
By KaiserBlood68

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This is a story of a young man that been frozen time for 3300 when he left Earth during a time of Krieg or wa... More

Chapter 1 The Awakening
Chapter 2 Planet Fall
Chapter 3 The Story of old
Chapter 4 The Rise of the Clones and Clankers
Chapter 5 The building of a Nation part 1
Chapter 6 The Hunt
Chapter 7 The Horde
Chapter 8 Remnant of an Empire
Chapter 9 The Future of Warfare
Chapter 10 The Preparation of the Expanding and reclaiming of Empires
Chapter 11 The Siege of Castle Armee
Chapter-12 The battle of the Green skins
Chapter-13 The GeneralfieldMarshal and The Kommandant
Chapter-14 The Goblin Underworld
Chapter-15 The Festival of The Blood Moon
Chapter-16 The Capital at Krieg
Chapter 17 A Capital in Ruin
Chapter-18 The Teething in the Dark

Chapter 5 The Building of a Nation Part 2

618 12 10
By KaiserBlood68

We all saw some type of mechanoid that was huge and almost looked like a Centipede, it had some type of cannon that fired HEI shells, but a smaller than normal caliber, and once the shell hit a target they were set on fire, it shot into the us but missed but when i looked back i saw it hit one of my main weapon Factory. I quickly told some of the unarmed clones and droids to put out the fires before it spreaded. While the rest of us opened fire on the Centipede.

Colby: ""All troops split up into Three Groups! it can not hit us all at once! Both Droid and Clone Group Attack from both Flanks! Elf Group Stay with me and we Flank from behind!""

Roger leading two droids "roger roger"

CT-1501 leading two clones "copy that herr Kaiser"

Featintila leading the other two elves: "you got it Colby"

We all surrounded the Centipede and opened fire. We did no damage to its front. I had heard that the armor on its back was thinner and weaker armor not only that but it had a lot of trouble turning around due to its weight, so I told all of the groups to open fire at the back armour Simultaneously in a single area to try and penetrate its armor.

We kept on firing at the Centipede for a while and our ammo was running out due to a low supply of gunpowder. I had an idea to boost morale so we can fight our hardest.

Colby: "If anyone can hear me. Someone run to the ship and play this song on the loudspeakers!"

CT-0156: "Roger that Herr Kaiser" CT-0156 ran as fast as he could to the ship and once he got to the control room he turned on the music and outside speaker and started to play.

play with this

Once the music was playing I shouted to them:        
"Everyone! Listen! Together we Charge!"               
     Everyone heard my order and the music with this Inspiration Everyone got ready to charge! With all of us charging the Centipede was caught off due to being a machine and having to Calculate the paths we were all going to take, but then I noticed how it operated, it had a sensor or 'eye lenses" that it used to see and target us. After I saw where the eyes were located I quickly used the remaining ammo I had left to open fire at its sensor so we could take it out and dismantle it. I carefully placed my first shot and once I fired my first bullet and it Hit, after the shot I could see it slowly moving to target me, it was trying to use it only working eye to find me so i quickly changed positions and ran to the Feat attila who was leading the other two elves.

Colby: "Featintila tell the other two to open fire on its eye, once that's been done give them the order to charge it with bayonets and try stabbing it in the circuits areas to try and shut it off or destroyed it"

  Featintila: "Got it!" Featintila Turned to her men and said: Alright! you heard him, open fire!"

Once they all fired on the eye and Destroyed it, Colby gave the order to charge it, once they charged the Centipede they all stabbed it in the open circuits trying to kill it. After 10 mins of Brutal Stabbing and gun fire the Centipede shut off. Some clones had some burns, and one of the droids was missing an arm, but  fortunately that was easy to fix. I looked around and saw some Buildings and Supplies destroyed from the crossfire, then I climbed on a rock and made a speech addressing everyone:

play this with the speech

Colby fixed his uniform and breathed in deeply:
  "Everyone this may be a small victory, but look around what it did to our hard work and our city we must keep building up our strength and our pride and our nation. And look what happens when we are caught off guard and unprepared. History of today's small victory will be written in blood of our wounded and the scars they have been given, but wear those scars or wounded like badges of honor. We will smite the invader from our lands. When our enemies come they will try to sweep over our land like the sand of winter, but never again we shall not fall, never again will watch other countrymen and women be slaughtered, never again we shall fall to them. We will strike without warning, and without mercy, fighting as one hand, one heart, and one soul. We will shatter their dreams, and haunt their nightmares! And as we rise from our trenches, hill tops, bunkers, and our city, they will know Neu Vienna belongs to the Kaiserreich and its people!"

Everyone that was standing that heard Colby's grand speech were moved and rallied to his cause and motivated even more to push themselves even harder to rebuild and to continue to build the Kingdom.

Author noted: I had to for the memes and for the story enjoy

After a few months the Kingdom or city came to gather farm lands growing wheat, hop planets, healroots for medical uses and main resources to create clones, and a dozen more plants. We have also managed to tame Animals we have encountered with the help from locals. We get a lot of meat and food from mostly fishing, but we are about to host a hunting competition for target practice, and Mock battles to see who will become my commanding officers for my army.
  In the inner core area of the kingdom you will find factories producing clothes, weapons, ammunition, and advance techknowledgy. The inner core of the city also holds high ranking officers, researchers, The Kaiser, government officials, and highly skilled workers needed for special projects. We have a total of 4 to 6 factories, 2 research facilities, a Reichstag, 2 storages full of artillery, AT guns, and even more guns. We managed to produce over a One hundred ammo boxes! that will last us for a while. We are also trying to locate oil within our area so we can soon fuel warmachines, and power our generators for extra Electricity and Power to the city's powergride.
  After the long Build up process Colby Prepares a speech for tomorrow to address everyone who has helped him build up.
   Colby wakes up in his imperial place. He walks to the window and opens it up to breath in the fresh air and turns around and goes to put on his clothes. He heads to the great hall to eat breakfast with his favorite person or his crush Featintila.

Colby: "Guten morgen Featintila"   

Featintila: "Gut..Guten tag" "sorry still trying to get used to your language"

Colby: "hahahaha it fine meine lieben.... Uhhh" Colby blushes red as a pepper

Featintila: "was bedeutet das?"

Colby: "it means nothing. sorry, I- I promise to tell you later..." Featintila raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but continued to eat her breakfast.
Colby Continued: "Well we better get going it's almost time for my speech"

Featintila: "agreed. Let's get moving"

Both Featintila and Colby walk into the Reichstag that at the moment is being  filled up with everyone in the inner city while the outer city people and droids are watching preparing to watch the speech on TV. Colby and Featintila walk in and greet everyone for coming on this special day. Featintila stands behind Colby on stage while Colby walks up to the podium and begins his speech.

Colby: "Brüder, Schwestern und Droiden(Further info needed)... We have been a broken nation... slaughtered, oppressed, and conquered by those that would beat into submission and treat us as their slaves.. Months ago I asked for time. . . and that time was granted by you . . . you the strength in my arms the holders of my dreams and the people's dreams. Two months ago I came to this world to build a Neu Reich, but i did not expect other humanoids, and that when my dream could become reality to welcome people into our Kingdom, but first must be re-educated and show them what this nation can do and what we strive in one voice. With the time you have given me I have rebuilt our nation, I have rebuilt our strength, and I have rebuilt our pride. At home we have made a powerful economy that this world has yet to see, and a power military that will not be rival. Today we stand together as one to go out in the world to bring order and peace throughout the planet. Defender's of the Vaterland now is our time!"

Everyone in the nation was shouting with pride and joy and it could be heard from miles away and other nations were rising up for action as well to and tribes and enemies of old and now it time to see who will take this world and later set for the stars once more to see who will rule this planet then the system then the galaxy.

And then Thousands of Troopers and Droids start marching down the streets and the people celebrating, waving flags, and even join the military march that would last for 2 hours until they came back to the Reichstag. This was all being filmed and sent every commutation device on the planet to show that the Kaiserreich is here and will stay here until the end of days

And then Thousands of Troopers and Droids start marching down the streets and the people celebrating, waving flags, and even join the military march that would last for 2 hours until they came back to the Reichstag. This was all being filmed and sent every commutation device on the planet to show that the Kaiserreich is here and will stay here until the end of days.

Author noted: hello everyone this chapter was my great master piece in the story so far next chapter will have a hunting competition and naming clones and then something Evil grows in the darkness and it coming to the city of Vienna and leave a comment to tell me if I need more work or something else please and give a big thanks to Kurtkop for helping me with this.

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