He said it wasn't his

By themastermaker

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How would you feel if the man you loved don't believe you when you finally confess your deep secret to him. w... More

Chapter 1- reunion
Chapter 2 - flashback
Chapter 3 - fooling myself
Chapter 4 - New life and Essentials
Chapter 5 - past life
Chapter 7- happy tears
Chapter 8 - kiss of promises
Chapter 9 - Why Change
Chapter 10 - Out of my Control
Chapter 11- What should I do?
Chapter 12- Clear mind and out of sight
Chapter 13- Overwhelmed Emotions
Chapter 14- Stepping Over My Boundary Lines
Chapter 15: Date Night Or Maybe Not?
Chapter 16: Where is Douglas
Chapter 17: Mr.Daniels
Chapter 18- His Complexing feelings
Chapter 19 - Back home

Chapter 6- Painful memories

130 3 0
By themastermaker

Camille POV

The next day I got ready to go to work and got Douglas out the house on time for work. Diamond was still asleep she had a half of an hour before I wake her up for school. I like to dress her while she asleep so that it would be easier from me. I walk in her room slowly going through her clothes picking an outfit she would love and dress her. After I was done I walk to my room and fix my bed and look in my mirror watching my reflection as a memory comes to me


Camille just getting out the shower and only had a towel on when Jared came behind her and wraps his arms around her waist and kiss her shoulder.

“Hey” he said with a smile

She peck his cheek and goes back to her reflection messing with her hair of curls. She always had a problem with her curly hair but tries to manage it. “Hey… you just waking up or not” she ask still playing with her mess of curly hair

Jared smiled watching her and he loved to wake up and see her like this only in her towel and in front of a mirror just admire her as she is. Not as his lover, friend, future wife. But as a person herself and it was good for once to see her have that insecurity of herself and it give him use for words to encourage her how beautiful she is to him and nothing but his word for her. She prefect the way she is just the way he sees her. “Your beautiful baby… no I didn’t just wake up. I was watching you for a while now”

Camille turns around smiles up at him letting her long brown curly hair fall to her shoulders and down her back. She shakes her head taking his hand kissing it “ I love you Jared… so much” she express in her eyes and voice it crack with emotions she spoke “ living without you it like death itself”

“It would be unbearable” he agree with love and admiration

 “So, Mr. Daniels what are you up to?”

He shrugs pulling her closer “it depends on what Mrs. Daniels plans are today?” smiling down at her

She giggles “well she’s going to a spa with her mother in an hour and she going to make sweet love to her wonder fiancé” start kissing him and Jared smiled in the kissed.

“I like this plan… Mrs. Daniels” walking backwards with her until they fall on the bed and make intense love together. They stayed in bed for hours until they was hungry and Jared cook the dinner. Camille made the drinks and the once in a while glance at each other with a smile of love.

Flashback over

Camille blinks twice and touch her lips closing her eyes. She somewhat missed the attention she got from Jared and the close contact he always had with her never fail her. She sighs and opens her eyes from the corner of her eyes she see a man looking up it was Jared she smiled and turn around to find he wasn’t really there she was just imaging him there with her. She knew in her heart she wanted Jared more the anything but too many years have passed and knew that there was a possibilities he had moved on from her. She soon hears little footsteps coming to her room and glance back to see Diamond rubbing her eyes.

“Mommy… when is daddy coming home” Diamond ask in sleepy voice

Smile at her with sadness but pride “your daddy is home with his family sweetie”

Diamond shakes her head looks up “No, I mean when is he coming back home to us” she had the longing in her eyes she never thought she would see in a nine year old eyes.

“I don’t know… why?” Camille was stun

“I had a dream that daddy come home for us and take us away from this life we live” smiled with glee and her big brown eyes grew along with her speech “He told me that he’s sorry and he loves both you and I very much. I want my daddy mommy” diamond whines

Confuse and still stun she just nods and glance away from diamond for a second. How was she supposed to respond to that. Her daughter just met her father for the first time in her life, how could she not want to know more about the man who give her life and share great history with her mother. The best she could do was smile at her and reply.

“Soon baby… soon daddy will come” Camille said confidently knowing Jared he doesn’t give up a fight so soon. A part of her doubt he will come so she shrug it off and picks up Diamond taking her to the bathroom to brush her teeth and do her hair after. Doing Diamond hair was a task for Camille but she got the job done on time. Getting in her car after putting Diamond in her car seat and drives off to drop her off at school. Heading to work she thinks of Diamonds words in her head wondering how such a speech brings out the unspoken words out of her.

“I still love your father… I can’t keep denying myself” she said to herself and picks up her phone and calls her mother number. She so confuse and worried that she made a mistake but she was sure she was right in everyway. The phone pick up at the second ring “Mom… I have a problem”

“What is it honey” her mother said and a concern voice

“Diamond met Jared at the airport at North Carolina”

“What? ...that is great honey” her mom sound relief

“Yeah for her but not for me. For some odd reason my mind keeps bringing back all the times we had together. Every kiss, every fight, when we made love, when we wake up the list goes on and on. Yes I miss him but that doesn’t mean I can’t move on right?” she ask afraid of her mother reply

She hears her mother background sounds like something moving around then it stop and a sigh “honey… what does your heart says” she sighs again “yes… you can move on but that doesn’t mean you will forget your first true love baby” I nod about her true words “no matter how much I tried Jared face always pop up and my head as like a reminder that he once was mine and I was his before”

“Baby… do you still love him?” she ask me with curiosity

I sigh and shake my head about the truth of the fact is “Yes… mom I do” I admit turning in the park lot of my job and parking the car and turning off the car. She was quiet for a while before I heard her voice again.

“Oh honey… I understand he was your first true love” she said with a understand voice

I got out the car walking in the building and talk to her some more until I was on elevator. Thinking about my mom as the memories of her coming into my life.


Camille at her house alone at the age seventeen doing homework when she hears a bang at her door. She gets up and walks towards it scare and answer it. She opens it to see a middle age women with man beside her. Opening it wider she peeks out and watch them cautiously.

“Yes?” Camille asked politely

The women glance at the men and he nods at her as she looks back at Camille “Dear I meant to ask you for weeks since you move in my building… but how old are you?”

Camille stares at the women hesitant at first then ask “Why? Does it matter! ... I pay on time don’t I?”

The women nods and smiles gently “yes sweetie you do… but the reason we ask you look mighty young to live on your own” she said warmly

Camille felt offended and took her ground “I’m old enough to take care of myself and pay my own bills… thank you for your concern but it’s not welcome here… please leave me alone”

The lady look panic and glance at the man then walk up to her a little “My name is Mrs. Mary-Kate Doubtfire and this is my husband Mr. Danny Doubtfire

“Nice to meet you both Mr. & Mrs. Doubtfire” she pause for a minute the turns away opening her door about to open it when the lady called out

“And your name young lady… I know your parents taught you manners right?” she said in a soft voice

Camille pause feeling her tears fill her eyes at the thought of her parents and glance back with blurry vision “Camille Hayes” she said with a crack voice trying to hold in the emotion turning back around and walks in closing the door on the lovely couple. Days pass as she avoid them paying on time with crash in hand. She notice that lately the couple have been keeping an eyes on her once she once in there sight. They would smiles and wave at her. After that night Camille almost broke down in front of them she felt she couldn’t face them with the facts. The Doubtfire’s had been growing curious about Camille whereabouts and her life. After they saw the raw emotion in her eyes that night they knew something was up and she was hurting without someone to comfort her. Months pass Camille and the Doubtfire’s soon came close and took her in with them when the find out about her decease parents. Camille was now eighteen years old and in her last year of High school. She felt confident enough to bring home long-term boyfriend. She was surprise how welcome they made him feel but was happy to know that they accepted.

“So, How long have you to been dating” Mrs. Doubtfire ask

“Since our seventh grade” Jared answer her smiling down at her

“ No, your wrong we knew each other since our seventh grade but started dating I’ll say ninth or tenth grade” she glance at him taking his hand in hers.

“I love you, Camille” Jared said watching her

“I love you more, Jared Daniels” kiss his lips and winks

Flashback over

Camille had her back against the elevator wall biting her lips in thought she barely heard the ding of the door opening at her level. Getting off she pass her co-workers and wave pass them. She got to her office and took a seat getting to work at once. Her mind wonder on a memory of her mom. She smiled to herself and repeat the words in her head out loud.

“Mom” Camille said with a smiled

Jared POV

The drive was along but enjoyable with my family. Mom nonstop talking about how excited she is about seeing her grandchild for the first time and my Camille. I missed saying her name it flows with honey as I speak her name. By now I have calm down a little and relax we stop and ate did whatever we need to do and get back on the road. We are now passing New Jersey watching the signs and continue on our journey to we got there and was searching for her now. Mom had called some of her friends who live in New York to help with the search. I was lucky they accept to help me find my baby. After an hour of us settling down in a hotel for three and taking a long rest. I didn’t really sleep much cause of my wondering thoughts about the day when Camille told me about her parents.


It was on a Tuesday in the middle of the afternoon when fifteen year old Jared saw fourteen year old Camille running out the gym crying. Jared was intently concern about her and goes over to her and kneels down wrapping his arms around her.

“What’s wrong Camille” ask Jared with concern

Camille cries “Jared… Jared My-My parents…” she couldn’t finish her sentence

“They what? Tell me please. I hate seeing like this” Jared plead

Camille gasp and look up to him “their dead… both them dead Jared” Cries more

The rest of the day Jared stay at Camille side holding her and comfort her when she needed it. Sometime she would push him away and he would feel hurt and unwanted but he would find his way back at her side. Camille sometime would find herself and a situation where she can’t get herself out and need help to get out. Her depression took her to a slope but Jared give her light along with hope things will get better for her.

Flashback over

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