Rare - Cazzie

By CazzieTime

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This story follows after the end of season 3 of atypical, although I'm mainly focusing on the relationship be... More

Chapter 1: "A walk in the park"
Chapter 2: "Taco Bell"
Chapter 3: "Love was made for you and me"
Chapter 4: "My truth"
Chapter 5: "Family"
Chapter 6: "Nate"
Atypical S4!!
Chapter 8: "Dessert"
Chapter 9: "That night."
Chapter 10: "Schools back."
Chapter 11: "Secrets."
Chapter 12: "Kisses and cuddles."
Chapter 13: "My girl."
Chapter 14: "Fluffy ducky."
Chapter 15: "An old friend."
Chapter 16: "New student."
Chapter 17: "Jauregui's crazy golf."
Chapter 18: "F&MU."
Chapter 19: "Speak of the fucking devil."
Chapter 20: "Keep your friends close..."
Chapter 21: "White lies."
Chapter 22: "Everything's fucked."
Chapter 23: "Is this the end?"
Chapter 24: "Moving on."
Chapter 25: "New life, new grind."

Chapter 7: "Dinner time"

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By CazzieTime

Izzie's POV

"Finally you're back, you've been gone for ages." Elsa exclaimed as we entered the house. It had gotten quite dark outside, although we didn't notice.

"Dinners nearly ready, are you staying over Izzie?" Elsa asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I hope if that's ok." I said sheepishly, walking into the kitchen to see what she was cooking. Casey trailing slouchily behind me.

"Of course honey, we love having you over." Elsa spoke lovingly towards me, she was more of a mother to me than my own; Which was rather sad to be honest.

Elsa opened the hot oven and pulled out a steaming dish of lasagna, it looked marvellous. The golden bubbling cheese that smothered the whole tray, made my mouth water. And the smell was divine, I wasn't used to the kind of food Elsa makes.

Me and Dani are not chefs, and mom isn't either. The only time we had decent food, was when we went over to Grams house.

"Smells amazing." I said to Elsa, practically drooling over the lasagna, whilst Casey plonked down on the couch.

Elsa smiled brightly and thanked me, she probably doesn't get many compliments on her hard work. As much as I love Casey, I've got to admit she doesn't give her mom enough credit. Despite the fact Elsa screwed up, with that bartender, she's still a great mother in my opinion.

I plonked down beside Casey, who was watching some cartoon with a raccoon and a weird looking blue bird. It's actually pretty hilarious, and Casey thought so too because she was chuckling every few seconds.

I looked down at Casey's fist, and remembered what had happened earlier.

"I'll go get the ice for your hand." I said getting up from the couch, the look on her face told me she had completely forgotten about her hand.

"Why do you need the ice pack?" Elsa asked curiously, as I entered the kitchen. Which was connected to the living room, making eavesdropping particularly easy for her.

I grabbed it from the freezer, and turned to Elsa awkwardly.

"Casey hurt her hand while we were out, it's no big deal." I said kindly, I didn't want to tell her Casey punched someone.

"Is she ok?" She asked worriedly, looking into the living room to see Casey laying down giggling adorably at the tv.

"She'll be fine, don't worry Mrs. Gardener." I said smiling at her, it seemed to work because she didn't ask any more questions.

"Izzie will you be a dear and bring Sam down for dinner?" Elsa asked me. "And please, call me Elsa." She finished smiling at me warmly.

"Okay I will do, Elsa." I replied, heading out towards the staircase. Casey had took a sudden interest, and popped her head up from the couch.

"Did you get the ice pack?" She asked glancing from me to the tv curiously.

"I'll be back, I'm just getting your brother for dinner." I said nonchalantly, as I climbed the stairs. I noticed Casey watching me as I did so, her gaze really did make me burn up.


Sam was FaceTiming Paige when I walked in, obviously I had interrupted their private conversation.

"Hey Sam, your mom told me to come get you for dinner." I smiled awkwardly, and Sam nodded in greeting.

"Hi Izzie, sorry, we were just talking about sex." Sam said looking up from his desk, although Paige didn't appreciate Sam's overshare.

"Sam!" Paige all but screeched through the laptop screen, I couldn't hold in my chuckle, although I wish I did because Paige started having a go at me through the laptop.

Sam promptly shut his laptop and turned back to me.

"Why do you have an ice pack." He asked me puzzled.

"Long story." I said briskly, and led the way downstairs.

Sam asked what was for dinner, as we walked down the stairs. He seemed pleased when I told him it was lasagna.

To be honest Sam has grown in me, he is smart, funny and an incredibly talented artist. If I ever got a tattoo I'd probably ask him to design it, not that I'm getting a tattoo anytime soon.

I jumped back on the couch next to Casey and placed the ice pack on her fist, carefully as to not hurt her.

She winced a little bit, and I kissed her knuckles softly which seemed to relax her hand.

"Thanks." She said scooting closer to me on the couch.

"I should be the one thanking you." I pushed her playfully, keeping my voice low since Sam and Elsa where in the other room.

"What are we gonna do." Casey asked looking defeated, a new look for her since she was always so confident.

"We can't do much." I said stroking her hair, she turned to me angrily.

"He can't get away with what he almost did to you." She said seriously "and what he probably did to my dad's car."

"Let's.... talk about this in your room later." I eyed to Casey and she caught my drift. Because she soon shut her mouth, and carried on watching cartoons whilst I held the ice pack to her hand.


"Where's dad." Sam asked taking his seat at the dinner table.

"I think he's uhh.. working late probably." Elsa said hiding the disappointment in her face with a smile. Although I knew that look, since I've been bailed on enough times to recognise it.

"Why the long face Case?" Elsa asked Casey as she dished out the lasagna, and we took our seats at the table.

"Nothing." Casey said scooting her chair forward, I guess she didn't feel like taking to her.

The rest of the dinner was uneventful, just casual chit chat. An occasional leg brush from Casey, making me blush like a tomato.

Casey's hand rested on my bare thigh, since I was wearing shorts. Her touch was like fire sometimes, leaving behind a trail of destruction. I felt my face burn bright red.

"Izzie are you hot?" Elsa asked confused, Casey burst out laughing, spitting up the water she just sipped. Elsa looked at us both puzzled "god, it's like you two have your own secret language." She said disregarding us at once, I frowned at Casey and she carried on laughing.


Casey's POV

"Thanks for diner Elsa, it was really yummy." Izzie said kindly to Elsa as we cleared the table.

"Yeah thanks Elsa, can we go now." I turned to Izzie attempting to pull her away to my room.

"Case, don't be rude, we can help clear the table." She said sweetly, but her hand on her hip told me I shouldn't disagree.

"Fine." I said gathering the plates from the table.

"That's a first." Elsa said sounding shocked and impressed, to which I turned probably looking offended.

"What do you mean." I frowned at Elsa, but she just waved her hand at me and Izzie.

"I've never seen you do what your told before." She said smirking in a smug sort of way. "So are you two official?"

"Oh my god mom shut up." I couldn't bear this any longer, she had pushed her luck. I grabbed Izzie's hand and pulled her out of there, to her relief, she has been standing there turning a violent shade of pink.

"Keep the door open you two." She shouted after us, which made Izzie chuckle nervously as we climbed the stairs away from that living nightmare.


Izzie's POV

"God I hate her." Casey mumbled as we reached her bedroom, she dived onto her bed and buried herself in her sheets. "Close the door." She muttered quietly.

"But your mom said-" I started, but I didn't really care, so I closed the door and somersaulted onto the bed causing Casey to groan in pain.

"Ow." She said pulling the sheets over us, suddenly our faces where inches apart. And I just rested my forehead against hers, feeling a warm sense of comfort with her next to me.

Her arms wrapped around my waist and she pulled me closer to her, so that our bodies were practically streamline.

For quite some time, we just gazed into each other's eyes, not really needing words to fill the comfortable silence in the room. Gentle touches, sweet kisses, and soft smiles. Our special love language, that only we understand. Not everyone can experience the type of connection we do, not to sound cocky, but it's rare two people are so in sync. Or so right. For each other, that even in silence, they're speaking more than their words could ever say. I don't need to speak to talk to Casey, one look, one kiss, one smile, she knows what I'm saying.

"Do you promise to never break my heart?" She whispered unexpectedly into my ear, and the question took me by surprise, especially the vulnerability that laced her voice.

"Of course I won't baby." I stroked her face gently, and then half jokingly added. "As long as you don't break mine." She smiled, and leaned in for a kiss. One sweet tender kiss, which, as it always turned into a rather intense fuelled kiss.

Casey slid her tongue into my mouth, and mine joined hers. Still stroking her face, as I kissed her, although Casey liked to get touchy feely.

Her hands trailed down my body, electrifying my skin to the touch. She grabbed at my thigh tightly, as she pressed her lips against mine hard. Suddenly flipping me on my back, and perusing the kiss from above.

Her hands came up my body and she squeezed my boob, causing me to squeal like a little girl. I felt her smirk against my lips, and couldn't not smile, her affect on me was intoxicating.

"Do you wanna..." she said failing to catch her breath, as she looked down at me hungrily. I bit my lip desperately, nodding, as words failed me in that moment. I pulled her face back to mine, greedy for her love.

Casey's lips trailed down to my neck, sucking my skin until she found my sweet spot. I sighed breathlessly, gripping at her hoodie furiously.

"Take this off."


Hehe 💛💛💛

Is it getting hot in here?


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