The Light Inside the Darkness

By Lena4240

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Have you ever read a book before and just fell in love with the characters inside the book as well as feel a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Twelve

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By Lena4240

I don't know why but when I stood up from the couch I wanted to tease her some more but when I got closer towards her I noticed her wide blue eyes and pale complexion one gets when they are fear-stricken or when one is not feeling all that well. And at that moment I couldn't help myself when she looked like a flighty rabbit trying to make a break for it the moment she opened the door I felt the need to stop her and make her explain when she suddenly looked so terrified. But when I closed the door and was standing so close to her I could see that she was trembling and when she slowly turned around I could now clearly see her terrified look in her wide eyes which for some reason kind of pissed me off that she directed that looked towards me when I haven't done anything to her. Then I watched as she started biting her lower lip drawing my attention to her soft pink lips for a moment before looking up again only to see she had tightly closed her eyes. I clenched my jaw before taking a deep breath calming myself before speaking "And what is it exactly that you plan to do with my kitchen?" I tried to make my voice sound as light as possible for my teasing remark so that I wouldn't cause her to try and make a run for it. And no matter how strange and uncharacteristic it is of me I do enjoy her company and I don't want her to be afraid of me.

I watched as her eyes opened slightly only looking up at me through her long light blue eyelashes so that her eyelashes left a slight shadow on her cheeks as if she is still too scared to fully lookup at me causing a slight stab at my heart for some reason. Then she smiled at me and said: "You'll just have to find out." Even though I could tell her tone and smile was forced I said nothing for fear that if I did she wouldn't tell me why and then try to run away from it and me so instead I just decided to play along "Okay miss mysterious. Why do you have to be so mysterious about everything?" I asked in a teasing tone so as not to scare her too much. She shrugged "Who knows. Maybe it's just fun this way," she said in the same manner as she did earlier. I wanted to call her out and make her tell me what's wrong but instead, I just took a deep breath and chuckled at her silly joke and opened the door so she doesn't feel so trapped and once it was opened I pointed towards the open door like a gentleman and spoke: "After you." And even though that's not how I truly felt I did so anyway just so she could feel more comfortable and then she smiled a smile that wasn't so forced this time as she said: "Thank you."

Then she walked out of the room without a second thought and I couldn't help feeling a little upset that I made her frightened for some reason causing her to want to run away from me. Even though I still don't know her name and only know her from her silly little code name that she got out of a silly jar by chance. But for some reason, I keep experiencing so many different feelings that make no sense to me in the slightest even though until now I couldn't even be close to a single woman after everything I went through they were always disgusting no matter how much makeup they wore and I only ever looked at them as tools to get what I want in life. They were tools because women have always been easy to manipulate for women always love beautiful and wealthy things which include men and since I am considered both makes it all the more easy for me to get what I want. But she is the first person who has seen through me and all my tricks without even blinking an eye at it and has even seen through my soul and told me it fine for me to be myself and is the first person I can be completely honest with. She's even heard about my past and seen the visual scars on my body left from my past and without even batting an eye she has excepted it and she even cried for me. She is kind, understanding, and everything this dark and cruel world isn't for she is truly like a warm and shining light that can shine even in the darkest of places. Which, is why it hurts me so much when I saw that terrified look she made when I approached especially when I have no intention to cause her any harm.

Suddenly she popped her head back in the room "Well are you coming? I still need your help to find the kitchen." Her voice snapped me from my thoughts and I couldn't help the small sly smile that crossed my lips as I followed her out of the room "Alright follow me." I told her as I lead the way to the kitchen as she stayed right behind me the whole time as I lead her to the kitchen where my chef was standing in the middle of the room whipping the counters making sure the kitchen is spotless just the way I like things to be, which is clean and organized. When he noticed us walk in he quickly stopped what he was doing as he addressed me just like he should "Oh good day sir. Is there anything I can do for you today, Sir?" Before I can say anything V steps before and starts doing all the talking "Hi there sir. I'm so sorry to bother you when I know you are busy because a chef's work is never done but I was wondering is if you don't mind I would love to borrow your wonderful kitchen for a few minutes." She said in a pleading tone with a sweet and charming smile on her face as she spoke with her hands together as if she was pleading with the chef as if they were equals even though she is of a much higher rank even though I still don't know just how high as of yet.

My chef looked very confused for this has never happened to him before "You want to use my kitchen? Do you even though how to cook? I am more than qualified to make whatever you desire just tell what it is and I will make." She shook her "I'm sure that you are more than qualified to make whatever it is that I may want to eat and more but that is not the point. It's the thought that counts so I wish to make it on my own and if you want you, of course, can have some as well as a thank you gift for allowing me to barrow your beautiful kitchen." He nodded "Alright but please allow me to help." I felt incredibly impressed that she somehow convinced my chef to comply with her wishes without me having to get involved at all. She shook her head "No I will be just fine how about you just help me find everything I need to make my dish and then leave everything else up to me." He sighed but complied to her wishes none the less and after she whispered in his ear he helped her to get everything she needed before leaving the kitchen all together leaving us alone as she began making whatever it is that she is planning on doing and my only thought is that I do hope she knows what she is doing because not many people of social standing even know how to make anything heck they probably don't even know how to boil water.

I watched from a stool as she removed the gloves she was wearing and setting them on the counter before she began putting ingredients into a bowl and mixing her ingredients. Then with a slight smile on her face as she began softly humming to herself as she immersing into what she is doing making me even more curious about what her real identity truly is. For some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off her as she moved from point A to point B gracefully and as her soft humming and as she hummed you could see her body sway slightly to the music in her head as she hummed her voice echoed through my head causing me to feel very relaxed listening to her light and wonderous voice. I watched as she made little circular balls from the mixer and put them on some trays before sticking them in the oven. When she turned around her eyes meet mine and she jumped startling us both "How long have you been there?" She said as she placed her hand over her chest. I felt confused "I've been here the whole time." She blushed "I thought you already left." I shook my head "No I never left. Why did you think I would leave?" She looked down at the floor "Well it's not like I was doing anything interesting so I thought you would have left already." I shook my head "No I been here the whole time." I don't know why but her expression was priceless as she blushed deepened making her appear even cuter.

I walked over to her and leaned over the counter resting my elbows on it as I looked at her as she began covering her face with her hands "Did you hear it?" She mumbled through her but just loud enough for me to hear what she said. "What? Do you mean your humming? Then yes I did and it sounded very lovely." She suddenly crouched down and buried her head into her knees as she held them to chest "I'm so embarrassed I can't believe you heard that." I chuckled to myself as I made my way around the counter and crouched in front of her "Oh come on there is nothing to be ashamed of. Your humming was very lovely to my ears and I'm sure if you were to have started singing it would be even more wonderful than your humming was." She poked her head up a bit so I could see that she had a slight pout on her lips "You're just saying that because it's the gentlemanly thing to say." I reached my gloved hand towards out and gently grabbed her chin with thumb and index finger forcing her to raise her head more so I could fully see her face and to make sure that she saw mine so she could understand that I am being honest. "I have no reason to lie to you after all your the one that stated that we have no reason to lie to one another considering you already know what my true personality is like. So not once have I lied to about anything and this is no difference."

She stared at me with wide eyes full of surprise as I spoke being completely serious with her shocking her speechless when I suddenly noticed she had a few streaks of flour on her face possibly from when she decided to cover her face with her hands earlier and I couldn't help it I just started laughing shocking her out of her previous state. "What's so funny," she said sounding very defensive all of a sudden. I pointed to my face stating she has something on her face as I said: "You've managed to get some flour on your face." Her face suddenly became red once again as she began to try and wipe her face trying to get the flour off causing my laugher to grow just a little bit. Suddenly she tried to push me but luckily I keep my balance and didn't fall "It's not funny."

"Aww, but I can't help it your just too cute," I said what I was thinking it without thinking it over causing the room to suddenly get quiet as we both ponder over what I just said. Her face was still beat red as she stared at the ground with a spot of flour still on her beautiful face. Without saying anything I grab her chin once again surprising her and before she could say anything I take my other hand with my thumb I wipe the flour off her cheek before releasing her chin and I show her my thumb that now had flour on it even though it was a little difficult to tell since the gloves I was wearing were white as well. "See I told you there was flour on your face." She placed her hand to her cheek where I just wiped the flour off of her cheek "You didn't have to do that I could have done it myself." I smiled at her "I know." She smiled softly as her eyes softened a bit as well "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Besides I wasn't sure if you could get it by yourself," I said jokingly. She pushed me again only to no avail only causing me to laugh once again "You jerk." She said while laughing along with me only this time I gave her a little push back causing her to lose her balance and fall over landing on her bottom causing more laugher to erupt from my chest I saw her turn around and the next thing I knew all I saw was this cloud of white coming towards me. I opened my eyes to see I had this powder of white all over me and I looked up at her and she was laughing as her hands were covered in this white powder and I noticed behind her was a bag with flour written on it. I smirked "Oh now you've done it. Let the war begin."

I watched as her eyes grew wide as I reached across her as she began to scramble away from me but before she could even get up I grabbed I fist full of flour a threw it at her. She gasped "You Jerk!" She got up and threw more flour at me and soon enough we were running around and chasing one another around the kitchen throwing flour at one another laughing like we were kids enjoying ourselves. Suddenly while we were playing around throwing flour at one another and laughing the door to the kitchen opened and all we heard was "Sacre bleu what have done to my kitchen!" We froze in our tracks and turned to see who had spoken only to see that my chef had entered the kitchen to check up on us with the butler right behind him both looking astonished as we were both covered from head to toe with flour and her once beautiful black dress is now a powdery white due to the flour. We both looked rediculous and there was flour all over the kitchen looking nearly as bad as we do but for some reason, I couldn't help but burst out laughing at just how silly we both look and soon enough as if she read my mind we were both started to laugh causing my butler and chef to look at us as if we had grown another head right in front of them.

Soon enough I found myself in my private bathroom getting cleaned up to get rid of all the flour that is everywhere and all in my hair so the only thing I could do was take a bath. After we stopped laughing the chef told us he would watch the food and bring it to us when it was done so we could go get cleaned up and since Miss V's dress is now a whole new color my butler James, who is the oldest person here and the one person who has been here long before I was, he offered to get her dress washed for her and in the meantime, she could borrow some other clothes in the meantime until her clothes are done. After my bath and I was sure there wasn't any spec of flour left I got out and changed into some new clothes and once I was done I walked back to my study hoping to finish a little paperwork I was working on before Miss V arrived making this day go from boring to that of something wonderfully different from my dull day to the point that I had forgotten what today was. 

I was sitting at my desk when I heard a knock on the door I look up just in time to see Miss V head pop-out from a creak in the door from where she opened the door a creak "May I come in?" I smiled at her and with a teasing voice I said: "Only if you are clean of all that flour for I don't need you tracking that stuff into my study." She stuck out her tongue as she opened the door stepping into the room leaving me speechless "Do I look clean enough for you." She was wearing a half-sleeved light pink dress that was made of very light and flowy material and the top half of the dress was covered with light pink flowers with spots of blue and green mixed in with the flowers making her hair stand out all the more. She had her long blue hair with purple tips tied with a light pink ribbon to the one side resting on her right shoulder still looking a bit damp from having to take a bath as I did due to all that flour.

She looked so incredible that I couldn't find the words to speak for a few minutes and before I realized I found myself on my feet and when I stood up I noticed her jump a little. She looked at the ground and touched her hair in a nervous matter "What does it look weird on me or something?" I felt shocked by her question I mean seriously how could she even think that "No you look incredible. So incredible for a fact that I couldn't find the words that I had forgotten how to speak for a moment." She looked up meeting my gaze "Do you think so? It's not weird?" She asked tilting her head slightly to the side as she asked. I smiled at her and walked up to her and grabbed her hand that had light pink gloves that reached the end of her wrist and brought it to my mouth kissing the back of her hand bending down slightly because I happen to be so much taller than she is shocking her just a little bit. I lifted my head just I little bit so my head was just a few centimeters above her hand "You look perfect so there is no need for you to feel the slightest bit insecure because that dress suits you perfectly."

She nodded her head the suddenly gasped after I let go of her hand and straightened my posture causing me to look at her in confusion "What's wrong?" She put her hands on her hip "Your hair is still damp." I looked at her confused as she continued "You could catch a cold if you leave your hair like that. That's why you need to make sure you dry your hair completely," she scolded as if she was scolding a little kid. I chuckled "You're getting worked up because of something so trivial. Don't worry I do this all the time it's not a big deal." Her lips puckered as if she tasted something sour "Just because you do it all the time doesn't make it right." I sat back down at my desk when she walked out of the study for a moment and returned with a towel in her one hand. "I'm fine you don't have to worry about it." She shook her head as she made her way over to my desk and before I knew it she draped the towel over my head and before I knew it she was helping me dry my damp hair. 

"You don't have to do this I can do it myself."

"Well, I obviously can't trust you to do it yourself."

I don't know why but as she proceeded to help dry my hair I sat there quietly as she runs the towel through my hair drying it which felt nice but for some reason made feel a little embarrassed. As we sat there in silence I don't know why but I began thinking about my actual mother and how when I was younger my mother used to dry my hair for me before I could do it myself and even once I was old enough to bath myself and everything I use to have her do it for me all the time because I just loved when my mother would dry my hair for me and complain about it even though we both knew that she didn't mind it in the slightest. Suddenly I felt her fingers running through my hair shocking me from my bittersweet memories then I heard her say "You have such lovely hair. It's so soft and it always rare to see someone with two types of colors for their natural hair color." I chuckled spun the chair around to look at her face which held the look of both confusion and shock at my actions. I noticed that she had removed her gloves at some point before she started playing with my hair. I reached my hand towards her and started touching the ends of her hair and said: "But I think your hair is much more brilliant and is so radiant that one can't help but to notice you." She smiled slightly as her eyes shifted slightly in a nervous manner I smiled at her behavior "I'm pretty sure by your hair color alone I could pick you out even in a sea of people." I noticed her smile fade a bit as her hands fell to her side as she said nothing making me fear that I said something wrong "Are you okay? What happened?" 

She shook her head and said nothing so I decided to change the topic not wanting to push her afraid that she would try to flee from me again if I did so I changed it to the only thing that is currently on my mind. "Would you want to know what I was thinking of while you were helping me dry my hair?" She looked surprised by my sudden change of topic but she tilted her head to the side slightly in a curious manner "What were you thinking of since you mentioned it? Considering you were oddly quiet the whole time." I smiled to myself loving how nothing ever seems to get past her and I don't know why but that makes me oddly satisfied because it means I never have to go into much explaining since she can see right through me. "When you were drying my hair it made me think of my mother when I was younger and she used to do that for me." 

She looked shocked but didn't say anything as I continued to say everything that was on my mind "She was so wonderful and the perfect mother. She was caring and very kind. She filled the house with laughter and music. Her voice was like that of an angel she always sounded so wonderful and the moment she started singing even the neighbors would come over to listen to her. She loved singing and the praise she would get from singing but not nearly as much as she loved me. And there are some days that I almost feel as if I could hear her singing again as if her ghost was still somewhere close by watching over me like a guardian angel. I'm pretty sure if I could get the chance to hear her sing even just one more time I would be able to recognize her voice even among a crowd of people." 

When I finished talking I felt her hand touch my arm as her expression told me she understood me and telling me that it is alright and we sat there in the quiet as I collected my thoughts together and I took a deep breath and smiled at her. "You are the first person I've talked to about this. It seems like I'm telling you a lot about my past today." She smiled at me "It does seem to be that way and I appreciate that you feel comfortable enough with me that you are trusting me enough with this knowledge. But I take it by the way you were talking your mother isn't with us anymore." Some times I do think she is too smart for her own good as she tends to catches on to things without me even having me to tell, which makes me curious how she does this. I nodded my head "Yes that is correct. She died in a fire when I was only eight years old." All of a sudden she hugged me surprising me "I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that. No one should have to go through that when one is so young. It must have been so hard for you." I hugged her back and smiled "Thank you. I appreciate your concern."

Suddenly there was a knock on the study door that was still open a creak and was completely forgotten about so they could probably see us hugging through the creak that moved a little more open when he knocked on the door. She pulled away from the hug with a slight blush forming on her face making me feel slightly annoyed with whoever it is that just ruined a good moment. "What do you want?" I demanded to whoever is on the other side of the door. I recognize the voice of my butler James since he always good at coming in on the wrong moment just like earlier "Sir the chef wanted to let you know that the sweet treats that the young miss made is done and would like to know if you wanted anything else with it?" Before I say anything I watched her walked to the table and pick up her small bag and pulled out another bag inside of it and walk towards the door and open the door "Could you have the chef make some of this I'm sure he already has water boiling for the process of coffee for Daniel but can you tell him to make two cups of this instead?" He took the bag and before he could leave I say "Tell him to bring it to the terrace when it's done." He nodded his head and left and she turned to me looking confused "There's not enough room or chairs to eat it in here and it's a nice day to eat outside."

Her eyes started shifting from side to side as she clutched her hands together in front of her suddenly looking very uncomfortable making me very concerned about her sudden change in behavior. I stood up and walked over to her gently grabbing her arms causing her to look at me slightly wide-eyed at me surprised "Are you okay?" She looked away from me and nodded her head "I'm just fine." I'm very unconvinced but I sigh as I let it go along with her arms "Okay if you are ready I will show you the way to the terrace." She nodded her head she walked around me and grabbed her gloves off my desk then put them on before grabbing her purse once again off the table. Then she walked up to me "You ready?" She nodded her head "Alright follow me." 

I began leading her to the right terrace as she follows right behind me with her head downcasted looking at the floor as she walked a few steps behind me and the way she suddenly seems completely out of it which is starting to concern me a little bit. I open the glass door leading onto the terrace and walked through it but when I turned around I saw her standing in front of the door separating her from the terrace and the entertainment room. She looked extremely pale as her eyes were wide and darting from side to side she looked completely terrified. I had never seen her look so terrified in my life although it did look kind of close to the day she collapsed and it kind of disturbed me to see her in this kind of state causing me to rush in front of her and I grabbed the sides of her head forcing her to focus on me. I could feel her trembling "Hey what's wrong?" She tried to look away from me as she said: "Nothing I'm fine." I forced her to look at me "No you are not doing just fine. You look like you are completely petrified by something only you can see. But if you don't tell me how can I help you." I pulled her in my chest and hugged her not thinking about it "I just want to help you. Tell me what's wrong so that I can help you. I am here for you. I won't allow anything bad happen to you, I promise." 

I feel her trembling finally stop as she hugged me back "What's wrong?" She shook her head "Nothing I just had a bad memory or should I say thought about balconies. But I'm fine now." I pulled her back "Why didn't you say something so we can always go somewhere else to have our snack. We could go to the parlor and sit or just stay in the entertainment room." She smiled and shook her head "No it's fine besides like you said it is a nice and what better way to enjoy the weather and the view then to sit out here." 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure."

"Okay but if you start getting too uncomfortable let me know and we will come inside immediately." 

She chuckled "Thank you I appreciate it." 

We both took a seat in one of the chairs at the table on the opposite side of the table from one another and as we sat down I swore I could hear her whisper "He's different than how he used to be there's nothing to be afraid of." I ignored it because it made no sense plus it has no irrelevance "So if you don't mind me asking are you afraid of heights or something?" She shook head "No I'm not considering there are some days that I decided to sit on the balcony since I love sitting out there for tea time to enjoy the weather or some times I sit out there with a good book because the view is just lovely." I felt very confused "Well then why did suddenly start freaking out?" She sighed "Honestly I don't know. It almost feels as if someone else fears or like a long-forgotten memory of fear from a tragic event just suddenly takes hold of me as if I am experiencing it all over again." 

I didn't know what to say that sounded bogus but she doesn't seem to be lying either "I know this sounds incredibly crazy and I don't understand it either. It's just this intense emotion of fear and it just takes over my entire body but it's never completely mine almost as if it's another version of me. Because I get these weird fragments of memories that I know have never happened but they feel so real that it's terrifying. You know what it doesn't matter let's just forget all of this ever happened." 

I was about to say something but was interrupted by James and two other maids enter through the sliding glass door each maid carrying a tray and they set the trays on the table. One tray held two teacups with a teapot in the canter and the maid set an empty teacup in front of us before picking up the teapot and pouring us each of us a cup and then set the pot in the center of the table in case we happen to want more tea. Then the other maid walked up from behind her and set down a plate with what appeared to be two types of cookies which look to be sugar cookies and chocolate chip. The maids walked out of the room after setting the stuff on the table "I do hope you enjoy your snack and feel free to call upon me if you happen to need anything else." I nodded my head "Thank you. You may leave now." He nodded his head before turning around and leaving us and I looked at her "So it was cookies that you were making this whole time." 

She nodded "Yes it was. I just hope they taste as good as they smell." I watched as she reached out and picked up one of the chocolate chip cookies with her light pink gloved hand and brought it to her mouth and took a bite. As she took a bite of that cookie she moaned and with her hand covering her mouth she said: "It's so good." I chuckled at her childish behavior "Is it that good?" She nodded her head as I chuckled I picked up a chocolate chip cookie off the plate "Okay I'm trusting you so if this taste horrible it's all your fault." She rolled her eyes as I took a bite and it was a sudden burst of sweetness with a warm gooey center from the melted chocolate and it was just perfect. Who would have thought that she was even good at cooking?

She smiled at me "It's good right?" I nodded my head and she started giggling at my behavior and once I had finished the cookie she held one of the sugar cookies out towards me "Here now try this one." I looked at it a bit hesitant to take it "It's good I promise." I haven't had a sugar cookie since my mother's death since those wore her favorite plus for some reason despite the chefs cooking ability and extensive knowledge of cooking no one could replicate the tastes of the cookies she made. I took the cookie from her hand with a sigh because I wanted to be polite even though I know it can't compare since the chefs couldn't do it I know that an inexperienced person can't do it either. I took a small bite and at that moment it was as if time had stopped and I was transported back into time where I would sit in the kitchen and watch mom cook and sometimes I would help her by stirring the food as we would talk and laugh together. She somehow managed to replicate my mother's sugar cookies perfectly which is something no one has been able to do. 

She looked at me with hopeful eyes "So how is it?" 

"It's amazing. How did you manage that?"

She looked confused "What do you mean?"

"They taste just like my mother's used to." She looked shocked "Wow really who would have imagined your mom would make them the same way as I do." 

"How'd you do it?"

"Well since it is you asking I will tell you my secret ingredient to my perfect sugar cookie formula. Are you ready for this?" I nodded my head and she motions for me to come closer so I stood up and bent over to the table as she did the same and once she was close enough that I could feel her breath on my ear she said: "My secret ingredient is love and care. And most importantly and not last is a teaspoon of cinnamon." We back away from one another and I could see the smile on her face "Cinnamon?" She nodded her head "Yeah it gives it a nice contrast to its sugary goodness making have an explosion of flavor as those two combine to create something even more amazing." I looked at the cookie who could have thought that one thing could create such a difference and all it took was one person to change one thing to create the missing piece. "Hmm, cinnamon is it," I said to myself in a whisper then looked back up at her smiling face "Since I've met you," she tilted her head to the side slightly as I spoke, "You have brought on so many changes to my life I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next." 

She grinned that had a bit of a mischievous glint to it "Are you sure you are ready for the next thing I'm about to do." I felt very confused with a bit of curiosity as well "Sure," I said very slowly with a bit of hesitation as well. "Then take a sip of your tea." 

"I'm not much of a tea person. I prefer coffee over tea." She rolled her eyes "I'm aware but take a sip anyway." I felt kind of confused "How do you know?" She rolled her eyes once again "That's easy considering you are such an intense person as well as very strict as well kind of controlling so with that in mind you seem like you are more a coffee drinking. That and you are also probably a person who stays up a little later than you should due to having to take care of everything from an early age so it's only natural that you went to an energy booster to help keep you awake. But based on your personality I can bet you probably drink your coffee black but since you enjoy sugary things you at least add sugar to your coffee but no cream. Am I correct?" I felt completely flabbergasted how she just got everything correct without even trying just based on all of that left me completely speechless to where all I could do was nod my head causing her to smile as she carried on with what she wanted to say. "Which is why I recommend you add three sugar cubes to your drink," she said pointing to the little tea jar that the sugar cubes go in that was left near the teapot in case we wanted to add sugar.

I looked at her skeptically but I did as she suggested and added three sugar cubes into the hot tea and stirred it until the sugar had completely dissolved into the liquid and I watched as she did the same only she added four instead "You like it, extra sweet then, huh?" I said teasingly and she smiled "What can I say I just happen to have a big sweet tooth." I brought the cup to my lips and took a small sip and was in instant shock at what I just had for its taste of pure-like honey ignited my tastebuds. It was so enticing making you want to drink even more leaving my body feeling slightly calmer as if all of my worries I had just flown right away leaving me feeling very peaceful. "What is this?" 

She smiled as she took a sip from her cup "This tea is brewed from a plant known as Chamomile. It is a daisy-like flower that is brewed for it's healing like properties. It is quite wonderful wouldn't you agree? If you enjoy it I could give some and use it whenever you are feeling unwell or right before bed for it will help you go to sleep. That and is it is quite delicious as you now know." 

"Hmm, you always find more ways to impress me by how much you know and the things you do is always interesting to me." She tilted her head to the side "It's not like I try to." I chuckled "I know that's what makes it so interesting." She looked down at her lap with a slight blush forming on her face causing me to laugh at her cute like behavior. We continued to talk some more as we drank some more of the wonderful tea she brought along with her as well the cookies she made enjoying the time we had together. But soon enough our time came to an end as the sun began to set and my butler James came out on the manor and onto the terrace where we were carrying a container of cookies "The Chef thought you might enjoy taking some of the cookies home with you when you put so much effort into making." She smiled at James "Thank you I do appreciate it. Could you give my thanks to the chef?" He nodded his head then asked, "Would you be staying with us for dinner tonight, miss?" Her eyes grew wide with shock "Oh no it is getting so late I really should get home. The sun is already starting to set I really should get home before it gets too dark." 

I looked behind me towards the horizon and the sun was indeed started to set as the sky was colored with an array of colors such as a red, orange, and yellow glow to the sky making the sky look very unique to its usual blue color during the day and I couldn't help thinking that time does fly when you are having a good time. I turned my head to the sound of her chair scraping against the floor as she stood up and the moment she stood up I stood up as well. She looked at me "I did have a good time today. Thank you for allowing me to be here today seeing as I did come over unannounced today." I smiled at her "You are welcome although I feel like I should be the one to thank you because if it wasn't for you I don't think I would have had such of lovely time today without you." She smiled "I am happy to hear you say that." Then she turned to James shocking him with what she said just like she surprised me as well because she bowed her head slightly as she said: "I'm sorry if I happened to have caused you all any trouble today." He was left standing there with a shocked expression with his mouth slightly open and completely speechless which is the first time I have ever seen him like that it was quite hilarious and it took every ounce of self-control I have not to burst out laughing at his behavior. "You haven't caused any trouble at all, miss. So you have nothing to worry about," I said. She smiled at me "Thanks I appreciate it."

That snapped the butler out of his trance "I'll have one of the maids go fetch your dress since it is has finished being washed as well as dried for you." She smiled "Thank you for all of that. I'll go ahead and back into it so you can have this beautiful dress back and would be so kind as to thank whoever allowed me to barrow it." He cleared his throat "That would be unlikely since that person is no longer here." 

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. That is too bad I'm sure the person who used to wear this dress was a wonderful person." He smiled slightly "Indeed she was." I smiled "There is no reason for you to return the dress anyway so why don't you keep as a gift." She looked shocked and I noticed James's eyebrow raise slightly but he didn't say anything "I couldn't do that." I smiled at her encouragingly "Of course you can. I am the head of this house so of course you can besides it suits you quite nicely." She sighed "Okay if you insist." I nodded my head in approvement "Yes I do insist." 

I walked her to the front door where one of the maids was waiting for us carrying a bag that I assume has the original dress that she was wearing when she first came here. She proceeded to thank the maid which kind of shocked the maid since she wasn't used to receiving this kind of treatment from those above her social standing since it is very uncommon for a maid to even be acknowledged let alone thanked. Then I walked her to her carriage that was waiting outside for while James and Frank waited for me at the door and once we got to the carriage she said "You know you didn't have to walk me to my carriage. "I would have been just fine on my own." 

"I am aware of that but I just felt like doing it besides I like spending time with you if that is alright?" 

"Of course that is fine besides I enjoy our time together just like you do." 

I smiled upon hearing those words "Good I'm glad to know that." 

The footman opened the door and despite the fact, he offered his hand to help her into the carriage I offered my hand to help her instead and I don't know why I felt so happy when she took my hand instead of his without the slightest bit of hesitation. I helped her into the carriage and she only let go of my hand when she was fully in the carriage right before she took her seat inside of it. Her wonderful blues eyes looked into mine and with a smile on her face she said: "Thank you again for today." I smiled at her "You're welcome." Then she grabbed my hand once again giving it a light squeeze before she said: "I am so glad we could be friends." I smirked, "I am too." Her smile lit up her face as I said that as if those words alone made her day ten times better and for some reason that made me feel accomplished oddly enough. Then she released my hand and I backed up a little bit so the footman could shut the door as we said our goodbyes through the window of the carriage before the coachman gave the order to the horse for them to take their leave. And once they were a good distance away I turned around and walked back to the manor where both James and Frank were standing at the door waiting for my return.

Once I got up to the door James spoke up "Dinner is prepared in the dining room waiting for you I hope you both enjoyed yourselves today." I felt slightly irritated at James's hidden meaning in his words so I looked him right in the eyes glad that the front door was closed right this second so no one could hear what was about to happen "And what exactly do you have to say now?" I saw Frank looking a bit nervous knowing exactly what is about to happen since this isn't the first time this has happened since James is the only one that doesn't act how a servant should since he was here long before I was and the only one that is aware that I am not of blood relationship to the late dutchess since all the other servants that knew besides James was killed and then replaced with new ones by the Duchess. "Do you even know who she is before sitting around the whole day and having tea while making a mess out of the kitchen." I clenched my hands into fists resting at my sides "Well you could already tell for yourself that she is from a noble family just from the coach as well as the fact she had more than one coachman and I'm sure you already inspected her dress so you know that was a limited edition dress that was extremely expensive that was made for the late queen's passing four years ago and only six people had the honor of buying one of them because it was made to look like one of the queen's favorite dresses and was only made in one store." 

"Hmph, I am well aware but do you know of which noble household she was born to. It's not worth even getting attached to someone unfit to stand by your side." 

"You know nothing about her let alone the type of person she is so you have no right to say such things about her," I said in a threating tone. "You are the head of the Silvermist household which is a well known and respectable noble family so you are expected to think about it before any personal feelings and how your actions may implicate the Silvermist name." James turned around and walked into the manor and at this point, I am seething in anger when suddenly Frank timid voice drew my attention "Don't listen too much to what Mr. Willams said I think she was quite a wonderful person and very kind. And besides, I don't think I have ever seen you smile at anyone or anything since I have started working here except for today. I believe happiness is all that matters in life so even you deserve some happiness in your life as well master." He smiled as he spoke towards me before walking inside as he holds the door open for me and I don't know why but his words helped to soothe the anger I once had as I stepped inside the open door and into the manor.


Author's Note:

Hello there again my lovelies I hope everyone is doing well. So I finally finished the chapter for you all, what do you think? I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I know I certainly did enjoy writing this although at certain times it was a bit difficult and I did have to fight off a few upcoming writer's blocks to complete it. I would love to hear what you all thought of this chapter as well as your thoughts on the book as a whole as well. So please don't forget to vote and comment so I can get the chance to find out what you all think of it so far. So until next time my lovelies and I hope you all have a wonderful day.

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