Browsing for Girls (A 1D Fanf...

By givemelove1D

25.1K 623 377

One Night. One Band. One Direction. When One Direction begin to make some trouble, management sends them back... More

Browsing for Girls (A 1D Fanfic)
Meet The Girls
Ch 2. First Day of School.
Ch. 3 Stupid Cupid.
Ch 4. Masquerade Ball
Chapter 5: Detectives & Recons
Chapter 6: Fallen
Chapter 7: Stalkers & Study Buddies
TEASER: Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight: Music Store Dates
Chapter 9: Daydreams and Realisations
Chapter 10: Touch The Sky
Diane's Frank Ocean Medley.
Chapter 11: Failed Kisses.
Chapter 12: The Fundraiser Showcase
Chapter 13: Beach Dates & Fetes.
Chapter 14: Them.
Chapter 15: More Than Friends
Chapter 16: Roses & Kisses.
Chapter 17: Painful Little Lie.
Teaser: Chapter 18
Chapter 18: Take A Chance
Chapter 19: Crawl
Chapter 20: Sweet Goodbyes
Airplane Blues: Short

Ch 1. Last Day

1.1K 35 18
By givemelove1D

*Liam's POV*

"You boys have disappointed us all, assaulting paparazzi, what was going through your minds?" I sit in the chair in shame, I can't answer cause I really don't know. "You guys are nearly adults now, answer me and stop acting like kids" the head of management says. I begin to answer "We just got sick of them" "Well, they're humans too. They can get hurt, just because you seem to better than everybody else doesn't mean you cango around punching people you don't like" he replies and his face is stern and cold but what he said is right. "You boys have lost your humbleness, lost who you are as a group and as individual people" he says then continues "This is the only time this will happen and to make sure of it, we're sending you back to high school for a year. No world tour. No recordings. No, nothing" then Harry lifts up his head and replies "What?! No, you can't!" "We can. I suggest you change quicker and we might cut down your time" the head of management says and walks off.

The door shuts and the first thing that comes out of my mouth is "What are we going to do?" "I know, it's horrible" Zayn says then Niall slams his head on his table "homework" Louis seeming all cheery says "It's not that bad, we get to be normal people again. Who knows? We might even find a girl." then Niall's head snaps up "It might not be that bad, it's just homework" then Niall's head hits the table again. "How could you be so optimistic, let alone why would any girl love us for who we really are?" "Well, I guess we should start studying so we don't end up going to school and being super dumb" I say and the guys gets some paper and some books. Here we go.

*Diane's POV*

"Wasn't looking for trouble, but it came looking for me"

Conor Maynard's voice blasts through the speakers of the music store, there's heaps of people having a coffee here rather than the cafe across. I guess they like here better than there, it's more modern. I start to put the new CD's up and then my mum shouts "Diane, the girls are here!" I walk over to the other side of the shop, they all give me hugs and I hug them back "Hey, I've missed you guys" I say then Kat says "We missed you too"  then I look behind, my mum says "Now, go buy a dress and heels for the masquerade ball" "I don't wanna" I say.

"Come on, Diane. You always end up going anyway and you always look pretty so" Louise says "Shut up" I say then my mum shouts "DIANE" "I know, I know" I say then we walk outside "Alrighty, bye mum" "Bye, girls. Have fun, make sure Diane gets a good dress now" "We will, Mrs Gaba" Karina says and we start walking to the local dress shop, not many people go there though cause they want designer brands and all that. We check out the dresses and Tory finds one straight away. "Does this suit me?" Tory asks. The dress she picked up was black one sleeve dress, it had studs around the waist. "Nah, too depressing" Katarina says, I look through the dresses but never gave them much thought, they were all way too long for me.  "Oh my god, this is so cute" Louise says and I walk over to her with the rest of the girls "I just need a dress that matches this!" we all see a red spotty bow ring and I say holding her hand "It's so cute" and we all jump around for some reason and we get back to searching. I see a long red dress, some floral dimentes on the side, it looked beautiful and it would've suited the bow ring really well. "Hey, Louise. What about this?" Louise and the rest of the girls gasp when they see the dress "How much does it cost?"  Louise asks me and I shrug and say "I don't know" Kat shouts from across the shop "Excuse me, can I ask how much this dress costs?" "And if anyone at the West Bridge bought a dress like this, cause it's for a prom" Karina adds then the lady comes towards us "No, no one's even come inside this shop for a while and the dress is $100 dollars" we all gasp "That's only like a fifth of my money, I could spend the rest on some killer accessories" Louise says then Tory suggests "Don't you have to fit it on first?" then I reply "Knowing her she'll fit" "I should try it on though" Louise says then we walk to the fitting rooms.

"I'm going to fit this now" Louise says to the lady and we all head to the fitting rooms then we all hear "I've tried playing it cool but when I'm looking at you" then we all scream the next words "I CAN'T EVER BE BRAVE, CAUSE YOU MAKE MY HEART RACE, SHOT ME OUT OF THE SKY, YOU'RE MY KRYPTONITE, YOU KEEP MAKING ME WEAK, FROZEN AND CAN'T BREATHE" then girls stop so I can take the lead "Something's gotta give now, cause I'm dying just make to you see" then Karina joins me and we begin doing some weird hand movements "that I need you here with me now, cause you got that one thing" then we all jump around, hold hands and Louise joins us wearing the dress "GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT OF MY HEAD AND FALL INTO MY ARMS INSTEAD, I DON'T, I DON'T, DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS, BUT I NEED THAT ONE THING. YOU GOT THAT ONE THING" we all shout then we hug Louise, she's so pretty in that dress. If only I could make a dress look that good.

"You look so pretty" I say holding her by the shoulders then letting her go "I know right, you have to buy that dress" Tory says. Louise checks herself out in the mirror "Yeah, I will" and then the lady interrupts us "That ring's on the house, you look gorgeous in that dress" "Are you serious?" We all say then I start laughing at us, Kat joins me too. "Yeah, it suits the dress. That's for free, my special" The lady says and Louise gets changed. When we go out, we pay for the dress and look for some more. Maybe there's more than one stunning dress here.

It takes I don't know, another 10-20 minutes and then Karina shouts "Guys, I found my dress!" we all run to her and she's holding this orange one shoulder dress, it has jewels on the top half then it's just orange all the way down. It looks so good! "I'm just going to try this on, okay?" Karina says and we all walk to the change rooms again. The lady follows us too, we wait and Kat asks us "How's your holidays?" "It was really boring, just hanging around the music store as usual" I say, Louise says "I just wrote and I've been training for the new track season" then Tory says "Well , I didn't do that much on the school holidays" then Katarina says "Well, you're not the only one with a really boring holiday".

*Katarina's POV*

"I can't believe school starts tomorrow though" Diane says "Back to homework, goodbye to tumblr" she continues then Karina steps out of the change room. "Woah" Diane says "I agree" I say and Karina smiles. "I'm taking this dress, I just need a bracelet to match" Karina says then goes back to the change room and changes into her casual clothes. "Alright, let's find some bracelets" Karina says and we go to the accessory stand "This is so pretty" Diane says and Karina agrees "Oh my god, I want this" Karina says and I see them both holding an infinte bracelet. "I'm buying this" Diane announces and she goes to the cashier.

 "Kat, come on. Let's go to the cashier and buy the dress" Karina says and all the girls join Diane. "How much does this cost?" Karina asks and the lady says "$150" "That leaves me quite a lot, I'm taking it" Karina says and pays the lady. "Goodbye" I say smiling and she says "I hope some guys fall in love with you lovely girls" "Thank you" Tory says and I look at her "What?! I think I need all the help I can get" then Louise hits her across the head "You're crazy" "Let's go!" I say and pull the both of them into another dress shop.

Diane's already looking, wow. It's a miracle, she wants a dress. Tory wears some mask and creeps behind Karina and then Karina turns around and screams "AHHHH!" then she dies down "TORY! You scared me" Karina says and Tory and I couldn't stop laughing. I mess up Karina's hair and say "Aw, you poor thing. It was hilarious though" "Kat, come here. I found the perfect dress for you" Louise shouts from the front of the shop, we all walk and we see a black, one shoulder dress with a black sash going to the back, it was pretty tight everywhere too. "I'll try it on" I say and head to the change rooms.

I take off my clothes and put on the dress, I walk out and then- "AHHHHH!! TORY! Not funny!" I scream and all the girls laugh. "You look gorgeous, Kat. Jelly now" Louise says and I laugh. I check out my butt and see if it looks big, not at all. "I'm buying this dress, it's perfect" I say and the girls now help Tory find her dress. "This one" Diane says "No" Tory says "This one" "No" "This one" "Diane, NO! Stop picking any random one" Tory says and they start laughing. After a while we change racks and I flick through the dresses then Tory shouts "Kat, that's the one!" Tory grabs the dress and pretty much runs to the change room. The dress was a white column one shoulder mini, it's really pretty and basic. Simple is elegant alright.

*Tory's POV*

I buy my dress and we all search for a dress for Diane, of course we're searching for a dress for Diane. It takes ages and we give up and check a new shop. We enter another dress shop and it takes a few minutes then- woah, that's the one. "Diane! I found the perfect dress" I shout from back of the store, it was a short, strapless, sweetheart cut, sequin dress. The dress had a skirt which had this draped look but it was still short and it was royal blue. At the top it had glitter running from the sides and at the back, it was cut a bit so it showed a bit of skin.

Diane takes the dress and walks into the change room. "Um, guys. A little help here.. the zip's stuck" Diane calls from the change room and walks out. "You got the zip to go into the dress fabric thing but don't worry I got it" Karina says and she easily pulls it up. "You look really pretty, Diane. It suits you" Kat says "Thanks, Kat" Diane says and Diane tucks her hair behind her ear and goes back to unchange. Diane pays for the dress and we walk outside and to Karina's house, so we can make the masks.

We're walking towards the exit and we can see five hot guys approaching our direction but as soon as we pass the elevators we see, One Direction. Diane's head looks the ground straight away, Karina holds Diane for dear life, Kat whispers something and Louise just moves her fringe out of her face. One step, two steps, three steps. I looked at the guys and Zayn's eyes lock with mine straight away, I end up turning around to look at him when he passes but then Karina punches me and I realize I have to stop and continue walking.

*Zayn's POV*

 I couldn't stop thinking about that girl who I locked eyes with so quickly, blueish- grey eyes, I could just fall so deeply. We just went to get a bite to eat then we would continue studying. We weren't even studying though, we we're talking about the school we're going to West Bridge High. "Zayn, fancied a girl there" Louis obviously talking about my "locking eyes" thing. "Shut up, Lou" I say then Liam says to me "That's your answer to everything" Niall starts laughing again. "I hope we're going to the same school as them" Harry says "Me too" I reply and Louis and Liam start punching my shoulder. "Stop it, guys" I say "Zayn has a crush" Louis says like a little kid and say back "No, I don't. I just thought that girl was pretty hot" "PFFT. If you thought that you would've been like Harry" Niall says and I give Niall a glare.

"Did you guys check out that girl who was beside the girl with the black hair?" Louis asks "Yeah, why?" Liam says and then Louis replies "She's pretty cute and hot" then I join in "and you say I have a crush"  "You couldn't stop staring at her, you even turned around" Niall says "Let's go grab some food then we actually study when we get home" Liam says and we walk into a cafe. A part of me wants to see her again, I want to know how I could just stare in her eyes and fall so easily.

*Karina's POV*

"Dad, we're home. I brought the girls over, we're going to make our masks okay?" I shout in the house then my dad shouts back "Sure, babygirl" I cringe and the girls laugh at me. "Does the girls want some cookies or something to eat or something to drink?" my dad shouts again while we're halfway up the stairs, we all run down the stairs and my brother's on XBOX, playing COD while my dad made some choc chip cookies. "Thanks, Karina's dad" Tory says "Call me Nick" "Thanks, Nick" the girls says, some with food in their mouth. "DIANE" Eric (my little bro) shouts and hugs her from behind "Hey, Eric" Diane says then continues "Okay, you can let go now" "Eric." my dad says stern and then he continues "Let the poor girl go, she probably has a boyfriend" we all laugh at my dad's statement. "PFFT. ME. BOYFRIEND. NOPE. I'M STILL SINGLE" Diane shouts, still laughing. "I don't believe you" my dad says, I hide my head and Diane messes up my hair "It's fine, Karina. Nick, I. don't. have. a. boyfriend. and. I. won't. get. one. soon" "You never know" Kat says to Diane, wiggling her eyebrows.

"If there's going to be anyone that's about to get boyfriend it's Tory" Louise says and Tory spits out the juice she was drinking. "What in the world, Louise?!" Tory asks "It's true, we saw your stare with Zayn" Louise continues "WHAT?! That. No. Okay" Tory says then my dad asks "Wait, is this the Zayn from the boyband I don't like and my daughter's obsessed with?" "Um, yeah" I reply then my dad jumps up and down "O. M. G. He stared at you! It might be love at first sight! and he's famous" my dad screams then Kat joins my dad and they hold hands "O. M. G. L. O. L." Kat says and we're all laughing, but my dad is so embarrasing. "Isn't that what you girls say?" my dad asks "NO" comes from my mouth and the girls laugh at me.

"Okay, now we're going to make our masks" I say and pretty much drag the girls up the stair before my dad embarrasses me anymore. Diane raids my speakers, she designed and gave to me on my birthday and we hear from it "What's up? We haven't spoken for a while" I think that's Rhianna's voice.. I'm not sure. We get the glitter, the beads, the glue, the lace, the masks, the hot glue gun, the paint, the paintbrushes and we move everything off my table and put it in the middle of the room. We begin designing our masks and I, myself can't wait for the masquerade ball.

"I'm so pumped for the Masquerade Ball, I hope this year I find someone" Kat says and I have to agree "Yeah, it's been a while since Cupid hit me with an arrow" "LOL! You want to be hit with an arrow" Diane says and the girls laugh. "It would be nice though, to fall in love" Tory says and we all lay on the ground looking at my One Direction sealing. 

*Niall's POV*

"Here's the house" Paul tells us "Here's where you have to stay for the year. Also, I got the timetable for you guys for the school" Paul says and gives us timetable sheets. Paul walks out and we all crash on the couch. "Let's see if we have any classes together" Liam says and Louis reads out for tomorrow. "First, Geography then Drama. YES! then English, oh and English again then Math and History" Louis says and Harry says "I have History with you but my timetable is more like this double Math, Literature, Chemistry, English, History" then Zayn says "I have Visual Art first, then History, I have double English with Louis, and Geography then Math" I tell the guys mine "I have double P.E. then Chemistry, Math, English, and Literature" then Liam says cheery "I have double P.E. too then I have Journalism, Math with you too Niall, Also with English, and Geography" "Well, that's it then. Back to basics tomorrow" Zayn says "Yeah, no superstar life for a whole year, starting tomorrow" I say looking down. "It's not going to be that bad guys" Louis says being optimistic. "I don't know Lou, we're going to be fish out of water being there. People are only going to like us cause we're famous" Liam says and we all look down. We are not ready for this.


So you like it??? I don't know if I portrayed the characters good enough, but um. yeah. I hoped you liked it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Spread the word about this and tell me your thoughts!

Thanks, Keira xx

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