Wish We Could Start All Over...

By JnxxieMonroeGriffis

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Jack is a nerd Alex is popular Alex, to keep up his social status, hates Jack. Jack however, couldn't care le... More

Nothing Personal
A Tuesday Afternoon
Why Can't Thursday Last Forever?
I Can Be Your Lost Boy
Let's Get Away
I'm a Walking Travesty
My Lungs Gave Out
Long Live The Reckless And The Brave
Do It For The Memories
Do It For Baltimore
Do It For Me
Time Bomb
I Will Shamefully Lust
Say Goodbye To The Halls And The Classes
Lazy Lover

They're Coming To Get Me

148 5 5
By JnxxieMonroeGriffis

Jack's POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Dudes, it's literally almost summer vacation." Rian walked behind us the day we got back to school and wrapped his arms around us. We laughed. "How was England?"

"Alex knocked someone out." I chuckled. Alex blushed and hid his face.

"But I had reason..." he defended. "And, the guy hit me first."

"Oh god, Alex." Rian laughed. "So we got a new student. He's British. Names Josh."

"Really?"  Alex asked. Rian nodded and we headed to class.

"So, besides punching people, anything exciting happen?" Rian asked when we sat down in class.

"My mom walked in and saw my butt." Alex laughed. I blushed and laughed.

"I saw a TARDIS box." I mused.

" Nerd alert." Alex teased. "Nothing really happened, actually. Saw some old friends. Thats it."

"We had a comfortable bed. And Alex's grandma is really cool." I added. I glanced up and saw someone walk in the door and just about screamed. Rian looked and smiled.

" That's the new kid. Hey, Josh. Come here." He called the guy over. I turned slightly so I couldn't look at him.

" Hey." His accent spoke.

" Hi. I'm the other British kid in school." Alex smiled.

" You're British? " Josh sounded confused.

" Yeah. I've been here for ten years though." He added.

" Who's your shy friend here?" Josh asked.

" Shy?" He looked at me. I gave him a soft smile. "What are you doing?" He chuckled.

" Nothing in particular. Avoiding eye contact." I mumbled.

" Why? I know you aren't that shy..." he said.

" I'll pass." I said, drumming my fingers on the desk.

"Jack..." he turned to me fully.

" Nothing..." I avoided and looked away.

" Stop hiding then..." he looked pissed off. My heart clenched and I stood up and stormed out of the room. I got down the hall some and had to lean on the wall. My hands shook and my head spun while I stood there in shock. "Jack! What the hell?"

"A-Alex, I can't go in there..." I said, digging my nails into my palms.

"Jack..." he stopped a few feet away.

"Don't make me go in there..." I pleaded, blinking back tears.

"What's going on?" Another voice said and I looked to see Josh walking to us. I caught eye contact and turned from him.

"Alex, I need to go home..." I whispered.

"Babe, tell me what's going on..." he pleaded and stood in front of me. I shook my head.

" I can't..." I choked. He sighed slightly and wrapped his arms around me. He said something to Josh, who stood still.

" I'm gonna take you to the office... you can call your mom and she'll come pick you up and I'll come by your house as soon as school is out. When you get home, take an anxiety pill and go to sleep. Remember, deep breaths." He told me. I nodded before he led me from the hall.

Alex's POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We got to the office and he sat in one of the chairs while I walked to the desk to talk to the secretary.

"Um... he needs to go home..." I told the lady.

" Why?" She asked.

" He has anxiety and just started having a panic attack and is having trouble calming down." I told her.

"Can he call?" She looked over at him.

" I don't think, but I can real quick." I told her. She nodded and I walked to the phone, dialing his house phone.

"Hello." His mother answered.

"Mrs. Barakat..." I started. "Its Alex. Uh, you need to come get Jack."

"... okay?" She sounded unsure.

" Its important... bring his anxiety medication." I told her.

" Oh! Okay. I'll be there in a few minutes." She hung up. I sat the phone down and crouched in front of Jack.

"Alex..." he said and looked at me. I reached up and wiped his cheeks.

" Calm down. Your mom is on her way. Deep breaths, love." I held his hands and rubbed circles on the top of his hands. He nodded. "You can tell me later what happened."

"Alex, everything hurts." He whispered.

"I know... You'll be okay though." I assured. He nodded and continued to take deep breaths. When his mom got to us, she walked in and took one of Jack's hands before placing a pill in his hand and a bottle of water. He took the pill and water before holding onto me. "Jacky, you have to let go..." he shook his head.

"No..." he whispered.

"Yes." I pulled his arms off and looked at him. "I'll be there as soon as school's over." I promised and kissed him. He nodded and let his mom lead him out.  I went to class slowly and counted down the minutes until we could leave. I nearly ran out of the door when the final bell rang, and booked it to Jack's house. I knocked loudly before his mom answered.

"Thanks for calling." She said and let me in. "He's asleep now... Do you know what happened?"

"No clue..." I sighed. "I'm gonna go check on him." She nodded and I walked up the steps. I got this room and walked in to see him laying on the bed over the covers, holding his pillow tightly. I walked over and crawled onto the bed and snuggled against him. His arms wrapped around me, and I looked up to see he had woken up. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"Its okay." I told him. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"... It was him. Josh, that is... My ex." He said. "He used me. He basically raped me, Alex..." my eyes widened.

"Oh my god." I mumbled and hugged him tightly. His shoulders shook lightly "Jack, i... I don't even know what to say. I want to help, but I don't.... I don't know how."

"Its fine..." he looked down before putting his hand on my leg.

"No it isn't." I sat up some. He sat up with me. "Its not okay what he did. He's a fucking moron for hurting you. You don't deserve that, Jack."

"I should have seen it coming." He sighed and pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned against him and held his hand. "Its fine i guess. I've got you, and you aren't like that." I nodded.

"If I ever start acting like he did, punch me in the dick." I told him. He laughed lightly and put his chin on my shoulder. I turned and kissed his cheek before my phone vibrated in my back pocket. Jack froze up in shock while I reached into my back pocket to pill the phone out. His face went bright red and he sat there blankly for a moment.

"That was so weird." He laughed. I chuckled before seeing a text from Rian.

What happened to Jack? Is he okay?

Yeah. He just had a moment. Needed to go home. I'm here with him.

Can I come over?

I'll ask Jack


His mom said it's alright.

I'll be there in a few.

"Wanna go downstairs?" He asked. I nodded and we went to the living room before flopping onto the couch.

"He said he'd be here in a few, by the way." I told him.

" Alright." He nodded. I leaned on him before jumping up and turning on the Xbox. The game started up right before the doorbell rang. Jack stood and got it, letting Rian in and leading him to the room.

"So... anyone wanna fill me in on what happened this morning?" He asked. I glanced at Jack.

"You don't have to, Jack. You can trust him though." I assured. He nodded.

"I used to date Josh. He used his damn charm and shit and made me fall for him, pressured me into sleeping with him, then left me instantly, saying things to offend me, and left me alone in a motel bedroom."  He said. Rian looked in shock.

"Oh my fucking god... can I kill him?" He asked.

" He isn't worth a criminal record." I mumbled and leaned on Jack.

"What a douche." He sighed.

" Hello." Another voice said. We turned to see Jack's mom.

"Hi." Rian smiled. "I'm Rian. One of Jack's friends from school."

"Ah. I'm Jack's mom." She smiled. "Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?"

"I'm fine."Rian mumbled.

"You could.... make us grilled cheeses. " I wiggled my eyebrows and smiled. She laughed.

"I saw that one coming." She laughed and walked to the kitchen.

"So has anyone heard from Beau?" Jack asked.

"I haven't heard from him but I heard he moved away." Rian shrugged.

"Who knows. He can't bother us though." I smiled.

-Next Day-

Jack's POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I walked into school nervously holding Alex's hand and shaking like a leaf in a wind storm. However, Josh was no where t be seen. Rian gave me a reassuring smile when he saw me. The day was normal for the most part until lunch. Alex and I sat where we always sat, until randomly Beau walked into the room. Everyone watched him as he walked over to our table.

"Revenge is sweet." He whispered.

" What the fuck are you talking about?" Alex asked. He just smiled and sat at a table with some of his old friends. Josh walked in a few minutes later and called for everyone's attention.

"Hello. So, yeah. Everyone knows the lovely couple of the year, Jack and Alex. But... do you know them? Like... as people? Didn't think so. You see, when Alex still lived in England, he knew me. He doesn't realize it, but he did. He was a dick. Anyway, Jack. Did you guys know Jack is an idiot? Of course you did. I was dared by a good friend of mine to see just how easy Jack is. Literally in just a month I managed to make Jack like me enough to want to have sex." I froze as all eyes turned to me. "I, however, am not a faggot and didn't sleep with him-"

"Bull fucking shit." Alex stood up angrily. "Yes you did. Do you people seriously believe him? He pressured Jack into it. That it's self if basically rape. You fucked him up, Josh. And it's not his fault at all." I slumped into my seat.

"Shut up Alex. I haven't even began saying anything about you." He stated and looked to everyone again. "Did you guys know Alex is a murderer?"

"What?" I looked up awkwardly as Alex gasped.

"Alex had an older brother. His brother is dead now, though. Alex took all the attention from his brother and his brother felt neglected. Alex is the reason his brother commit suicide." Josh shouted. Alex's jaw dropped and he began shaking instantly before running from the room. I stood and walked to Josh before grabbing him around the throat.

"You sick fucking bastard." I growled, tightening my grip on his throat. "Tom's death was not Alex's fault. He was depressed because of people like you. Tom's death has Alex paranoid that he will die, too." I stopped when his face turned purple and gasped.

He has it in his mind that before he turns seventeen he will be pushed over the line and commit suicide, too.

"You killed Alex." I whispered, watching Josh gasp for air. I bolted from the room and down the hall and out of the school building. It took me five minutes to get to Alex's house, and I opened the door without even knocking. My hands shook and my eyes were filled with unshed tears. I heard Alex's mom's voice upstairs,  and followed it. She was outside his bedroom door, yelling for him to open the door. I ran over and began to pound in the door.

"Alex! Open the door." I cried. There was nothing but the sound if rattling and loud music. "Lex, open the fucking door!" I continued to pound on the door. "You aren't fucking leaving me, dammit! We go together or we don't go down at all! Open the fucking door now!" I saw his mom dialing a number. I only heard her side of the conversation.

"I need help. My son is in his room and I think he's trying to commit suicide." She said. The words hit my like a brick wall and I choked.

"A-Alex, you can't leave me... Please open the door!" I slammed my fist on the door again. His mom was still on the phone when I saw the door handle turn. I opened the door all the way just in time to catch his limp body. He slumped against me and I heard his a mom scream and yell into the phone for an ambulance. I looked at Alex and choked on a sob before sitting with him on my lap and holding him tight. His arms each had one long, deep, vertical cut plus a few other deep cuts over them almost dripping blood. Glancing in his room, I saw an empty pill bottle.

"J-Jack... hel-p me..." he whispered and glanced at me with wet eyes. I sobbed and held him to me.

"Just stay awake for an ambulance... You'll be okay." I choked out.

"I-If I die... P-Please know that-" he stopped, coughing and spitting up on the floor beside us. "- know... that l-life... is gonna be b-better."

"If you die, I don't wanna stay to find out." I sobbed.

"Tell me a story..." he asked. I nodded.

"Well... One time, there was a boy. And he was a mess... His dad had died and he was depressed because of it. Um... one day, he met a boy. The boy was supposed to me like a private gym partner, but they never did anything. He did, however, give the boy credit and told the teachers he was doing what was supposed to be done... The, um... The boys started to like each other. They hung out, talked, and told each other everything. But one of the boys has a secret... and one day something happened. The boy tried to die... and the other boy wouldn't let it happen. He persistently kept the boy awake in wait of an ambulance... and the other boy was saved. He ended up getting better... and the boys stayed together forever... Because that's how it's supposed to be." I told him. He smiled.

"You are amazing." He whispered before curling around himself and ripping my shirt. "It hurts..."he sobbed to me. I choked on a sob before hearing the ambulance sirens.

"Please stay awake..."I begged him.

"I love you, Jack." He mumbled.

"I love you, too. So you need to stay awake and keep talking to me until the ambulance gets here." I told him. He nodded and watched me.

"Jacky... you- You are really... really cute." He struggled out. I heard voices and footsteps downstairs and Alex's mom called for the paramedics. I glanced at the steps, and when I looked back, Alex's eyes were closed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yeah, um... I'm crying now... I'll update tomorrow again. Goodnight my dearies. I love you all♡♡♡♡ happy thanksgiving if you're American.

Also, while I'm here. If you guys are religious, pray, and if you're not, do whatever you do in honor and memory of someone. A girl in my school who was seven died yesterday due to a gunshot to the head she got Monday. Her grandfather shot her and killed himself after. She passed away yesterday morning from her injuries. I can't even imagine what her family is going through or how they're managing.

We all love you, Bridget. Rest in peace. You earned your wings♡

~Jnx Jey Monroe

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