Curiosity Killed The Wolf • A...

By lost_arteest

15.7K 558 1K

Amane Yugi and Nene Yugi's five-year-old son Kyurei Yugi may be just a bit too curious. A series of one-shot... More

How Did You Meet?
A Rival?
Thank You!! (& more!!!)
What Happens When You Eat Watermelon Seeds?!
Accepting Requests!!! (and fanart time!!)
Are My Siblings Here Yet?
Why Don't They Understand?
I got fanart?!
Are We Really Getting a Hamster?
Hey! It has been a while!

How Are Babies Made?

2.2K 78 223
By lost_arteest

There's always a point in a child's life when they must know how they came into existence and many take that question to their parents. It's normal for children to want to know more than they should and the best way to satisfy that question is to make up an innocent story.

And of course little Kyurei was just as curious as ever. However, the couple was caught off guard yet again and didn't know how to explain it appropriately for their son's age.

"Amane, what are we supposed to tell him?" Nene whispered frantically as they stalled to come up with a story.

"You know, maybe it would save us the trouble later to just tell him the truth now," the male whispered back, shrugging.

Nene nearly screeched. "Hell no! He's five for goodness sake!"

"I got this, just— let me handle it."

The woman watched in horror as her husband approached the innocent little boy playing with his fox plushy (which looked a lot like an inari spirit).

"Kyurei," Amane called out, lifting  him into his arms and sitting him on his lap.

Kyurei was now focused solely on his father, squeezing his plushy in anticipation.

Amane can feel his wife's eyes on him, her nervous demeanor amusing. He grinned mischievously.

"Now my little wolf, to make a baby, a mommy and a daddy have to get in bed—ow!" a slap upside the head cuts him off and a ruby glare sends shivers down his spine.

The little boy's face was one of confusion. "Daddy are you okay?"

"Kyu, sweetie, your father is having a problem with his memory. It actually starts with a star." The blond haired woman smiled warmly at her son before glancing at her poor partner with a rather threatening face all the while pinching his arm painfully. "Right, darling?"

Amane yelped. "A-ah! That's right! It all begins with a star. A mommy and a daddy have to pick a star in the sky and observe it for a few months."

"Mhm. But before observing their chosen star, together they have to wish very hard with all their love and all their heart." Amane looked deeply into Nene's beautiful eyes as she continued explaining.

"It only works if the mommy and daddy love each other a lot, right?" Kyurei queried.

"That's right! After all the wishing, the mommy's tummy begins to grow." Nene gestured to her stomach, pretending to stroke a pregnant belly.

"How much wishing and love did you have to get me?" The little boy tilted his head, his curiosity on the subject furthering.

She cupped Kyu's adorable small face with one hand, her other hand grasping her love's. The couple looked at each other and, without looking away, answered in a heartbeat. "A whole heck of a lot of love."

Cutting into the precious moment, the little boy continued his interrogation. "Murasaki-chan told me that the mommy has to be cut open and that it hurts a lot. Is that really true?" Kyu trembled, the thought of his mother being split in two scaring the tyke. Aoi and Akane's oldest child, Murasaki, was a natural born leader and she prided herself in being extremely knowledgeable. But maybe this time the seven-year-old girl had gone and said something a little too scary to the young boy.

"Yes, Murasaki-chan is right, it's quite painful but the mommy is given medicine so it doesn't hurt as much." Nene reassured.

The black haired male grinned and said, "your mommy is very strong isn't she, Kyu?"

Kyu nodded, cheering, "just like Ladybug!"

"Yes, like Ladybug, but with big ankles." Amane teased. Another painful pinch.

"How did you come up with something so quick on the spot like that?" Amane asked as he and Nene finished up washing the dishes after dinner.

She shrugged. "I just thought of something that would be easy for both you to add on to and him to understand. Space seems to be a fascination that runs in the family."

"That reminds me, I have to go over to the JAXA headquarters early tomorrow morning to analyze some new data collected. I'm not gonna be able to get Kyu to preschool." He rubbed her shoulder apologetically.

"Ah that's okay. You made it all of last week so it's only fair that I do my part too." Nene smiled in understanding.

Bedtime came around for the Yugi household and it took much effort to get the little rascal in for a bath. After a game of "tag", they had thankfully gotten him into the tub. Once the pajamas put on, their favorite part came around: stargazing.

Though Kyu was still young, he did indeed have a fascination for the night sky that could rival his father's. These were always the Yugi family's happiest moments, sometimes even the most peaceful. The summer sky was calm and clear with many stars visible. As was usual, they told stories about the many constellations that could be seen (mostly told by Amane with Nene occasionally flexing her own knowledge that she had of course learned from her husband).

"Mommy, daddy, are you going to wish on another star soon?" Kyu's small and tired voice asked softly as the sound of the cicadas lulled him to sleep. Unfortunately, it came out as a incomprehensible mumble of gibberish and neither of them were able to answer.

The two carefully tucked their little bounding wonder into bed, pressing sweet kisses to his forehead.

While the blond went off to get her own pajamas on, Amane sat close to his son's bed watching the calm rise and fall of his chest. Holding one of his precious small hands, reality caught up to the young father. It was hard to believe it had already been six years; it felt like just last week he was marrying the love of his life and then came the birth of the most precious being he thought could ever exist.

'He's the living and breathing proof of the strongest love in the whole universe,' he thought, eyes getting teary.

Leaving his son's room while rubbing his eyes, Amane goes to get ready for bed himself.

The brunette spoke up as the couple brushed their teeth. "Nene, don't you think Kyu is rather lonely?"

Nene paused and thought. "Hm, I don't know. He seems rather happy to me, Amane."

"What do you say we add on to the family a bit more."

The young woman's eyes widened and she beamed. "You mean like getting a hamster?! Ah, I haven't had a hamster since high school! White Inferno was so cute, remember?" A strong wind of nostalgia fell upon her as she remembered her childhood pet excitedly.

"That's not really what I had in mind..." he mumbled, giggling at his wife's antics.

It took a solid moment of silence for her to realize what he meant. "O-oh!" A massive blush spread across the pair's faces.

Embarrassed, Amane shrugged it off and said to forget about it.

Before he had a chance to step out of the bathroom, Nene stopped him, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face into his chest. "It would make me really, really happy if we had another one." She whispered sincerely, eyes closed as they both relaxed into the embrace.

"Then let's wish on another star with all our hearts," he mumbled into her hair.

a/n: as mentioned in last chapter, I'm accepting requests! What questions would you like Kyurei to ask next? I might make some fanart of what I think Kyurei looks like soon and I'd love to know what you guys  think he looks like. I love it when readers comment, it really makes my day! Constructive criticism is always welcome!! Anyways, thanks for reading and see you all next chapter.

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