Not by blood, but by fire and...

By MacGyverIsMyLive

16.2K 459 20

Jack and Mac get caught and the rest of the team has no idea where they are. With no chance of rescue the two... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 15

777 21 4
By MacGyverIsMyLive

This is it y'all. I have finally completed this story! My first ever story and I'm super excited but super nervous at the same time. I really really hope everyone likes it! Thank you to my original beta Lifeart who beta'd the first 24 chapters and also NYWCgirl who beta'd the final chapter. All remaining mistakes are mine.

Mac obediently sat and let the doctor finish up the last stitches. "Thank you, doctor." Mac stated gratefully once the doctor finished. "You're welcome son and good luck to you and your friend." Mac nodded another thanks and quickly strode from the room with the rest of the Phoenix team.

Jack had already been transferred to his own private room in the intensive care wing of the hospital.

A male nurse in light blue scrubs packed medicated gauze into the infected knife wound on Jacks shoulder. Another nurse adjusted the oxygen cannula under their overwatch's nose, while a doctor scribbled on the chart at the foot of Jacks bed.

"When should he regain consciousness?" Matty questioned the middle aged doctor, who had just glanced up from his notes to acknowledge the groups arrival.

The doctor folded his arms across his chest. His name plate said Dr. Cohen. "Well, that all depends on him. Our main concern right now is the infection. The sepsis is causing his kidneys to shut down and his oxygen level is dropping. We will need to intubate him if his numbers don't improve."

The life sucking fear the young agent felt with the doctors news, was making him dizzy. He didn't even realize his legs had given out on him until Bozer's worried face was in his.

"When is the last time you had anything to eat or drink, young man?" The doctor squatted in front of him and squeezed the agents wrist. The pulse was a bit fast, but not alarmingly so.

Bozer and one of the nurses helped Mac off his knees and into the chair nearest him. "I had some water at the previous hospital. I'm not sure the last time we had any food." Mac didn't even know what day it was and he didn't really care. It seemed like such a trivial question to be asking, given the condition of his best friend right in front of him.

"Start an IV and push some fluids, he is most likely dehydrated and try to get some food into him.

"I'm fine." Mac attempted to protest, but Matty shut him down with a stern look.

"Alright, but only if I can stay here." The young agent argued.

"I don't see any harm in that." The doctor acquiesced.

Jack's oxygen numbers continued to drop so the doctor had the Phoenix team step out into the hall while they intubated him.

A nurse told them they could come back in when they had finished. Mac sat next to his partner. It was hard to see his best friend like that. Jack seemed so fragile, which was just so un-Jack.

Riley left while Bozer followed after only a minute or so later. Mac guessed it was just as hard for her to see Jack that way as well.

He noticed Matty just across from him, she gripped Jack's hand, but her expression was unreadable,

"If there is one thing I know about Jack Wyatt Dalton, it's that he doesn't know how to give up. It's just not in his DNA." Matty leaned over to whisper in Jack's ear so that only Jack could hear her. "Mac needs you. Don't you dare die on us." Their director looked at Mac then and smiled a reassuring smile. Her phone rang and interrupted the rare moment. She answered the call quietly and exited the room.

Mac had nearly forgotten about the nurse starting his IV until he tasted or more correctly smelled the saline flush the nurse used to flush out his new IV. He remembered reading about the phenomena of "tasting" fluids injected intravenously from prefilled saline syringes. Mac always tasted/smelled rubbing alcohol. The nurse taped the IV down and adjusted the flow, then she too, left.

"Just you and me now, big guy."

In the hall outside Jack's room, Bozer sat with his arm around an upset Riley. Her cheeks were still damp from silent fearful tears. Matty stood a few feet away from them while she debriefed one of the medics from Mac and Jack's exfil, over her cell.

"My God." The Phoenix director said suddenly. Her hand covered her mouth in disbelief at what she just heard. A moment later she pulled the phone away from her ear and ended the call.

"What is it Matty?" Bozer asked.

She looked between the two young agents and contemplated on whether or not to tell them what she had just learned.

"I was just speaking with Wesley Nash, a medic on board Mac and Jack's exfil chopper and he told me that during their flight to the hospital, Jack's heart stopped." Both agents gasped. "That's not all, the medics thought Jack too far gone and stopped CPR a couple minutes in. They said that our boy refused to give up on him though and that it was Mac who continued the CPR that brought Jack back." Matty explained. The two young agents were too stunned to speak. Their gaze unconsciously went to the blonde genius sitting vigilantly next to his partner's bed.

"Poor Mac, I can't imagine how awful that must have been for him." Bozer finally spoke, breaking the silence.

Mac sat in the impossibly uncomfortable hospital chair next to his partners bed and stared unblinking at Jack lying so still and quiet. That was perhaps what bothered him the most, Jack was never quiet. His partner's image blurred and was replaced by that of his mother's failing body in her last days. The memory so crisp and clear it was as if it had happened yesterday.

Why were the fun happy memories from his childhood somewhat faded and obscure? Yet the bad ones were so unrelentingly vivid. Mac scrubbed a hand over his face hoping to dislodge the haunting image.

"We didn't make it this far for you to give up on me now…you just can't, Jack. I can't do this without you." Mac pled with his unconscious partner.

"I'm going to make a run to the cafeteria and grab something for Mac, can I get anything for you guys?" Bozer asked. Both Matty and Riley shook their heads no. Worry has a funny way of taking away your appetite.

The trio rejoined Mac and Jack when Bozer returned with some food and a Gatorade for his roommate. "Thanks Boze." Mac gratefully accepted. The granola bar held no appeal to him, but the ice cold Gatorade felt glorious on his sore dry throat. He knew his friends wouldn't let him get away with not eating, so he choked down the granola bar to appease them.

"Have you heard back from the Phoenix about the phone calls made to Sinclair?" Mac inquired hopefully.

"Yes. There were no calls made to Turkey from any Phoenix line." Matty answered.

"It was a long shot anyway." Mac said unsurprised. "Riley can you look into the Phoenix's finances? Look for anything that just doesn't add up. This guy had to scramble to put together the team that came after me and Jack, maybe he slipped up and left a paper trail." Mac supplied hopefully.

"I can't believe someone at the Phoenix is a traitor." Bozer shook his head in disbelief.

Mac let the unhelpful comment wash over him. He had had plenty of time for that little nugget to sink in. He grimaced remembering Jack's cry of pain when he got shot in the thigh, by the hit squad that had been sent after them. This traitor, whoever it was, was responsible for everything that he and Jack had endured with the sadistic arms dealer Sinclair and at the hospital, after they escaped. Mac made a silent vow that he wouldn't stop until he found the bastard, but first he needed Jack.

Mac looked down at his aching hand, the numbing had worn off and a throbbing ache had settled in. Matty watched her young agent closely and saw pain and exhaustion rolling off the kid in waves. "Hey Mac, how about you try to get some rest?" Mac shook his head stubbornly. "No, not until… he's better."

"Okay, Mac." Matty replied gently.

The team settled into a comfortable silence and silently prayed their overwatch would stay with them.

Hours past and several nurses came and went, checking vitals and adjusting the machines and medicines accordingly. It wasn't long before the doctor from earlier came by to check on his patient. The team had a surge of hope when the doctor informed them that Jack's oxygen levels had improved and they were going to take out his breathing tube and replace it with a less aggressive tube that sat at the back of the mouth instead of down the throat.

"He is responding well to the antibiotics and his blood pressure is improving. He still has a long road ahead of him and it's common for sepsis patients to have setbacks, but he is certainly fighting, that much is clear." The doctor reassured.

"Shouldn't he have woken up by now?" Bozer blurted out without thinking. Matty widened her eyes at the new agent and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I just don't know that for certain, but with the extent of his injuries and the infection I wouldn't expect it to be soon. Possibly tomorrow evening at the earliest." The doctor supplied.

As if to prove the doctor wrong, Jack moaned and rolled his head to the side. Mac was on his feet and by his partner's side in an instant, followed by Riley and Bozer. Jack's eyes were still closed and his brows scrunched together in apparent pain, he groaned again. Mac laid a bandaged hand on his friends shoulder and wished there was something he could do to help him.

"I'll send in a nurse to give him some pain medicine, that should help him rest.

Matty followed the doctor out to the hall, "Doctor, my young friend in there would never admit to it, but he is in pain and he also needs rest." Matty explained. "Ah, yes, I know the type." The doctor gave her a knowing look. "I'll send some "fluids" for the young man as well." He replied with air quotes and a smile. "Thank you, doctor." Matty said and returned the smile.

Matty felt a twinge of guilt as she watched the nurse inject the syringe of medicine into Macgyver's IV. She was drugging him without his knowledge, but it was for his own good. 'Blondie needs some rest and relief.' She convinced herself.

Mac sat in his chair with his elbows resting on the bed and his good hand gripped Jacks. The combination of pain relief and the feeling of safety and contentment that came from being surrounded by his family proved to be too much for the young agent and before Mac knew what hit him, he was asleep.

The rest of the team quietly left the room to let their teammate get some much needed sleep.

Jack's head was pulled back with force, exposing his neck and the veins pumping life through his body, Sinclair's eyes along with the knife gleamed with sinister intent. The blade pressed too hard into the vulnerable flesh under his jaw. A trickle of his friends blood ran down his neck and pooled in the hollow of his collar bone. "Don't watch this, brother." Jack begged him. Sinclair's smile grew wider as he slowly pulled the knife across Jack's throat. The trickle of blood became a waterfall. Jack gurgled and choked on the blood. Mac screamed.

Jack was warm, floating… he had something in his mouth and there was an incessant and annoying beeping by his ear… hospital. He had been in enough to know before he had even opened his eyes. The events of the past few days came flooding back in an instant. Jack's eyes flew open. He reached up and pulled out the tube that was at the back of his mouth and hitting his gag reflex. Jack immediately sought out his best friend. He found the familiar mop of blonde hair right next to his arm. A fond smile tugged painfully on his stitched lip.

Jack pushed the up arrow on the remote attached to his bed so he could sit up to a more comfortable position.

His eyes fell back to his kid. The past few days had been really shitty for the two agents and Jack couldn't help but think of everything they had been through. He ran his hand affectionately over the thick blonde hair next to him.

"Too many close calls this time, brother." Jack whispered to his unconscious partner.

Mac whimpered his name in his sleep. "Jack… no…" Mac called out again, his voice soft and broken. All the moisture in Mac's eyes was squeezed out and trapped in his lashes, each droplet sparkled like multi-faceted diamonds.

"Ah kid… Mac buddy, wake up brother." Jack leaned forward and gently shook his shoulder. Jack wasn't surprised his young friend was having a bad dream, after all of the nightmare fuel they had had this week.

Mac startled awake with a quick intake of breath. His adrenaline soaked brain tried to work out if the dream was real. His heart was pounding in his chest and tears still spilled from his eyes.

"Mac, you okay?" Jack questioned softly. His voice was still so hoarse it was barely audible.

Mac's eyes shot to the owner of that voice, in disbelief. "Jack?" The young agent's voice wavered, hopeful and thick with emotion.

"The one and only." Jack answered with a grin.

Mac practically lunged forward and wrapped his arms around his friend and held on. Jack was alive, he was right here and he was alive. It was just a dream. "Just a dream. Just a dream." Mac repeated. The kid wasn't even aware he had whispered that aloud.

The uncharacteristic embrace caught Jack completely by surprise and all he could do was wrap his arms around the kid in return. He thought Mac would end the hug as quickly as it had begun, but he didn't. Jack felt a hitch in Mac's ragged breathing and knew his young friend was crying. His throat tightened and he allowed his own tears to fall as well. Jack shifted one of his hands to grip the back of the kids neck in a familiar show of comfort and affection.

"These are usually my thing, brother." Jack murmured.

"You really scared me this time, Jack." Mac whispered.

"I know kid, I'm sorry." Jack apologized.

Mac finally ended the embrace and plopped back down in his seat. He used the back of his hand to wipe away the moisture from his cheeks.

There was a soft knock on the door, then their team filed in. Shock registered on their faces one by one when they saw their overwatch awake. Face engulfing smiles quickly replaced their expressions of surprise. The rest of the team swarmed Jack's bed.

Riley placed her knee on the side of the bed and leaned in to wrap her arms around Jacks neck. Happy tears streamed from her face. "You really had us worried, Jack." The hacker whispered in his ear. "Yes you did, Jack. Never do that again, that's an order. Matty said softly, her tone lacking any hint of the stern and authoritative quality it usually held when she gave orders.

"Yes ma'am." Jack replied.

Matty grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. She had her favorite duo back. They may be a little worse for wear, but they were alive and mostly in one piece. Mac would have never fully recovered if Jack hadn't made it, of that, she was certain.

"Any idea who the traitor is?" Jack asked, his expression serious.

"It's our number one priority, Jack." Matty answered.

Jack nodded. "The sooner we catch this asshole the better I'll feel." The older agent stated. It was extremely disconcerting knowing that this turn-coat was still anonymous, on the loose, and free to go after his team whenever he wanted. His thoughts strayed to Thornton, he worked with her for years without knowing her true nature. What if it was someone else he thought he knew or worse, considered a friend?

"Don't worry Jack, we'll find him." Riley replied, confidently, in an attempt to smooth the new worried furrow in their protectors brow.

"Damn right, we will." Mac seconded. He didn't care how long it took, he was going to find the scum bag who sold them out. He had nearly lost his best friend because of the bastard, he was going to find him.

Jack looked to his brother when he heard the tone of his voice. He had only heard Mac sound like that when he talked about the Ghost. He didn't like that tone one bit, because Mac seemed a little too hell bent for his liking and when he got that way his self-preservation went out the window.

Judging by the haunted look in Mac's eyes ,something had happened that he didn't know about. He would have to have a talk with Matty to see if she knew what was eating at his young friend. Sometimes Mac wasn't the best about opening up about his feelings even to him.

Jack felt a tickle in his throat which caused an involuntary cough. Fire shot through his side and he gasped. His lips peeled away from his teeth in a grimace. The team surrounded Jack trying to help him in some way, but afraid to touch him anywhere just in case they caused further pain. "I'm okay." Jack breathed out in a rush, in an attempt to allay his teams obvious concern.

Matty grabbed the remote on Jacks bed and pushed the nurse call button. Matty's stare dared Jack to argue. He took one look and decided it wasn't worth it and

held his hands up in surrender.

"You're awake! The nurse said, surprised.

"Yes and he's already back to his usual pig headed self." Matty answered affectionately.

Jack gripped his chest as though her comment caused him physical pain. Matty just rolled her eyes.

"On a scale from one to ten, what's your pain level?" The nurse questioned.

"About a five." the Delta answered. Jack felt eyes scrutinizing him, he looked up to find every member of his team sharing the same expression. It reminded him of "the look" his mama would give him when he got caught in a lie and needed to fess up.

"Alright, alright! It's probably closer to a seven." Jack confessed begrudgingly, he crossed his arms over his chest and practically pouted, while the nurse finished taking his vitals. The nurse bit her lip to stop the giggle that wanted to come out.

Dr. Cohen stepped into the doorway and lightly knocked to announce his arrival. The nurse handed him Jack's chart. "It's good to see you awake. Your family has been very worried about you Sir." The doctor stated. "Have you experienced any gaps in your memory?" Doctor. Cohen asked.

"Not that I can remember." Jack answered chuckling to himself.

The doctor returned the smile and continued his questions. "Have you noticed any headache upon awakening? Are your eyes sensitive to the light? Jack shook his head no, in reply to both.

"Well your vitals have all improved and the antibiotics are doing their job, fighting this infection. We will have you do two more rounds of antibiotics, to make sure this infection is knocked out, okay?

"It's not that I don't like your digs here or anything, but how much longer do you think I'll have to be here?" Jack queried.

"We are going to have to monitor you for at least a couple more days." The doctor supplied apologetically.

Mac shook his head at the sullen and pouty face his partner was pulling. Typical Jack.

"Be sure to get plenty of rest and I'll come back to check on you periodically." Dr. Cohen instructed.

Jack nodded, sulkily.

Mac smirked at Jacks petulant expression as he followed Dr. Cohen out of his partners room.

"Doctor, do you think he's going to be alright?" Macs nerves were completely shot and his voice shook with his question.

"To be honest with you, son, with everything that happened to your friend, the blood loss and sepsis especially, he should have died, but he has fought harder than I've ever seen and against all odds he is doing exceptionally well, so yes, I do believe he will make a full recovery." Dr. Cohen answered with a reassuring smile.

The relief that washed over him with the doctors words, the young agent felt like he could breathe again, for the first time in what felt like forever.

The doctor watched the life return to the young man in front of him. It was obvious to see that his patient meant the world to him and he couldn't help the smile that brought to his face.

Mac turned to look through the glass into Jack's room. He watched Jack grin one of his infectious big goofy smiles and start laughing about something Bozer had said, Riley and Matty followed suit.

He was reminded that, family wasn't always by blood, it was those who were willing to go through fire and raging swells for you and that was Jack through and through.

The End

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