The Hellhound's Return

Autorstwa Twix3780

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[BOOK ONE] Something old and powerful lives in the woods surrounding the small town of Briarwood. Something t... Więcej

Broken Spell: Part I
Broken Spell: Part II
Code Busters
Rock Solid
Whispering Voices
Legendary Catastros
Stranger Within, Part I
Stranger Within, Part II
Petrified Xander
The Gatekeeper, Part I
The Gatekeeper, Part II
Scaredy Cat
Long Ago
Inner Strength
Dark Wish, Part II
Dark Wish, Part III
Koragg's Trial
Heir Apparent, Part I
Heir Apparent, Part II
The Light
The Hunter
Hard Heads
Snow Prince
Light Source, Part I
Light Source, Part II
The Return
Mystic Fate, Part I
Mystic Fate, Part II

The Dark Wish, Part I

500 11 0
Autorstwa Twix3780

I did start writing Soul Spectre and Ranger Down but quickly lost interest, so I decided to jump straight into Dark Wish.

Let me know your thoughts.

Eithne Devine

Eithne Devine was the princess of the wood elves. Her parents, to this day, hold her in high regard throughout their kingdom. Not much is known about Eithne before she came to train with the Mystics, only that she was an exceptional fighter and had remarkable control over magic.

Magic was a rarity in the elven kingdom. Those that did possess it were said to be few and far between, and there had never been a record of any magic-dwelling elves in the royal family until Eithne. Being the first made her a highly valuable target for the darkness.

Eithne came to the Mystic's when she was only eighteen-years-old. Her age made her very young, especially by elven standards, as elves rarely left the kingdom before their twenty-fifth birthdays. She was a slender woman, with a sun-kissed complexion, a thin smile, and the elven pointed ears which she hid behind her waist-length brown hair.

Her magic was extraordinary. Being a wood elf, naturally, the ancient mystics believed her magic steamed from the Earth. But Eithne showed tremendous abilities in the art of Darkness and quickly resolved to train with the great sorcerer - Merlock.

Merlock gifted Eithne the power over darkness at her graduation ceremony two years later, by which time she had fallen in love with one of the Mystic Knights.

His name was Callindor.

Callindor and Eithne spent most of their time together after the graduation ceremony, and it wasn't long after their initial meeting that they were engaged to be married. Eithne, excited by the idea of being a wife, wished for Callindor to meet her parents. It is unknown if the meeting ever took place, because, less than three months before their wedding, Eithne gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, and the Great Battle between Good and Evil began.

Eithne gave her life during the Great Battle, and her baby girl, whom she had named Maeve, was lost forever.

Kali yelped as a scrunched up paper ball landed in her lap. She pulled her earbuds out and looked around, spotting Nick, Xander, and Chip laughing from the other side of the room. "What?" she asked, tossing the ball back and hitting Xander in the side of the head. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"You're always reading that book," said Xander. "You're not fun anymore."

"What you reading about, anyway?" Chip asked.

"The Ancient Mystics," Kali answered.

Nick furrowed his brow. "I figured you'd given up on that after you learned who your birth parents were," he said. "Didn't you say that the former black mystic could sense magic and that's how you can do it? Through inheritance."

"That was the start," said Kali, looking back at the book in her lap. "But the History is really interesting. I just started the chapter on Eithne, or rather my mother, I guess. She was a princess of the woodland elves."

"Ooh. Does that make you royalty?" Xander asked. "Do we have to start bowing and calling you Princess Kali?"

"Only if you have a death wish," said Kali, turning the page.

The boy chuckled and returned to their game of chess.

"Now, this is the life," said Xander, using his magic to move one of his pawns across the chessboard. "Isn't magic grand?"

"Yeah," Nick grinned. "Except for all the fighting."

"Eh," Xander murmured.

"There's got to be an easier way to defeat evil," said Nick.

"Maybe we can eat our way to victory," Chip suggested. He twisted in his seat. "Got any pizza, Udonna?" he asked the white sorceress.

Udonna looked up from her potion-making. "You can go to town for that," she said.

Chip scoffed. "Why? There's an easier way," he snapped open his Morpher and pointed it at the table where three large pepperoni pizzas appeared.

"There's a time and place for magic, Rangers," Udonna scolded.

Kali tugged her earbuds out for a second time and reached across the table, pinching a slice of Nick's pizza.

"Hey!" Nick exclaimed, glaring at her as she scoffed it in one and reached for another. "Would you stop that? Use your magic to get your own!"

"That takes effort," said Kali, reaching for a third slice. She whined as Nick slapped her hand away, causing her to drop the slice onto the table.

Nick looked from his friend to the pizza slice and back again. "You could've at least dropped it onto a plate," he said.

"If you aren't going to eat it, I will," said Kali, snatching the slice and stuffing it into her mouth.

Nick narrowed his eyes at her while Xander and Chip laughed.

From the next room, Fireheart roared.

"Did you feed him today?" Kali asked Xander.

Mid-way through eating a pizza slice, Xander paused and shook his head. "I thought it was your turn?" he asked.

"I did it last night," Kali protested. "Nick had breakfast duty, and you had lunch."

"Oops," Xander said.

Kali rolled her eyes. "I'm surprised he managed to grow at all given your lack of responsibility," she scolded.

"Alright, alright, don't get your wand in a knot," said Xander, holding up his hands. He grabbed the last pizza and threw it at the door leading to Fireheart's cave.

There was a loud belch and the four rangers dissolved into laughter. Their laughter only grew as Claire stepped out of the room covered in pepperoni.

"How about a little heads up next time, huh, guys?" Claire asked.

Kali bit her lip and covered her mouth with her hand as she apologised. "Sorry, Claire, we didn't realise you were in there," she said. "Are you okay?"

Peeling a pepperoni slice from her head, Claire ate it and nodded, happily before resuming her dusting.

"Hey, Claire, use your magic," said Nick, fighting off Kali's hand as she reached for another slice of his pizza. "It's way faster - would you knock it off!" he said, pulling the last remaining slices away.

Kali gaped at him. "Don't be mean," she said. "We were taught to share, now gimme."

"When was the last time you shared a pizza with me?" Nick asked. "Or any food, for that matter."

"That's different," said Kali.


"Because my food is my food," said Kali. "But your food is also my food."

Nick scowled. "How is that fair?" he asked.

"I don't know. But it is what it is," said Kali, snatching another slice. She laughed and leaned out of Nick's reach as he stretched over her, trying to reclaim his last slice of pizza.

Xander rolled his eyes. "Why don't you two get a room already?" he teased.

As Xander and Chip finished up the pizza, much to Nick's dismay, the doors opened and Daggeron rushed inside. "Seems we have work to do," he said. "Claire, have the girls meet us."

Claire nodded and Kali dropped her book onto the table, along with her cell phone and earbuds, before chasing after Daggeron. The boys followed along in her wake, complaining about more fighting.


"There he is," Xander yelled, pointing at the solitary beast that had caused the magical disturbance. His resemblance was that of a Samurai, a warrior of 18th century Japan.

The beast stood and faced the Rangers as they approached.

"Who is this freak?" Kali asked.

"His name is Warmax," Daggeron answered.

Warmax gripped the hilt of his sword. "You dare to stand before me?" he growled. "You will fall by my blade."

"Let's get this over with," said Nick, drawing his Magi Staff. The others did the same and Daggeron powered up Jenji's lamp.

Warmax nodded. "Yes. Let's us do that," he drew his sword and pointed the tip of its blade at the team. With a yell, he charged forwards, dividing the team down the middle. He was fast and agile, blocking their attacks effectively before gaining the upper hand and flooring them with a simple flick of his sword.

Struggling to her feet, Kali lunged forward and swung her sword at Warmax. He blocked her blade and glared down at her.

"You are weak against me," Warmax snarled, unlocking their blades and kicking in the chest.

Kali wheezed as she fell to one knee. Her grip tightened around her sword as Warmax towered over her, but before he could strike he was attacked from behind by Vida and Chip.

Warmax instantly knocked Vida down with a punch to the chest; he then turned on Chip and leapt into the air and knocking Chip's Magi Staff from his hand. With Chip defenceless, Warmax blasted him backwards.

"He's strong," said Chip groaned.

"Chip!" the others yelled, rushing to assist their friend.

"I'm done with you!" Xander growled.

"Come on," Warmax challenged.

Xander turned to Daggeron. "Can't we use Jenji and wish him away?" he asked.

"It's not that easy," Daggeron said, shaking his head. "Pull it together."

Xander clenched his hand into a fist, raised his axe, and charged forward. He swung his axe at Warmax's shoulder, aimed a kick to his stomach, and used the handle of his weapon to block the beast's sword as it swung at his chest. Stepping back to avoid another hit, Xander swung his axe at Warmax's side but was awarded a hit to the chest, knocking him out of the field.

"Xander!" Kali yelled.

"You are nothing!" Warmax roared, turning on the rest of the team.

Kali's grip tightened around her Magi Staff.

A purple seal appeared beneath Warmax and he towered over the surrounding area.

"I will squash you!" Warmax threatened.

"You guys deal with Warmax," said Daggeron, turning to the others. "I'll check on Xander and then join you."

Kali took a deep breath and turned to her friends. "Easy for him to say," she grumbled. "He's got the all-powerful genie."

The others nodded but took out their morphers nonetheless.

"Galwit Mysto Profior!"

"Let's play ball!" said Vida, the minute she had transformed into her titan mode. Using her magic to become a soccer ball, she threw herself at Warmax but was tossed back when his sword collided with her side.

Soaring back through the air, there was nothing Vida nor the others could do to stop their friend from hitting them. Maddie groaned as her sister collided with her, knocking them both to the ground.

"Lightning Fire!" Chip yelled, flying overhead and blasting Warmax with a bolt of yellow lightning.

Warmax deflected the blast and used his sword to knock Chip out of the sky.

"You want some?" Nick yelled, racing forward and drawing his sword. He leapt into the air but was attacked straightaway.

Kali stepped in front of her friends. "Let's see how you fare against the Hellhound," she said, knowing full well that no matter what attack Warmax threw at her, she'd be able to absorb it. "Firebomb!" she shot several fireballs from her jaws, but each one was cut through by Warmax's blade.

"A Hellhound belongs in the Underworld," said Warmax. "Why must you fight for these puny Rangers?"

"I belong right here!" Kali snapped. "If you don't like that then it's your problem."

Warmax raised his sword and unleashed a wave of electrical attacks onto Kali. She absorbed the blast, using them to fuel her attacks, and unleashed several more fireballs at the creature.

"You can't stop a Hellhound, Warmax," said Kali. "But they can stop you - ready, Xander?"

"Ready!" Xander called.

Warmax turned to see both Daggeron and Xander in their Megazord and titan forms. He held his sword up, parallel to his face, and narrowed his eyes. "You worthless, Power Ranger," he snarled.

"Who you calling worthless?" Xander challenged. His eyes burned a bright red and he raised his axe. "Full power!" he called, swinging the axe down and slicing right through Warmax's armour.

Warmax exploded before hitting the ground.

Kali sighed deeply and met Xander's gaze, nodding once.


Udonna promptly dropped her potions bottle as the door to Root core opened and she looked up to see Chip and Xander walk in. The green ranger was loosely supporting his friend.

"Chip, are you alright?" Udonna asked rushing to her student as Xander sat him down on the steps.

"Yeah, just a little banged up," said Chip, grimacing with each small movement he made.

Vida shook her head, agitated as she turned to the others, her hands planted firmly on her hips. "I don't get it. As Kali said, we've got this all-powerful genie, but we never ask him for help, why?" she asked.

"It would make things easier," Maddie agreed.

The crystal ball chimed and dark magic appeared.

Kali groaned and turned to Daggeron. "I'm with Vida," she said. "I don't know how many more times we can handle being thrown around like rag dolls before we're the ones that are destroyed."

Udonna hesitated and glanced at Daggeron. It was his genie, therefore it was his call.

"Jenji's not the answer," Daggeron answered. "Rest up, Chip. We will need you." He said to the yellow ranger, and then turned to the others, and adding in a sterner voice. "The rest of you, follow me."

The team sighed collectively and followed Daggeron from Root core.


Kali heard the beast before she saw it. It was a weird bird-like creature with a distinctive sound, a high-pitched shriek that could've made ears bleed.

"It's Shrieka," said Daggeron. "I knew it."

"Why am I not surprised that you know this freak, too," said Kali.

Shrieka glowed purple and then burst out of the bamboo forest, towering high above it and looking down at her opponents.

"Guys, let's titan up," said Xander, taking out his Morpher.

The others followed his lead.

"Galwit Mysto Profior!"

"Solar Streak Megazord!"

Prepared and ready for battle, the rangers faced Shrieka from across the forest.

"Guys, we have to work together," said Nick.

"No problem. Ball mode," said Vida, transforming back into her soccer ball form.

Floating down in front of Xander, Vida let out a whoop as he slammed the side of his axe into her, knocking her towards Maddie. The blue ranger flipped over, using her tail to knock her sister towards Daggeron. The Solaris knight caught the ball in his hands and tossed it towards Kali, as she head-butted it at Nick.

"Flip kick!" Nick yelled, jumping up and flipping over. He booted the ball towards Shrieka, and it hit her in the chest, causing an explosion.

Shrieka laughed as she walked through the blaze, fully intact. "Is that all you got?" she asked, she unleashed a sonic scream so loud it caused the whole area to shake.

Kali grabbed her head as the sound bounced around inside her skull, turning her momentarily deaf. "Damn, she's got a set of lungs on her!" she whined.

Returning to her normal size, Shrieka wasn't surprised to see the Rangers following her. But it didn't matter which form they were in, she dealt with them all effectively and without breaking a sweat.

"Maybe now would be a good time to use Jenji?" Maddie asked Daggeron.

"No! We do it ourselves!" Daggeron argued.

Kali punched the ground and forced herself to her feet. "Magi Staff, Sword mode!" she commanded, gripping the hilt and rushing forward. She faked a high-kick for Shrieka's shoulder, only to push off from the bird and flip over mid-air, slashing her blade across Shrieka's chest and knocking her back.

"Lucky shot!" Shrieka yelled, staggering and unleashing another sonic scream onto Kali. The black ranger gripped the side of her head and fell to her knees, breathing heavily.

Shrieka laughed.

"I'm not out yet!" Kali yelled, shaking her head and forcing herself back to her feet. Her ears stung and she was sure she could feel blood running down from them, but she wasn't prepared to stay down just yet.

"Take this, Ranger!" Shrieka called, wrapping white sheets around Kali and hoisting her into the air. The sheets rippled with an electrical current and Kali screamed in pain, before being promptly dropped back onto the ground.

Curling into a ball, Kali clutched her stomach and chest, breathing heavily.

"Kali!" Nick yelled.

"Come on, Rangers, get up!" Daggeron urged, struggling to his feet.

A loud cackle echoed around the area and the Rangers looked up to see Necrolai swoop in from above. She blasted them, knocking them off their feet again while they struggled to stand.

"Hello, Rangers," Necrolai greeted. "I just thought I'd drop in and tell you that I have magic now, too." She snapped open a purple Morpher, punched in a code of three numbers, and blasted the team with dark magic.

Shrieka cocked her head to the side as Necrolai approached her. "Where did you come from, wench?" she asked.

"Don't tell me you two haven't met," Kali coughed. "You have a lot in common."

"Silence!" Necrolai hissed. "It doesn't matter where I came from. Finish her!" she pointed at Kali.

Kali looked back at Shrieka as the bird geared up for another attack. As Shrieka took in as much air as she could muster, and unleashed a powerful sonic scream, Kali ducked and the blast sailed overhead, obliterating the rock mountain behind her.

"Magi Staff, Power of Darkness!" Kali shouted, shooting to her feet as the blast disappeared. The hellhound at the top of her staff glowed, and a wall of black magic slammed into Shrieka. The bird hit a rock and rolled to the floor, sparking all over with residual energy.

Kali wobbled as she demorphed.

Standing up, Daggeron called to the others. "Let's put our magic together," he said. The others nodded and circled up around him, using their magi staffs to fire multiple balls of energy at Shrieka.

With one final scream, Shrieka exploded.

"Kali, you alright?" Nick asked, running to her side. He demorphed and caught her as she fell against him.

"Did we win?" Kali asked.

"Yeah, but it would have been easier using Jenji," Nick answered.

Kali's nodded and closed her eyes, nuzzling her face into his neck.


Before heading home that evening, the Rangers returned to the Rock Porium, interested in how Toby had decorated for the first anniversary tomorrow. Kali and Chip had recovered from the beatings they had taken from Warmax and Shrieka, but Vida was more than happy to tease Kali about snuggling against Nick.

"I'm calling it now," said Vida. "Soon, you and Nick are going to realise that you're more than just friends."

"Right," said Kali, nodding. "In that case, I'm calling the same confession but with you and Chip."

Chip looked up at the sound of his name. "What did I do now?" he asked.

"Nothing," said Vida, glaring at Kali.

Kali teasingly blew Vida a kiss and turned to the store. She stopped short when she saw a table full of party supplies, none of which had even made it onto the walls. "Please tell me I'm having a nightmare," she whined.

"If you're having a nightmare then we're all having the same one," said Xander. "Why hasn't Toby decorated?"

"Check this out," said Nick, picking up a piece of paper and reading it out loud. "Thanks for making our first-anniversary party so special. I expect nothing less than perfection. - Toby."

The team groaned.

"Whose bright idea was it to tell Toby that we'd decorate?" Kali asked, rubbing her neck and shoulders.

Vida and Maddie shared guilty glances.

"In our defence," said Vida. "We didn't say the exact words 'we'll decorate', we told him that all he had to do was ask for what he wanted, and we'd get it done."

"Well, Toby took what you said to heart," said Kali.

Vida pressed fingers to her head and then sighed, dropping her hands to her side. "Look. I say we spread the magic, get it done faster, and get some sleep," she suggested. "All in favour?"

Kali, Chip, Xander, and Nick nodded.

"It's not very personal," Maddie grumbled.

"We," said Kali, pointing at herself and the three guys, "didn't volunteer to decorate the store. You're welcome to stay here and do it yourself, but I want to go home at some point tonight."

Maddie hesitated and then relented. "You're right," she said. "Let's do it."

Unclipping her Morpher from her belt, Kali snapped it open and pointed it at the streamers. "Last one done has to lock up," she said, as the orange streamers attached themselves to every surface, including the ceiling.


Kali whined and buried her head under her pillow as Nick's alarm blared in the otherwise small room. The only issue she had with sharing a room with her best friend was whenever he had an early shift at the Rock Porium; she was disturbed from her sleep by his rotten alarm.

"Kali, knock your alarm off!" Nick grumbled.

"It's not mine," Kali called back.

There was a split pause and then the sound disappeared.

Kali sighed in relief and re-closed her eyes. The silence was short-lived though as Nick threw a pillow across the room, striking Kali. "I'm going to kill you," she swore, sitting up and glaring at him.

"That alarm was for both of us," said Nick. "It's the first anniversary at the Rock Porium. We're supposed to meet the others there to open up, remember?"

"I didn't agree to that any more than I agreed to decorate the store last night," said Kali, flopping back down onto her bed. "You volunteered for me."

Nick picked up an abandoned t-shirt from the floor. He balled it up and threw it across the room where it landed across Kali's head, unfolded.

Kali cracked open an eye as her world went dark. "What was that supposed to do?" she asked.

"Not that," Nick grumbled. His bed squeaked as he pushed himself up, and shuffled around the room looking for clean clothes.

Still laying with Nick's shirt over her head, Kali listened as he opened the bedroom door and headed down the hall to the bathroom. She strained her ears, listening as the shower turned on and sighed with content before re-closing her eyes.

"Gotcha!" Nick announced, pulling back Kali's covers and hauling her into his arms. She squirmed and yelled out as he carried her out of the bedroom, down the hall and into the bathroom, dumping her under the running shower.

Kali shrieked as the cold water soaked through her shorts and t-shirt. "You're dead!" she yelled, reaching out and grabbing his arm. Nick struggled against her, but Kali managed to pull him into the shower, splashing water over the pair of them.

Quickly, Nick reached behind her and switched off the shower tank. With the water gone, he shook his head, spraying water droplets all over the glass doors.

Kali laughed. "Revenge always was best served cold," she teased.

"Shut up!" Nick said, tussling her hair.

"Hey!" Kali yelped, ducking away from him and darting out of the shower doors. She slipped across the bathroom's tiled floor and almost crashed into the door as it opened from the outside.

Rachel Russell stuck her head inside and frowned at the pair. "What on earth are you two doing?" she asked. "Do you realise what time it is, and why are you both wet? Did you shower together?"

Kali blushed as she realised what the scene must've looked like from Rachel's perspective. She squeezed her eyes closed and shook her head. "He started it," she said, pointing over her shoulder at Nick, "and I'm going to go get dressed now." She rushed from the room and Rachel turned to Nick.

"It's not what you're thinking," Nick said, shaking his head.

"I called this a long time ago," said Rachel. "But, in the meantime, I don't want to know." She withdrew from the bathroom.

"There's nothing to know!" Nick yelled after her.


Rock Porium was in full swing when Nick and Kali finally arrived. They found their friends at the front of the store while Toby was in amongst those that had come out to celebrate.

"Hey, we did a great job," said Kali, jumping up onto the front counter and batting aside a streamer. "Toby seems to be enjoying himself, at least."

"Look who decided to show up," said Xander, leaning against the counter beside Kali. "What took you guys so long?"

"Someone didn't want to get up," said Nick.

Kali stuck her tongue out at him. "Not like I had a choice in the end," she muttered.

Nick laughed while the others looked confused. "Anyway, back to the now," he said, changing the subject. "I've never seen Toby so chatty. I mean, look at him." He nodded towards the record store owner as he twirled around and did the splits.

"We could never have done it without a little... magic," Xander grinned as he bopped to the beat.

"Everything is perfect," said Chip, looking around. "I wish every day could be like this."

The others cooed and Kali reached over to ruffle Chip's hair, while Nick blew a party screamer. Chip shrugged them off, but still managed to grin.

"Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!" everyone started to chant and those dancing around Toby pushed him up onto the stage.

Kali cupped her hands around her mouth and cheered. Toby turned off the music and turned to everyone, he grinned as he found his employees and then looked at the little cards in his hand.

"Thanks a - ooh!" Toby winced as he swung the mic around and almost hit himself in the face. He pulled it back a little ways and cleared his throat. "Thanks for all coming along today to the Rock Porium."

The crowd cheered enthusiastically.

"It has been a truly magical first year," Toby continued once the cheering had subsided.

"I can't believe it's only been a year," said Kali. "I honestly thought you guys had been here longer than eight months. Which begs the question: how long have you known Toby?"

Before anyone could answer, the morphers chimed causing a collective sigh to echo around the group.

"We can't just bail," said Maddie.

"Kind of don't have a choice," said Kali, opening her Morpher and checking the charts. "The dark magic reading is off the scale, just like it was when Warmax and Shrieka were attacking the city."

"You're saying it could be someone just like them?" Xander asked.

Kali shrugged. "Maybe more than one," she said. She jumped down from the counter and nodded towards the street. "Come on, if we don't go then Toby may not see a second anniversary."

The others nodded and followed her outside.


"There he is!"

The Rangers raced out onto the dock and stopped as the dog-like beast turned to face them. If they had to venture a guess on which breed of dog he was based on, Kali would've said a Boxer. He had a stocky build and carried a staff with a circle attached to the top. It looked like a butterfly staff, just without the net.

"Glad you could make it, Rangers," the dog growled as he faced them. He held the staff up into the air and blasted the team with a horde of bubbles.

The bubbles popped as they hit the rangers, and the explosion knocked the team off their feet. Daggeron stumbled and then pushed off from the ground, leaping through the air and landing not that far away from the beast.

"Hold it right there, fiend," Daggeron yelled, powering up Jenji's lamp and aiming it at the beast.

"I'm not afraid of you," the beast scoffed.

"Laser Lamp, fire!" Daggeron yelled, firing. The golden orb flew out of the nozzle, twisted and turned and shot out over the water, causing the beast to cock his head in confusion. He watched it before the ball double backed.

The beast gasped and stepped back, but the ball hit the hand of a white fury beast, as he appeared before the first creature.

"What?" Daggeron gasped.

"50 Below! You got here just in time," the first beats said, sighing in relief.

50 Below laughed. "Excellent," he snarled.

"Get up, Rangers," said Daggeron, running back to the others. The team struggled to their feet,

Kali looked the new beast over. "I knew it!" she said. "But, how are we supposed to fight two of them?"

"Keep it together," said Daggeron.

"Now that I am here... you will be defeated!" 50 Below said, holding up a fist.

"Who are these guys? They're so much stronger," Nick asked.

"You got that right, Ranger," said 50 Below. "We are from the Oblivion."

Kali turned to Daggeron. "The Oblivion?" she repeated. "What's that?"

"Now is not the time for a History lesson," Daggeron said, shaking his head.

"I'd say it was the perfect time!" Kali argued. "We can't beat them if we know nothing about them."

But Daggeron stubbornly shook his head.

Kali bit back a growl and turned to Nick as he took a step forward, reaching for his Magi Staff. "Try this!" he yelled. "Sword Mode!" He transformed his staff and rushed forward.

50 Below met him half-way and blocked each of his strikes with his fists. Nick tried to jump out of the way but 50 Below punched him in the chest, knocking him back.

"Nick!" Kali yelled, running forward. She knelt beside Nick and helped him into a sitting position, holding him against her as 50 Below stood not that far away.

"Magi Staff, Tornado power!" Vida said. She rushed past Kali and Nick, summoning her magic and transforming into a pink tornado. The winds picked up rapidly, but 50 Below blasted Vida out of her wind funnel and into the side of a warehouse.

"Crossbow!" Chip yelled, jumping into the air. He fired a bolt of lightning at 50 Below, but the beast absorbed it through his chest and fired it back, knocking Chip out of the air.

"Come on, Maddie," said Xander, as both he and the blue ranger held up their staffs. They both aimed them at 50 Below, unleashing a stream of water and a thick vine at the beast.

The large stone on 50 Below's chest rippled again and the two attacks bounced back.

"Ice Atta -"

"Not so fast!" Kali yelled standing and rolling her Magi Staff over in her hand. "Hells Firewall!" she yelled, pointing her wand at the Beast and sending a barrier of black magic across the dock. It collided with 50 Below, causing him to stumble.

50 Below looked at Kali in astonishment. "I thought I recognised you," he said. "The dark magic is strong in you, but you use it for the wrong side and for that reason, you shall suffer along with these other fools. Ice Attack!"

As 50 Below struck the ground a slither of ice spread towards the Rangers, causing them to roll aside to avoid it. 50 Below then summoned a hockey-stick and skated along the ice patch, striking the Rangers and forcing them back towards Daggeron.

"Hurry! Get up, Rangers!" Daggeron urged.

"Are you kidding me?" Kali asked, her temper flaring. "You just saw us get attacked, and all you can say is 'get up'? We can't do this anymore! We need help."

"She's right," Xander agreed. "You have to do something, Daggeron!"

"Use Jenji!" said Nick. "We're exhausted."

"Please!" Maddie begged.

Chip groaned, struggling to sit up as he clutched his stomach and chest.

"Just do it!" Vida hissed.

"All right," Daggeron sighed.

50 Below laughed. "You are all worthless and weak," he said.

Daggeron powered up the lamp. "I've got a bad feeling about this," he said.

"Yeah? You're not the only one," said Jenji, popping out of the lamp. He disappeared back inside as the power built up.

"Jenji Shining Attack!" Daggeron yelled, firing.

Jenji shot out of the nose of the lamp and pulled back his fist as he soared towards 50 Below, at the last second, the dog-like beast reappeared and swung his staff, sucking Jenji inside.

"Got him," the dog laughed.

The Rangers gasped in surprise and alarm.

"What? Jenji!" Daggeron yelled.

"They caught Jenji," said Maddie, stunned.

"No!" Nick gasped.

"It can't be!" said Xander, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Let him go!" Chip demanded.

"Jenji!" Vida yelled.

"You lose!" 50 Below said, summoning a chunk of ice and swinging his hockey stick around. He struck the ball of ice and threw it at Daggeron.

The Solaris Knight took the hit and was blasted off the dock, and into the water.

"Daggeron!" Kali yelled.

The two beasts laughed and regrouped. "Too easy!" they said, disappearing through a dark seal, and leaving the Rangers behind.


Nursing their physical and emotional wounds, the Rangers returned to Root core after fishing Daggeron out of the dock. The minute they were inside the treehouse, Daggeron explained the situation to Udonna and she then turned to the Rangers, a look of disapproval on her face.

"They captured him?" Udonna asked.

"There was nothing we could do to stop them," said Nick.

"But why use Jenji in the first place?"

"Because we didn't stand a chance against them," said Vida.

"Sounds like you didn't even try," said Udonna.

Kali clenched her fists. "Hey, hang on a minute," she said. "No disrespect, Udonna, but you're not out there fighting with us every day."

"Hold it, Kali, you're crossing a line," said Daggeron, stepping between his student and the white sorceress. "Udonna knows what it is like to be beaten by the darkness. She lost her wand, remember? Not to mention her life nineteen-years-ago."

But Kali didn't stop; she just turned her focus onto him, instead. "You're not exactly Mr Innocent in all this either, Daggeron," she said. "You knew about these creatures ever since Warmax turned up. You knew more than just their names. You knew about their abilities, their powers - but you still refused to tell us anything."

"As I have already stated," Daggeron defended. "The middle of a battle is hardly the place for a History lesson."

"Then why didn't you tell us last night?" Kali asked. "Before we went back to Briarwood? Both you and Udonna have had ample opportunities to inform us of what is out there. Didn't you think we deserved to know about these beasts? Or didn't you think that Imperious wouldn't call on them when things got desperate?"

Lacing his fingers with Kali's, Nick squeezed gently. He could feel her shaking, and he wasn't entirely sure that it was from anger or fear.

Kali shook her head. "You may think that we made a mistake in using Jenji," she said, looking back at Udonna. "But, in our defence, we didn't have a choice. Jenji was a last resort - we wouldn't be here to have this discussion if we hadn't have used him."

"Blaming us for losing Jenji shouldn't be our priority here," said Nick. "We should be focusing on trying to get him back."

"Now that they've captured him," said Maddie. "They can wish for anything."

Chip swallowed and looked around at his teammates. "I wonder what they're going to wish for?" he asked.

"We must be prepared for the worst," said Daggeron, forebodingly.

Kali took a deep, shuddering breath and glanced at Nick. Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes, and she tried to force away the worst-case scenarios that came to mind. With Imperious in control of Jenji, and his defeat at their hands happening almost every day, there was only one thing she could see him wishing for... and that was their downfall.

To Be Continued...

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