Driven Apart

By Brendanational

237K 9.5K 2.2K

( COMPLETED ) Type a young omega is been forced into a marriage to pay his father debts, but along the line... More

The Proposal
His New Home


11.5K 460 63
By Brendanational

Type woke up the next morning to an empty bed, at first the feeling that overcame him was panic, where was Tharn.He looked around the room  and his suspicions was correct, the Alpha had left without a word, his armour and  some essentials were gone. Had the man gotten what he wanted from him and left, he was scared, he could not go through another heart break again, he won't survive it, at least, the last time he left the man heartbroken, they had not become one and their souls bonded as one, that's why he was able to survive it. But now it's different, please! by the heavens let this not be the case, thought Type ,as tears began to gather in his eyes, just then, he looked at the did side of the bed, and saw an open scroll with his name on it, he wipe away the tears and picked it up.

The 📜 reads"My love, my heart, my soul mate, Type. It pains me to leave without seeing those beautiful eyes of yours, but at least I enjoyed watching you sleep.
My men and I ,had to Leave before dawn in other to make the journey on time to Duhgun city.
I didn't  want to wake you cause I felt responsible for you, how previous night activities had left you weak and tired and you looked so peaceful asleep, I didn't want to say goodbye my love, so I left like a coward, but I promise you this, on my life, I will see you again, and  make love to  you  when I do, hopefully in the next two weeks.
Stay safe my love and wait for me.
Your soulmate ,
Prince Tharn Suppasit.

That was a week ago now, Type was currently doing his rounds in the medic tent with his colleagues. No day went by that he doesn't think of Tharn, his smile, his eyes, his touch and oh!  His body that make type hunger for him with each passing day.  As he kept counting down the days, until they meet again.
He had to distract himself, so he buried himself in work and learning in other to keep his thoughts away from the man who had taken every part of him and made it his.
On that faithful morning, Mrs Kun,came into the tent and gathered everyone together.
"I have an announcement to make, firstly, the negotiation with Duhgun's ruler was successful, and  we are moving the camp to the border between Duhgun city and Meg city, where we will  be reunited with the rest of the soldiers."she said.
Everyone cheered  at that ,at least one battle was avoided and so was the blood shed.
Type  could breath easier for the first time in days, Tharn was safe and okay and  on top of that, he will get to see the man soon and he could not be any happier .
Anyone who saw him after that news knew he was excited, but they thought it was just for the same reason they were as well, only Mrs kun gave him a smug smile that said" I know whats on your mind".
But he didn't care for he was extremely excited to see his love.


It's been one week since Tharn left the camp and type as well, he remembers that morning, how hard it was for him to leave the sleeping omega on his bed, he looked so beautiful and peaceful, he had tired the man out the previous night and he knew if type were to wake up then, he would have dragged the omega along with him to Duhgun city under some false pretenses .
So instead he left and only leaving a scroll behind to explain himself, this past week had been torture for him being away from his omega,his soulmate. But now the message had been sent to the camp, all he had to do was wait for the next one week before joining them at the camp.


Type remembers the day they finally move their camp, he was probably the first to pack and ready to leave, he was beyond happy and excited to see his Alpha, Tharn. The man who was the reason he woke up most days,his love and soulmate.
When they started their journey on the first day, Type was beyond happy, he was fast in his movements, only been slowed down occasionally by one tired patient or another, at night he slept along said Mrs kun as always.

Then the second day came and he became slower, but not as the sick patients.
Then the third day came with the unrelenting heat that made him sweat through his clothes, like most of the soldiers in the campaign.
Then the fourth day,  and the blurry vision that left him with an headache like no other started, that was the day everything went to hell.

Mrs kun had been types guardian since the beginning of the war and even cared for him during his harder times, so she had become somewhat of an expert in reading the omega's. type  was a man who find it hard to express himself in words, so she always tries to be observant of his behavior, so when the man sweated on the third day of their journey complaining of how hot it was and then at night shivered with shaken teeth.she knew ,he may be coming down with something, then on the fourth day she heard the screaming from one of her student.

The physician immediately rushed to see what was happening ,only to find type on the ground unconscious.
She ran to his side testing first if he was still breathing, after confirming that yes he was, she raised his head to be on her lap, to see what was in fact wrong with the omega. His purse was fast, way too fast, then his body was hot, hotter than it should be even under the sun and lastly his scent had changed, it was sweeter than before with a ting of something else in the mixed.
She immediately asked one of her student to bring water and another to prepare a shade for them to be under. The water brought, she socked in ,a piece rag in it ,as she tried to bring down his temperature, but as she did he whined in an unconcious state.

"Tharn....... Tharn...... Where is my....... Soulmate....... Take.... Me.... To...... Him..... "Said type.

Mrs kun could not do anything but administer treatment to type, then place him in a  Cart telling everyone who asked what happened, that type had an heatstroke, that he just needs rest, he would be fine. Some complained that of course he would get an heatstroke ,after all omega's are know to be weak.
Mrs kun paid no mind to them, instead she had her attention fully on type, who had been placed in her care by not one but two Alphas who had fallen head over heels in love with the omega, if something were to happen to type under her care, she would have hell to pay from two angry Alphas,even though one scared her more than the other, he was a general and a prince after all.
She still has a fresh memory of the morning Prince Tharn left for Duhgun city. He had said.
"I place my soul under your care, and if anything should happen to  cause him  pain while I am away, I will make sure  to visit you with 10 times that pain," he said all this with a smile on his face that spoke of death to any who would harm the omega, so yes she was scared, she had children and a husband to go back home too.

The treatment she gave to him seems to be working when he woke up some time later on their journey, he had asked for water and food which was given to him. He spent his other words apologising to everyone for causing a disturbance by his carelessness with his health.

The next day type, seems to be doing fine, he could walk on his own again, but the heat started again, he was breathing heavily, while holding his stomach, his chest rising up and down way too fast, she ran to him and that's when she saw his eyes, that seems to be rolling to the back of his head, his entire body was on fire, and he kept saying "it hurts over and over again " when she asked "what hurts?" as he was now laying on the bare ground with his head on her lap.  "he took her hand with the little energy he had to spare under the intense pain he was feeling at the moment, then placed it underneath his abdomen  close to his waist line.
She looked into his eyes and she could tell what was wrong, it would have been  a blessing to the young man, but of course his life was always hard.
She had to get type away from the Alpha's around them before the full wave of  his heat  started .

Yes type was having his first heat in middle of a fucking campaign with over 500 Alphas present.

Alphas tend to be dangerous  when an omega in heat was around them and the sharper and sweeter the scent, the stupider they become.  She had to get type as far away as possible, before his full circle starts and then there will be no turning back, Alphas may end up fighting each other for him, and that was a fact.
An omega's first heat always has the highest call scent that attracts the most number of Alphas, the omega's scent becomes sweeter, and not to be bais,types scent was one of the most unique and sweetest scent she had smelled and that was coming from an beta, and everyone knows betas have a very low sensitive to scents.

Mrs kun looked at the young man that had been besides type when he fainted the day before, his name was korn.
"Korn I need you to go get the general, that it's a matter of urgency, and the safety of the entire campaign is at stake" said Mrs kun .

The young man ran to get the only general present at the time, General Mist.  He ran until he got to the front of the line,by the time he got there he was breathing heavily.
"General Mist, Swadee krab" he greeted with his head bowed.  The General answered then asked the young man who looked to be in a panicked state.


"what's your name young man and why do look like the hounds of hell is chasing after you?. "asked G. Mist.

"General, I was sent by my master, the head physician, Mrs kun. She says it's a matter of urgency, that concines the safety of the entire campaign  and that u should come with me now "said  korn.
"On hearing this Mist didn't ask any more  Questions,he looked at his second in command and gave him the signal to show he was now the leading man, and immediately after rode his horse so fast he left the poor beta korn in the dust as he made his way to the back of line where the  physicians were.

On arrival the scene that greeted him was, the head physician holding a young man on her lap and when he came down from his horse, he realized one thing, the man on the physician's lap was not just anyone, this was type the omega of his friend Lhong who had given his concent for the omega to come with his master the physician. Said friend had also asked  him right from the start, along with his brothers xee and zee to watch the omega, but since his brothers were reluctant to, as their brother  lhong was going through a heartbreak caused by said omega they could care less. G. Mist has been watching the omega since day one of the campaign and on occasions he couldn't,he would send the his man servant .Thats how he knew this same very omega was having an affair with the prince . He also knows his friends are both in love with the same omega and he rather not be the one they would focus their anger on, if anything should happen to him.

"what's going on here "asked G. Mist

"General, this is type ,he is  an omega and about to go into his first heat" said the physician.

"His this some kind of joke, he is infertile, if I remember correctly and that's why his Alpha left him in your care"saidG. Mist
"well we were all wrong, type seems to be a very very late bloomer and it happening whether we like it or not, Mother Nature as spoken. How concern now is getting him to safety for his and every once sake"she said.

General mist knew he had to think fast even if he was in shock at this revelation.
"We are two days away from the new camp and a day away from Duhgun city, how long before his first wave? "asked the general.
"by this time tomorrow he will be in full blown heat"said the physician.

"That long enough, I will have one of my trusted beta's  take him to Duhgun city along with you, if you ride fast enough, you would arrive by night fall, I will send a carrier pigeon ahead of you, so everything is prepared on your arrival "said the general.

"okay,  I will prepare now, we leave in 30minutes." said Mrs kun.


Tharn was having lunch with Surphia and Zon the rulers of Duhgun city, they talked about nothing in particular, just getting to know each other, when general Lia came in with a carrier pigeon in one hand and a note in the other. She greeted everyone in the room before she spoke.
" Your highness, I have an urgent message from the campaign ,its from General mist, " said G. Lia.

"tharn could see the frown on her brow, something's was very wrong or else his friend wouldn't have shown any emotion on her face.

He got up then, said his goodbyes and thank you's to dignetries present.
He took  Lia to one of the quieter  rooms for privacy, then he took the note and read it, after reading it, he was in complete shock and then he smiled, this was his chance, he will not mess this up".

"Have a room prepared close to mine, I will speak with the master Surphia and Zon, and lastly if anyone asks who type is, I expect you all's  replies to be my mate "he said smiling.
"what about xee and Zon"asked G. Lia.
"I will have them go to the camp ahead of us and prepare for the coming campaign, they must not be aware. "said tharn.
Lia had know tharn since they were children, that's how she knows when her friend made up his mind to do something he did it. It was also the reason tharn had confide in her about his relationship with the omega.

"Tharn, I know you love this man, you have told me as much, but mating with him is a dangerous risk, are you ready to face the judgement as well as the consequences? "asked G. LIA.

"I AM, NOW GET EVERYTHING READY" said than with so much determination in his voice, Lia did not dare question him again.

Riding as fast as they could through the day, Mrs kun arrived in Duhgun city just after night fall. She was taken to the house of their ruler were prince Tharn was waiting for their arrival, as soon as they got there he took the sleeping omega from their hands and carried him bridal style, he had walked away with type in his arms not looking back or saying a word to them, the aura around the prince was one of a Alpha protecting his mate as he prepared for a heat. Anyone in their right mind stepped away as the prince made  way to his shared quarters with type, no one dared say a word.


Type woke up in an unfamiliar room, he was about to panic when a wave of a familiar scent washed over him, it was sandalwood and Jasmin, it calmed the storm about to start inside of him, that's when he saw Tharn walked over to him to sit by the bed.

Type could not help the smile that took over his face.
" am I dreaming right now or are you really here? "asked type in a daze.

Tharn smiled at him. "my love I am here with you, you arrived in Duhgun city not quite long ago", he said smiling as he move some of the hair on type's face to get a better view of the beautiful omega.

"Type do you know what's happening to you "tharn asked.
Type looked at him for a second, the Alpha was so handsome right now, he wanted the man close to him and maybe other things too.

" I am sick, the physician brought me here right? Asked type.
"Yes she brought you, but you are not sick, type you about to have your first heat ever"said type. As he carest the omega's face.

"That's not possible, I am infertile," said type smile gone from his face.

"Oh, but it is true, you are about too and I am so happy type, do you know what this means, if we spend it together, I will have more  right to a union with you than Lhong and he would have to end the marriage, cause in eyes of the law, I will be the highest Alpha in your life. "said tharn.

"really, you are not playing with me? "asked type.
"Yes, really, all I want is your permission to mate with you, when the time comes, for you will be out of it ,when you are in full bloom, so do I have your permission? " asked Tharn.

"Do you even need to ask, I have been yours for a very long time, you are my Alpha and maybe my body understands that, that's why its has chosen this time to present itself, I love you Tharn, and yes I want it to be you "said type with so much longing and passion in his voice that the Alpha in tharn danced in pride.

The omega had chosen him and he was going to love type till his last breath. He got on the bed and lied by type's side as he brought their faces together, he stared at type's eyes as he kissed the man with as much passion as he could master.
After kissing for a long time he pulled away and said. "I love you Type "tharn said as a smile brightens his beautiful face.  He fed the omega the food he had asked the kitchen to prepare, spicy like the omega likes.
He  had decided then that he was going to make type his queen no matter what.

"Sleep for now" he said,for tomorrow is going to be an eventful day,you will need your strength". He said as he lured the omega to sleep.


Tharn woke up from his slumber to the beautiful scent of type in full bloom of his heat and then he realized his rut must have started sometime during the night as well.
The entire room smelled of honeysuckle and vanilla and he was hungry, he wanted type, he wanted the omega and there was no denying it. He placed his hands on types back as he began to rub circles around it, then his hands went south to the sleeping omega's privates as he removed the robes he  and type was wearing ,during this time type woke up to the hungry man on top him, who was wasting no time in striping him naked.
And when they were finally naked without a piece of cloth between the two, they stopped to enjoy the view, both thinking how handsome, sexy and beautiful the other was.
Tharn decided he had done enough admiring and wanted to feel all of type as his hands began to caress the omega's body, he kissed Type's lips as his hand moved everywhere they could find. He then kisses down to type's neck and bit on his scent glands, but not hard enough to form a mating bond.
His lips went down to type's chest as the omega was now a moaning mess. He could feel type's erection against his, the omega was moving his waist in other to get some friction between them and in the process rubbing against  tharn's erection making the Alpha moan in pleasure, while this was going on tharn latched his mouth to type's nipple while his other hand squeezed on the other as he sucked making the man beneath him a moaning mess.
"ha!!  ...tharn.... Please..... I..... Need...... ha!!!!!!!!!! 
Type was a socked mess by the time tharn switches to the other nipple and that's all it took as he came for the first time. Tharn was proud of his work as he watched the omega who was unaware of his gaze in his blitzed out moment.
Tharn then made his way to type's pussy, the omega was socking wet, his juices was already socking up the bed as tharn gave an experimental lick of it, the taste of honey welcomed his tongue and he lost himself, he licked all the juices out side type's pussy as the omega moaned like a man begging for more ,as he was indeed begging for more.
When all the outer juices was gone tharn made his mission to find and bring more, so he began to suck on type's pussy like a starved man until he got what he wanted from the screaming omega underneath him. Then he started fingering him it was just one finger at first as it progressed over time to four , as more juices came out when type came the second Time screaming tharn name.

Tharn move up over type's body so they were face to face, he lifted the omega's legs over his shoulders, then he placed his dick at type's entrance, folding the omega in half, he pushed in, in one fluid motion, which was so easy due to how wet he was. Tharn was in heaven, sex had never felt this good to him,  as a lone tear drop down his cheeks,as he fucked type without restrictions, taken what he needed while making sure the man was enjoying himself, it was paradise.
Type begged for more as the Alpha fucked another two orgasms out of him as he kept begging for more.

Tharn still fucking type, felt his knot about to form, he stated to increase his pace even more which should be impossible, as the omega under him begged for more with his legs in the air. He fucked type until he was about to come and placed the omega's legs down so he could placed his lips on his scent gland, as tharn came he bit hard enough for blood to come out then came in a shudder as he rode the wave till the end, lips still connected to type's neck as he licked at the bit to stop the bleeding, which he did.

Since he couldn't pull out from type's pussy, he lied on his back as he placed type on top of him and spread kisses all over his head, they both still connected  as his seed pumped into the omega and they became on soul.

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