Bad guy 《 Jooheon × Changkyun...

By curiexxxx

27.9K 1.3K 393

Jooheon a fuckboy and Changkyun the new rebellious kid at school. What if they met? Do you think all Hell wou... More

The past
Turn me on
Sly man
The party
Roof job
Oh no.
Breaking Point
Getting Comfortable
Back together
They know
I love you
The end.


1.8K 62 79
By curiexxxx

jooheons pov

Day Thursday

Earlier today

"You are a disgusting son to have! Why do you have to act like this?!" My mom cried out in anger, dad just sat with a disoriented look.

"Your mother is right, your attitude is far from respect! Be like your brother who is well obeyed, respectful, caring and loving! Instead you the first son turned like this? How did he listen and become the child we excepted him to be?!" My mom nodded.
I took it all in, absorbing like a sponge. This is how everyday went if I ran into them, surprisingly they took me out of school early to scold me for now, an hour. I learned to deal with the verbal abuse they spat, knowing that what standards my parents wanted was impossible. Be a perfect son, no one is perfect.

"I'm disgusted by you Jooheon" She slurred, I've heard this so many times it's hard not to get bored. Maybe if they were good at parenting, I would be a whole different person. So focused though on reputation, it put family down to the past. I had no family really.


Crying, a thing I had done for an array of years. It's been since I was 6, like this. Being trained to be a good son, one who is smart, likable, obeys, one who isn't possible for me. It's hard to because of the pressure and yelling they sent down, so I evolved into someone..Who I can't say is really me? My parents just want good children for their own egos and reputation, to look well in front of the rich hierarchy. No matter what happens to their relationships.
One thing that makes life better is friends, the guys take away that darkness and make it light. Ever since Changkyun and Kihyun came into our group it's been better, like we were supposed to be with each other. Changkyun though..I knew about 5 years ago I liked men, after that I only liked a few guys some even turned me on. It's been a awhile since, but he does make me hard. His hips, looks, personality-I don't know anymore. For the first time someone has made me question what I really feel for them. Wanna bang him yes? Like him? I can't tell if it's just lust or..Love? Which is why I had a urge to kiss him, I don't do that to anyone. Not even my random hookups. I miss those lips..

Present Time

"Do I sleep with you?" We were now inside, Changkyun of course made sure to be distant like always.

"Fuck you, we thankfully have a guest bedroom" Pouting he led me through the house, aesthetically pleasing it is. Modernization furnished the living room, but still made it feel all homey and warm. Passing it quickly, you could tell the whole house was easy to navigate.

"Here, sneak into my room I'll kill you" We stopped at a door, dark wood made its figure.

"Can I at least see your room?"

"Go in here first" I turned the knob, the door whooshed open. A flowery smell escaped its space, wow.

"It's like a hotel room, so clean!" I gasped, throwing down my backpack to the soft white bedding.

"yeah" He quietly sighed covering his forehead in a painful manner.

"You okay?" I said worriedly.

"Your giving me headache" Frowning confusingly I sat down on the beds edge, sinking into the soft deep puff.

"Wow meanie" I laughed a bit from his forward ness, but he just took deep breaths that were wavy. My stomach though growled intensely to the point Changkyun gave me a weird stare.

"I'm hungry, if you're that tired I'll make something for me..or for you?" It's the first time he just smiled, that's it. It was nice and comforting maybe if he did that often he would be popular with people.

"You can cook?" He winced his eyes closed.

"Of course I'm not that lazy"

"Okay..I'll go take a shower" He left before I could say a word, so distant. I want to be close like I am with the guys well Kihyun is kinda hard to even be around, so cheery and bubbly makes me become angry because of how similar he is with Minhyuk minus the talking. I'm getting flashbacks to the hour long one sided conversation between me and Minhyuk, I love him to death but gosh he needs to shut up sometimes. All he rambled about was how the donut place he went to didn't have any glazed donuts, that is unbelievable but for an hour just arguing about it? I almost fell asleep.
Shaking my head I treaded to the door, maybe I could snoop around for a bit? Just a quick tour? The hallway was dim with light, the last room was mine and it was hella creepy without Changkyun here. Photos of places hung the wall, beaches, cliffs, hills, lakes. Running my hands against the soft wood, I sneaked into a room. Flipping the switch it's insides sprang to light, a office. Maybe I should get out? It looked like his dads, exusing myself the hallway ended abruptly. The living room started right after, a wide huge space. Long couch strided in front the narrow flat screen Tv, a black wooden table supported the huge ass thing, windows with soft gray colors draped down them, the mood was chill. Drifting around some photos wounded up around the walls, his family. Changkyun when he was small, adorable. Disneyland, Hawaii, even Germany. Wow, they looked happy. I wish I had that when I was young, but who cares anymore. No pictures though so far were of him now, strange.
The kitchen was behind it, marbled counter long with length held the sink and it's components. Dishwasher, gas stove, refrigerator, pantry, microwave all the normal household things. Fancy, the dining table was glass, see through as ever.
I never sat at mine, it was too irritating and annoying being with my parents and how they bragged about my little bro. I love him so much that it's brings hate, I can never hate him. There are times when he gets a 90s or 80s on his test and my parents badly scold him, I have to go into his room and comfort him as much as I can because no one was there for me. He'll never though have it like I do, I won't let it happen. Love makes you do things like that.
Hurrying over into the Kitchen I yanked open the refrigerator, cold seeped out leaving me shivering. He had some food, not much. We always had our fridge stocked up like a war was going to break out. Picking out stuff to make Kimchi Fried Rice, the faint noise of rushing water ran upstairs.


It's been about 20 minutes and I have successfully not burned down the house, my gourmet dinner is ready and smelling delicious as ever. Changkyuns still in his room, but the shower turned off a few seconds ago so he should be coming down soon.

"Bing!" My phone ringed, yanking it out the screen popped up with notifications. DMs. Smirking crazily I opened up Instagram.


yeri; hello 🥰

show more 😏 ;jooheon


yeri; don't leave me embarrassed show me some baby


yeri; I'm wet all of a sudden🤭🤤

My crotch went thick and hard, I was turned on just from her simple sentence.

are you now?;jooheon

yeri; yes master I'm dripping for your dick

"Stop sexting you idiot the foods getting cold cause of your horny ass, if your going to sext go outside and don't come back in" Changkyun scolded me, he looked so pissed off. Turning off my phone I was kinda terrified, how angry can he get?

"I wasn't sexting-" He eyed my pants, I trailed down my eyes. Fuck.

"Yeah yeah I believe you totally" My face went hot, I don't really get embarrassed but right now my whole body was shook. "Thanks for the cold food" He reminded warming our bowls in the microwave, it hummed lowly.

"Sorry I guess"

"Apology still not enough" Me accidentally making his food cold was such a punishment?

"Changkyun-ah I'm sorry, please forgive me" I said cutely he had a unreadable face.

"Enough your weird, I forgive you" The microwave stopped, he pulled out gently the bowels. Steam flew off them.

"Yeah yeah I tried my hardest babe, just for you"

"That's creepy stop, I'm gagging eternally" He quickly took off to the table, I followed behind sitting the opposite of him. My dick is still hard, after I eat I'll take care of it.

"It's good" He had a small bandaid over his wound, must've cleaned it.

"Tell me who was your girlfriend! I wanna know" I stopped stuffing my face with rice to let him talk. He sat quietly eating still, eyes staring off into space. "Ya I wanna be your friend even if I do wanna fuck you but- That's besides the point, I don't get why you're so distant and hate me..I didn't do anything to you?"

"I don't hate you." That's all he said which made me feel less heated.

"Then why don't you talk? Like open up?" He looked at me with unease, I didn't like it.

"We aren't that close.." Fuck him. Sleeping together? Spending time together? Me caring for him? Was that just nothing?

"I'm going" Dumping my bowl into the sink, I paced off. Anger was spiking high. I need to cool off, masturbate maybe.

Changkyuns Pov

Jooheons mad at me for saying we aren't close, even though the things we have done together I have to admit means we are..I guess it's my fault I don't really care if he hates me, but he has feelings. Jooheon must care for me a lot to be hurt this much, a feeling I'll never experience. You have to remember Changkyun you're his friend. A friend doesn't do this. Running after him I slowed down when I entered the hall, I didn't now want to open the door and say sorry. I'm not good at apologizing ever so I don't know if he'll buy it.

"Jooheon?" I knocked, turning the knob softly.

"What?" He asked in irritation.

"I'm sorry..I..Didn't mean what I said," I paused focusing on the ground intensely. "I don't like talking about myself because it's not worth it, I'm sorry. And I didn't mean to say we weren't close we are.." He didn't say anything just sat on the bed thinking.

"Close the door" I did what he requested, it's been sometime since I've apologized. I never say sorry because I don't mean it, but this time it's half and half.

"You made me mad and hurt you know? I still am so..Make me feel better"


"Come here, don't back out now" Slowly inching to him, he undid his belt pulling it out the clasps. I stopped, he fully slid this jeans off, now starting to take down his gray boxers. What the hell?

"Suck me off" He demanded, I looked at him with wide eyes. Is he okay?

"Why don't You do it" He looked unamused by my sarcasm, I gulped hardly. He's not joking is he?

"Can't you do what I ask?" I scoffed harshly, does he think he can just control me? Think I'll do anything he asks of?

"Just do it, it's not that weird. Friends do it all the time" I knew for a fact this is abnormal.

"Come on" He reached out for my hand, pulling it forward. I bounced down onto him, almost crashing into his head.

"Can't you listen?" He sounded distressed, I felt his hand grip my shoulder blade making my body move down.

"I'm not doing this" I announced sternly, he went dark and smirked widely.

"You don't have a choice" He was serious, serious..His hand placed itself on my head making me look down at his exposed dick, huge. All I could think. He wanted me to suck that?

"Open your mouth" His words were icy and cold and I couldn't help but pop my lips open a bit to breath.

"A little more" He was going to force me to open them wide, and I didn't want his grimy ass fingers against my skin. So I did it.

"Good boy" He said happily giving me a rub, I didn't like this. I don't want this.

"Just suck it up and down okay?" He adjusted himself upright now looking down at my figure, I probably look so slutty.

"Don't be afraid baby" I felt my head go closer to his throbbed up dick, why was he this hard from sexting?

"Fuckkk" My mouth slid in his dick forcefully, I was going to gag any second now. I didn't have time compose myself till Jooheon controlled my head like a steering wheel.

"You're so beautiful right now" I almost stopped but his movement crashed my attempts and kept me going. Is he just saying that to make me confused?

"Already close fuck.." He groaned, I felt his muscles tighten. Why isn't he letting me go? Like hell I'll let that shit enter my mouth!

"Swallow it" He demanded finally removing his hand, the substance ejected into my mouth making a bittersweet flavor erupt my tastebuds.
I let the shit go down my throat, wincing back the taste and started to sit up again.

"I'm still hard" I was going to hit him right now, I ain't doing that again.

"Lie down" He insisted, I widened my eyes. He's not going to do it? Right?

"Fucking do it" I was shocked by his words and out of terror did just that. Moving my body back into the pillows, I stopped against the wooden headboard.

"Stay here and don't move or I'll get angry" He gave me a quick wink and crawled off the beds surface. I can escape right now, I can. Just then I heard a gush of running water run in the bathroom. Washing his hands? For me?

"Jooheon why are you acting like this with me?" I questioned with all the things he did and said to me playing on replay in my head, he shook his hands off into the air. I saw him grab his backpack and dig deep for something. Is he even listening to me?
He pulled out a black slick bottle, lube, and a blue small package, condom. I felt my body go into shivers that melted into flutters of scared. Jooheon didn't take his eyes off the bottle and stuffed the condom into his palm, till he landed on the mattress, eyeing me. I find it so weird that his dick is managing to still be erect, that's just disgusting.

"You're different" No ones the same dumbass. "Anyways It's going to hurt" He went close to me, I locked my knees together. I feel vulnerable and helpless which makes me lose all hope of getting free of this horny teenager.

"Don't make me force them open" He had taken the condom into a hold and set the lube to his side.

"I didn't give you consent"

"Say yes" I almost wanted to laugh and roll onto the floor, he was expecting me to allow him to fuck me?

"No" His aura went dark and black, it was like my response made him psycho.

"Don't make me rape you" I swallowed hard, rape? Would he? Yes..He's rich, like his parents would allow him to set foot into jail. I'm giving in like he wants. Fuck.

"..Make it quick" I spoke slow and cautious, no going back now.

"Good boy" Can he stop saying that? He reached out in between my legs, to my sweat line. Effortlessly tugging it off only for me to cup my legs together, stopping him fully. He sighed harshly making them collide away from each other, there I am wide open. He stared at my crotch, seeing how there was no sign of bulging.

"Don't moan too loud or the neighborhood will hear" My heart went soft, I felt a feeling of what? Don't know anymore, can only focus on Jooheon and how he's going to fuck me.
His hand slid down the rest of my pants, showing my boxers. Not even hesitating he took them off easily, and I saw his eyes widen.

"You're big" I went hot all over and shied my face away. He gently positioned my hips and lower body to him and the rest I didn't dare look at.

"You're scared aren't you?" He asked, I heard a click of a bottle that's when I felt a cold sensation brew at my whole. I jerked slightly, Jooheon had his arm over my waist keeping me from squirming. I was boxed in, trying to keep down my groans as he inserted more of his fingers.

"Your tight as hell" He thought aloud, this was a crazed sensation that sent me in a weird place. My dick was becoming hard which it hadn't in awhile, made me feel embarrassed. It's normal when someone's doing this..Right?

"Okay.." He pulled them out, I exhaled deeply. This is just the beginning.

"At least I'm your first ever gay experience" He unwrapped the condom, now stretching the rubber to fit his size. It'll hurt Changkyun.

"Ready?" He awaited a response but I just nodded softly, before I could prepare mentally again the tip of his dick was entering me at a slow pace. I was groaning as he let himself in, this hurts like I'm being torn away. My whole being sliced. Pain. All I could feel, how do people do this on a daily basis?

"Tell me when to move" He halted, I regained my grip on things and breathed in heavily. After a minute or so the once agonizing strikes disappeared, and I could only feel Jooheons size in me.

"You can move.." His soft pushes went in and out, pain came back and I was gripping the covers hardly, biting my lip to the point blood spewed. It's like I'm being torn, ripped, cut nonstop.

"It hurts" I whined, this is all too much.

"I know baby, I know" He comforted me, caressing my cheek with his thumb. Small tears fell from my eyes, he wiped them away.

"Don't focus on it, focus on me" Jooheon leaned down to my lips crashing his into mine, I tasted the honey again which relieved the nastiness before. The kissing turned reckless, sloppy, and messy.
Jooheon now planted small wet kisses down my chin to my neck, where he sucked the delicate skin. I moaned, the sucks grew deep and impaling. Hickeys. I didn't feel pain as much as before but it was still bad and I didn't take it off my mind.

"Moan for me baby, why don't you moan?" He whispered at the tip of my earlobe making me go crazy, ears. My weakness, having sensitive ears was something I never told anyone. Jooheon giggled now speeding up his thrusts, I was groaning with pleasure suddenly.

"Does it feel good baby?" I didn't answer afraid of getting my words jumbled up. Jooheon kept his mouth at my ear, I heard his lustful heavy breaths echo in my brain causing goosebumps.

"You sound sexy Changkyun" He breathed, groans seeped into it. Boom! Boom!

"S-shut u-up" I managed to strain out me.

"So sexy" He licked all around my earlobe sending me to high of whines and moans, I gripped his back digging my nails into his skin, head dipped into the crevice of his sweaty neck. I'm losing it.

"S-stop J-J-Jooho-en" I tried to shake my head to get him off, but his tongue still remained.

"Okay okay baby" He finally took away his head from my neck, and went above my body. I buried my head into the pillows, trying to drown out the lewd noises I was making.

"Don't cover your mouth, moan for daddy," He paused to go balls deep into me causing a low yelp from my body. "Keep that pretty mouth open for me" I let my moans run free, it's unbearable to keep them cramped up. I sounded insane, this is how much I'm getting off his dick.

"Good boy, can't believe of what a slut you are for liking my dick this much" I hate him so much.

"Say my name when you moan alright?" He bossed, I didn't want to but the fact of him getting angry wasn't something I wanted. He would out of spite take this into the wee hours of the morning, and I don't want that.

"J-j-ooh-eo-n-n" I can't handle saying his name, too weird and uncomfortable but he seems to be pleased at least. Glancing at him, his abs were lined with sweat, hair drenched in wet, I never really thought about it but he's hot. When you see him like this he is..Boom!
I felt my high coming, I understand now how people love this. It feels so good.

"I'm coming!" I groaned highly, he understood and went faster, ramming into me like a bull. He placed his hands on my hips making them work with his recklessness. I screamed and my dick twitched with cum, Jooheon was groaning like crazy. He slowly moved back and forth, did he cum too?

"BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ!" My eyes averted to my phone that was still in my sweats pocket. Jooheons still in me and I don't have the strength to move at all, it's like I've been drained. My vision was all woozy which was made it hard to see a thing.

"Here" Jooheon handed me my phone, I took it from him and answered the call.

"I didn't cum yet so don't make any noise" WHAT!? He slammed into my hole making me yell loudly.

"Hello?" I said with a wavering tone.

"Changkyun are you okay?" My mom, fuck.

"Yes m-mom" Jooheon smirked softly, I'm going to kill him.

"Are you sick?" I was one the verge of tears, taking in all the pleasure and keeping it inside was terrible.

"N-No I'm n-ot"

"Well okay..How you doing? Everything okay?" Jooheon was still at it, how didn't he not cum yet?

"Ev-erything is fine Mom"

"I'm glad, is school okay?" Why is she asking me this!?

"Y-yeah i-t is" At this rate I'm going to cum again or moan with her on the phone.

"Good, well me and your dad should be back next week"


"Well take care of yourself okay?"


"Bye" I hung up and threw down the phone, Jooheon banged into me with full force.

"Your mom must be so oblivious you sounded like you were getting banged which is exactly right" I blushed.

"J-Jooheon A-re you c-close?"

"Don't call me that call me daddy" I threw back my head, fuck I'm cumming again.

"Daddy a-are y-you cl-ose?"

"Yes baby I am, are you?" I whined as an answer, he was thrusting faster than I could comprehend which made me go into a blur. I felt my climax burst, but was overthrown with a Jooheons. This time his face was scrunched up, muscles throbbing, I could even feel hotness well up inside me.

"Fuckk" He pulled out, condom filled to the brim with cum. He took it off and threw it into a trash can next to the bed, I closed my legs and landed to my side. Panting, I panted like my life depended on it.
I liked it. I liked having sex with Jooheon.

"You're mine Changkyun"

Okay so I'm very pleased with the re-write of this chapter! Do y'all like it? I think I did my best! I will delete the update I made so it makes it easy for the chapters to work together! I really thought I should've added more so I got kinda carried away and made them do the dirty things..😳 Hope you enjoyed! 🥺🥰

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