Fire Wolf || PJM, KNJ & KTH

By chimchimicorn

85.6K 7.2K 3K

New to a town, Jimin slowly learns that not everything is as it seems. Even his friends have secrets. More

Copyright Notice
Prologue: Traitor
One: Dangerous
Two: Lift
Three: Curse
Four: Pain
Five: Mate
Six: Complicated Past
Seven: Research
Eight: Patrol
Nine: Playful
Eleven: Shirtless
Twelve: At a Loss
Thirteen: Earn It
Fourteen: Help
Fifteen: The Way Of The Wolf
Sixteen: Information
Seventeen: Good At Keeping Secrets
Eighteen: Stationary
Nineteen: By Himself
Twenty: Taking The Job Seriously
TwentyOne: Rogues
TwentyTwo: Ticking Time Bomb
TwentyThree: Extremely Warm
TwentyFour: Furious
TwentyFive: Idiot
TwentySix: Threat
TwentySeven: Buffer
TwentyEight: Scent
TwentyNine: Triumph
Thirty: Permission
ThirtyOne: Swap Shifts
ThirtyTwo: Whatever You Please
ThirtyThree: Stupidity
ThirtyFour: Bored
ThirtyFive: Worth
ThirtySix: Surprised
ThirtySeven: Alone
ThirtyEight: Buried
ThirtyNine: Not Alone
Forty: Not Expected
FortyOne: Stupid Male
FortyTwo: Silence
FortyThree: Supplies
FortyFour: Outsider
FortyFive: Home
FortySix: Wild
FortySeven: Remember
FortyEight: Exhaustion
FortyNine: Garbled Image
Fifty: Teeth Grinding
FiftyOne: Challenge
FiftyTwo: Panic
FiftyThree: Watching
FiftyFour: Nox Daemonium
FiftyFive: Rage
FiftySix: Borrowed Bedroom

Ten: Boyfriend

1.6K 146 43
By chimchimicorn

The pack had been patrolling for almost a week but there were no more incidents to report. Beehad wanted to keep patrols going all the time, but there simply weren't enough of them for that to work properly. So, she had called them into the main hall for a meeting.

"Has anyone found anything?" She asked from her position on the chair, looking out over her pack.

"Nothing," Jungkook said, "It's making me a little uneasy,"

There were murmurs of agreement around the wolves and Namjoon spoke up.

"I don't trust the new guy at college," He said, "I think it's strange that he shows up and then two weeks later, the pack over the mountains breaks through our fence,"

Jin nodded, "It is extremely coincidental," He said, "He could be a spy. He's weak and simple looking, but that makes him seem like he isn't a threat,"

"Also, he immediately made friends with Taehyung," Cheng said, "That Yoongi kid has been here for ages, but the new guy joined and was suddenly able to hang around with a wolf? It's strange,"

For some reason, Bee had a hard time agreeing with her pack. She understood where they were coming from and why they had become suspicious of the new kid, but part of her just didn't want to believe it. She wasn't sure why.

"There's only one thing we can do," Hoseok said, "There isn't any choice. We have to bring Taehyung back to us,"

Namjoon looked at him sharply, a growl rumbling up from his throat. Bee held her hand up at him.

"You're right, Hoseok," She said, "If this new boy is a spy, then Taehyung could give away secrets without realising it. Plus, we need him. Our pack is small, and Taehyung is strong,"

"Taehyung is still loyal to you, Alpha," Daisy said, "I don't think he will cause an issue if you ask him to come back,"

Bee nodded, "We'll go later tonight. Hoseok, Cheng, patrol around the manor. Jin and Jungkook please patrol the perimeter for now. Stay out of sight of humans,"


Jimin quickly rushed about his home, cleaning up. He had got a message from his sister saying that she was going to bring her new boyfriend in to introduce him, and he wanted to make a good impression. As usual, his parents were out working, but as the family rarely used the downstairs area, it was fairly clean. 

Not long after he had finished, he heard the front door open, and his sister came in.

"Jimin?" She called out and Jimin answered her from in the living room.

"In here!"

His sister came into the room with a guy slightly behind her. Jimin had to try not to stare at him immediately - he was huge. He was as tall as the group of students at the school, but he was also incredibly muscular. He dwarfed his older sister.

"Hey," She said, moving to the side to allow him inside, "This is Wonho. Wonho, this is my baby brother, Jimin,"

"Hey," Wonho said, stepping inside and offering his hand, "Nice to meet you,"

"Hi," Jimin smiled, trying not to wince at the guy crushing his hand, "Likewise,"

"He's new to town, like us," Jimin's sister said, taking a seat, "But he's been here a bit longer,"

"Yeah," Wonho smiled, "I was here about a month before you guys moved in," He looked over at Jimin's sister, "So when Hana started work near me, I didn't recognise her and had to start a conversation. Plus, she's gorgeous, so,"

Jimin's sister blushed a little, "Do you want a coffee?"

Wonho nodded, "Sure. Do you mind if I have a cigarette?"

"In the garden," Both Jimin and Hana spoke at the same time, making Hana's new boyfriend chuckle.


As soon as they left the room, Jimin's phone began to ring. He answered straight away, lifting the phone to his ear.


"Hey, City Boy," Taehyung's voice sounded in his ear, "You wanna come over? I need a hand with my coursework, I'm stuck,"

Jimin nodded, then rolled his eyes, remembering that he was on the phone, "Alright. I'd rather come to you than stay here, anyway. My sister brought her new boyfriend home and I don't wanna be here knowing what they're probably gunna do when she takes him upstairs,"

Taehyung laughed, "Cool. I'll see you in a bit, then,"

"Yeah. See ya!"


AN: Sorry it's not a very good chapter lol. I've been awake for hours *SOB* I CAN'T SLEEP

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