Obey me - oneshots

By cherrynix

514K 13.8K 10.9K

[Planning to eventually edit all of the chapters, some of the edits include changes in turns of events, some... More

πŸ’— Flatterer (Asmodeus x reader) πŸ’—
πŸ’šSatan's little pet (Satan x reader)πŸ’š
Take me home (Lucifer x reader)
My princess (Leviathan x reader)
Crash (Satan)
Haunted house - Mammon edition
❀️ Keep you safe (Beelzebub x Reader) ❀️
Darkness (Satan x reader)
Sweet as chocolate (Beel x reader)
Hungry (All x reader)
True romance - Satan x reader
True romance 2 (Satan x reader)
Stronger than hate (Belphegor x Reader)
Off with his heart (Lucifer x Reader)
Sleepyhead (Diavolo x Reader)
Crash 2(Alternate version, Satan x Reader)
Warmth to your cold (Diavolo x Reader)
Roommates (Barbatos x reader)
Sweet as a cookie (Asmodeus x reader)
Storm of hearts (Barbatos x Reader)
The act of a fraud (Lucifer x fox spirit reader)
Inspiration (Satan x writer reader)
Shared bond (All demon brothers x reader)
Teddy bear (Mammon x reader)
Chocolate kiss (Beelzebub x reader)
πŸ’› Brand new model (Mammon x reader) πŸ’›
Disgrace of a saint (Lucifer x demon!reader)
Windy surprise (Solomon x reader)
The greatest of ideas (Leviathan x reader)
Greedy for love (Mammon x reader)
Sweeter than cake (Simeon x reader)
Party preparations (Barbatos x reader)
His Queen (Diavolo x demon!reader, 2nd part to "Party preparations"
Heart-shaped box (Lucifer x reader)
The one they appreciated (all x reader)
Precious (Beel x reader)
Pillows (Belphegor x reader)
Run away (Satan x Reader)
πŸ’› Mine (Mammon x reader) πŸ’›
πŸ’šπŸ“– Our little date (Simeon x reader)πŸ“–πŸ’š
πŸ’ž Part I: Obey me characters reacting to scars πŸ’ž
πŸ’ž Part II: Obey Me characters reacting to scars πŸ’ž
πŸ’šπŸ“– My sweetheart (Simeon x reader)πŸ“–πŸ’š
πŸ’œ No one to blame but himself (Belphegor x reader) πŸ’œ
πŸ’™ Tea and cuddles (Lucifer x reader) πŸ’™
πŸ’š The avatar of wrath, Satan πŸ’š

In the name of love - Diavolo x reader

17.3K 518 922
By cherrynix


A/N - Sort of a request? Feel free to comment if there's anything specific you'd like me to write about!

Also, f/c - favourite color.

Ever since Diavolo had announced the exchange party between demons, angels and humans to be held at his castle, everyone had been talking about it, all the way until the day came, and you could only agree to what Satan had said - even though you weren't sure whether it really was the most impressive building in all of the Devildom, it surely was magnificent, just like it's owner - Diavolo. 

You didn't want to admit it, but you didn't view him just as the ruler of the demons. How could you when he was so nice and dorky? You knew that the other demons were often intimidated of him, but that wasn't the case for you - the only problem you had was that you got shy whenever you were around him. Of course, you had heard of the things Diavolo had and could do, but that was a concern for another day.

It was already the second day you had spent in the castle, and as far as you knew, tomorrow was going to be last. The tour around the castle, and the scavenger hunt, it was all so fun that you didn't doubt that the dance party that was scheduled tomorrow would be awesome either, yet why were you so nervous about it? It had been so long since you had danced last time, what if you had forgotten how to do it properly? It seemed as if your brain was ready to pick at every littlest thing tonight, and at the moment it became unbearable, you decided to leave your room. 

Walking down the stairs, you began walking through the hallway silently, your eyes wandering around despite your mind being elsewhere. You could remember how Mammon once said that somewhere in the castle was a huge mirror, behind which is the entrance to a secret labyrinth, and inside the labyrinth.. That's where lived a monster feeding of demons. Not that it could harm you since you were a human, right? To think of it, you didn't see a mirror like that during the tour..

''You do know that the bedrooms are in opposite direction, one floor above, do you?'' You flinch as you hear a voice behind you. Turning around to see the voice of the owner, tou were surprised to see that Diavolo was still in his RAD uniform in such a late hour. Did he sleep in it too? Now that was something that only Lucifer could know since they were sharing rooms...

''Yeah, I just..uh..'' You tried to think of an explaination that didn't sound dumb, scratching your own cheek as you did.

''Unable to sleep? Me either, I went to clear my head outside just now, but if that can make you feel better..'' Diavolo offers; you shake your head however.

''I already feel better, thanks..'' You smile. As much as the thought of going outside with Diavolo was appealing, you also knew that both of you had to get some rest; you didn't want the ruler of demons to be tired because of you, neither did you want to burden him. ''I guess we both should get some sleep, considering that the party is tomorrow..'' You say awkwardly, but Diavolo just smiles at your words.

''Of course. Allow me to walk you to your room at least.'' This time you don't reject his offer. Together you walk through the hallway and to the stairs, the silence between you surprisingly being rather comfortable than stressful.

''So.. What are your thoughts about the retreat this far?'' Diavolo asks, his golden eyes focused on you.

''It's really nice, I enjoyed it. I really like it here.'' Even though your answer is short, it's full of enthusiasm, so much that the realization makes your cheeks become pink.

''In that case, my wish has came true.'' He smiles, stopping as you reach your room. ''Even though tomorrow's plan is a party, it won't be any less impressive than the previous days. I hope you're prepared.'' Diavolo says, eyeing you up and down. Is that a hint to not come in jeans? You held back a laugh about the thought.

''I am. Goodnight, Lord Diavolo.'' You smile softly. He looks like he wants to say something, but instead he just tells you goodnight before leaving. You enter your room, but sleeping? No, you couldn't. Diavolo's words made you remember that you don't have anything to wear for the party, and even though that wasn't the worst problem in the world, you still didn't want to embarrass yourself.

Looking at your sleeping roommates - Simeon and Asmodeus, you stay still for a moment before heading to Asmo's bed, shaking his shoulders softly. 

''Asmo.. Asmo, wake up!'' You whisper as loudly as you can, shaking his shoulders harder now.

''Leave me alone...Need my beauty sleep..'' The demon mumbles sleepily, turning to the other side.

''Asmo, please!'' You sigh deeply, staring at his back. Perhaps the idea you had was far from the greatest.. ''Sweet, charming Asmodeus.. You won't leave a friend in a trouble, will you?'' You try one last time. Surprisingly-or not, the brown haired demon slowly rolls onto his back, opening his eyes and looking up at you with tired look.

''Trouble..?'' He yawns, pulling himself up in a sitting pose.

''Uh, well.. It's not exactly a trouble, I just.. uh.. I don't have what to wear for the party, and I have no idea where to get anything..'' You sigh, looking down in embarrassment.

''And that's really something to wake me up for?''Asmodeus rolls his eyes, but few seconds later a grin appears on his lips. ''I got you figured out! You're trying to impress someone, aren't you?'' His smirk grows bigger as you blush.

''It's not what you think..'' You mumble shyly, but Asmodeus doesn't really listen. It's a surprise how fast he gets dressed before he grabs your hand, a mischievous look in his eyes. ''Have you ever gone to shopping in middle of the night? Me neither, but this sounds like fun..'' He smiles before you make your way out of the room together. 

It takes a while to sneak out of the house - even longer while to get to the shopping centre and back before anyone could notice your disappear, but you're both satisfied. You're unsure how Asmodeus could explain those 7 shopping bags he got if anybody asked him, but as for you, he generously paid for your dress, as well as insisted on getting few other things for you. 

In other words, it was obvious that neither of you got much of sleep during the night, but you were too nervous, and excited in a way to complain about that. It was already the time you had to go downstairs. Asmodeus had already left as he wanted to ensure everyone would see his beauty first, so you were left in the company of the angel.

You glanced at the mirror before leaving the room with Simeon, chattering about how the party could turn out like. You were dressed in a long, f/c dress that had long sleeves, lace top and flowy skirt part, as well as exposed back and a slit on the side, exposing a part of your leg as you walked. It wasn't exactly your type of a dress, however after Asmo's endless talks of how whoever you liked wouldn't be able to take his eyes off you, you ended up getting it. Your hair was tied into a fancy knot with few shorter strands framing your face, and you had beautiful, long earrings to complete the look.

The ballroom looked even better than you could imagine - starting from the golden interrior and ending with the many snack tables and live music, it looked like you had gotten inside a fairytale.

''Y/n, woaaah! You look great!'' You turn around as you hear Leviathan's voice behind you. EVen though he's in his demon form, he still manages to blush. ''I mean..uh.. better than usual normies.'' He looks away, making you chuckle at the awkwardness.

''Thank you, Levi.'' You giggle, looking at Lucifer as he shows up next to you.

''Diavolo's speech is about to start, so you better shut up and move..'' He says in his usual monotone voice. Led by the demon brothers, you take a spot in the front, looking at the podium Diavolo is standing at. It's the first time when you see him in his demon form and with so much of his body being revealed. If it wasn't for the black fluffy thing around his shoulders, his whole upper body would be exposed. Those black and golden markings on his body, and those wings and horns.. 

''Well then, let the dance begin! Everyone enjoy yourselves!'' Who would've thought that you would miss the entire speech simply by staring at him? Surprisingly, things don't become hectic - people make their way to the center in a rather peaceful way. You're not far from the demons you know since you don't want to get lost.

''Y/n..! Would you like...uh..you know...like..'' It's the first time you see Mammon looking so awkward and embarrassed.

''Just admit it, you want to dance with Y/n!'' Satan chuckles, staring at you both with an unreadable look. Just like everyone else, both of them are in their true forms as well. 

''What? Me and dance with a human? No wayyy! There's no way anyone else would want that anyway so why not-'' Mammon goes silent as you get approached by Diavolo, who either didn't hear Mammon's words, or is completely unbothered by them.

''Y/n, would you like to dance with me?'' Diavolo asks with a smile, reaching his hand out to you.

''I..Yes, of course.'' Your cheeks become pink as you take his hand, letting him lead you to where other people are dancing.

''See, that's how you ask someone for a dance!'' You can hear Satan teasing Mammon before their voices are drowned out by the music. You look up at Diavolo as you stop walking, your gazes meeting as you do.

''Do you know how to dance?'' He asks, keeping your hand in his and putting the other one around your waist gently, his fingers brushing against your bare back. Shy, you nod at his question and put your hand on his bare shoulder, blushing harder at the warmth of his body.

''Your speech was great..'' You mumble before things could get awkward. He chuckles at your words, moving with you in the rhytm of the music ever so graciously. It almost feels as if you both had been practicing your whole lives for this moment due how perfectly your movements blended.

''Why, thank you..'' Diavolo twirled you around before pulling you a little bit closer, his eyes focused onto yours. ''You looked like you were spacing out though.. Or observing something thoroughly..'' Your cheeks turn crimson red upon hearing what he said, and you look away out of embarrassment.

''It's not what it looks like..! You just.. I never saw you in your true form before..'' You keep looking away, too shy to see that grin on his face.

''I assume that it means that you like what you are seeing..'' He chuckles, rubbing your hand in a calming way. ''You're looking quite mesmerizing yourself if I must say..'' You look up at him, but to your surprise, this time it's Diavolo who's looking away. Could this demon really get shy?

''Thank you..'' You mumble. He just nods before looking at you, his look as kind and welcoming as usual. 

''Are you alright? You look red..'' Hearing those words makes your blush get only worse, and once again, you're unable to look at him properly.

''Yeah, I just.. It's quite hot in here..'' You mumble awkwardly, wishing you could vanish right now. The hottest thing there right now was none other than Diavolo himself.

''Let's get some fresh air then, I don't want you to get overheated..''You stop dancing, however Diavolo still keeps a firm grip on your hand. You're too shy and embarrassed to argue so you let him take you outside. 

Unsurprisingly, you're the only people out there. It's dark, however the moon is shining at it's brightest so eventually your eyes adjust to the dim light. For a moment you walk quietly hand in hand in the garden, the slightly cool breeze of wind playing with your free hair strands. 

''Do you feel any better?'' Diavolo asks after a while as you both stop walking, instead just enjoying the night's scenery.

''I'm alright, thank you..'' You mumble, staring at the stars but you soon look at him, blushing a little as your eyes meet. The wind has blown his red hair over one his eyes, and before you can think about it, you have already reached your hand towards his face, pushing his hair away from his eyes before pulling away.

''Sorry for that..'' You sigh, looking down, yet hearing what he says next makes you look up at him with a nervous look.

''You know, I have noticed the way you're looking at me and how shy you get whenever we are talking, considering how open and free you are with others..'' You don't know what to do upon hearing those words. Should you be nervous, scared or relieved that he knew? You felt the first two for sure.

''I..uh.. I can explain..'' You say quickly, but he shakes his head, making you widen your eyes slightly in a surprise.

''No, don't. In fact, I feel the same way..'' For the first time, you see the demon's cheeks flush red. ''Partially the reason of why I made this event was so I'd have a reason to talk to you and see you more often.'' He continues, for some reason avoiding to look at you. Was he embarrassed..?

''Lord Dia-'' You get cut off before you could even start your sentence.

''Just Diavolo. I don't want you to be formal with me.'' He says that in a rather serious voice, finally looking at you as he does.

''Diavolo, I.. You really went through all that hassle because of me? That's..the sweetest thing somebody has ever done for me..'' You smile shyly, squeezing his hand softly.

''It wasn't that much of a hassle! Well, except when Mammon threw a fit about not being put in the same room as you..'' You both laugh at Diavolo's words. Just as if remembering about your hand still being in his, Diavolo puts his other hand on top of yours, warming it up as yours had gotten a little bit cold from the wind. ''Also I know that you and Asmodeus snuck out in the middle of the night..'' He adds, kissing your hand before letting go of it and wrapping his strong arms around you, pulling you close to his bare chest.

''Guess we're caught in our crimes then..'' You say with a giggle, slowly wrapping his arms around his neck as if you'd be clinging on him, but the truth was that he's just much taller than you are.

''It was worth it though..'' Diavolo grins, throwing a meaningful look at your dress before leaning closer, his nose touching yours sligtly and his golden eyes staring right into your soul, them sparkling slightly. ''May I..?'' He asks and after you give a confirming answer he presses his soft lips against you, kissing you gently yet passionately and holding you closer, wrapping his wings around you carefully to keep you safe and warm.

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