Truly-Madly-Deeply Assistant

By ZaraPenn

71.5K 2.1K 1.3K

Avery had big dreams but Jared, who can't seem to function without her, doesn't feel like letting her go. Is... More

Part One - First
All I need
She is gone
Breakfast at Jared's
Games by the pool
Ups and the downs
Chances pt. 1
Chances pt. 2
Chances pt. 3 - Leaving
Summer special - The show
Summer Special - The after-party
Bitter welcomes
Her favorite song
My way or the high way
One day
'A man on fire'
'A violent desire'
'Do you wanna cross the line?'
Morning Coffee
One in a million
This is us
Morning fluff
Flashback - Lily
Protective or selfish
Here goes nothing
Commit to the bit
Above the clouds
Flashback - You'll never know
Little truths
LA!Buzz - The gossip
The one with all the feelings
Out and About
Family issues
A year wiser
Flashback - All I have
The gift
Shadows of the past
A night apart
Take the car
Another day another girl
New Year's Eve - Morning
New Year
It's over
Flashback - The Oscars moment
Apart - phone calls
Apart - the bully
Apart - breaking point
Surprising Mr. Leto
Highs, lows and higher
His past
I don't
The Event pt. 1
The Event pt. 2
Morning news
Flashback - Backlash
LA!Buzz - The real deal
City of Exes
Flashback - Forever mine
Capricorn and the pushover
Hot and steamy
The test of feelings
Leaving night
Friend or foe
Tips and tricks
Flashback - Scattered memories
Comfort pt. 1
Comfort pt. 2
Long distance
Moving on
Choosing dreams
Back to us
Brother's leftover
Just saying...
Mother in town
Taking control
The new home
Stubborn mind, aching heart
Behind closed doors
Baby talk pt. 1
Baby talk pt. 2
A day in the life
LA!Buzz - Drama alert
Small town girl
Birthday surprise pt. 1
Birthday surprise pt. 2
Her past
Home big Home
Change is coming
Our life, our rules pt. 1
Our life, our rules pt. 2 - Ending


571 22 17
By ZaraPenn

Hey there, reader ^^

Just silently building drama up, nothing to read here...

I honestly could not think of either a pic or a title for this chapter so here we go a no-name title with a no-name pic 😅

Hope to present you a chapter this Wednesday as well. 🤞🏻

The next morning, sleeping on my stomach, I had my arms tucked under the pillow and a soft moan left my lips as I came to consciousness.

I woke up by feeling my bare back being showered with tender kisses.

"Morning, beautiful," I heard Jared whisper into my ear as he tried to caress all the hair out of my face which was impossible, as half of it was trapped under my body. "I brought you some coffee,"

Smiling, I turned to my back, rubbing my eyes, then sweeping out the hair from my face I looked up to my beautiful man in awe.

"You are..." I cleared my throat, trying to speak again, "ready already?" I asked.

"Yeah, today I have a lot to do as well; if I start earlier I can finish earlier and be with you," muttering, he kissed my forehead as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Sounds perfect," whispering, I reached up, wanting a hug, but instead of leaning down to embrace me, he grabbed my hands and pulled me up to sit, hugging me to his chest.

"It's with milk," he said and I frowned looking at the nightstand.

"You're so sweet... why is that?" I laughed caressing a lock of hair behind his ear as it freed from his bun.

Taking a deep breath he shrugged.

"At some point I have to start giving back to you for all the things you done for me in the past, and sadly my time with you is limited nowadays."

"It's amazing and I appreciate it, but you know you don't have to. I enjoy bringing breakfast to bed to YOU. Now I feel like I overslept or something," I smiled peeking at my phone, but it was only seven, my alarm would go off in any minute.

Then taking my coffee and trying it, I smiled shyly.

"Believe me there are going to be multiple occasions when you still can do that," laughing, he rubbed my back and feeling me shiver, he pulled the blanket onto my naked body.

"Where did you get the milk from?" I asked, thinking no way he got up early to go and buy some.

"Well, I heard in the kitchen that the upstairs neighbor is up so I went to ask some," he shrugged.

"You did what?" I gasped and I started to laugh embarrassed instead of him too.

"What? Isn't it one of the perks of living in an apartment?" He seemed really confused.

"I never even met any of my neighbors," i shook my head still with a grin.

"Oh, that's why she looked at me strange when I asked a favor. But you know I flirted my way to the milk," he smiled smugly.

"What?" I asked chuckling.

"She asked me if I just moved in because she probably would remember me if she would have seen me around," he laughed. "Anyway, it was refreshing to have a conversation with someone who don't know me. But then her kid came and ruined the moment," he pouted as I was looking at him with narrowed eyes. "I gave her some dreamy look, some leaning against the door, some laugh here and there; she ended up giving me the whole carton."

Looking at him stunned, shaking my head, he laughed, ruffling my hair and I couldn't help but laugh with him, hugging his waist around amazed.

"You are one of a freaking kind, aren't you?" I smiled.

"Well, i like to think something like that," he winked, but I felt him sighing and I knew he has to leave.

"I gotta go, babe."

"Okay..." I smiled up to him, caressing his beard. "So five at your place?" I asked as he mentioned he is going to meet up with Sky today about the assistant job.

It isn't really an interview as they both know each other pretty well, but more like a briefing session and some information for Sky which she can go through before deciding to take the job.

"Can you make it?"

"I will," I nodded as I let my arms fall to my sides as Jared stood up.

He wore black jeans, and a decent looking, deep blue Gucci shirt with a small logo by its left pocket.

"Business meetings?" I smiled raising an eyebrow as I reached up to adjust the sleeve of the shirt on his thick arms.

"How you guessed? Do I look normal enough?" he smirked down at me, letting me pull his sleeves in place.

"Too normal," I laughed. "Have a great day," I smiled.

"You too. See you soon," leaning down, he pecked my lips before he turned to walk out and a minute later I heard the door open and click close.

Sighing with a smile on my face I drank my water, then sipping from my coffee I went through my social media, which was blooming nowadays with all kinds of positive comments, likes and direct messages, I was too afraid to read. Afraid that I can't answer or just that if I answer one I should answer all. I didn't even know what those messages were and I really didn't want to know.

"Hey Avery! Wait up!"

The front desk girl, who has been overjoyed when seeing me in the past week, and who's name, I learned was Tiffany, now got up from her desk, hurrying towards me before I could call the elevator.

"Tiffany, hey," I forced a smile.

She approached in her pink blouse, black pencil skirt and to my surprise, red converse shoes.

Her black hair was neatly pulled back into a pony tail, her curled ends were deep blue this time. She always switched those up, which I believed were extensions.

"Hey! So... heard about the company "New Years" party next weekend?" she asked as I peeked down to her hands where she was clenching into some papers to run.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked as I called the elevator.

"So I heard that they rented this huge venue near the beach I think it is going to be EPIC! Are you coming?" she asked excited.

"I'm not sure yet..." I shrugged; my plan for next weekend is to sit in bed and cry after Jared.

"You should! We will send the invitations out today and I also got to know that everyone can bring a plus one," she grinned, her eyes shining up and somehow I knew where this is going.

"Great... all my friends are working here so I guess if I come, I'll come alone, but thanks for the early bird info," nodding, I walked into the lift and turning back I see her smiling brightly.

"Okay! So see you there! We..." she walked closer, moving with the door to be able to see me. "We could get ready together beforehand! I'll call you!" squeaked as the door shut and I took a deep breath, looking into the full wall mirror, pulling my french braid on one side a bit more loose.

Walking to my desk, I saw Smiles, the band walking out of Larry's office and I forced a smile when they came to greet me. We haven't seen each other since their December video realize party.

"Hey girl," Oliver smiled reaching up for a high five which I returned. 

"Hey, everything alright? Ready for the tour?" I asked as I sat behind my desk.

They were about to start their first ever tour in the summer for two months in the UK. For some reason Europe was hooked.

"Freaking excited!" he grinned, casually sitting on the edge of my desk. "Saw the advertisements and the sponsors. Sick! Thanks a lot! You really know what you're doing here."

"Well... that's what I'm here for," I smiled looking at him, waiting if he has anything else to say.

"Well... the company party. Me and the dudes are coming and Lily would like to join as well, but... knowing the current situation and the fact that you are the one working here, I thought I would ask you first if that would be fine by you," he looked at me interested and my eyes widened in surprise.

Clearing my throat I sat more up, uneasy.

Part of me never wanted to see her ever again, but my nice side would feel guilty as hell for telling him, I don't want him to bring his cousin anywhere around me.

I knew it was his idea years ago that Lily go back to Jared and try to manipulate him into getting the band signed with their label... I knew Lily got on board with it, but I already let that go. They were young as a band and saw a huge opportunity and they just went with it.

Now they seem humble and hard working and I can't hold a grudge against them; not when I wasn't even really involved. It was their fight.

I know Jared doesn't like that now I am working with/for them, but I decided not to collide my work and my personal life, so basically I never tell anything to Jared about my work and I avoid any conversation at work which would include my relationship with Jared or even Mars, if it's not strictly professional.

"Look Oliver, whatever has been going on in the past and whatever is happening now in our personal life should not effect our work environment. I don't mind you bringing your cousin to any of the events we have, as long as she has the same views about it," I stated firm.

Nodding, he smiled happily as he stood up.

"Sounds fair to me. Thanks a lot."

"Nothing to thank me," I shrugged.

I really hoped Lily can just finally get over the fact that we will never be friends and Jared will never go back to her... If that's what she wants.

Thinking back, I should have listened to her. Ask what she wants, talk about it, maybe agreeing into meeting up to finally put an end to this weird triangle, but that day when I saw her with Shannon, I was just too hurt, too tired and angry to care.

A couple minutes after five o'clock I was turning onto Jared's driveway and parking clumsily in front of the entrance I got out of the car, grabbing my bag with me in hurry as I saw another car is there as well; probably Sky's.

Not following the privacy protocol, I let myself in and kicked my shoes off, what is only my habit in this house, and walked to the kitchen then the living room, where I couldn't find anyone so skipping down the stairs I hurried to the meeting room.

"Oh, hey!! Sorry, I'm late," I pulled my neck in as I walked to the oval table.

Jared was standing with his back to me talking just now welcoming Sky as Olivia was pouring water to everyone.

"Av! Just in time, look Sky is here, all ready to be an assistant!" he turned back having a wide smile on, amusement in his eyes as he stepped away and Sky grinned waving to me.

"Heeey!" she squealed.

My eyes widened as I looked at her, my breathing stopping midway.

I remembered her as the girly Avril Lavigne fan with pink stripes in her blond hair, underground style clothes.

Now she was standing there in high heels, a way too short pencil skirt, with bare legs, a white blouse with a way too deep V-neck, pulled back dark brown hair and since when she has glasses?

"Sky... hey," a smile froze onto my face as I stepped closer, without any shoes way too shorter than anyone around me. "You look... great...?"

"Thanks! I figured since I'll be an assistant I should dress like one."

Great; seemed like the only times she saw assistants were in porn movies.

"I feel like if your dad sees you in this on any pictures, he will drag you right back home," stated Jared as he motioned for her to sit down as he did too at the table.

"Well I am twenty-two so can't really do much about it," she smiled as she sat down, crossing her legs. "But I can always switch this up to any Gucci you give me," grinning at him with mischief in her eyes Jared laughed.

"I'll see what I can do."

"Really? Oh my God, Jarjar, you are the best! I mean not yet, but as soon as I get my Gucci," she stated.

"Okay, who is going to be an assistant of who here exactly?" he frowned.

Olivia just looked from one to another confused as she sat down next to Jared.

"It's okay, O," waved Jared by her confusion. "She was the first baby I ever changed the diaper of; she's family."

"Now that makes sense... I was like, wow she has the balls," she laughed just as Jared as he nudged Olivia's arm playfully.

"Noh, she doesn't... I saw it all," he peered to Sky playfully who pushed her tongue out with narrowed eyes.

"Okay, should we start the interview?" I asked uneasy, as I felt like I didn't even belong here and the weird vibe of these three was not helping.

"Yeah, yeah sure," nodded Jared. "Should we start with the salary or...?" Jared asked as I sat next to him with a bunch of papers I found most important to tell to Sky.

My aim here was to make her see that this is a serious job and she isn't just going to bring coffee to "Jarjar" and have a laugh for the whole tour.

As much as I liked her bubbly persona and relationship with Jared, which will definitely benefit him not having to act next to her, I felt like she doesn't quiet get the weight of the job.

"I think we should start with discussing the NDA," I stated.

"Yeah, great," nodded Jared then looked to Sky, "Nondisclosure, a.k.a confidentiality agreement is a must to sign; Avery is right, first things first, so we are going to go through that," Jared explained as he took the contract from me, to familiarize Sky with it.

As I suspected, going through the legal contract of keeping basically everything she sees or hears around Jared a secret and the consequences of giving personal information or any details about his life out to the public will lead to court and serious amount of money to pay made her sit just a bit right up, her face turn just a bit more serious.

We also went through the routines on tour, the possible requirements they make from the venues and PR matters in case she will have to jump in on helping out.

By the time we ended, her attitude changed and I saw she realized she made fun of a job which will actually need much more than just a slutty attire and phone calls.

Later that evening we were still at Jared's, laying on the sofa, watching the news, when his phone rang.

"Dan, how's it going?" he asked as he kept twirling a lock of my hair between his fingers.

"Jared! Just got a call from Sky. So she goes to the tour with you, I heard," I heard Dan's voice from the other end.

"Yeah, she seems hyped about it, and this will be a great two months to see how she likes it," Jared answered.

"Yeah now I just want to talk to you as the father of Sky and not as your friend; can we do that?" he asked seriously.

As my head was resting on Jared's shoulder, I couldn't help but overhear the conversation, even though I was trying to focus on the tv.

Jared chuckled, then clearing his throat he spoke up.

"Sure, sir, what is it?"

"Seriously Jay. I know she is an adult, I know she had boys I know she is partying but I still want to know that you are not dragging her into weird after parties and definitely NOT introducing her to pervert photographers, nor leaving her with cocaine addict rockstars."

"Dude... I mean.. sir, I don't know if you noticed that I am not living in the eighties rockstar world anymore; Sky will be just fine. The only parties I have been going to in he past decade are having vegan snacks and freshly pressed celery juice.

I smiled in myself, listening to his answer.

"I just want to make sure. And also... totally as a father and NOT as your friend... just saying... if you dare to... just look at her in a different way..."

"Woah, woah, woah, dude, what the fuck do you mean?" Jared cut in totally startled.

"I..." I heard a long sigh. "Just... I am aware of your dating history; if we can even call it dating. Sky is young, she is wild I know that, and I don't believe she looks at you like that but I also know you can be fucking charming if you want to and..."

"Okay, stop it right there you fucker!" Jared sat up, making me sit up too looking at him stunned by where this conversation is going. "If you know me that well you would know I would NEVER look at even your sister, how in the hell you would think I would do anything to your daughter? You're out of your mind! And by the way, I am in a relationship, thank you very much!"

"Jared it's not against you, please. And I know you have Avery, but then again, with you... can never know and I just wanted to put it out there.

"You know what, every word that comes out of your mouth is only sabotaging your daughter's chance, because I will not hire her like this! And thanks for trusting me! If you see my FRIEND Dan around, let him know Sky's father is a fucking idiot!"

Suddenly he disconnected the call and looked at me stunned, lost for words.

"Just let it go, Jay... he had to say it," I tried to calm him, automatically reaching to caress his hair.

"Still... unbelievable!" he muttered as he laid down, resting his head in my lap. "More," he growled hurt and I smiled leaning down to kiss into his hair before I continued caressing it softly in place.

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