The Way I Lie

By abcassidie

1.7K 313 732

( not edited short story ) Being an assasin may seem like fun and games, but every game has rules. Rule One d... More

SECTION ONE: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
SECTION TWO: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8; The Finale

Chapter 3

53 11 34
By abcassidie

Kayline McKenzie

Chris and Kayline eventually make it out of the city, and now they are just running through desert. Kayline hops over a cactus, barely missing the spikes.
For a few minutes their only source of light was the stars and moon. Kayline cherishes the feeling of the slight breeze, running through her hair, and the sharp sting of air running in and out of her lungs. She pushes faster, desperate to feel even more.

              As Kayline runs faster, she sees the reflection of the castle getting closer. The fulgent white walls, blinding Kayline from miles away.

The castle is built like a fairytale dream come true. With towers, drawbridge, and of course the statues of gargoyles and angels. Is Kayline the only one that gets freaked out by them? They seem to follow her around and judge everything she does.... which is a lot. She sees Chris's silhouette somewhere as she looks back, but right now Kayline doesn't care. She's winning.

               Kayline finally makes it to the grande entrance. Her chest burns with pain and pride. Her lungs feel rejuvenated from the run, making her body feel free and at ease. She waits a couple of minutes for Chris.

Kayline does some stretches so her muscles won't relax and go back to their previous position. Chris finally makes it and starts to do the stretch with her. Both of their chests lift up and down from the 5 mile run. Christina looks at her army watch.

                  " I got 31 minutes. You?" Christina asks, still looking at her watch. Kayline looks down at her watch. She smiles, for the knowledge that she beat her sister in the race obviously.

                   " 23!" Kaylines says slyly.

                   " There is no way you got 23 minutes!" Christina throws her arms in the air, in exasperation. Kayline chuckles. They walk on the drawbridge, entering the castle.

    However they don't walk through the Big Door. They make thier way around the curve of the castle, the walls still blinding Kayine's eyes from the brightness and they make it to one of the "secret" entrances.

                    As Christina closes the door behind her, Kayline's nose is filled with the sweet smell of soup and bread. The kitchen is deserted and the tables are clean, expect for the pot full of bean filled soup and the pan with the famous corn flavored bread that Francine makes.

                     " Yes, it's soup night!" Christina exclaims.

                      But before Chris could even get spoon, Francine rushes in and gasps. Her stout figure pretty much fills the doorway, but you can never trust a skinny chef.

Francine laughs while she puts her hand on her heart, her laugh smooth and comforting. Christina and Kayline used to sneak into the kitchen late at nights and face the fury of Francine. Which wasn't much. Instead of yelling, she would smile and take them to the deep recesses of the fridge. They girls would get chocolate all over their faces. Kayline smiles at the memory and feels grateful for Francine.

                " You scared the crap out of me, girls. Now, now, Christina you will get your chance to eat." Christina frowns, depressed from her lack of soup. Kayline tries her best to suppress her laughter when a thought came to her.

                The bet is still on.

                Christina seems to realize this at the same time and before they knew it, they were rushing out of the kitchen.

                 " Oh girls, be more quiet! The king is having a meeting with his counselors and generals!" Christina and Kayline burst into laughter, now having the desire to be more obnoxious.

                   The generals are a bunch of snobs and the counselors believe themselves to be wise, old and perfect mentors for the king. In other words, Christina and Kayline make fun of them as much as they can.

                     Christina and Kayline's feet slam on the carpet, echoing off the walls. Their laughter and chuckles fills the empty noise. They hike up the stairs, skipping 3 stairs at a time. Kayline grabs the end of Christina's shirt holding her back, so that Kayline can get the high ground. She rushes in front of Christina and grabs the mule post to swing her body around the corner, giving Kayline more time to run down the hallway. Christina ends up by her side, smirking, not impressed by the challenge.

                       Christina slams her feet on the ground, slowing down her momentum. She throws her door open and slams it close, saying behind her,

                         " Hurry up slowpoke!" Kayline rolls her eyes and turns into her room. She closes the door behind her, but she doesn't hear it click. She groans and slowly turns around and give the door a slight nudge with the end of her run-down converse.

Kayline hears punk music blaring from Christina's room, which means she is taking a shower, a long one, no doubt. Kayline hops back and forth, as she tries to get her converse off her feet. With one last pull, she falls on her butt. She feels her brain move around from the reaction. She shakes her head, trying to get rid of the dizziness and stands up. She throws her shoes at her wall, mostly because she's annoyed at them, but also wanted to give Chris a jump.

       She quickly jumps in the shower, trying to get the dirt off of her the best she can. After about 2 minutes, she quickly hops out, and swipes a dress off a hanger.

At dinner, Christina and Kayline dine with the Kings family and whoever visits. Their king, David, named after the kingdom's first king, always wants them on top of everything, even their guests.

Yes, that does sound rude, but this is what Christina and Kayline are trained for. See how their body reacts if they are telling lies or the truth. If their breathing speeds up, their eyes turn to the left of right, or even if they make too much eye contact. Luckily, it's just the Royal Family, Christina, and Kayline tonight, but Kayline still likes to be presentable in front of the Queen.

                       Kayline throws her dress on her bed, as she grabs a brush to quickly untangle her thin blonde hair. She slips the periwinkle dress over her head and rushes to the door.

                        Kayline stops midway and curses under her breath. She forgot her heels! Do I really need them? Kayline asked
\herself. With a shrug of her shoulders, she decides to leave them behind. her dress is long enough to hide her feet.

As Kayline speed walks down the hallway, she still hears Christina's music blaring. There is no way that she is done. When it comes to comfort and uneasy, she will always turn to comfort. Kayline smiles, hello chocolate cake!

Kayline slides down the staircase railing and slows down her pace to catch her breath. The queen thinks it's unlady like to sound rushed.

                       As Kayline wanders down closer to the dining room, she hears a laugh. A laugh that she have come oh to familiar with. She rushes my last couple of steps and sees her dear, sneaky, sister sitting at the dining table.

Christina's hair still dripping wet, and she is basically wearing her pajamas. And worst of all, she was eating my cookie dough ice cream. Christina finally sees Kayline and waves her to come over. Great, now she is making a fool of me, Kayline thought. Just what she needed.

                      " Chris, I was heading down stairs when I heard your music still blaring." Kayline said to Christina as she took a seat across from her.

                     " Oh, I thought I turned it off, my bad." Chris said. Her lips turn into a smirk as she lifts a cup to her mouth.

                     " So you left it on, on purpose?" Kayline asks immediately after Chris stopped talking, her voice rising in volume.

In Kayline's defense, she was starting to get agitated with her sister. There is one thing about beating Kayline, but letting her think that she won? That's low, even for Chris. Especially when chocolate cake is on the line!

                     " Excuse me, Miss Kayline, we do not shout in this household." The Queen says.

                     " Ooooh." Everyone turns to see the prince, Ryan, looking at Chris and Kayline eagerly. He is stuffing his face with mashed potatoes, waiting to see what happens next. Chris rolls her eyes and chuckles. Kayline smiles at Ryan.

                    He is about a year younger than Chris. He has his mother's golden hair, tan skin and his fathers green eyes. Ryan is quite handsome, what do you expect from a prince? Kayline thought to herself.

                   When when Chris and Kayline were stationed with protecting the royal family, Ryan wanted to be fighter like them, so the kid is pretty buff for someone his age. He is like a little brother for them. Kayline would easily lay down her own life to keep him safe.

They have had countless movie nights, late swimming nights, and even some girl problems. The boy has a long trail of broken hearts. He is the only child of the King and Queen, making him the only heir and number one on Chris and Kayline's list of who to protect. Besides the King and Queen of course.

                   " What's going on here? Did you guys make that stupid bet again? You know I don't like bets." The Queen, Emberly, said. The Queen leaves almost every human being to shame. Her heart is too kind and selfless. Her intentions are pure and she wants the best for everyone. Kayline has been in the war room a couple some times, and she was always in awe of the Queen. She seemed to know what exactly to do. Kayline has always admired her, and the Queen seems more admirable every day.

                    " No, there wasn't a bet, your majesty." Kayline says as she sits straighter in her seat.

                   " Oh, stop lying you liar liar pants on fire, just because you lost doesn't mean it didn't happened!" Christina snaps at me. Kayline glares at her little sister. Maybe Kayline was overreacting just a little. But hey, a girl has to defend her pride, Kayline reasoned.

                   " Fine, say whatever you want. This soup is delicious, Francine!" Kayline says to change the subject. Kayline may be a prideful person, but no one is more stubborn than Chris. Chris looks at Kayline with a dreadful look. Her blue eyes are filled with hatred. Then nothing. She looks at her food with hunger. She continues eating until the King walks in. His Majesty, David, takes a seat then turns to Chris.

                 " So, how was sparring today? Who won?" He asks as he stabs his broccoli. Chris swallows her food, then proceeds giving the rundown.

                 " Well we came to a draw. The sun was coming down and neither of us could take each other, so we came to a conclusion." The king nods then focuses on Kayline.

                 " Is this true Kay?" David asks slyly. Kayline chuckles and looks at Chris who throws her hands in the air.

                " Of course it's true!" Chris says with a desperation.

                " It's true" Chris and Kayline both say at the same time. David puts his hands in the air for surrender. They laugh a little bit. The king has small talk with his officers, giving small orders. When a guard shows up, the king is silent and looks at Kayline. He nods then shoos the servant on his way. David clears his throat before he talks.

                " Kayline, the Boss wants to have a word with you." Christina and Kayline both stand up but the king stops them.

                " I'm sorry Christina, but the Boss only asked for Kay." Kayline arches her eyebrows. They have never been separated before. Whatever is going on, it has to be serious.

Kayline looks at Christina. She wanted to make sure that her sister wasn't going to overreact about nothing. It has to be nothing. Right? Kayline asks herself. Even though they did every mission together, she felt a rush of adrenaline. She's doing something on her own. Her own personal mission. She could tell Chris didn't feel the same, but her sister nods her head then sits back down to finish her meal.

            Kayline tries to nonchalantly control her breathing, hoping that she doesn't seem nervous. Because she is nervous. The Boss wouldn't call just Kayline. Something is going on. Whatever it is, Kayline is ready to face it.

Thank you for you time, advice, and interest and I hope you continue to read my story!!♥︎♥︎

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