Robocop: Apocalypse.

By epitomepublishing

1K 42 11

Robocop Fan Fiction: In the desolated wasteland of the American expanse. law and order are all but a memory... More

Chapter One: Data log
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
To My Readers ❀❀❀❀
Bonus: Robocop Apacolypse The Videogame

Chapter Eleven

32 1 0
By epitomepublishing

Charles Murphy Log:... The worst case scenario a cop could ever find him self in is one where the odds stack against the necessity of justice. Scenarios; where it looks like there are no options in making sure no one gets hurt, and everyone gets to go home, one where the bad guys get arrested and everyone gets to laugh about it as the reminisce in their days of retirement. Allot of things about being an officer; to uphold the laws, become unpredictable as you become one of those people willing to paint a target on your chest and run into danger.
Often outgunned and outnumbered with whatever black market weaponry that thugs and criminals decide to pull out against you, you live your life block by block, beat by beat, suspect by suspect, and foot step by foot step until you finally find yourself staring down the barrel of a gun that seeks to tare your life and civility into pieces.

It used to be that every door you knock on, every person you talk to, every car that you pull over; is a situation that has you wondering weather or not you are going to make it back to you warm safe bed in your home, and keep your humanity intact, or become one of those monstrous psychos with badge and a gun, just another peice of the machine of cops and robbers, where pointed blame is just as deadly as the cry of any victim.

I seen many things as a man, many more things as a cop sown into the metal of his badge l, and regardless of the sirens and stop signs, the blaring reality of a thin blue line between officer and killer are written in the details. I wondering if its the one crazy scenario that you don't end up coming back from. Where instead of making it back to a suburban door step lost in the dust of an angry fruition, the prices that get sent back are the ones that having dodged yet another close call.
All that has been let of me for a long time I a badge, a flag, and a loaded gun, and with no commanding officer shows up at your wife house with a folded appaology in this hellscape, I can only hope my memory is spelled out in the names of the crooks I took out of the way of justice.

I am, already a dead cop. My twenty one gun salute was shot over my grave years ago before this world collapsed, the shells and flag burred a long time ago as i was just another dead cop in a war against an every day thing. A war of keeping piece in a city tearing itself apart with more than just speculations, but a lack of common society that saw cops only as numbers and cannon fodder.

No one becomes a cop hoping that they will die in the line of duty, and no good cop has ever fought for a city, town, or neighborhood that has lost is sense in the value of justice.... So many died believing that justice was more than just a word, more than something you can program into a machine, or write onto a piece of paper in a speech that gives it more meaning than just an idea. You carry it out and you pile its burden on your back hoping that you wont be the one broken by it, and that your memory of fighting for it will be more than just a gun shot that one one hears.

I am just a memory too it seems... The thought a of a man in a killing machine held together than no more than just staples and glue. I am not just a word on a piece of paper, a stamped piece of metal made to look like and idea, or a gun with no direction. I am unsure of what I am entirely, but i know that I am not just another empty coffin.

Some of the cops to die in the line of duty, can sometimes see when their day is coming, when the bullets and the numbers and the names all line up into a moment where the shit really hits the fan, and all hell breaks loose like a burning cat in a gasoline factory. But I've already escaped hell once, seen the other side of a cold dark door where thoughts and memories cease to exist, and I made a promise to myself and all the other dead cops I've seen lane at me feet, that today would not be my day.

Charles Murphy log end....

(The mutant begin to gather in the shadows, their eyes glow a number of iridescent colors as they seek out the dark and the places to hide their goulish and deformed figures. they cackle and bark out indecipherable sounds to one another as they look on, making their intent and there numbers ever more confuse-able as more of them swarm and gather. the run through the old houses and the shade like so many hyenas who have followed a trail of blood to where an animal sits now wounded. 
It is at the height of their presence that the finally stop moving, and begin to only stair at the three cyborgs who sit out the in the open. Guns loaded and ready to go to war.
"Shit!" Says one of them as tries to make it back to his car.
Looking around RoboCop can see why a retreat may be their only option. Their are hundred of them more than what the light of their eyes reveals, as some of them do not need eyes to see.
But the situation is soon to go from bad, to worse.
RoboCop gets sight of something. A large behemoth lurking in he distance. A heavy brute of a mutant almos as big as a house.  He slowly Lumbers forward into the light, taking slow heavy steps that shake the earth.
It steps into the light parting he ocean of eyes as it reveal it's greusome form to the small collective.
It stands their staring at the Rehab cyborgs for a moment, learning at them as if the strike fear into their very hearts. But these men don't have hearts, and they definitely don't feel fear.
"Damn, that's one ugly dog." One of them says as he looks into the eyes of the scurge of the wastlands.
The mutant makes a noise as if it laughing at the joke made at it's expense. Then it steps back into the shadows. It's foot steps shake the ground into until they stop. Then a ball of twisted wreckage comes hurling out of the dark at defining speeds, taking out one of the car in front and in a single massive blow that's concusses into a massive explosion. (As the cyborgs extra grenades where contained in this vehicle.)
All at once he mutants all
Begin to run in, as prices of hot metal still fall from the sky. As soon as Robcop recognizes the rush he pulls his partner to her feed and begins firing, aiming for as many eyes as his damaged vision will allow him to see. Everyone start shooting as hundred of mutants swarm the opening.
These mutants don't go down easy either, their skin is thick and their bones are near indestructible. It seems that a good number of them don't even know what pain is as they continue to rush in. RoboCop and his friend have no choice but run an weave through the carnage of fast claws and teeth.
The other cyborgs do their job of Fighting back as well, as they unload round after round into the crowd, pulverising a good number of them into thick pink past as the retaliate with guns blades and explosives.
RoboCop pulls his sword and begins butchering his way through number of them as him as hi partner begin to break free from the crowd, attracting less attention than the Cyborg firing grenade rounds into the thick of he crowd.  However they too notice that RoboCop is on the run, and begin to persue with the intent to fight the crowd and end RoboCop once and for all.
A few grenades are fired into the houses in witch RoboCop tries to escape through, and with a few precise shots, the building collapse on each other, caving in on a number of mutants.

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