Every time.

By Karamelwood17

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Welcome to my new account 😊💛 This story takes place after 2x22 ♥️ I should've wrote this in third person p... More

I love you
Lock & Key
I just miss him
It's beautiful
What we could've been
He forgot about me
Hey there stranger
I wasn't completely honest
Game night
Rehearsal Dinner
As if it were just the two of us
There's hope
We'll figure something out
I missed this.
You being here is everything
I promise I won't judge
Living in the moment
Catching up
Unspoken truths
You know i'd never want to leave you, right?
Only with you.
That's all that matters.
I could ask you the same thing.
Letting go of the past.
I need to go back.
A more peaceful wave.
A promise to try.


871 30 4
By Karamelwood17

Kara's pov

"Kara...Kara!" Alex says while tapping me so she can break me out my train of thought. "Are you alright?!you've black out three times in the last 10 minutes, and you've barely touched your potstickers!"

"It's nothing....I'm just not hungry" I say trying to avoid eye contact with her.

"Those are words I never expected to come out your mouth" she says while laughing softly, she stops when she notices I didn't react to her joke. "...so are we just gonna pretend that you didn't just open up to me an hour ago? Because I recall you being really upset" Alex starts "come on Kara...just talk to me...please" Alex adds with pleading eyes.

"I honestly thought I could have it all" I whisper, softly trying to hide my tears "and every-time I'm close to winning I have to sacrifice something....someone. I always lose, Alex...and with Mon-el I thought it would be different....but I-I was wrong...and I can't help, but feel helpless...broken."

"Hey....look at me" Alex says as she gently places her finger under my chin so she can turn my head. "You are the strongest person I've ever met, and I'm not saying that because your can move really heavy objects...I'm saying it, because you're always sacrificing everything for everyone else without even thinking about yourself first! I know that sending away the only man you're ever loved hurt you more than words could ever explain, I wouldn't even dare think about sending Maggie away, but you did! Because you, Kara Danvers, are the best of us, and you always will be." She says as tears start to build up in her eyes. "Healing is gonna take time...but I promise you that I'll be here every step of the way...I promise, and I know I can never began to fathom what you've been through, but I've seen the way he looks at you and I've seen the way you look at him, I can't even begin to picture a time where I saw you as happy as you were with him, but I do know that wherever he is, he is spending every waking minute finding his way back to you, all you-all we have to do is hope that he'll be back soon...I-I know he'll be back soon."

"How can you be so sure?" I say looking at her with tears threatening to fall out my eyes.

"Because you're his kryptonite...and he's yours" she says before wiping several tears off her face.

Since my voice was all choked up, I could only respond with a nod.

"You've let your guard up for too long...you're allowed to be a mess...I'm not here to judge, I'm here to help" she says before gently engulfing me in her arms.

As soon as those words let Alex's mouth, a weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I finally let the tears I've been holding in come, and boy did they come.

I'm backkkkk! 😊💖 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 💖

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