Driven Apart

By Brendanational

237K 9.5K 2.2K

( COMPLETED ) Type a young omega is been forced into a marriage to pay his father debts, but along the line... More

The Proposal
His New Home


10.1K 398 54
By Brendanational


When they got to there new rooms, type was finally placed gently on the ground, but tharn still refused to let go of the omega's waist.
Hawshu who had been following them could only watch the scene fondly as type tries and fails to get the Alpha to let go, even though he rather stay there.
Hawshu couldn't help but smile. It seems like only yesterday type was fighting for his life and sanity as tharn almost went mad with worry, but here they both stood in each others arms, teasing each other and smiling like the world didn't exist .
He was happy they were finally happy, he had doubted that they would ever get their happy ending after the whole fiasco with Lhong that night and tharn's concubines the other time. Even if their battles were not over, at least for now they were happy and in love, that's all that matters.

"Your highness, I have prepared your bath and will have your meal brought in the next hour"said Hawshu, bring the lovers out of their bubble.

Type blushed, embarrassed for been caught in an intimate setting with his mate.

Thank-you Hawshu, but can my meal be brought now, enough to feed three and some fruits as well" said tharn.

" Of course, I will get right on that "replied Hawshu before leaving.

As soon as Hawshu left their chambers closing the door behind him.
Tharn looked back to type and placed his nose on the omega's scent gland, wanting to bury himself in that scent.
Type smiled then holding the Alpha's head in that position as he tilts his neck to the side to grant him better assess.
They remained like this enjoying each others scent when type remembers he wanted to ask the man a question. Type pulled his head away and took the opportunity to step back from the Alpha's hands around his waist.

"why!!! "whined tharn making a pouty face as his hands stretched towards type in other to have the omega back in them, but with each attempt type kept moving away, with his hand up making the sign stop.

Smile on his face type said," wait a minute, just want to ask a question and I am all yours okay".
"fine, what?" asked tharn, hands down.
" why do you have Hawshu bring so much food ,are we expecting company? Asked type.

"No, I just don't want anyone coming here for the rest of today, I just want to spend time with you ,only you, before my duties take all my time again,please! Now come back here!" said tharn, in the same tone of voice he use on his men.
This only Made Type laugh,"you look so scary right now, but cute at the same time, but this is our room and I expect you to behave according, I am not one of your soldiers I am......... " said type, before been cut off by Tharn.

"You are my empress , and I am sorry for using that voice on you, forgot to talk properly after so long telling my men what to do"tharn said as he finally pulled type back into his arms again, only that the man even though was looking at him seems to have his mind else where.

All type heard was my empress and everything after that was gibberish, what was the Alpha trying to say, he couldn't deny the fact that his words affected him.
That's when he felt tharn kiss him and he Unconciously reciprocated it, his body use to the man's touch.
After tharn got him out of his head, he looked at the Alpha and said.
"When you say empress , do you mean queen of your heart or.... "

"I meant empress of Gusu" said tharn with all seriousness.

Tharn" type called softly as his throat became suddenly dry, he remembers what Mrs kun said all those months ago, being the queen came with responsibilities that he was not sure he would be able to carry out, one being giving tharn a heir and other things he can't think of right now. Then there was the issue of him being the concubine of Tharn's best friend, even if that union was dissolved, the people would not accept a non virgin to marry their prince. And even if at the end he becomes a concubine again was he willing to give up his freedom and be a kept man again in the palace, while depending on tharn for everything.
There were so many questions and so little answers, but for now, he would enjoy this moment and think of the future another day, after all he has been away from his love for so long.
He would enjoy this day before the world came back into their lives.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door and type went to open it and found Hawshu.
Tharn went to sit on a chair and type help the beta set the table and arranged tharn's bath. After they were done, Hawshu left giving him a knowing smile that gave his cheeks a tint of pink.
He went back and sat gingerly on tharn's lap his thigh over both the man's legs as Tharn's was between his. He kissed the man then, who reciprocated .when they were out of breath they separated and tharn's head rest on his with fond smile plastered on his lips.
"Come let's get you out of these and into the bath"said Type.
"bathe with me"said tharn.
"Do you need to ask" said Type smiling as he stripped the man and himself.
He guides tharn to the bath as the man got in, then he sat behind him. Type used the water and bathing oils to clean every inch of the man's body and then gave the Alpha a hand job, after he was done he cleaned that up as well before they left the tub.
Type then wore him the simple robes laid out by Hawshu, he took tharn to the dinning table sat him down and he beside him as he fed the Alpha his lunch.
Type took some fruits and wine to the balcony as they sat in each others arms eating fruit and the occasional kissing.
That how thing went, with Tharn kissing him, then his lips was abandoned as he he alpha made his way down to his neck.
Tharn had him on his back on the sofer and was kissing ,licking, and biting every inch of skin he saw. His nipples were especially bitten raw by the man unti he was wittering in pleasure.
"let's go inside "type had suggested then, before he was carried inside his legs rapped around the Alpha's waist.

He was placed gently on the bed and was disrobed by tharn, whose eyes was shrouded in pleasure. The Alpha alpha continued his ministrations as he moved south of the equator, until his lips was on type's pussy, at first he started with gentle licks then bits that led to sucking as type became a wittering mess on the bed as he begged as the Alpha to fuck him already.
Tharn needed no more motivation as he moved back up to kiss the omega's lips then his neck, before pushing in his dick in type's tight Virgina.
His pace was slow and sensual at first but with each pull type begged for more, until he was pounding the omega senselessly.
Type could only spread his legs wider as his finger left scratches on the Alpha's back with each push. He was in love with this man, and tharn made him feel things he never felt with lhong, which had nothing to do with the fact that tharn had twice the size of lhong's dick. Their emotional connection was just more intense and amazing. He loves this man and that was his mantra during their love making.
Type came not long after with tharn following behind as he bit type neck to renew his mating bite. Tharn felt complete and love, Type was the only one that matters to him, the world can burn for all he cares.
All in all it was an amazing day as they got to reconnect with each other over and over again until they were tried and needed rest.

Three months later

The past month had been good and bad for tharn. The thing about becoming the ruler of a land you conquered in battle was that, it was hard to trust your new subjects due to their loyalty to their formal emperor.
The fact that the last emperor was a tyrant could only help so much.
He had to carry out deeds of compassion and understanding to gain the peoples trust.
One major problem was the tax system that favours only the rich and left the middle class man in debt.

Then the issue of human slavery was made illegal in the land .and then the law of mating bonds indicted as well, in other to stop what had transpired between the emperor and his subjects.

The last emperor had fifteen wives and nineteen concubines, some of which sold by their family, this news had given tharn's omega type nightmares for days and it motivated the Alpha to work harder to abolish such traditions. Then also the issue of other omega's and beta's forced out of their union by the emperor using one means or another. Now these were the ones officially recognized by the people, there were those by the side lines as well.
In short this past months had been hard.
His only respite being when type had another heat. He remembers that day so clearly, he was at a meeting with his council when Hawshu had rushed in like a man chased by wide animals and whispered type current state to him.

He had immediate left with just a word. "Emergency " he said and left the council dumbfounded.
That heat had lasted for a whole eight days before it ended, after which type glowed like the morning sun.

Tharn had transferred his duties to the Prime Minister and was ready to leave for Gusu after this long months.
He was happy to be going home, but he also dreaded the battle that awaits him, he could only wonder what his mother and father would say when they realized that he had mated with Type.
Well he was a man and all men must face their challenges head on not run away like children, no matter what happens type must be his and that was final.

Three weeks and four days later

It was a Windy day like they have been the past week. The horse move through the city of Gusu in a slow space as the war campaign passed through, led by the Crown prince and General Prince Tharn.
By his side was Master Type kanawut, the physician's apprentice .
Type was as beautiful as the morning sun, his golden skin glowed like the sun, his black hair flowing like the wind behind him, around him was a sense of magnificent following him, he looked every bit like an empress , thought everyone who witnessed his beauty, poise and Carisma.
Tharn on the other hand, looked like a God descended from the heavens, a smile so bright, that maidens swoon at his majestic presence ,his crown and armour only adding to the beauty as the people cheered and roared for the entourage as they were finally home with Victory and bringing safety to the land once again.

The army finally left after they were welcomed and given permission to go home to their love ones and to return at a later date to take their earnings during the war.
Prince tharn and master Type entered the inner palace together, and that was when they were finally brought out of their day dreaming .

Type and tharn made their way to were the household was waiting for Tharn's arrival.

"Your majesties," greeted both tharn and type Simonteneously bowing their heads low as expected when greeting an emperor and empress.

"Welcome home my son", said emperor .
"Thank you Father," replied tharn ."father mother" said tharn only ackowleging their presence not paying mind to his two concubines standing there as well.

"This is Type kanawut", said tharn.

"Oh we all know type, he is the omega of the prince's friend Lhong." said Tar who has been quietly sitting in rage from the very moment he saw type ride by the prince into the palace.

The nerve of that omega how dare he, that was Tar's place, Tar wanted to go with the prince to war, but the man had refused not just him but SoSoNeon as well, because apparently the barren omega (Type ) had expose their little visit at the garden to the prince, and since type had begged him not to punish them physically, with like flogging (always trying to be better than them) he was going to punish them in other ways.
The prince had banished them both from his compound and altimately his bed, then forbidden them from coming with him to war.

At that point in time Tar and SoSoNeon were happy, they would rather be in the comfort of the palace than in a battlefield. But how wrong they were, not been there left Type the freedom to be with the prince, which only made a bad situations worse, they just now realizing it.

So yes, Tar was determined to ruin whatever was going on between the prince and Type.

"oh, yes, how have you been Type, you look even more beautiful than I remember, your skin is golden and flawless "said the empress as she walks closer to type so she could pinch his cheeks.

"So how is your Alpha lhong, I hope is fine",said the emperor distracting his wife from embarrassing the young man anymore,but instead he was the one making the whole thing more awkward.

Type was momentarily shocked and speechless, he didn't know how to answer that question, so he decided that be truthful.
"I won't know your majesty, I have been gone away from him this past months while I was part of the war campaign. "said type.

The empress and emperor were surprised by this, they were unaware the man has joined the campaign. They stared at each other trying to contemplate what this meant when Tharn said.
"mother, father, it has been a long journey home, I think it would be best if we were to rest a little".

"Oh! Sorry, of course, why don't you go rest and I will have a carriage take type home to his Alpha", said the empress trying to be considerate ,but those words only placed her son on guard.

"That Won't be necessary, I will have my servants prepare a room for him, he will be staying here for some time "said Tharn, making type blush even harder.

"Are you sure son, won't his Alpha wish to see him?" Asked the emperor.

"That's not an issue, his alpha is happy", said tharn indirectly referring to himself as he smiled looking into type's eyes. But the omega was busy staring into space, he was worried again and type felt like breaking something or preferably someone as he looked at Tar with fury, for the first time, since he got there.

"Mother, father we will take our leave" said tharn has he placed his hand on type's waist to direct the omega on their new destination.


Tharn and Type were both bathed and refreshed now as they waited to be called upon for dinner.

Type was sitted quietly on the chair and that blank worried expression on his face again, Tharn hated it.

"Type, please tell me what's on your mind, I hate seeing you like this. "said tharn.

Type hated worrying the man, they had a plan to execute, this was the only way for them to finally get their happy ending.
So type smiled at the man, he knew how his smiles soften the hard man sitting in front of him, he always melted when type gave him a reassuring smile, and he was right as tharn then mirrored said smiling pulled him unto his lap, as he placed his nose on type scent glands.
This was how Hawshu found them, lost in their own little world.
He made a sound by kicking the small stool on the floor to get their attention and he succeeded ,he then told them that it was time and dinner was served.

Tharn arrived with Type to the dinning hall that night, the table was occupied by tharn, Type, SoSoNeon and Tar(tharn's concubines) then the emperor and empress as well as the four other concubines of his father and his half sisters three of them from his father's concubines, he loved them too and always pampered them, that's why non of their mothers held any ill will against tharn cause the young man always showered their daughters with love and gifts and he was always found being the over protective brother who had beaten many a men who he found unworthy of courting his beautiful sisters.

They were all eating and talking amongst themselves and the occasional questions asked of tharn was answered, they were always light hearted questions that would not put a damper on the mood of everyone present.

As the main course was finished along with the sweet ,only the wine was left as they told funny stories round the table that made everyone laugh. All this time Type said nothing unless asked a question which was mostly by tharn's sisters, who wanted to know more about the strange and beautiful omega brought to their family table by their brother, the fact that he was here meant he was special to tharn, they never saw any of his two concubines not until they were officially part of the family.

Tharn cleared his throat to get the attention of everyone in the room, including his father at the head of the table. The room got quiet fast as everyone stared at him in anticipation.

"Is there something you wish to say son? "asked his father smiling, the emperor was very happy his family and land was finally safe again and his loved son back home with him.

"Father, it's about me and Type", he said as he held the omega's hand for all to see. He could hear the intake of breath and squeals from his sisters who faces was full on covered in a grin.
He looked to his father, and saw a blank emotionless shield on the man's face, his mother on the other hand had a cute frown on her beautiful face, this was one similarity type had with his mother, they looked cute even when they had a frown on their face.

"Type is my mate, we have already been together, we shared a heat together and we are mated and bonded together "said tharn waiting for his father to say something.

"I wish to marry him and make him my mate officially "said tharn. Looking directly at his father. His mother was the one who spoke first,with a loud volume,the woman was angry and it was evident all over her.

"You wish to make type your mate!, that can't be, I raised you better than this, you wish to steal your friends mate and make him yours and on top of that you lie to me, you think I don't know he is infertile and has never had a heat, he can't give you children. "his mother said.

"Mother I swear to you, I do not lie when I say we are mated" said tharn as he turned to type sitted by his side and removed the scarf covering the mating mark on the omega's neck realising his scent that was covered by the scent blocking scarf.
Type looked down shy about everything, the occupants of the room looked on the omega in front of them amazed, his scent spoke volumes of young,vitality and fertility.

This was the perfect scent of an omega in peak fertility, there was no doubt he has had his heat.
This pained the empress then, because now she understood her son was in love with this man and their bond undeniable, But type belongs to another, no matter what was going on between type and Lhong, tharn could not interfere not until the annulment of their union.
She could also tell type's bond with lhong was gone and now her son was his Alpha, it was easy to tell, the omega response to her son like she dose her husband.
She looked to the emperor and they locked eyes, they were thinking the same thing, it pains her but this had to be done.

"No, I do not bless this union, I will not stand by and let my son dishonor himself, all in the name of love, come back to me when he his no longer married to your friend and maybe then I will consider this, and you he said looking at type, who felt small and unimportant in the presence of the man's gaze, I want you out of my palace by tomorrow morning, I will not have you destroy my sons reputation",the king stood up then and left not giving any one even tharn a chance to say anything.
Tharn tried following him to his chambers, but his father's guards turned him away.
Tharn refused to leave even then as he screamed and begged for the man to let him in and accept his marriage to type, but to no avail.

Type sat there as everyone left, tharn's sisters had wanted to stay and console him, but the look of disapproval from their mothers and the empress made them leave without saying a word.
Tar and SoSoNeon had both smiled at his misfortune and laughed saying,

"we warned you, but you refuse to listen, you even got us in trouble with the prince, now look at you whore ,who is in pain now, ha...ha!! ".

The queen had said then. "if you don't want me cutting your allowance in half for the next four months, I will advice you to leave this instant " she said angrily.

After they left the empress looked at type and said,
"There is only one path for an emperor and that is truth and honour ,with you he will not be seen as such, it's best if you leave him to find someone more suitable from a good family and has no reputation as the concubine of another Alpha.
This was just youthful exuberance for tharn and nothing more, he was in a battlefield without his concubines to take care of his desires ,you were the around and his type, that is all. In due time he will forget about you, it will be best if you do as well, go back to your Alpha and ask for his forgiveness, Make up some excuse that you were not in control, after all it was your first heat, I am sure he will forgive, you are quite a beauty after all"said the empress as she patted Type's shoulder and left the omega in the dinning hall.

Type sat there in alter shock for over an hour as the servants cleared the table not even noticing their presence, he left then for his rooms, He waited for the tears to come all night, but non came. Instead he sat in the darkness till morning after arranging his bags, he left not saying goodbye to the prince.

Tharn slept at his father's door step till morning after he had spent half the night begging and crying for the man to accept his mate.

The next day the sun refused to shine as rain fell form the heavens, for the lovers driven apart once again.

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