Team Weird|Walter Beckett X R...

By GoldenLink145

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Walter Beckett has been in the spy agency in Washington working with his partner Lance Sterling for three yea... More

The Beginning: One
Riding With Rockets: Two
A Werid Distraction: Three
A Task In Los Angeles: Four
IMPORTANT! Please Read!
Moving Along at Dawn: Five
The Club Of Fun: Six
A Serious Situation: Seven
A New Plan: Eight
Gumballs: Nine
A Flesh Rotting Street: Eleven
The Little Demon: Twelve
A New Lance: Thirteen
The Freind in San Francisco: Fourteen
Mansion On The Mountain: Fifteen
Hello? Virgin Speaking: Sixteen
Mess Of A Dress: Seventeen
The Dance: Eighteen
Cult of Crows: Nineteen
Winner's Raffle Art
Human Eyes: Twenty
Reverse! Cha Cha Real Smooth: Twenty-one
Sneaky Bud: Twenty-Two
*GASP!* Another Art Raffle?
Airport Friends: Twenty-Three
Crushing On You: Twenty-Four
Welcome to the Agency: Twenty-Five
A Simulation Performace: Twenty-Six
Winner Raffle Art!
Before Then : Twenty-Seven
Needle Tricks :Twenty-Eight
A True Maliden: Twenty-Nine
The Paper Thief: Thirty-One
GTA: Thirty-Two
I Like You: Thirty-Three
The 'Perfect' Visitors: Thirty-Four
I.S.T.C : Thirty-Five
Fun Head Cannons and Facts!
Russ Takes The Bait: Thirty-Six
The Phone Call :Thirty-Seven
The Teasing Before The Sex: Thirty-Eight
S E X + Third Raffle
The Real Sex: Thirty-Nine
Half-Ass Father: Forty
Cold Kisses: Forty-One

Wet Dreams: Thirty (haha 'Thirsty')

917 33 118
By GoldenLink145


Astro had a heavy and weary look on his face. Walter assumed nothing good, but he gave him a soft and questionable smile. "Hey? Everything alright?" He asked. Taking his hands out of the pockets of his sweatpants.

They were right outside of the door where the rest of his group stayed. It was rather late so the lights in the halls we're dimmed and the curtains of the windows were drawn closed. However, doctors still moved about in rooms and checked up on the injured spies.

"Two things-- well-- three really, " Astro whispered to him in an unsure tone, clearing his throat. "I have taken some blood samples and DNA tests as well as looked at some of their personal records if they had any."

"If you are going to tell me you've found out that they're Hunters, I am aware, " said Walter.

"Well, yes, that. And more-- uh-- where do I begin?" He took out a few papers that were folded neatly from his coat pocket and opened them. "Let's start off with 'Brett Gardner'. . ."

Walter wasn't worried. He was convinced that Brett and (Y/N) were good and intelligent people; put into the Hunters by force and pressured to commit anything that might be considered a crime. They were indeed followers and not leaders of any sort, he has discovered that for the most part.

Astro continued to speak. "Brett Gardener. . . Is accused of murder. Well-- it says here-- he's guilty of it but never had talked to the boy. The evidence is very clear--"

"PARDON!?" Walter exclaimed loudly. He got some stares and jumps from doctors passing by and he just smiled at them awkwardly and faced Astro again. "Pardon?" He whispered this time.

"Two males. The first one was stabbed six times in the head with a butter knife, the other one poisoned and impaled with a gardening rake, " he handed him the papers and Walter shuffled through them.

At first, he thought that Astro had gotten the wrong person, but even with the lights dimmed and the pictures black and white he could confirm that it was his 'Brett Gardner.'

"Both of them? Same day?" Walter asked.

"Both of them. Not the same day. The first one was revealed to be his father. They said they had found him in bed dead after four weeks of him not calling in for work. Gardener was fourteen at the time and his sister looked about two or three maybe; according to hospital files. They were basically run away orphans. The second one was at a weed farm."

"A weed farm?"

"A weed farm, In Michigan."

Walter sighed and rubbed his forehead. "What am I going to do with him? What should I do?"

"Turn him in, " Astro said simply with a shrug. "This stuff spread quickly, they're going to look through my search. It's best not to keep him around, you might get in trouble as well. But his surgery went well; got his tracker out just fine."

Astro was right. He couldn't get in trouble, not with Lance missing. He was already under a lot of stress. The only problem was talking with Brett about this.

"Would you like me to call someone to take care of it? While he's sleeping?" Astro said with a cough.

"No, no. I-i want to talk to him. . . What about the other stuff?" Walter asked.

"It's about (Y/N) (L/N). Now, her parents are criminals-- I tried looking up the parents and she could possibly be related to someone in our prisons? I'm not entirely sure though--just similar things. As far as I've heard, she hasn't killed a soul, may have injured a couple though. Surprising for a Hunter."

Walter placed his hands on his heart and let out a sigh of relief. His girl was safe now, as long as she was in his hands.

"But--" Astro began and sucked through his teeth. "I-i couldn't find her tracker."

Okay, that's it. Walter was going to cry again, for the fourth time today. It was one of the things he promised to do for her! Why did everything have to go wrong for him? He needs his therapist. . .  "What do you mean you can't find it?"

"I just couldn't. It's definitely there,  we just couldn't get to it. I'm sorry. I recommend you call Dr.Yami."

". . . It's fine. Thank you, Astro. For helping, " Walter said with a sad expression.

Astro nodded and shook his hand. "They should wake up in another thirty minutes or so," he said to him before walking off to another room.

Walter stood and thought for a few minutes. He then tucked the papers into his pockets, (Because thank God for man pants they can hold everything). And after that, he opened the door and walked himself back into the room.

Owen had falling asleep with his head on Brett's bed and sitting on a red chair. His sketchbook and pen laid on the floor, they must have dropped when he passed out. Walter picked them up, putting the pen and book on the desk next to the lamp and Angelina's charging phone. He knew Owen wouldn't want him to look through it, he still had to respect the guy even if he was a complete asshole.

He gave an exhausted huff and marched over to another red chair with a small white pillow. He took the pillow in his hands and sat on the cushioned chair. Walter screamed hard into it, the sound muffled, and after, he hugged his knees tightly and cuddled the small soft cushion.

The longer he stared and thought, the more saddened he got. Without Lance or Lovey or his other pigeon friends, he was simply lost. He acts like he knew what he was doing but he has no idea! He has been trying to act all high and mighty, just like Lance Sterling, but he couldn't keep this up. And he has only lost Lance for a few days!

Walter quietly took out the papers that Astro had given him and flipped through the pages. He had stopped when he got to (Y/N). How much he would give to just cuddle her.

He flipped to another and a picture was shown. It looked rather old; (Y/N) must have been about ten. Her parents were next to her as well, but Walter had to tilt his head, something seemed awfully familiar. One: the little girl. And two: the male.

Standing and walking to the light of the lamp, he took a closer look. Yes, he remembered the girl from the cemetery. The one who always looked emotionless when she looked upon her father's grave. He had talked to her once, to (Y/N), when he was smaller back in Virginia. 'What a small world, ' he told himself.

And the man. He knew him, he wouldn't forget. This was indeed Killian, but he had a different name on the paper, maybe many different names, so Walter had no idea which one was his original name. The mother had many as well.

Walter's eyes widened in realization. Putting the paper back into his pocket he quickly clicked on his watch and searched, 'Killian (L/N).' His mugshots were shown, and a few articles, but nothing really about his family or past before then. Without the robot hand and torn face, he would look just like the man in (Y/N)'s family photo.

"Beckett, " a raspy voice was heard from the door and Walter cocked his head, pressing down on his watch so the screen would turn off.

Dr.Timmph walked into the room, his hands behind his back. It was a bit strange; usually, his walk was more loose than stiff; it was as if he was a robot.  

"Uh!---" Walter straightened himself the best he could. "Dr. Timmph i--"

"You have questions about why we put you on break? About Lance?" Dr.Timmph interrupted. Odd. He never interrupts in the middle of someone talking and he didn't even have his glasses on! He was usually a very nerdy and chill fellow.

"Well-- yes and yes. . . I need to go after Lance. I know more about the situation than anyone! I don't need. . . A break."

Dr.Timmph came more towards the light. "You're tired and beaten Beckett. Take the break as a reward and to recover. Better fit spies will be put on this mission. Have you even seen anyone recently?"

Walter furrowed his brows. "I'm not taking a break when I know there is stuff needed to be done."

"But you will, you have no choice to. Go home Beckett," he said.

It was then when Walter realized his eyes. The used to be bright green orbs we're now dulled and grey; filled with despair and dead hopes. And his skin seemed paler as if he was tensed and frightened.

Walter crossed his arms and stared him up and down again. "I'm not listening to someone that's not Dr. Timmph, " he told him with a low voice.

". . ." Dr. Timmph stood there for a moment, then he chuckled. "You are a smart one."

"Yeah. . . Who the hell are you?"

"You'll figure it out. But just so you know, if you tell anyone I'll kill Lance and all your friends in this room. . . Such a small room and they look so fragile, I could easily--"

"Ooo! The 'Bad guy' talk. I haven't heard that before. What do you really want?" Walter interrupted.

"You're annoying. . .  I like it. But for what I want is for my plan to work. And for you to not get in the way of it, Walter Beckett, " he hissed.

"Hmm-- it's a challenge then. . . Alice?"

'Dr. Timmph' smiled. "Not quite. . . But close, " he glanced the watch on his wrist. "I'll be going now. Goodnight Beckett."

Walter watched as he left and sat back down, thinking to himself. He'll have to make a plan, and his group needed to be trained for whatever comes next. He couldn't risk them being injured, he won't have it.


She woke up feeling slightly numb.  It was weird really; she knew she was in a bed but she doesn't remember ever laying down in one. (Y/N) didn't attempt to sit up though, she just tilted her head to the side of her.

Her arm had been wrapped with new bandages and looking to be covered in ointment that smelled like honey. She heard voices as well, the soft and quiet voices of Walter, Angelina, and Brett.

"Oh, You're finally awake, " Angelina said.

(Auther: *Tries ReAllY HaRd noT tO dO a SkyRiM RefEreNce*)

They all turned to (Y/N). Brett was currently sitting up and fidgeting; Walter sat rather tense-looking on a chair; Angelina sat on the floor between Brett's bed and where Walter sat, and Owen's face was pressed against Brett's bed covers, sleeping while sitting on a chair.

'Oh yeah, the surgery, ' (Y/N) reminded herself. The last thing she could remember was waiting outside of a door. "How long have you guys been awake?"

"Well-- I've been awake and Brett woke up screaming like twenty minutes ago which woke up Angelina, " Walter shrugged.

"I-i-i-i didn't know where I was!" Brett stuttered.

Angelina looked over at Owen. "I have no fucking clue how princess is still sleeping."

"He fell asleep later than you did, he must be exhausted, " Walter told her.

"What about you? You've stayed up the entire time. . . Aren't you tired?"

"I'm kinda used to it I guess. Besides, I got to help out with a few people in the lab, " he let out a stressed chuckle.

"Y-you should sleep though, " Brett said.

"I will. When I get home. Now that (Y/N) is up we can finally start heading out, " He stood. "How are you feeling (Y/N)."

"A bit numb, " She responded. "But I think I can stand."

"You don't need to, I'll carry you to my car."

"Oh. . ." (Y/N) blushed. "You don't need to, " but Walter just shrugged and put on the usual bag he carried around. 'He looks good in casual clothes, ' she thought. Honestly, she would prefer that over his spy tux. He looked comfortable and sexy, (not like he always does though).

"Could you wake up Owen for me and help Brett out if he needs it? I'll be right in the lobby." Walter told Angelina while walking to (Y/N)'s bedside.

"Wake up Owen? . .With pleasure, " Angel responded as she rubbed her hands together.

(Y/N) shriveled in her pillow as Walter toward over her and threw the blankets off, he then lifted her and tried to use his knee to shift her in a position he was comfortable to hold her. "This alright?" He questioned and he smiled as she nodded in response.

"And guys--" Walter turned to Brett and Angelina. "Don't make Owen yell, there are others trying to sleep, " he said before he left out the door.

"Oh, Don't worry, Walter. . . We'll make sure he doesn't scream, " Angelina uttered.


The shower ran hot and comforting against his skin. He had bruises along his neck, arms, and wrists from the hard days 'training' from Alice and 'Tom.' He felt weak, but not hopeless, nothing ever let him down, especially a stupid little girl.

He waited in the shower, with the curtains drawn and the lights off, and he waited as he rang his small bud. He waited for about ten or so minutes until someone accepted. His hands and feet were wrinkled by that time, but he still let the shower run in the darkness of the bathroom.

"Hello?" A voice said quietly.

"Hello, " Lance sighed. "Listen, I need you to get in the shower and run the water. They have cameras everywhere and this is the only way I can communicate with you at the moment."

"Is that what that sound is?" The crazy lady questioned.

"Er-- yes-- just do as I say. Hurry, hurry. They've put you in a room, right?"

There was faint chatting on her end, then silence, then the sound of running water. "Okay asshole. Go on."

"Who were you talking to?" Lance questioned.

"Lovey. . . She's stupid but she's learning. . ."

'Fuck, I knew it, ' Lance thought to himself. "Where did you get the serum from?"

"Serum? . . Ooh, you mean the bouncing ball. I didn't know it was a fucking serum, but now im stuck with this dumb girl."

"Yeah but-- where did you get it from?"

"From my daughter."

"Oh. . . Of course, " Lance's face palmed himself. He completely forgot that one girl got into Walter's stuff, of course she kept one! "Well, this may just be more difficult."

"Did you really need to spill water on me?"

"That was the only thing I could think of at the moment."

"Ugh. . . "

"But listen, I have a plan and I need you and Lovey to corroborate so this will work."


"Walter, I'm fine, you really don't need to carry me, " (Y/N) smiled as she sat on a couch in the lobby. It was bright and louder; more and more spies walked past them. Some of them even stared and whispered to each other while making goo-goo eyes at the both of them. She had no idea why.

Walter pouted with puppy eyes. "Mmm. I just wanna help," he whimpered as he laid his chin on her shoulder.

(Y/N) blushed and laughed at this. "Oh, What happened while I was out?"

"Ah-- a lot-- actually, " he said while lifting his chin from her shoulder and scratching the back of his neck. "I'll talk to you about it when morning comes, right now we all just need a little rest."

Angelina, Brett, and Owen came out of a doorway where the stairs were, with Angel holding Owen's wrists, his yells were muffled by duck tape. As soon as they got out, Angelina let go of Owen and he ran towards (Y/N), out of breath and red in the face with fury, pulling off the duck tape on his mouth.


"Angel, how could you?" Walter asked while trying to hold in his laughter.

"Hmm? I did what? No such thing. He tripped on his laces. Right Brett?" Angelina turns towards Brett with a bared and evil look.

Brett gave a very nervous smile."I-i-i-i-i saw nothing. Uh-- who's Owen?"

"I DON'T HAVE LACES!" Owen pointed at his shoes.

"Ghost laces. Or maybe you're just stupid, " Angel said.


"Already graduated, bitch. Where have you been?"

"Nope! I-i don't have any part in this, " Brett said again as he walked behind (Y/N). "Oh geez, W-who's Owen?"

"Alright, guys, calm down. You're starting a commotion, " Walter told them. "Why do I feel like I'm the only adult in this group?"

"I-i'm an adult."

Walter laughed at Brett's words. "Nu, " he ruffled his hair then put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him dead in the eyes. "We need to talk tomorrow. Just you and me, yeah?"

They heard Brett gulp and saw him shrink from Walter's gaze. "Y-yes sir. . ." That kind of put everyone in place; making them silent, (except Owen of course, he didn't give a fuck).

"Are we not going to address the fact that she pushed me down the stairs!?" Owen cried, watching as they all started to take leave, ignoring him. "HEY! Fucking---UGH!"

"Tragic. I'm sorry for your loss, " Was all Walter Beckett said.


His neck kind of hurt and it felt funny to walk; his legs were a bit numb. What Walter said helped him get his mind off it though. Although it wasn't a good thing, he hated talking to people privately! And Walter scares him a bit. . . He could be very intimidating when he wanted to be, and at the same time, he seemed loving and huggable like a teddy.

But Brett always hated private conversation! He was glad the group had gotten larger, it was easier for him. And plus, he felt like a third wheel around (Y/N) and Walter even though they weren't dating. He feels something between them and he could just tell there was something.

Once they arrived at the car he felt exhausted again. He doesn't know what's going to happen next on their journey. He knew he was going to help Walter and (Y/N) find Sterling and the side captain but does he really want to go now? Was there really a reason to go knowing that you would be no help anyway? Knowing that after they get the Hunter's side captain back that she would just kill him after? Why even go through the struggle and hurt when he could just find his way back to his sister like he has been wanting to.

And yes! He was free now! Free from the tracker and knowing he wouldn't die at any second. Technically, he could just leave. Leave Walter behind, leave (Y/N) and Angelina and Owen. And if he did, would he regret it? Probably yes. It would be selfish to leave Walter after all that he has done for him and his sister.

"OH! My gun! I totally forgot I left it in here, " (Y/N) said as she snatched her gun from in between her seat and the car door. She held it and waved it around in the air.

"Ah- no, " Walter said while taking the gun away from her. "No guns."

"Wwhhatt? You can't take that away! My mother gave it to me."

Walter sighed. "I don't want you to hurt yourself. And yes I can take it away, my rules."

"Fiinee, " (Y/N) looked at him with a sad face.

"Don't give me kitten face, You won't need a gun anyway."

They drove for about half an hour, maybe more, before they stopped next to a rather average-sized house that looked to be one story with a red minivan in the parking lot. It looked cozy, Brett had to admit, he thought Walter was going to drive up to a mansion.

"This. This is your house?" Owen said with a raised eyebrow.

"You have a soccer mom's car!" Angelina laughed.

"You do have a soccer mom's car, " (Y/N) agreed.

Walter chuckled at them and took the keys out of the ignition, taking the gun with him as well. "I get that a lot, but I like my car."

"I have to sleep in there!? MY BAGS ARE IN THERE!?" Owen exclaimed.

"Rather sleep in my minivan princess?"

"Owen, why are you even still traveling with us if you don't want to be here?"

"UGH! Because- because. . ." Brett noticed him glancing over to him. "Let's just get inside! I need my brush. My hairs a mess from--- FALLING DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS!"

Angelina just shrugged and they followed behind Walter towards his house. He unlocked the doors and turned on his lights, letting out a relieved sigh as he rested his red backpack and the gun on the table.

Brett shut the door behind them and looked nervously around. The house had white walls with tanned paneled flooring in the small kitchen and wooden for the rest. In the open kitchen, there was an island table, (the one Walter set his bag on), and the usual things you would find: a fridge, cabinets, two wooden chairs, an oven, a toaster, a sink.

To the left of them was the living area with a small pull out sofa and a medium-sized television hanging on the wall with bookshelves on the sides of it. He also had a small glass table with blueprints and pens and other papers like in his work station back in the lab. There were pictures hanging on the walls next to the windows and it's white curtains as well; photos of Walter and his mother; and of Lance and him; and of framed awards.

There was also a room without a door that had lights coming from it by the living room. Brett assumed that might be his own little lab station at home.

"Uh-- sorry if stuff seems cluttered about. I've been trying to rebuild it; moving stuff around and all that. That area near the back yard door--" he pointed straight ahead towards a glass sliding door. "That's kinda cut off, that's where I keep my washing machine but the area itself is-- uh-- kind of blocked by planks of wood. I usually have to sliver my way in there. So just don't go in there. But everywhere else is fine.

Owen's bags we're right next to the entrance of the house, he was already going through it, making sure everything was there.

"Don't you have a roommate?" Angelina asked him.

"Yes, but she is away. . .I'm hoping to get her back soon. And I know you guys got into my computer, " Walter raised an eyebrow.


"What? How did you know?" (Y/N) questioned with a huff.

"Well, I have a front camera and it tells me when I last logged in, " Walter told them. "Also-- you left the tabs open."

"That's your fault, Owen! You forgot to close the tabs!" Angel pointed at him but he just gave her a annoyed look.

"Shut up woman! Almost everyone does! It was his girlfriend's idea anyway!"

"Welp. Can't say anything about that, " (Y/N) admitted, completely ignoring the fact he called her Walter's 'girlfriend.' "You did leave the tabs open though. . ."

"Oh geez. . . W-who's Owen? What's a computer? OOH im tired!" Brett said, wanting no more of the conversation.

"Okay so, here's what im thinking. The ladies will sleep in my room, aannd me and the boys will sleep on the sofa bed," Walter said.

"WHAT!? Why do they get the actual bed?" Owen questioned with a look of disgust towards the couch.

"Because they are ladies, " Walter replied while giving the girls a goofy bow. "I wouldn't think you would want to sleep in my bed, Owen."

"Well it's certainly not a sofa--- actually, " Owen stopped himself and thought. "I-i'm fine with the sofa, I have no idea what you have done in there--" he finally said while walking over to the couch.

"I-i have done nothing-- don't scare the girls, " Walter said, putting his hands up. "Follow me,  I'll let you borrow some clothes too."


Walter's room was pleasantly small, and his bed was big enough for both her and Angelina. The sheets were red and thick, and his pillows were just as fluffy, In fact, he had just finished changing the cases on them. After, he went into his clothes drawer and got out a couple of sweat pants and shirts to let them borrow.

He gave Angelina one of his t-shirts and grey sweatpants while (Y/N) got one of his hoodies, (she had asked for that instead of a shirt. (Needless to say, she had squealed with happiness.) Everything smelt like him! His clothes especially!))

"Need anything else before I close the door?" Walter questioned while tilting his head.

"Um-- actually-- I do need--" Angelina looked to the side, embarrassed while wrapping the clothes around her arm.


"Do you have tampons?" She finally managed to say. But this didn't take Walter aback at all, he didn't even look embarrassed like (Y/N) expected that he would when mentioning this kind of topic.

"Yeah, " he said. "I think I have some under the sink in the bathroom."

"Oh. . .Okay, " she said as she went to the bathroom.

"Thank you, Walter, " (Y/N) said.

Walter save her a lovey-dovey smile. "Kisssss~" he pointed at his cheek.

"Don't I owe you two?" She questioned, remembering the other time.

"N--" he seemed to stop for a moment. "Y e s."

(Y/N) giggled confusingly, blushing as she nodded and put her small hands on his ears, pulling him towards her. She kissed both of his cheeks, sticking her tongue out after which made Walter pull her into a hug. Of course, she hugged him back, Walter gave the best hugs, there was no way anyone could refuse.

Angelina came in just then, and (Y/N) heard her suck her teeth in as if she was angry with something. She already wore Walter's clothes and undid her bun.

"Ah--" Walter said while slowly letting go. "Goodnight, let me know if you need anything."

They watched him walk out and close the door. But as soon as he left, Angelina turned to (Y/N), glaring and crossing her arms. "What are you trying to do?"

(Y/N) stood there confused. "What?"

"Walter doesn't need someone like you."

"Excuse me?"

"He doesn't need you. Plus you're just gonna end up breaking your own heart. He'll find someone prettier than you and he'll be running off to the next."

(Y/N) had to laugh at this, she must be on some type of drug or something! Or maybe it was just was her period. . . "Angel, what are you on about?  I don't know what you've been through but Walter is definitely not that type of guy."

"Hmm? Really? While you were sleeping he was talking to some other girl, wanna know what I found in his tuxedo pocket?" She went through the pockets of her other clothes, pulling out lipstick and a little plastic thing.

She threw the little plastic to her, and (Y/N) flipped it over. "A condom?" (Y/N) shrugged. "It doesn't mean anything if it's not opened."

"Well. . ." Angelina looked for words. Looks like her plan didn't work out.

"Going through his pockets just to find something like this is a bit obsessive, don't you think? . . " (Y/N) said, glaring at her. "I'm not stupid. And saying he doesn't need me---well, I mean--- obviously! He's famous and a top spy, why would he?"

"Fine. But. If he breaks your heart--"

"Here, " (Y/N) stopped her and threw the condom back. "I don't. . . I don't want to talk about this. Whatever you're saying-- whatever you're trying to do. It's something that I don't want to fight with you over. . ."

She didn't want to be rude to her, however, (Y/N) knew Walter wasn't the kind of person to just have sex with anyone. And at least he had a condom! Love Walter or not, she can say it's better having one than none.

(Y/N) had the feeling that Angelina was trying to make Walter look bad, and that was OWEN'S job! She's turning into an Owen. Her proof meant nothing. She wasn't falling for that bitchy high school shit.

Angelina huffed and turned the lights off. "Whatever."

They both went in bed frustrated with each other. The only reason (Y/N) was able to sleep is when she thought about Walter. She buried her face into his sheets and the scent calmed her down until she was able to drift away.
(Warning: kinda lemon though🍋)
The smell never left, it stayed to comfort her. She felt bare though, and cold as her eyes remained closed. It was only when she felt something warm press up against her stomach that she opened them and as soon as she did, she gasped.

Walter's legs were spread from both sides of her. She could see his bare chest move up and down from him breathing and his jean pants were unzipped to where she could see his boxes.

(Y/N) trembled, feeling her body and face heat up from the unexpected sight.

His eyes seemed to glow blue and lustful in the dark and he had a wanting expression on his face as he dipped slowly towards her, putting his palms on the sides of her. His hair seemed to be messier than it usually was when she saw it, and when he came closer she felt something churn and knot within her stomach. She couldn't describe it, but it was a good feeling.

"W-Walter, what are you doing?" She asked with a shaky voice. But he just smiled and lowered his face towards hers. She was convinced that smile could make anyone go insane for him.

He kissed her ear, making her breathing grow rapid and hitched, then trailed kisses towards her cheek, then nose, then finally her lips.

She squeaked a little; his lips felt so familiar, yet, she knew she has never kissed him before. He was gentle but aggressive at the same time, though, she let it happen, in fact, she went along with it and wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him closer and deepening the sweet kiss. His tongue was everything, it made her body scream for him.

When he pulled back she almost whimpered, but he moved to her neck, pecking small kisses and sucking softly while her heart raced and little noises escaped her. His right hand moved up and down her torso and stomach as he continued, the knot growing in her stomach. She felt really hot at this point, and she could feel the wetness in between her thighs.

Her back arched, lifting towards Walter's body. She wanted this, she wanted him to be close to her.

As he moved towards her breasts, playing and sucking them, she had moaned heavily. The teasing session had become annoying.

"Walter--" She covered her hands with her face, her voice cracking. "I need--"

He suddenly stopped and sat up, perhaps he had gotten what she was saying. His eyes turned from lust to care as he shifted back to her lips and kissed her again, this time looser. As before, she wrapped her arms desperately around him.

It wasn't until a second later she noticed his hand moving to her lower half. Her body tingled and shivered when she felt the pressure and warmth of his hand, and when he inserted a finger she twitched and groaned loudly into the kiss. Then he did another and she had to pull away, throwing her head back and covering her face.

Walter pecked at her neck again, waiting a couple of seconds before he started pumping, sending (Y/N) into a fit of pleasure and uncontrollable moans.

The feeling in her stomach tightening and tightening the faster he pumped his fingers, laying his head on her shoulder as he continued to thrust and thrust.

When the knot finally loosened, and he had taken his fingers out, she was left breathless, colors swarming her vision and all she could think about was Walter.
(Haha I think im pretty good at these😏)
She sprung from her position on the bed, her body heavy and hot, and she felt wet on her lower half. Her breathing was heavy as well as she stood from the bed to regain herself.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened, remembering the dream. It seemed so real, so vivid. But of course, Walter wouldn't be so confident in bed-- ppftt-- not like she would think of what it was like-- haha haaaaa.

She smacked herself, trying to forget about it, and went out the door to get herself a glass of water.


He was just thinking, drawing out a plan on paper. He wanted to order simulation suits for his group but he also wanted to get Lance back as fast as possible.

It was about seven am, the sun has nearly risen and Walter has not gotten a blink of sleep, he simply couldn't, he was way too stressed for sleep. His eye bags we're visible by now, and he swore he almost fell asleep a couple of times while sitting up.

He was currently sitting on the island table, papers in front of him with a pencil sitting on his ear. Though his attention was caught by (Y/N) walking in and pulling open the fridge. She looked frantic and almost sick; she was red in the face and her hair was a mess.

"Uh--hungry?" Walter questioned. (Y/N) seemed to jump at his voice and she turned around looking more red to the face, which just caused Walter confusion. "Are you okay? Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"AH-Uh-i- *cough*" (Y/N) began and shook her head. "Nightmare! I'm just looking for water. . ."

"Oh, " Walter hopped off the counter and went to one of the cabinets and grabbed her a glass while she took a jug of water out of the fridge.

She seemed to grow redder and squeak upon him touching shoulders with her accidentally, he had to admit, it was really cute, he wondered-- what other sounds she could make.

"Are you okay?" He asked. He was a bit worried.

"S-sorry, im just all over the place, " she giggled dryly.

"I understand, nightmares are a bit of a bitch sometimes. I woke up one time and couldn't breathe it's always easier if someone's there with you. If you want though, you could sleep with me, " he smiled towards her.

"HHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, " (Y/N)'s face grew more and more red, she almost seemed breathless.

"OH! N-not in-- you know-- that way, " He said, but before he knew it she was shuffling back to his bedroom.

'Wow. Great going Walter. You scared her away.'
BUM BUM! I know y'all will get excited for this one. Make sure you comment and vote for more!

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