Surprising Sherlock

By I_O_U_a_Tardis

10.7K 491 318

~Newly revamped!~ A Johnlock Fanfic There is something between John and Sherlock, even if they won't accept i... More

Surprising Sherlock: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twentyone

400 18 31
By I_O_U_a_Tardis

Sherlock laid in his own vomit as the sun rolled in threw the windows. He heard faint voices in the distance.

"For heaven sake Sherlock when I said you could borrow my car I figured it would be returned! You better be here little brother!"

It was Mycroft from downstairs. Feet clomped against the metal staircase.

"Oh God it smells in here. Sherlock? Sherlock!" Mycroft spotted his brother and rushed over to him, not caring if he was ruining his new suit.

"What the hell is this Sherlock?"

"Moriarty, I have to save everyone." Sherlock mumbled, as he looked at the box. Still on syringe left, he had to finish the box, or everyone would be back in jeopardy.

"I hardly see how this saves anyone!" Mycroft explained. He was looking around the room in disgust. Sherlock took his chance, grabbed the last needle and jammed it into his arm. As Mycroft turned around, the last of Morairty's cocaine was entering Sherlock's bloodstream.

"Jesus Christ! You just had to finish it up didn't you."

Sherlock faintly heard Mycroft call for someone, before he blacked out.


Sherlock woke up in ICU at Bart's. This time there were no flowers from Mycroft because he was the only person in the room.

"Oh good your awake" Mycroft said peering down at the wide eyed Sherlock. "Now I can hit you." Mycroft rolled up the newspaper he was reading and waked Sherlock like a dog.

"Ow. What was that for?"

"What was that for? You were a centimeter from death's door you idiot! You scared me horribly."

"Why on Earth were you scared?" Sherlock scoffed.

Mycroft looked down, "You're loss would break my heart."

"What the hell am I supposed to say to that?"

"Haven't the faintest. Honestly though Sherlock how could you have been so idiotic. You should have no you couldn't handle that much."

"I didn't have a choice. I made a deal with devil. One I doubt he will stay true to since I'm alive. He'll be far to angry."

"I'm sorry what are you blabbering about?"

"Where is John? Is he safe?" Sherlock said as loudly as he could, which was barely above a whisper, due to the scratching the tubes had left in his throat.

"Yes he is at Baker St. with Mrs.Hudson. I have a detail on them because of what John found."

"What was on the flashdrive?"

"Details about what happened on the roof a year ago. I can only imagine that they are falsified though since they are from Moriarty."

"Anything else?"

"Pictures of you using, video of you making out with John Watson."

"What!?" Sherlock bolted up, but only about a quarter meter before falling back with no more energy.

"When did you start dating? I didn't even know you knew what that was."

"Who knows I'm here, or better yet who knows I'm going to make it?"

"A handful of people know you were brought here, so far only your doctor, a nurse, and myself know that you have a fear chance of pulling through."

"Keep it that way. Pay off the doctor and the nurse to keep there mouths shut, the world needs to think I'm dying."

"Why is that?"

"I told you, I made a deal. But unless I am dead I am sure Moriarty won't hold up his end."

"What can I do?"

"You can help me die."


John was siting in the flat, waiting to hear something from Mycroft. He hated that he was being kept here by Mycroft's goons instead of being in the hospital with Sherlock. Mycroft didn't even tell him what was wrong, just that Sherlock was in bad shape. Just as the blogger was about to try and get some sleep for the first time in over twenty four hours, his phone rang.

"Mycroft! I have been waiting for you to call me for hours? What's going on?"

The elder Holmes was somber, "John I'm sorry I shouldn't have kept you away. He...It dosen't appear that my brother is going to come out of this. You need to get here immediately he dosen't have much time left."

John dropped the phone, and ran out of 221B.

Back at the hospital Sherlock was glaring at Mycroft.

"You didn't have to call him hear, that was cruel."

"It will help sell it."

Sherlock handed his brother a folded piece of paper, "Make sure no one, and no cameras see you give this to John. Make sure he never tells anyone about it."


John's POV

This lift ride was taking forever!

All I wanted was to see Sherlock and tell him that I loved him. I knew Mycroft must have exaggerated, its Sherlock, he couldn't just die, he couldn't just leave me. I needed to get up there and beat some sense into his doctors. I needed to be with him. The argument about the flash drive contents could wait. Finally the lift binged and the doors open to Sherlock's floor. I darted over to the receptionist desk.

"Sherlock Holme! What room is he in?"

The women's face dropped and her eyes widened "Oh god, sir I am so sorry."

My heart twinged, why was she sorry? I ran past her as she yelled for me to stop. I ran down hallways until I saw Mycroft standing in a room. I ran towards him desperate to know what was going on. Then I saw.

Two nurses were rolling a hospital bed past the elder Holmes, there was a person on it, Sherlock, his face covered by a sheet.

My heart stopped beating. "Sherlock!" I screamed.

Mycroft spun around and looked at me "John." he said pitifully.

I ran towards the cart "SHERLOCK!" "SHERLOCK!!!"

I pushed the nurses out of the way "SHERLOCK!!!"

I ripped off the sheet covering him.

"Sherlock" the word hardly came out. There he laid, his skin pale, his eyes shut and his pulse missing. I couldn't breath, the entire world was a blur, a fell and I felt a hand pull me away from him

"No!" I screamed as I tried to get away "Sherlock!"

"John you have to calm down." Mycroft said, he must have been the one who had grabbed me. I turned to him hyperventilating and collapsed, sobbing.

"John breath, he wouldn't want you to be like this." I glared up at him

"How?" Mycroft ignored my question. "HOW?"

"He overdosed. I believe it was intentional." I could feel every fiber of my being screaming in pain

"No! He wouldn't do that! He wouldn't leave me! Your lying!" I was sobbing so hard that it physically hurt, I could see people staring but I didn't care.

"We never even got a chance to be together! He wouldn't do this! It was Moriarty! It had to be Moriarty! He walked into a trap last night!"

"John" Mycroft said calmly. How was he calm?!

"I'm afraid it's Sherlock who is responsible for this. He had a few good minutes last night, he told me what he did, and he wrote this for you. However I am afraid I must insist you never mention it or show it to another soul."

I looked up at Mycroft, and took the note he was holding out to me and shoved it in my pocket.

"A few good moments? He was conscious last night, and I wasn't here. You robbed me of the last moments I could have had with him."

"It was horrible John, he couldn't even remember the year. I did you a favor."

I was furious and heartbroken. I didn't even process that I had punched Mycroft in the face until he was on the ground holding his jaw.

"Sherlock is dead. Do not tell me that you did me a favor! He is DEAD! I am never going to see him or talk to him again! I don't care if it was horrible, I should have been here! I should have been with him!"

I walked into the stairwell for some privacy and wiped my eyes. Grabbing the note out of pocket to read it.

To my John,

If you are reading this, then it means I am dead. You need to know that this is not your fault but I had to go to protect you and everyone else from Moriarty. I am not entirely sure what you could have found on that drive, but I know it was about that day on the roof. Go to Molly, she will tell you the truth about what happened. Now that I am gone she is the only one who can answer your questions.

I am so sorry that I have hurt you. Please don't grieve for me too long, live your life, move on.

I have never had someone in my life that I could trust completely, that I could call my friend, that I could love with every atom within me, that I knew I would always have. It was never Jake. It was never Molly. It was never The Woman. It was always you.

I loved you since I first met you. You made me feel things that I never thought I would feel. You accepted me for who I was, you made me a better person, a more human person. I'm so sorry that I had to leave you. I hope you will be able to forgive me, and realize that I did what I did to save your life.

I will always love you John Watson. Unbelievably. Unmeasurably.

-Sherlock Holmes

I was shaking and crying, getting tears all over the note. I could feel my heart crumbling into nothing. "I will always love you Sherlock Holmes." I whispered. "Unbelievably, unmeasurably, and unconditionally."


3 weeks later (still John POV)

"Hi Sherlock, I realized I never gave you your birthday present, so I brought him with me today." I glanced down at the puppy next to me and then back at Sherlock's gravestone.

"I had been keeping him at Mycroft's until I could give him to you. His name is Baskerville. I thought you would like the irony. I was going to get you a Rubik's Cube I picked out with Jake but then I found him. I checked with your brother, he is the same type of dog as Redbeard. But now that your gone he's all mine to take care of."

I looked down "I've been sleeping in your room. I hope that's ok. It hurts but it makes me feel closer to you. I miss you so much. Why can't you just come back to me?"

My voice broke and tears spilled down my face as I sunk to the ground, Baskerville whined and started licking me.

"Well I better get going before I upset the dog anymore." I said standing up and pulling myself together. "I love you Sherlock, I'll see you tomorrow."

(End of POV)

Sherlock Holmes stood in the woods by the cemetery watching John Watson at his grave.

"I will come home to you as soon as I'm done John. As soon as I know you're safe."

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