Love of my life

By lovelyallalone7

178K 7K 188

What will happen if you were to know you are pregnant and don't even know the name of the guy whom you slept... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 15

5.5K 224 2
By lovelyallalone7

"Ok, but give me some time." I said looking at him
A smile formed on his face, "ok. How about we have a whole family dinner at my house at start of next month at our home. What do you say"
"Alright, let's do it like this" I said
He looks very happy and suddenly he put his hands around my face, "thank you. Thank you for accepting me, accepting my family, giving me a wonderful son and understanding and loving me" with this he kissed me. First I was surprised then I also started to response to it. Our lips were joined and we were kissing like the no end. We keep on kissing until I felt short breath. We separate our lips a silver line forming between our lips connecting us. I blushed and put my face in his chest.
He laughed and started patting my back. I was feeling so happy.
"Papa, I also want hugs" my son said rubbing his eyes and looking at us.
"Sure, come here" Jason said before I can say anything
He came and we took him between us hugging him and giving him kisses and hugs. With all this we all fell asleep.

Early in morning I wake up to the blue eyes. Jason was up and looking at both of us. The bun was sleeping between us. Jason give me a kiss on my forehead and said, "good morning"
"Good morning" I said blushing
"I will order takeaway so why don't you rest some more" he said
"Hmm ok. Thanks" I said looking at his eyes
"I have taken a day off. How about we spend some time together as family. What do you say"
"It's a great idea but is it gonna ok. Don't you have work" I said
"No, I don't have any urgent work and even if I have, I would not leave you and the bun to go there when I can."

We spend all the day having fun. Sky was really happy to spend time with Jason. He was really reluctant when Jason said he need to go as it's late but the bun started to give him his big puppy eyes. At last he decided to play with bun until he fell asleep. He kissed the bun and said good night.
"Today was amazing. Thanks for being with us" I said at the door
"Yes, it was really amazing. I missed all the time before but now I want to take part in every time of your life" he said touching me
I blushed, "yeah, now we can start as a new family"
"Hmm" with this Jason started to kiss me. I never thought kissing feels so amazing. I just don't want us to be separated. Like we are made for each other.
When it's started to hard to breathe we separated, I put my face on his chest. We were hugging each other not wanting to separate.
"You should sleep now, it's getting late" Jason said
"Yes,you too. You should keep going. Have a safe journey" I said looking at his eyes.
"Hmm, do remember our date. I will come to pick you guys up near 7 ok"
"Good night"
"Good night"
With this Jason was gone. I'm very excited about our date.
Next day, our daily routine started. I made breakfast, took my son to school,started with my script but my mind keep on wondering about the tomorrow date. What should I wear, bun should also wear properly. Should we go shopping. This kinda of things keeps on coming my mind. Ah I'm going mad.

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