Love Triangle

By HersheyKandii97

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Mario sighed before he closed his eyes "Do you still have feelings for him?" he asked. I bit my lip "Does it... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: The Plan
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 14

458 16 4
By HersheyKandii97

Okay you guys, I've been randomly watching Bad Girls Club fight videos on YouTube for the past week now, so this Chapter is about to get very ratchet and violent lol 😂. If you're into that kind of thing, then I have a treat for you. If you're not...then I'm deeply sorry that you have to witness such violence. Okay you guys, here's Chapter 14. Enjoy 😊

WARNING: This Chapter contains violence. Read with caution

Chapter 14

Chasity's POV

During the whole ride to Mario's house I had this sour feeling in the pit of my stomach. I never thought in a million years that I would be on my way to go break up with someone because they are a threat to me. It's not even the fact that Mario is Bi Polar and Schizophrenic that's the problem, it's the fact that he's not taking his medicine and he's literally bugging. Between the mood swings he's been having for the past month along with those crazy messages that he just sent me, I'm slightly afraid because now I don't actually know what he's capable of. What if he tries to hurt me physically? And I'm not talking about actual fighting. Because regardless of anything, I use to box and I've fought guys before so I know for a fact that I can handle myself. I'm talking about actual physical harm such as knives or guns or...whatever else you could use to possibly kill someone.

I sighed as I rested my head against the car window..this is some straight bullshit. It's so damn crazy all that could happen in such a short period of time. One minute I was kissing up on Mario and loving the hell out of him. Planning my future with him, making love to him, going on dates with him, and laying up with him. Next minute I'm back in my ex boyfriend's bed and now Mario is a threat with a illness that I never even knew about. But I expect nothing less... this has always been my life. Just drama filled. If my life was a damn reality show I would run every single show on VH1 out of business that's for sure.

"Chassy we're here" I heard Yandy suddenly say, snapping me out my thoughts.

I glanced out the window to see Mario's little teal colored house in my view. My breath caught in my throat when I saw his Burgundy Honda CR-V parked in the drive-way, signalling that he's home. Welp, here goes nothing.

I opened the car door before stepping out and softly shutting it behind me. I then began walking up to Mario's house, each step feeling like a million. My palms and armpits began sweating and I'm very surprised I didn't draw blood based on how hard I was biting my lip. I'm so fucking nervous. Okay Chasity get it together, everything is going to be fine. It's simple. 'Mario, it's over', then go home and then you can move on with your life and never have to worry about him ever again. You can do this and this is for the best.

"Chasity! DO NOT go inside of his house. Make his ass come outside and talk to you so we can keep an eye on him and run up if necessary!" I heard Yandy call out from inside Ronney's truck.

I gave her a thumbs up, letting her know that I acknowledged what she said as I kept walking up to the house, never breaking my gaze from the front door. I feel like imma shit on myself, my stomach is literally doing cartwheels. I legit don't know what the outcome of this may be. Let's just hope he'll take this break up well. I know he'll be hurt, but I hope he doesn't take things to drastic measures. Shit, even if he screams at me and calls me every name in the book I'll be alright with that. But I hope that he doesn't touch me. Because if he touches me I know that it's going to open up a can of worms.

Finally I made it to Mario's front door, and I lifted up a shaky hand and knocked softly 3 times....

I took a deep breath as I waited for him to open the door. After about 15 seconds of playing with the acrylic on my nails, I glanced at the door curiously. Hmm, maybe he's not home. But his car is in the drive way...maybe he didn't hear me knocking.

Just as I raised my hand to knock again, the door suddenly swung opened. And to my shock Mario wasn't behind the door, but his little sister Maxine was. I couldn't help but groan in annoyance as I stared at her. Ugh, this bird.

Mario has two sisters and one brother. Melody is his eldest sister who is 31 years old, and Maxine is the youngest at 18 years old. I don't have a problem with Melody, she's actually really nice. But me and Maxine don't like each other at all. Her mouth and attitude is ridiculous, but I've always kept my cool because that's my boyfriend's little sister and Mario's has always told me to ignore her. Plus every time she got out of line with me, Mario's mother or Mario was always there to put her in check so I never bothered to. But many of days I've imagined knocking her teeth out of her smart ass mouth. And judging by the way she's looking at me right now like I'm some dog shit that she accidentally stepped in, today may be the day.

"Yes?" she snapped, looking me up and down with a scowl on her face. Here we go...

I gave her a fake smile "I'm here to see Mario, could you tell him to come outside please?" I asked politely. Control yourself Chasity. You're here to dump Mario and then go home. Don't let this little bird get to you.

She crossed her arms over her chest "He ain't here, but I'm surprised that you're here though. Being that you've been ignoring my brother for weeks now" she spat.

I sighed "Honestly Maxine, what me and your brother go through isn't any of your business. And second, I see your brothers car parked in the drive-way so I know that he's most likely here. So like I said before, tell him to come outside please" I stated, trying desperately to keep my cool. I don't think this girl knows that I would stomp a mud hole in her ass.

She shook her head "I don't relay messages. Plus, it's no secret that I don't like you and I don't like the fact that my brother has been calling you for weeks and you've been dubbing him. Mario may worship the ground that you walk on and my mother may even be blinded to your tricks, but I see right through your bullshit. If I catch your stupid ass trying to play my brother, I'll cut your ass" she snapped, before reaching into her bra and pulling out a razor blade and lifting it up as if she won a Grammy. Is that suppose to scare me?

I frowned as my hand itched to grab her by her hair and drag her ass down this porch. I can't stand being threatened!

I chuckled humorlessly "Maxy baby I promise you that if you make an attempted to try and cut me, I will make you eat that blade. I know your type, you're all mouth. You've probably never even been in a fight a day in your life but you pop shit like you're so tough. You don't even know me baby, I will mop the floor with your little skinny ass. I'm afraid to even punch you because I know that all it takes is one hit and I'll have you taking a nap. But you know what, imma humble myself. Imma leave while I still have control over my temper. Tell your brother I stopped by" I said through gritted teeth. Forget this, I'll just break up with Mario over the phone. That's messed up and tasteless, but right now this is all just too much. And I really don't want to fight Mario's little sister because I know my strength, I will break this little girl's face in half.

I turned around and walked down Mario's porch and began making my way back to Ronney's truck. I know that I'm not innocent in this situation at all because I cheated on Mario. I'm 1000% wrong for that. But way before Tyron even came back into the picture Mario had hid a huge secret from me. A secret that I felt like I was worthy of knowing after being with him for 3 years. And yet here's his little dog of a sister coming at me like I did something wrong by ignoring her brother. Her brother is a sicko that could snap at any moment and seriously hurt me, but yet I'm wrong for ignoring him. Man get the hell out of here.

"Yeah that's right, keep walking bitch" Maxine called out, making me instantly stop in my tracks. Okay, it's nap time.

I spun around on my heel "Maxine call me a bitch again" I spat as I took off my hoop earrings and began walking back towards her. I've lost my temper and all I'm seeing now is red.

She smirked at me "Bit-"

I punched her dead in her face before she could even get the rest of the word out, making her stumble back against the door. I didn't hit her hard enough to knock her out, but I hit her hard enough to let her feel my strength.

Blood leaked from her bottom lip, and she quickly touched her lip with her fingers before looking down at her hand. Her eyes widened before she looked up at me, fire in her pupils.

"YOU BITCH!" she snarled out as she lunged for me.

She tried to swing on me but I dodged it, before I grabbed a fist full of her hair and swung her to the floor effortlessly. I then began dragging her down the porch by her hair as I gave her hard uppercuts to her face. I dragged her down the lawn, and not realizing how light she is I pulled her too hard and I lost my balance, forcing me to fall backwards and knock over a trashcan.

She got on top of me but I still had her hair, so I began punching her in the back of her head viciously, taking out all of my anger and frustration that I had for her brother out on her. Imma knock some teeth out of her smart ass mouth.

I flipped us over so that I was on top of her now, and I picked her head up before I slammed it hard into the concrete floor. I then stood up and dragged her over to Mario's car and slammed her on to the car's hood, making his car alarm start blaring.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" I suddenly heard somebody scream, making me take my attention from off of Maxine to look in the direction that the voice had came from.

There Mario and his sister Melody was, storming out the house like a bat out of hell and running towards where me and Maxine was. I saw the expression on Melody's face and I knew she didn't like the position that I had her little sister in, so I immediately put my guard up and let go of Maxine and backed up, putting some space between me and the siblings.

"Chasity what the hell is wrong with you?!" Melody snarled out as she tried to step to me, but Mario quickly grabbed her.

Maxine got up from off of the hood of Mario's car, anger laced on her face and she tried to come at me again but Mario snatched her up too, struggling to hold both of his sisters in his arms. My adrenaline was racing as I held my both of my fists up, ready to whip both of their asses at once. I'll be damned if I'll let them try and jump me.

I suddenly heard a car door open and then slam from behind me, and in a flash Yandy was by my side with her hair pulled back into a bun and her fist clenched.

"Wassup?! Ya'll tryna run up?!" Yandy barked out, getting into a fighting stance as she kept her eyes on Melody.

Anger flashed across Melody's face as she broke free from Mario's hold and ran up to Yandy. Instantly Yandy leaped backwards when Melody got too close, before she quickly swung and punched Melody in the face, and it echoed with a loud 'pop' noise.

Melody instantly dropped to the floor from the impact, and Yandy took the opportunity to get on top of her before she began viciously punching her in the face. That's my girl!

Maxine moved in a flash and broke free from Mario as well, before she began running over to where Melody and Yandy were. She quickly reached for Yandy's hair, and I saw red at the thought of her trying to jump my best friend. I ran up on her and gave her a hard punch from behind that sent her crashing to the floor, instantly knocking her out. Sleep tight.

"YO, WHAT THE HELL!" Mario hollered out, looking at everybody in confusion and panic.

I pointed a finger at him "This is all your fucking fault. If you would've just been honest with me and told me about your stupid ass being on medication none of this would even be happening" I barked at him, all of the fear that I had earlier now replaced with animosity.

Mario stared at me like I grew two heads "So because I hid my condition from you, you ignore me for weeks instead of talking to me about it. And then when I finally do see you you're outside my house fighting my sister?!" he shouted as he took a step towards me, and I got into a fighting stance ready for him in case he tried to hit me.

"First of all, I didn't fight your sister, I beat her up. There's a difference. And second of all I came here to talk to you but your little dog got smart with me! Take that up with Maxine, not me!" I snarled into his face.

I suddenly heard a scream, and me and Mario then took our attention off of each other to see Yandy dragging Melody down Mario's lawn by her hair, and I smirked cockily at my best friend. Yandy is a undercover firecracker. She's a lot better at controlling her temper than I am, and she's not hot headed like me. She may even walk away from certain situations if she feels like it's a waste of her time. But when this girl finally does put her hands on someone, she turns into Hulk Hogan.

"Yandy let go of my sister!" Mario screamed as he went to run over to them, but I stepped in front of him, blocking his path. Nope, his sisters wanted to fight and now they got their fight.

His eyes hardened "Chasity, get the fuck out my way" he said darkly, clenching his fist.

I narrowed my eyes at him "Or what" I challenged.

I suddenly heard a car door open and then slam again, and instantly Ronney stepped in front of me and stood face to face with Mario, forcing me to take a step back.

Ronney sighed "Mario man, we're cool. I don't wanna hurt you so you need to back up" he said sternly.

Mario snorted "Ronney get the hell out of my face, this has nothing to do with you this is between me and my girl" he snapped, fire in his eyes.

Ronney shook his head "You got me involved when you came to my shop and asked me did I speak to Chasity. You made it seem like she was just ignoring you and doing you dirty but you never told me the real reason why she was ignoring you. That was foul bro" he stated in a disapproving tone.

Mario rolled his eyes "I was going to tell her man! I was going to I just.....I don't know" he said before he backed up and buried his face in his hands, visibly calming down.

He was going to tell me.....that's what he just said. That he was going to tell me. WHEN?! AFTER WE WALKED DOWN THE AISLE?! AFTER WE HAD KIDS?! ON HIS DEATH BED?! WHEN?! WHEN THE FUCK WAS HE GOING TO TELL ME?!

Ronney turned to me "Look, talk to your man okay. This shit didn't even need to escalate the way that it just did. I'm going to go break up those two Pitbulls over there and everybody needs to calm down before someone calls the cops. You and Mario need to talk about this and then tell him what you came over here to tell him" he said sternly, making my adrenaline rush fade away. He's right. I came over here to strictly break up with Mario and I really didn't want any drama. I should've just walked away from Maxine, or even called Mario's phone to tell him to come outside when Maxine wouldn't. I could've handled this whole thing differently.

I then watched as Ronney ran over to where Yandy and Melody were rolling around on the floor, before he grabbed Yandy by her waist and tried to pull her from off of Melody but she wouldn't budge. I wish him good luck with that, once Yandy starts she won't stop until she's satisfied with the level of ass whopping she just gave.

I sighed before I turned my attention back to Mario, a little more level headed now that I've calmed down. He was already staring at me with an expression that I couldn't make out.

He frowned "Look...I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that I was Bi Polar and Schizophrenic okay. It's just that....I hate this shit yo! I hate the fact that I have to go through this and be this way! It's not fair, I didn't ask to be born like this!" he exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air.

I nodded " That's understandable Mario, and I'm sympathetic to your situation. I'm sure everyday life is hard for you being that you have to deal with this sickness. But you know something, there's a solution to all of your problems. Medication. That you're not taking. Why?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest. And I don't want to hear a bullshit ass excuse either.

He let out a growl in frustration "Chasity I told you and I told my mother, I don't need no damn medication! I'm fine!".

"If you was fine you wouldn't have been prescribed medication to begin with! If you was fine you wouldn't have banged on my car window like a fucking psycho! If you was fine you wouldn't be nice one minute then angry the next! If you was fine you wouldn't be blowing up my phone with a whole bunch of crazy ass messages! You're not fine Mario!" I screamed out. He doesn't realize that he could hurt me or anyone if he has a random episode. His own mother said it! His own mother told me to stay away from him while he's off of his medicine. That says a lot.

Mario sighed before taking a step towards me, and I took a step back

"Don't come near me" I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest.

His face softened "Chasity baby, I'm so so sorry. I...I should've told you sooner, I just didn't know how. I've been dealing with this sickness since I was a little boy and it's annoying. Yes the medication levels out my anger and stops me from seeing things, but....I just don't wanna take it! Every time I take those pills and I have to go to the doctor and all of that, it just makes me feel like a fucking alien yo! This damn sickness makes me feel so out of touch with humanity....being with you is the first time in forever that I've actually felt normal" he explained.

I frowned "How severe is your condition?" I asked cautiously.

He sighed before biting his lip "I....I see things that aren't there. Sometimes I hear voices in my head that tell me to do bad things. And sometimes I can't control my temper and I snap. It's been like that for as long as I can remember " he said barley above a whisper. Oh my God.

I sighed "Mario, doesn't it feel good to know that you don't have to deal with all of that if you would just take your medication! I understand that taking the medicine doesn't make you feel normal, but I'm sure that hearing voices and not being able to control your emotions doesn't make you feel normal as well. You could get better and be better, you just choose not to be" I said matter of factually. His reason for not wanting to take his medicine doesn't make sense to me.

He shook his head "Chasity I'm fine. Look at me right now! I'm sitting here talking to you right now and we're having a civilized conversation".

"Yeah but would this have been a civilized conversation if Ronney didn't step in? Cause I don't think it would have. You looked ready to hit me and I felt the same way" I stated. Mario had his fist clenched and his eyes held nothing but rage. I'm surprised I didn't get slapped.

He gave me a deep frown "I'm not a woman beater. I would never put my hands on you or any woman. My mother didn't raise me like that Chasity. Come on, give me a little bit more credit than that" he said, actually looking hurt.

I bit my lip "You're right....the Mario that I know would never hit me. But this..." I said, waving my hand up and down his frame "I don't know who this man is. You're off the walls Mario. You need to take your medicine because right now, I don't trust your mind stability or your physical capability. I'm actually afraid of you!" I exclaimed.

For the first time in 3 years...I stared at my boyfriend... and I watched tears run down his cheeks. I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips. I've never EVER saw Mario cry before. EVER. But yet here I am, standing here watching a waterfall of tears stream down his cheeks. The sight made my heart ache for him.

He hung his head low "I just don't know what to do Chasity...I...I don't know what to do" he whispered. I feel bad for him.

I let out a shaky sigh "Come here" I said softly, opening my arms to him.

He scrunched up his face in sadness, before he walked up to me and engulfed me into a hug. I rubbed his back as he began shaking in my arms, letting out soft sobs. A single tear fell down my left cheek as a world wind of emotions washed through me at once. Guilt, anger, hurt, and sympathy filled my heart as my boyfriend cried into my arms about a sickness that rules his life.

Mario suddenly pulled out of the hug and took my face into his hands, before planting a soft kiss onto my lips. I couldn't kiss him back...

He sniffed "Baby I'm so sorry for lying to you. You've been nothing but real with me this whole time and I couldn't be real with you. At first I didn't tell you because we were just strictly having sex and nothing more, so I didn't feel the need to say anything. But then we started getting close and I wanted to tell you, but I thought that if I told you, you wouldn't wanna see me anymore. After we started dating every day I told myself 'today will be the day', but I always chickened out at the last minute. I understand that being with someone who sometimes doesn't like to take their medicine is hard and even scary, because you may never know what my next move will be. But I love you Chasity, so much baby you don't even understand" he said tenderly, tears streaming down his cheeks.

I closed my eyes and sighed as I felt a tight feeling in my chest. I cheated on Mario with Tyron, and Mario has this sickness that I really don't know if I wanna deal with. But he's going through so much right now and I feel like I'm obligated to help him through this. We can't control what we're born with, but the only thing that helps him he doesn't want to take it. Mario was acting so crazy our last few encounters due to him not taking his meds, and I'm nervous because what if he's capable of much more when he snaps? What if one day he gets so angry that he tries to kill me? It's not his sickness that I'm worried about, it's the fact that he doesn't take his medicine is what has me feeling iffy.

I sighed as I ran a hand over my face in frustration, this whole relationship is toxic as hell. It's time for me to tell him why I really came over here.

I bit my lip "Mario I....I don't.....I don't think I can do this. I can't be with someone who's not going to take their medicine. It's not your sickness that bothers me, it's how you act when you're off of your meds. And yeah we're cool and having a conversation now, but when your condition kicks in and you start to bug out what happens then? I just can't put myself in that situation. I have to look out for my safety first" I stated.

He rubbed my cheek with his thumb "I understand...I should've been honest with you from the beginning but I was just afraid. After my mom told me that she spoke to you about my condition, I panicked. I know you, and I knew you wouldn't stay with me so I'm not surprised that you're dumping me right now. But I appreciate you coming to my house and knocking on my door to end things with me instead of doing it over the phone or text" he stated sincerely.

"Or over FaceTime" I joked, referring to the time he broke up with me over FaceTime because I pissed him off.

He chuckled "Yeah..that wasn't my best look" he stated, rubbing the back of his head. Wow, this is going better than I thought. He's actually being mature about this.

I placed my hand to his cheek "Mario, I know what you said about the medicine, but please please consider it. Even though you're not my boyfriend anymore I still care about you and I want you to be okay" I said honestly. I still do love and care for Mario even though after today we won't be dating anymore.

He sighed "Chasity I....I can't. Look...just... take care of yourself okay. Don't worry about me I'll be fine" he stated.

He then leaned in and softly kissed my forehead "I love you" he mumbled, his lips brushing my hairline.

I sighed and closed my eyes "I love you too. Be safe Mario" I whispered softly.

He then backed up away from me, putting some distance between us. I let out a sigh in relief at how smoothly this went...well....minus his sisters getting their asses beat.

Mario then glanced down at Maxine as she took her nap on the floor

He chuckled slightly "I'm not going to lie, she deserved that" he said, making me burst out laughing. Aw! Now I'm kinda sad that things have to be this way. I'm going to miss him. But I'll see him around in school so it's cool I guess.

I then suddenly heard scuffling coming from behind me, and I glanced back to see Ronney sandwiched in between Yandy and Melody. Yandy was in front of him and Melody was behind him, but they were both hitting Ronney and grabbing his shirt, desperately trying to get at each other.

Ronney looked over at us "I'm glad that you two are on good terms now, but a little help here please!" he said right before Yandy accidentally slapped his face. Oh damn...

Me and and Mario raced over to where the trio were tussling, and I instantly grabbed Yandy and pulled her away from Ronney.

"Let me go! This bitch bit me!" Yandy screamed out as she thrashed against me, forcing me to tighten my hold around her waist. Damn this girl is strong.

Melody scoffed "Whatever hoe, you and your stupid ass friend ain't shit!" she snarled out as she thrashed against Mario's hold as well.

I then felt someone boring their gaze into the side of my face, and my eyes then flickered over to the house next door. I gasped when I saw an old woman staring at all of us from her window with a frightened look on her face, as she held her phone to her ear and her mouth was moving a mile a minute into the receiver. She must be calling the cops. We gotta get out of here.

"Mario's neighbor is on the phone with the police! Let's go!" I hissed urgently to my best friends.

Mario furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion, before he glanced next door

He groaned "That nosy ass Ms Johnson! Chasity ya'll get out of here and Melly, go in the house!" he said quickly.

Yandy and Melody instantly snapped out of their angry state, and I quickly grabbed Yandy's hand and began sprinting back to Ronney's truck as fast as I could run.

We all began scattering like roaches trying to get off of Mario's lawn. When we got to Ronney's truck I opened the passengers door for Yandy before hopping into the backseat.

In a couple of seconds Ronney hopped into the drivers seat and started the car. As I put on my seat-belt I looked out the window to see Melody and Mario running towards the house, Maxine in Mario's arms still fast asleep. I hope she's alive, I hit her pretty hard.

Just as Mario was about to enter into his house he suddenly stopped in his tracks, before he turned to face Ronney's truck.

He smiled and waved at me, and my heart melted as I smiled and waved back. I'm lowkey going to miss him. But I can't deal with him and his sickness and him not wanting to take his medicine. I want to be a wife and a mother in the future, and I can't raise kids around someone who could snap any minute. This is for the best, and I'm glad he was stable enough to have this conversation about the break up. I'm also glad that he sees that he's not in the right state of mind to be in a relationship right now. This whole thing went better than I thought it was going to go. Come to think of it, if Mario's sisters wasn't there there wouldn't have even been a fight today. But oh well, what's done is done. I'm just glad that the break up wasn't ugly.

After a few minutes of driving we were back on the highway, and we all let out a sigh in relief that we got out of the neighborhood without any cops cars following us.

Ronney shook his head "Remind me again why I'm friends with Mayweather and Tyson" he said gruffy, taking a hand off of the steering wheel to run it over the waves in his hair.

Yandy scoffed "Shut up Ronney! Remind us why we're friends with Dr Phil! Your ass didn't even fight!" she shouted out. Oh brother...

Ronney gasped "Excuse me?! The agreement was I was going to fight Mario if he touched Chasity, which he didn't. They just needed to talk and look what happened, they talked it out and it was a nice clean break up with no hard feelings. If his sisters weren't there everything would've went smoothly" he stated. He's right, Maxine and Melody just made everything complicated. But me and Yandy didn't get beat up and nobody got arrested so I'm not stressing over it.

Ronney and Yandy continued to go back and forth with each other, and I rolled my eyes as I reached into my purse and grabbed my Air Pods before putting them into my ears.

I let Nicki Minaj drown my eardrums as I randomly scrolled through Instagram on my phone, just trying to pass by time.

An iMessage notification from Tyron then suddenly popped up on the top of my screen, and I eagerly tapped it.

I smiled in content as I rested my head back against the seat. Now I don't have to feel guilty about going behind Mario's back anymore, because I am a single woman. Well....for now.

The next box that I have to check off on my checklist now is.....getting Tyron to dump Adrienne.


Awww, Mario took the break up well....or did he 🤔 Ya'll know me, it's not going to just be that easy lol. I have something cooking up in my pot, you'll just have to wait and see 😊 Okay guys, next Chapter will be up next week. But until then please comment and vote, I love ya'll 😘


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