Driven Apart

Brendanational tarafından

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( COMPLETED ) Type a young omega is been forced into a marriage to pay his father debts, but along the line... Daha Fazla

The Proposal
His New Home


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Brendanational tarafından

Two Months later

It's been two months since tharn went into battle with his men,he had initially thought that the enemy would be had to defeat, but things have been going their way from the start.

Yes it was had like all wars, lives were lost on both side and even more were injured, but him and his men made sure that for one of their men lost, 20 of theirs fell as well.

Tharn and his five Generals ,Lia an Alpha and friend ,Mist and the Nnong twin brothers Zon and Xee, then fighter ,his father's most loyal warrior.
The past two months was spent with them planning strategies In other to win their battles ,so far he had been successful in driving the enemy away from their lands. Now what was left is to squash the Gugaero empire.
He was in one of his strategic meeting with the generals as they discuss their next plan of action.

Tharn sighed, ''I know the past month has been hard on everyone ,we have lost some men and others injured, but compared to how counterparts we are fairing mush better. Now the next course of action is to take over the lianjian city."
"My spies have informed me that this is that last strong hold and the Generals are there, if we conquer that all will be left will be Gugaero city and then this is all over, but one thing I want everyone to know is, we must be victorious, lives are in how hands, we have fathers,mothers,brothers and sisters all here fighting with us, so as to enable a safe future for their love one back home, that's why they are willing to die for this cause, so yes, we must be victorious for that's the only course to take," said tharn, with all seriousness in in voice.

''We all agree'' the generals said symotaniously.
''my prince this is our final conclusion'' said fighter.
''we go through Duhgun city, which should be easy since they already surrender to our rule, then Meg city,for now we are in aware of the what to meet there and then lianjian city, the main battle and how success will determine how next move from there '' he added.

"That's it everyone "said tharn, please everyone should get some rest for now, and get your men ready for tomorrows journey ",said tharn as he dispatch the meeting for the day.

As soon as everyone left he sat on ground before the table as he let his mind wonder to the love he left behind .
Type how he missed the beautiful omega, he was still unable to meet the omega before he left and he regretted it every single day, the last time he was with the omega he had done such a stupid thing, he had lied about his love for type, and since start of this war and the death of his men on the battlefield ,he couldn't help but feel regret.
if he died here today type will never know he love him most in the world, that was his biggest regret. If he survived this war, the first thing he would do was to make type his no matter what, fuck lhong, he had been given his chance, but he managed to hurt type, he was done watching and waiting, type will be his and not just as a common concubine, type would be is omega queen and if they never have children then he would make one of his many relatives closest in line for the thrown the next heir.
There was no way he could leave in this world without type by his side anymore, he had made his decision and there was no turning back now.

The next day tharn , his generals and the army still waiting for his spies to return, had not left their present camp and with all his immediate duty attended to he was getting restless and bored .

He neededs to do something, that was when his mind went to the medical tent were his injured men were currently residing in, he had been meaning to see them and check on them,but the time had not been there for him to do so this week, but now he could.

He put on his light Almor and made his way to the medical tent.
When he arrived he was relieved by the fact that the number of men present was lesser than it was the previous week.
He made his rounds greeting and praying with each and everyone of them, leaving no one behind, he even went as far as feeding some of them their lunch and changing the wounds dressing of some others.
He even sang a few merry songs with them and told old tales to them to entertain them ,that by the time he was ready to leave the sun was about to set, and the physician was pushing him to leave so that the men could start sleeping, all in all it was a good day.

He was making his way out of the tent not really looking ahead because his head was turned back as he promised one of the youngest soldier not more than 20yrs old that he would visit again and that he would behead a man in his honor as he laughed, when suddenly he bumped into someone holding a big basket filled with with dried meat and water, it almost hit the floor when he caught it, his reflex sharper due to his constant alertness in enemy territory.
He held the basket in his hand as the rose up into a standing position when his face got closer to the person in front of him, that he had yet to look in the face. Then he smelled the scent ,he was mesmerized ,he knew that scent, he would never forget that scent even if he was dead, he immediately looked at the omega in front of him and his breath caught in his throat.

Standing infornt of him was no other than the omega that ruled over his heart and dreams Type kanawut.
He stood there for what felt like eternity, but in real time was just a few seconds, type was even more beautiful than he remembers, his black raven hair was pulled into a ponytail on top his head cascading down like a water fall, his lips still red and so kissable even in this dry weather, tharn's heart beat got even faster ,he could swear the thing was about to jump out of his chest unto type's hands, type the only man that could make him feel this way.
All this time searching, but here he was, how could he be so foolish that he didn't even know, well that was all over type was going to be his, everyone be dammed.
''type was beyond surprised how could he be so careless, he had been trying to avoid tharn since the start of the campaign and with thousands of people here , it was easy to blend into the background and go unnoticed ,but here he was all his months of hiding gone up in smoke, he was not ready to meet the Alpha again, the pain in his heart was still too sharp, he had to leave immediately, it was beginning to get hard for him to breath.


'your highness ,sorry for my mistake I will................ '' Type did not get to finish the sentence, before tharn dropped the basket he was holding as took his hand in his ,holding his wrist as dragging the omega out of the tent and all the way back to his own personal tent in other for them to get some privacy.

Type was speechless, he could not understand why this was happening, all he knew was his omega felt safe in tharn's hands and so willing submitted to the Alpha's will as he was being dragged along to God knows where.

Not long after many twist and turns around many tents they made it to tharn tent, which was in the middle of the camp.

The inside of the tent was not really as type expected, it was not as lavish as he taught, everything was just as simple as his own tent the only difference being the colour of the tap covering it, the bigger size to hold meetings and the warm looking bedding at the other half of it covered with a light curtains that was see through if you looked closely. He felt a sense of pride at his realisation, tharn was truly as down to earth like th men said.

Tharn gave him a chair to sit and then he sat opposite him, before he finally spoke again.

Tharn took a minute to enjoy the view, type was indeed a beauty and he was not messing this up again.
''Have you been avoiding me''asked tharn .
Type did not want to answer that question, cause yes he has been running from the man, not just since the campaign but for the past eight months. So he remained silent not daring to look the man in the eyes.

''You were, weren't you, ''said Tharn as a matter fact /statement.
"why? did I do something to hurt you I am unaware of, if so please tell me type, you mean so much to me, this past months with out you have been hell"said tharn in alter despair.

"please say something "he added.
"I missed you so much, your smile, that cute pout when you are agitated "said tharn ,still sad but hopefull as he let a little smile brighten his features.

Type could no longer stand it, how dare he say those things, he misses me, why now after hurting him and breaking his heart ,then leaving him at the mercy of lhong. if he had really wanted to see him, he would have searched harder, but all this was pretending.
Type had, had enough, he stood up ready to leave, when he felt tharn holding his wrist ,he turned to look at the man when he saw tharn in a position that felt completely wrong, he was on his knees holding type's hand tears gathered in his eyes as he looked up with pleading eyes.

" please! forgive me for whatever I did,please !I love you!, I can't leave without you, "type please say something, please I am begging you, "he said all the while still on his knees with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Type was ones again speechless, but this time he looked at tharn and his heart hurt, he loves this man and seeing him like this because of him only made his heart ache even more.
Type bent down, held tharn's hands in his as he helped the Alpha stand up, looking directly into his eyes he said.

"what took you so long, why didn't you say all this that night, I have loved for so long, and in that time my heart, I had to bury cause all that remained was the pain of your rejection, it hurts tharn, it hurts!,"type said that last part full on in tears now and he felt weak, all this time of suppressing his emotions and now letting it all out made him feel weak, he almost fell if not for tharn that caught him by rapping his large hand around type's small waist.

"Tharn looking at him, happy for type revelation ,the omega loved him back, and sad for type pain, a sad smile on his lips, tear tracks on his cheeks, he said.

"that day I said what I said and did what I did to protect you from lhong, I am so sorry,that this caused you so much pain and drove a wedge between us. From now on I promise to be honest and truthful to you cause I'm not letting you go again, I will make you mine, the world be dammed." said tharn.
"Really?,you mean that, cause I don't think I can let you go after this," said type smiling in spit of the Tears .

Tharn's smile was so bright that it could rival the sun and then type mirrored said Smile. there was so much joy in their hearts.

Tharn hands still on type's waist ,pulled the omega closer so that their noses was bearly an Hinch apart, type stares into his eyes as tharn leans down and captured his lips in a passionate kiss that left type week in the kneels, luckily tharn was still holding him as he responded to the kiss. Tharn kissed him with all the love he had for the man as he nipped at type's bottom lip asking for permission to ravage his mouth, type of course granted him entrance as he rapped his hands around the man's neck. Tharn fucked type with his tongue, leaving the beautiful man moaning in pleasure as tharn's lips left his mouth to kiss down his neck then making his way to type's scent glands.
Tharn got a mouth full of that scent and he wanted more, so his hand started to explore the omega's body,But when one one his hands found an entrance into type undergarments , making contact with his bare skin.
A moaning type was brought out of the heavenly pleasure he was in by this, when he push tharn away on reflex not thinking just acting.
Tharn stood there daze, what just happened, why did type push him, did he somehow hurt the omega again, that thought alone drove him to panic as he searched the man's body for any signs asking, "oh my!did I hurt you? Please tell me".

"No.. No.. I just... need a minute, it was so much too fast"replaid type as he swallowing the excess sliver in his mouth as he rubbed his hair back giving a false smile to reassure tharn all was okay.

Tharn watched the omega and he was not fooled, something was wrong somewhere, type looked deep in thought ,as if his mind was somewhere else for a minute , a false smile did not help quench his worry out all.

He walked closer to the beautiful omega as he stretch out his hand for type to take, type apprehensive at first took it anyway, then tharn led him as he sat on the chair still holding type's hand ,then sitting the omega on his lap, abandoning the other chairs in the room, he took a sniff of type scent which left a wave of calm all over him.
Tharn turned type face with his fingers on type's cheek looking type in the eyes he asked.
"Type, what is really wrong ?you can tell me anything, I am her for you", said tharn.
Type could see the honestly in tharn's eyes, like it always was those months they were together, so he made a decision and told tharn, why he suddenly panicked on tharn's contact .

He told tharn of the night lhong had forced himself on him and how his bond to the man was broken, after telling tharn he looked at the man for any form of reaction, but the Alpha was completely still like a statue.

Type tried to stand from his lap but was held down unable to move and this time when he looked at the man face all he saw was unbridled fury, and it scared him for a minute until his omega reminded him, this is our Alpha, he will never harm us.
"Tharn after hearing the story was so angry that he was sure if lhong was remotely close by he would have hunted the man down and killed him with his bear hands. But when type looked at him he let it out.
"Type I am so sorry, but when next I see lhong, I will kill that Alpha and please don't try to stop me, okay ",said tharn directly into type's ear so softly that if anyone one else was there with them, they won't have heard what he said.
His breath on type's neck sent a shiver down his spine in a good way that left him feeling whole again. His omega prowled in tharn's hands,he was home and safe were he belongs. Type rested his head against tharn's forehead as they kissed then remained like that.

After tharn calmed himself, he looked at type and asked, "so care to explain how you ended up here in the battlefield with no Alpha by your said as customery."

"Actually, it a long story" said type smiling sheepishly.

"I have nothing to do right now and, it's already dark out, so tell away"said tharn a broad smile on his handsome face that type couldn't help admire, he did luck out with tharn, he had the love of a man any omega would give anything just have.

"so like I told you before I have been apprenticing for the physician, so she asked if I wanted to accompany her here, that she would keep me safe and teach me more things, I said yes of course, a chance to help my country and at the same time gain knowledge it was a done deal. So hear I am, "said Type.

"How did I not notice you for so long, I should have paid more attention."said tharn to himself in an apprehending tone of voice.

"Ohio! ,don't be too hard on yourself, I was actively avoiding you the past two months and was successful up until today, most time when you came I was always aware, but today I went out to get medicinal herbs very early in the morning and then after sent to get dinner with out even dropping the herbs at the tent, so when I finally got there ,there you were as handsome as I remembered making my heart loose it's rhythm, so yes, maybe I would have gotten away with it, but I am glade I didn't, cause if I did I won't be here right now with you, so happy and content "said type.
Tharn was mesmerized by type and how resourceful he was, most omegas preferred being at home and pampered by their Alpha, but not type, he is something special.
At that moment tharn realised something, type was the only omega present in the entire camp amongst so many horny Alphas away from their wives and concubines, that did not sit well with him at all. With all seriousness tharn asked, "where do you sleep at night "
"At the head physician's tent, it just the two of us" type said.
"why do you ask"asked type.
"why do I ask "said tharn looking at type with disbelief.
"if you have not noticed, you are the only omega in this camp with thousands of horny Alphas, you think it's safe for you"said tharn sarcasticly.
"oooh! Is my love worried about me? "asked type In a teasing tone smiling.

"if you must know, yes yes I very much am"said tharn head tilted up in pride.
"my love, such a good Alpha for me"said type smilling.
"Don't patronize me", said tharn smile so bright .

Type laughed at that, so much joy in his heart.
"I will have a tent placed close to mine, and you will move in there,where I can keep an eye on you "said tharn

"are you serious right now, there is no need for that,i am okay"said type
"hell no, what if she takes advantage of you, while you are sleeping " said tharn
"oh! Come on, don't be ridiculous, she is in are fifties and married, I am sure my virtue will remain intact, " said type laughing.
"please na! For me" said tharn in a pleading voice looking at type with puppy eyes.
"hey! Fine, fine, I will move okay, are you happy now? "asked type smiling at tharn silliness.

The Alphas smile so bright on his face.
"what if people begin to ask questions," asked type worried
" let them ask I don't care, as long as I have you okay, like I said,i am never letting you go ever again ." Tharn says as he pulls type closer on his lap, he kissed the beautiful omega on his lap until they were both out of breath, then again, until it was time for sleep, he slept that night, with type in his arms a smile ever present on his lips.

Okumaya devam et

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