Can't Sleep

By SafeSpaceHere

86K 2.6K 3.2K

Kaminari has never been able to sleep well due to his electric quirk. One night he walks around to help him s... More

You've Got To Be Joking
I Need Your Help
Rain Storms
Not An Update
Party Time
Party games
Testing Time
Doge Streak
Staying Over
Training Part 1
Training Part 2
Bust Some Moves
4061 Words
Performing, Part 1
Performance Part 2
They Know
Teasing People
2K Special!! Duets
Final Chapter

Stay Calm

3.2K 98 70
By SafeSpaceHere

Denki's POV

I bolted down the stairs, making sure not to wake anyone. When I got to the common room I was extreamly out of breath, but when I looked out the doors he wasn't to far. I started jogging up to him till I stopped myself.

What am I going to say to him? That was the thought that stood out to me. I could ask why he's still up. But then he could ask why I am. A smart ass comment? Yeah smart ass comment.

I walked out the door and stood a few feet infrount of it when I yelled, "You know we're not meant to be out of the dorms past 10." He turned and looked at me confused at first then, it looked like he got an idea. 

"As I recal it we meet at like 12:45. So clearly you don't care." I walked up to him while he talked. Then I walked past him. 

"I'm just saying if the class idiot knew you left, you need to work on stelth."I continued to walk as he jog/ran up to me. 

"Class idiot huh, what gave you that rep?"I chuckled.

"Well for starters, when I over use my quirk I go brain dead for a cupole of hours, and just walk around like," 

"Also I have like the lowest grades in class."I put my hand on the nape of my neck whitch was a nerves habbit I picked up. 

Shinsou's POV

Really? Because he's not book smart, and his quirk has a limit he was dubbed as an idiot? There is so much more to him then his limits and a letter on a peace of paper. Even I knew that, so should the rest o the class. 

"You're a lot more then stupid stuff like that. You're kind, funny, helpful, and cheery. That counts for a lot more then grades and an embarassing limit." I didn't even realise I had said anything till about half way through. He looked at me with a face of absolute shock. 

Next thing I knew I was forced to stop walking because he had hugged me. But he quickly let go and practicly jumped away as we continued to walk. "Sorry, its just no one's ever said something like that to me before. It means a lot. So thanks." His face looked slightly pink but it was hard to tell in the dark. If it was pink it was probably from embarassment. However I knew my face was slightly pink I just hoped he didn't notice. 

We continued to the park just talking and looking at our phones. Suddenly Kaminari stops and tells me to go forward then walk back while looking down. I did what he asked and he ran into me under a lamp post. 

He starts laughing at this and so did I. I mean this is how we met after all. We started walking again. The light from the street lamps seemed to aluminate his face in a way that if you touch him he might disapper. His eyes almost glowed, his cheek bones stood out, and he had such a strong jaw line. His hair glittered in the soft lighting. 

He turned his head and I was caught staring. Crap.  

Denki's POV

I looked over at Shinsou and he was staring at me. He quickly turned away and covered his face. "What? You like what you see?" It was clear he composed him self. 

"Well who wouldn't?" He was smirking at me. It was evil? But it was hot non the less. 

"Don't act like your not attracted to all this." I gestered to my self. He laughed a little. God I love that laugh.

"Hey," he put his hands up defencivly,"I never said I wasn't."I felt my face getting hotter. He only made me question more weather or not he likes me. 

"Ok, thats the second commment like that you've made," I decided to just dive in the deep end, "first it was the whole, 'maybe you don't read far enough,' thing and now this. Do you like me as more than a friend?" He lost all compser and looked horrified. He must hate even the idea of it. 

He became all fidgety. "W-We should head-d back to th-the dorms-s. Don't y-you thi-ink?" He imidietly turned around and headed back to the dorms. 

I ran up to him and grabbed his shoulder. God I just know my face is red. "Hey, are you gonna awenser me or not?" He just darted back to the dorms. I tryed to catch him, but not only did I not even come close to his speed, I didn't when it came to stamana either.

What dose that mean?

Shinsou's POV

I ran, my face felt like it was on fire due to the confrountation. God I was so obviose even he noticed. When I got to the dorms I ran to a random one and knocked, hoping who ever it was would let me in.

Non other then Yaoyorozu, opened the door. "Shinsou, is every thing all right?" I knew she didn't drink too much however Jirou, who was sitting on her bed, had. 

"Listen I know it's really late but I need to stay here. An hour at most I sware." I told her practicly begging her to let me in. She opened the door farther to let me in. "Thank you."

"No problem. What's going on?" I sat on the floor and she sat mext to Jirou.

"Well, it's a long story." Jirou spoke up before Yaoyorozu could.

"Your ment to be here for what, an hour or so? We've got some time." They aren't gonna drop this are they? Can't blame them I crashed their party for two. 

"Well I like Kaminari, and I went on a walk with him around the park when he confrounted me about it. Guess I'm really obivios. But I ran to a random dorm to avoid him, and now here we are." I didn't want to anoy them so I just summarized.

"I see. And that wasn't that long." Jirou looked like she was contomplating just calling Kaminari to talk to me. 

"Listen your rears are compleatly reasonable. However, you can't avoid him very well past tonight. We still have school tomorrow." Yaoyorozu stood up and grabbbed some water. 

"I know I just can't deal with this right now." I was starting to get a head ach due to the stress. 

"It's ok you can stay in here till 1:00 but after that you got to go back to your room." Ok half an hour. I can work with that.

"Shinsou, just go talkk to the boy it;s pretty clear he likes you back."Jirou seemed feed up with me but even if what she said was true, I couldn't right now. I simply wasn't thinking strait. 

"I dought that highly," I crossed my arms dignenty, "also whos room is this?"

"Oh it's mine." Yaoyorozu said from the extreamly large bed. 

"Ok, so why is she here?" I gestured to Jirou. They both turned a bright pink, and turned away from each other. "Ok, nevermind."

"OH! Look at the time! Time to leave Shinsou!" Jirou shot up, she was visably nerves. Then she dragged mee out of the room.

"But its only-" *door slam* "12:40. Whatever I'll just head to my room." I walked away and rushed to my room. When I got in I ploped down on the bed and put on some music. 

I layed there for at least 4 hours before I fell asleep. Just thinking about Kaminari. He must see me as such a cowered. 

Ok so hope you enjoyed!

I'll let you guys think about why Jirou was in there.

Love you guys!

Have a great day/night

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