The Super Saiyan Girl

By _Alex-san_

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[*BOOK 1*] After three years from the events of Namek, Freeza arrives to Earth, but is surprisingly stopped b... More

EP. 0 - Ruined*
EP. 1 - Past*
EP. 2 - Training*
EP. 3 - Search
EP. 4 - Fight
EP. 5 - Androids
Future Timeline - Tale 1
EP. 6 - Fear
EP. 7 - Family
EP. 8 - Revealed
EP. 9 - Chase
EP. 10 - Found
Future Timeline - Tale 2
EP. 11 - Absorbed
EP. 12 - Struggle
EP. 13 - Perfect
EP. 14 - Merciless
EP. 15 - Prepare
Future Timeline - Tale 3
EP. 16 - Emotions
EP. 17 - Boundaries
EP. 18 - Growth
EP. 20 - Games
Future Timeline - Tale 4
EP. 21 - Ruleless
EP. 22 - Limits
EP. 23 - Boy
EP. 24 - Snap
EP. 25 - Ascended
Future Timeline - Tale 5
EP. 26 - Defeat
EP. 27 - Home
EP. 28 - Bygones
EP. 29 - End
Bonus: Epilogue: EP. 30 - Royalty
SEQUEL: Sneak Peak - The Super Saiyan Princess

EP. 19 - Love

795 13 3
By _Alex-san_

The saiyans stood there in each other's arms, enjoying the sweet, gentle kiss that they had both been secretly yearning for.

Niya shut the door behind her and leaned against it. She placed her fingers to her lips, her mind and body wandering back to just moments before.

Trunks had kissed her. They had really kissed...

Niya's face grew warm and she covered her face. She couldn't believe it really happened!

Around the corner, Natu and Ken-La were peeking around the corner at Niya. They eyed each other.

"Is that a good sign?" the Aunt asked.

"Hm. Well. Let's find out," the father cautiously stepped out and towards his future daughter.

"Heyyy," he began, Ken-La following carefully behind him, "everything go okay?"

Niya peeked from her fingers before lowering her hands. Her face was warm but her lips curled into a smile. "He... kissed me! He kissed me!" Her voice was ecstatic, and her father and Aunt matched her energy.

"He did have it in 'im!" Natu grinned and pulled Niya into a tight hug, lifting her off the ground.

Ken-La chuckled and wore a smile, "Congrats! I'm happy it worked out!" Despite meaning to shout, her voice was still soft.

Once she was set down, Niya smiled brightly at them. "Thank you! I...," she couldn't express her elation. She covered her face again and squealed.

"Wait, and where's Trunks?" Natu raised a brow, sensing outside.

Niya uncovered her face. "Oh, he, um, said he had to go talk to someone."

"Did he say when he was going to come back?" Ken-La asked.

"Um," Niya pulled her grown out hair behind her ears. "No. He didn't."

Natu crossed his arms. "Huh. I wonder what's up with him."

"Anyways," Ken-La clapped her hands together, "if Trunks is going to come back, we need to to get you dressed up."

"Oh, um, I don't think that's--" Niya began, holding up her hands.

"Nonsense," Ken-La shook her head and grabbed her niece's arm, leading her away. Before rounding the corner with the protesting Niya, Ken-La turned to Natu. "If Trunks comes back before we're done, tell him to wait, please," she smiled innocently and turned the corner.

Natu chuckled and turned to his grandson, who was on the couch, thoroughly enjoying one of Kusuke's gaming devices. "I guess it's just you and me for a while, kiddo," he sat down next to Niko.

"Huh?" Niko looked up at him.

"Your mom's busy with your Aunt, your grandma's with the baby, Kusuke is training in that strange room, and we're just... here," Natu patted Niko's head as the boy rested his head on his grandfather's lap.

Natu smiled at him, despite the boy continuing to play his game. "You cool with that?"

Niko glanced at his grandfather before pausing the game. "Yeah," he gave a small smile. "Do you wanna play, too?"

"Oh, sure! I'm not very good, though," Natu laughed.

"That's okay," Niko smiled and sat up against him. "Here! When you play, you gotta do this, and this, and this. Oh! But when you wanna fight, you press these! Oh! And...!"

Although Natu wasn't sure even with the boy's instructions, he still played along.

× × ×


Niya was turned to face the mirror and gasped. Some of her wavy, onyx hair was pulled into a low ponytail with a flower scrunchie. Two shorter strands curtained the side of her face while bangs rested just above her eyebrows. Her lashes were curled, making them look longer and even fuller, too. Her lips glistened a rosy pink, matching with her pink rose earrings.

She wore a violet and black striped dress that settled to the middle of her thighs, a black, long sleeved cardigan sweater, and jet black boots ending a bit above her ankles.

The Red Jewel winked at her in the mirror.

"Have you tried taking it off?" Ken-La gently asked, resting her hands on Niya's shoulders, eyeing the Red Jewel in the mirror.

"Oh," Niya looked down at it, feeling its warmth against her throat. "I have a few times."

"Then, you wouldn't mind if you take it off tonight, do you?"

Niya was a bit hesitant, but at the same time, she wanted to. It would always act up with her emotions, and tonight, she just wanted to be a normal person with Trunks. She wanted a night of just her and Trunks, no Lady Ayata, no thoughts of Cell, no thoughts of the Androids -- just them two.

"Okay," Niya agreed quietly. The Red Jewel blinked, as if it were offended. "Can you take it off for me?"

Ken-La gave a small smile. "Of course," she nodded and moved Niya's hair to the side. She unbuckled the collar, and a small shock wave erupted.

Niya leaned forward and gasped. She was suddenly winded and held her stomach as she gulped in air. Relief flowed through her; her muscles, lighter; the weight on her shoulders, lifted.

Ken-La set the collar down on table in front of them. It blinked a few times before fading.

"Are you alright?" Ken-La gently asked.

Niya stared at the Red Jewel. It was hard to stare so long, so she blinked quickly and looked up at herself in the mirror. She felt older, stronger. She was different. In fact, everything was different.

She nodded, as if giving herself approval. "Yeah," she replied, "I'm okay."

Ken-La smiled at her. "Tonight is going to be great," she assured.

Before, Niya could reply, there was a knock on the door. It creaked open, and a small head peaked in. His blue eyes sparkled.

"Mama, Trunks is here!" But then his eyes widened at her. "Mama...?"

Niya stood and nodded. "Yeah, it's me," she slightly blushed. "Do I look okay?"

Niko nodded. "You look really pretty!" he awed.

"Thank you," Niya smiled, feeling flustered.

Niko glanced behind him and his eyes lightened up as he remembered something. "Oh, right! Trunks is here!"

Ken-La smiled at him. "Thank you for telling us. Can you tell Trunks that your mom will be right there, please?"

"Okay!" Niko nodded and hurried off.

The Aunt gave her niece a reassuring smile, "You'll be fine."

Niya bit her bottom lip, nodding. "I hope so." Her heart thudded hard against her ribs. She was excited, a kind of excited she hadn't felt in a long time.

Her Aunt then led her out the room. They noticed the half-saiyan was waiting outside, and with an encouraging smile from her parents, her aunt, and her brother, she opened the front door and stepped out.

The coolness of the night settled as the moon's rays illuminated everything in a faint blue hue.

Niya's boots thudded against the wood as she walked. A feet away, Trunks stood in some black pants, blue and white jacket, and a heather gray shirt with a Capsule Corporation logo. He had his hands in his pockets, staring up at the sky. Stars winked down at them.

Upon hearing her footsteps, Trunks turned around, his long hair pulled into a loose ponytail. His blue eyes widened upon seeing her.

Niya shyly waited at the last step. "Hi," she greeted, fumbling with her fingers.

"H-Hi," Trunks stepped closer. "How are you? You look..." He was struggling to find words. Under the moonlight, it was harder to see his reddened cheeks. He stopped in front of her, just barely shorter than her since she was on the wooden step, and gazed up at her eyes.

Niya felt herself grow warm. "I look what?"

Trunks slowly reached up and placed his hands on her hips. He pulled her closer to him until their foreheads met. Despite their racing hearts, they leaned into each other's lips.

When they pulled away, Niya had her arms wrung around his neck. "Does that mean you think I look good?" she quietly asked.

After a moment, Trunks chuckled, "You look more than good."

Niya smiled, "I'm so happy you think that. I was worried you wouldn't."

"Niya, you always look beautiful," Trunks assured her.

Beautiful. He had called her that once again. She couldn't even begin to describe how elated she was. Niya smiled, "Thank you."

Despite it being nice to be in each other's arms with their foreheads pressed against each other, Trunks lifted her to the ground and released her. "I, um," Trunks began, "actually want to take you out somewhere."

Niya blushed and flattened down her clothes. "Where are we going?"

Trunks cleared his throat. "It's a surprise," he replied.

The saiyaness stared curiously but smiled brightly. "Wow, I love surprises!"

"I know," the half-saiyan smiled. "But anyways, here, get on my back so I can fly us there."

Niya wanted to say that she could fly herself, but she held back. Trunks had crouched down for her, and she got into position. He stood and carried her on his back.

"Ready?" Trunks peaked at her.

"Yup!" Niya nodded.

Trunks smiled, and they took off flying in the cool night.

From above, they saw the lush greenery. None of it was destroyed or dying like in their timeline. And as they flew even further, some city lights twinkled and car lights shone in the busy streets. It was nothing like they had ever seen before. The buildings were intact, and there was no bodies strewn about. Everyone was okay -- in a panic -- but okay. They then came to a silent realization as they stared down with grim faces that they would have to do everything they could so that timeline, at least, would be safe, normal, peaceful. Nonetheless, the view was beautiful.

Trunks kept flying further until they arrived at some sort of beach. Niya hopped down from his back and stared at him curiously as her boots sank into the sand.

"You wanted to go to the beach?" Niya asked. She had to keep fixing her hair because of the breeze from the waves crashing onto the shore. It was a bit loud as they heard the splash and rolling of waves.

Trunks nodded and slipped off his own boots. He set them down in the sand and extended a hand out to her. "Let's take a walk."

Niya didn't know what to think of his idea, but took off her own boots anyway and accepted his hand.

The blue-eyed saiyan smiled and interlocked his fingers in hers. The saiyaness smiled at him, feeling his warm, calloused fingers. It felt strange  to hold hands and even be able to kiss without worry. Was it really okay? Now that they were out of the Time Chamber, would it be alright acting in a such a way?

"Come on," Trunks gently pulled her hand, and they began to walk along the shore. Their hands swung gently back and forth.

Niya's heart raced as she kept glancing at Trunks and their hands. Was she dreaming? It was too good to be true. Her lips curved into a content smile.

"Hey, Niya," Trunks began.

She turned to him. "Yeah?"

Trunks kept his eyes ahead. "... If we survive this mess and make it back to our timeline, we'll definitely defeat the Androids."

They were surely strong enough to do so. "Yes. We will," Niya nodded.

Trunks seemed hesitant. "Would it really be okay? I mean, you loved 17, didn't you?"

Niya flinched, and her stomach dropped. Shame pumped through her veins. She still nodded. "I-I did."

The half-saiyan saiyan trudged on. "Can you tell me why you did?"

The saiyaness halted and pulled her hand away. The dream suddenly felt like a nightmare. Loose hairs hung over her face as she hung her head and stared at the sand. Trunks halted with her. He also was no longer smiling.

"He...," Niya began quietly, "was different than anyone I had ever known. He was always so... calm. He was confident and... strong. He knew a lot of things. And he... had traveled the world, and I wanted to see the world. He... gave me those things that I wanted..."

When Niya didn't go on, Trunks stood still. "It hurt when you chose him over me," he told her. "And it hurt when you had his kid and not mine."

Niya felt so cold she trembled. It was hard to breathe. "I know I hurt you... I'm so sorry...," her voice was small. She could feel tears welling up. "And I know you probably won't ever forgive me..."

Trunks reached out and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Niya, I told you before that I didn't hate you. It hurts knowing what you did, but I can't hate you," he assured her. "And... I forgive you."

Niya was taken aback and looked up at him. "Really? Even after everything...?"

The half-saiyan gave her a small smile. "If I didn't, I wouldn't have kissed you, and we wouldn't be here right now."

"O-Oh," Niya looked relieved. The air began to flow through her lungs once more, but her heart raced and she still trembled.

Trunks furrowed his brows and hugged her. "I just... had to ask you," he admitted, "before I could ask you something else."

Niya breathed in his fresh scent of clean clothes and some sort of cologne. It was calming as she settled into his arms. "And what would that be...?"

Trunks pulled away, placed his hands on her shoulders, stared into her wide, onyx eyes, and then sank down to kneel on one knee. "Niya...," he began.

The saiyaness' eyes widened. "Tr-Trunks, what are you...?"

Trunks reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a black box. "Niya," he started once more, "I've loved you for as long as I could remember." His eyes bore up into hers. "We've been through so much together over the years. And even with everything that's happened, I know that there's no one else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with than you..."

By then, tears spilled onto the sand from Niya's eyes. "Trunks...," she breathed quietly.

Even Trunks' eyes were a bit watery. "So, Niyata Briar," he opened the black box to reveal a silver ring. It had small leaf designs with tiny diamond rocks embedded in that bloomed into a rose with a sparkling diamond in the center. "Will you make me the happiest man in the world right now and marry me?"

Niya placed her hands over her mouth, tears streaming down the sides of her face. She couldn't believe what was happening. Trunks had kissed her, forgiven her, told her he loved her, and now he wanted to marry her...

If she had ever felt happy before, it was nothing compared to that moment.

Niya nodded. "Y-Yes," she finally found her voice. "Yes! I'll marry you!" she sniffed and laughed.

Trunks' eyes lit up. He slipped the ring onto her finger and stood. Tears spilled from his eyes too, and he joined her laughter as he wrapped his arms around her. He was ecstatic and relieved she had said yes. His heart pounded against his ribs as he held her tight. He spun her around and then kissed her again and again and again.

"I love you," Trunks cupped her face, her beautiful, kind, loving face. That smile, the warmth in her eyes, was for him. It made his heart fill up and a smile spread across his lips.

"I... love you, too," Niya confessed through her sniffles. His beautiful, kind eyes bore into hers. Oh, how she could stare at them all day. "I love you, Trunks," she pulled his face down to hers.

At last, after so much struggle, they would be with each other.

× × ×


"That's right! Everything's being set up!"

Niya sat outside on a table with Bulma. The sun shone above them, warming them in the kind weather. It glistened off the ring on Niya's finger. She stared down at it, still shocked. Everything was happening so fast...

"You okay?"

Niya flinched and looked up at Bulma. Baby Trunks was sleeping, so it was just her and Bulma. She nodded. "Yes, it's just... I don't know, so crazy?"

Bulma acknowledged her meaning. "A bit, yeah, but isn't this something you want?"

"Of course!" Niya nodded, "But... I guess I just wish things were different."

"How so?" Bulma curiously inquired.

Niya sighed. "Well, I wish my parents would get along with Vegeta, you know? It makes me sad that our families don't because of the past."

"To be fair," Bulma grabbed her glass cup of lemonade and spun the contents with a straw, "Vegeta doesn't really get a long with anyone. It's more like he tolerates them."

Niya stared at her own glass of lemonade. "Then I wish he would tolerate my family... and me."

Bulma took as sip as the saiyan spoke. "Have you tried talking to him?"

"Um," Niya straightened up as she remembered, "when I saw him this morning, and I said hi to him, he just glared at me and looked away."

Bulma tapped her chin. "How about you challenge him to a fight? I bet then you'll have a chance to talk."

Niya's lips slightly parted as she thought. She placed her hands on the table and stood. "That's a great idea! He wouldn't ever say no to a fight!" her eyes lit up. She smiled at Bulma and nodded. "Thanks for the talk! You're the best!"

With that, she hurried off to go find Vegeta.

× × ×

"What do you want?"

Niya flinched at the prince's harsh tone. "I... wanted to ask if you'd like to... fight," she replied, "against me."

Vegeta halted. He had some pants and a towel wrapped around his neck. He then turned to her, eyes sharp. "Are you challenging me?"

Niya felt a shiver run down her spine but she nodded. "Yes! I got a lot stronger in the Time Chamber, so I thought I would ask you to fight."

"Why not Kakarot? I'm sure he'd fight anyone who asked."

Niya wasn't quite sure how to explain. "I... want you to think I'm worthy for your son."

Vegeta stared hard but then scoffed. "I don't care about who he chooses to marry."

Niya felt disappointed. "Will you at least fight me?"

Vegeta seemed to contemplate before turning around and continuing to walk. "Outside. Five minutes."

The saiyaness felt a sliver of hope. She hurried to get dressed for their battle.

× × ×

Niya grunted as she skidded against the ground. She quickly jumped back as ki blasts hurried towards her. She dashed about around, trying to outrun the blasts. She then jumped up and towards Vegeta, where he halted the ki blasts. She threw an overhead punch, but Vegeta blocked it. A shock wave erupted from the impact.

Their cyan eyes locked before they broke into dodging and punching each other. In their Super Saiyan forms, they were almost matched. With every attack they threw, their energies rose.

Vegeta struck her face, then her stomach before punching her towards the ground. As she landed, Vegeta brought his hands back, then shot out a, "Galick Gun!"

Niya pushed to her feet and held up her hands. Before the attack struck, a crimson shield formed. She grit her teeth as she held her defense. She was blown away at how powerful Vegeta was, but told herself she wouldn't lose so easily. She dug inside to pull out more energy against the attack. Eventually, she began to push her shield forward.

Vegeta noticed and put more energy into his attack.

Soon, Niya became overwhelmed, and her shield was obliterated. She cried out as it struck her.

Once the smoke cleared, Niya stood panting, clothes torn, and hair frayed. Blood trickled from the side of her mouth.

"Hmph," Vegeta landed on the ground, arms crossed. He had a few bruises from her striking him. "You're finished."

Niya wiped the side of her mouth. "No way! I can still fight!"

After studying her, a small smirk came upon Vegeta's lips. He got back into a fighting position. "Good."

Niya wore a determined smile and powered up her golden aura before going after him again.

They fought for a while longer. In that time, Niya managed to inflict more damage, catching him off guard a few times and capturing him in her Aka Bakuha. They were both more than a little ruffled.

Vegeta held his hands out, "Final Flash!"

Niya brought her hands together, her golden-crimson aura expanding around her as she gathered energy. "Aka Kousen!" she shot out a spiraling, crimson attack.

The attacks collided, lighting sparking about and the Earth rumbling lighlt beneath them. Both fighters were putting out a significant amount of energy, and both fighters wanted to win.

Vegeta pushed, and he began to overcome her.

"Gghh! I... won't... give up!" Niya strained. Suddenly, golden aura wrapped around her attack, gaining some edge against Vegeta.

"You...!" Vegeta grit his teeth and pushed harder. "You won't beat me! Haaa!" The bright yellow attack grew and swallowed up the Aka Kousen, then Niya.

× × ×

"I can't believe you challenged my father."

"Ha, well," Niya scratched her head with a sheepish smile, "it was fun."

"Fun?" Trunks questioned.

Niya nodded, but flinched as Bulma set a bandage on her cheek.

"Seems like it was pretty intense," Bulma commented, glancing between Niya and Vegeta. She glared at the prince. "Tomorrow is her wedding day! You two shouldn't have gone so hard against each other! Now she's all bruised!"

"Tch," Vegeta crossed his arms, "Blame her, not me. Stubborn brat didn't know when to quit."

Bulma sighed, "Saiyans."

Niya wasn't very bothered at her injuries. She was worried about something else. "Hey, Vegeta?"

He glanced at her.

"You'll be there tomorrow, right?" she asked.

The prince stared at her before walking off.

Niya smiled.

☆ ▪ ☆ ▪


A tiny bit of filler, then I'll get into the Cell Games for next chapter!


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