a connection between the three men after listening to the Sheffield’s talk of some of the things Liam has done.  They trust no one.  How much this all cost is immaterial to them, they want to know who tried to kill their cousin. 

In another hospital room Maxim Monroe is being prepped for emergency surgery.  A call has gone out to his father to notify him that his son needs to have surgery now.  James Monroe notified the hospital he is on his way with his wife by his side.

Kara arrives at the hospital late afternoon.  She knocks on the hospital room door before going in to speak with Nana Rita and Michelle.  She quietly talks and tries to comfort a still upset Nana Rita while Michelle steps out of the room taking a break. 

The hospital room door is open, Kara can see Braylin and his brothers approaching the room.  She ask Nana Rita if it’s ok for her to step out for a few minutes.  She agrees. 

Kara hurries out of the room greeting each brother with a hug and a kiss.  Braylin holds her tight in his arms when she gets to him last. 

“I need to talk to you.”  She whispers in his ear. 

“What is it?”  He can feel her body tremor.

“I have to tell you something.”  Kara moves out of his arms his brothers are obviously listening. 

“Bray….we’ll go back in the room.”  Cameron tells Braylin. 

“Actually….I think you need to stay and here what I have to say.”  Kara turns to Cameron while grabbing ahold of Aaron’s hand. 

“Kara?”  Braylin has a questioning look.   

Michelle is coming down the hallway.  She’s pale and there’s a haunted look on her face.  Cameron rushes to her.  “Baby are you alright?”  He slides his hand under her elbow. 

“Yeah….I just thought I saw someone.  I know this is upsetting, but I swear I saw Alexandra downstairs in the lobby.”  Michelle shakes her head. 

“You did….see her.”  Kara grabs Braylin’s hand.  “That’s what I need to talk to you about.  She showed up at my restaurant this morning.  She was in Staten Island with Lester and Maxim.”  Kara explains. 

“That woman is hear?”  A loud angered voice says from a distance.  James Monroe let’s his wife’s hand go to approach Kara. 

“Where is she?  I don’t want her near my son, she broke his heart?”  James Monroe furiously exclaims he comes to a standstill in front of Kara. 

Kara looks from him to her mother hanging back down the hall a little ways.  Their eyes clash, Kara’s are full of distrust and disappointment.  Amelia simply smirks trying hard not to react to what she is hearing.  She had no idea that Alexandra was inside the restaurant.  She starts to wonder if Alexandra saw her.  She needs to get to her now before any of the others do to find out what she knows or seen. 

Blinking rapidly Amelia approaches James touching his arm trying to distract him from the others.  “James, we don’t have time to listen to this.  We need to get to Maxim’s room.  The doctor said he’s going into surgery.  We have to get there darling.”  Amelia rubs his arm. 

“Maxim needs surgery?”   Braylin ask James but his eyes never leave Amelia looking smug next to him?” 

“Yes….they said the wound to his head isn’t like anything they normally see in a car accident.  I’m going to talk with the police after I see that he’s alright.”  James squeezes Amelia’s hand noticing the look of disgust Braylin is giving his wife. 

It doesn’t go unnoticed by Kara that Amelia doesn’t look anyone in the eye she blinks rapidly as James talks about Maxim. 

“Braylin….I asked Alexandra to come up here to talk to you.  She should have been here by now.”  Kara tells Braylin holding onto his arm. 

“Where did you leave her?”  Aaron asks. 

“In the lobby, like Michelle said.”  Kara answers.   Aaron starts to walk down the hallway. 

“Aaron wait….?”  Braylin yells at him as he and Kara start walking down the hallway.  The three of them take the elevator down to the lobby but they don’t see her.  They split up looking around for her she’s gone. 

Alexandra runs as quickly as she can from the hospital.  She saw James Monroe and Amelia when they entered.  Afraid that they saw her she tries to flag a taxicab down.  Aaron is walking through the hospital door he sees her, he calls her name just as a cab slows down just ahead of her.  She turns to see him calling her a look of fear is on her face.  She ignores his calling of her name as he hurries to catch up to her she jumps in the cab and it takes off.

**Thanks for Reading.

Well, Wattpad changed the website again, if your reading this guess you are able to see the chapter.  Thanks for continuing to support this story.  Hope you continue to vote and send me your thoughts, comments.

It's a suspense in a romance so unfortunately someone was going to be expendable....kind of natural that it would be Liam out of the three men.  Now, what to do with dumb, dumb....that would be Logan.  Anybody think James is fooled by Amelia?

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