GraveYard // Chris Evans

Af eacosupernatural

548 35 2

who is going to be the one to dig their own grave the fastest? Mere

two //
three //
four //
five //
six //
seven //


31 3 1
Af eacosupernatural

"You said THIS WOULD BE EASY!" Harlow shouts back at me as we run through the house.

I push her to the side as gunfire roars past us.

"You said!" She shouts again as she yells again.

"I fucking know!" I push the back door open as i come to a stop seeing the dozen or more of cops.

Chris slowly lowers his gun as his glaze comes to mine.

10 hours earlier - Boston Harbour

Sebastian rubs his eyes getting up out of the bed as Harlow sits on the edge of it. "You didn't sleep last night."

"I know I didn't because I couldn't."

He stops turning back to her, "You haven't heard from her. Have you?"

"No and this isn't like her, you know that. Two weeks of not talking to me? That isn't normal."

"You think job gone wrong?"

"I don't know, I don't know." She pulls her knees up to her chest.

Sebastian walks back to her kissing her hair, "Take a shower, i will start the coffee."

Harlow looks back at him, "Can you call someone?"

"Harlow, shower." He calls back.

Harlow rolls her eyes, "God, such a dick."

O'Connor Estate

Andrea taps on Chris's door lightly.

Chris glances up from his laptop going over the reports. "What?"

Andrea slowly pushes the door open, "Hey big brother."

He nods at her.

"Ok. I just wanted to talk about something."

"I gotta go to work."

"Chris, what are you doing?"

He stops as he grabs his bag, "excuse me?"

"You are acting like a complete douche right now."

"You need to stop letting the old man control you."

"Our brothers in blood are dead. Our brothers in color are dying. Why are you sitting here acting like nothing can be done?"

"You need to stop letting the old man control you."

Andrea glares at him. "You are going to get killed!"

"No little sister, i am going to be fine." He grabs his bag as he moves out of the room.

Andrea shakes her head getting frustrated.

"Honey, can i tell you something?" Patty comments walking up the hallway.

"Of course Patty."

"Stop trying to help your brother. He doesn't need another person to tell him how this should be handled. He wants family. Someone to tell him, he is doing ok." Patty looks at her.

Andrea looks at her for a second.

"Your grandfather is fighting with that young man over his heart. But honey, you can't change what it feels."

"His heart?"

"Who he loves."

"My brother isn't in love."

"The blonde is a very nice young lady. Too Russian for my taste."

Andrea looks at her then nods, "Thanks Patty."

Patty nods with a smile as she walks off.

Andrea pulls out her phone, "Hey, I have a lead."

Boston Town Hall

Chris looks up from his phone seeing his sister, "what the he'll Andrea, i have work."

"So do i, but i need a member of the PD with me."

"There is thousands of them, call someone else."

"I need a detective."

"Again, thousands of them."

"Chris, just come in with me."

Chris groans turning around and walking in with her, "What?"

Andrea walks in with a grin as she walks over to the side elevator. "Just trust me brother."

Chris rolls his eyes as he steps into the elevator with her as two other people get in with them.

Chris looks at the young blonde in front of Andrea while the taller brunette male keeps his eyes on the door.

He narrows his eyes as he sees the scar on the male's right side cheek.

Andrea looks over at her brother, "You need to relax."

"You brought me here."

"I thought you would like to be involved."

Chris notes the female glancing back at them as the male shifts on his heels.

"This case is getting deeper than you thought."

"You shouldn't be in the middle of this case."

"People are dead and you aren't doing anything!"

"Andrea, i am working on this case." Chris notes their movements again.

The male glances back at Andrea as his shoulder tense up.

Chris steps a little closer to her as the doors open.

"This is our floor, lets go." Andrea moves out of the elevator walking to the right as Chris slowly follows her.

"You need to be mindful of conversations in the elevator" Chris snorts back at her.

"And I think my big brother, should talk to our father."

Chris stops as he looks into the conference room seeing his old man at the end of the table.

Boston Harbour

Harlow walks out of the bathroom when she sees the balcony door open.

She rolls her eyes walking over to it, "Seb, you are a lazy sack of shit."

"What if it wasn't him?"

Harlow stops as she hears the voice.

"Maybe the reason he always yells back at you, is because you call him a lazy sack of shit."

Harlow turns around looking at me, "Brooklyn?"

"Hey gorgeous." I smirk back at her.

"No hey gorgeous, where have you been?"

"If i told you, would you actually believe me?"

"Maybe, but god, where have you been?" She pulls me in hard for a hug.

I hug her back kissing her neck. "I have been with Chris trying to figure something out."

"Figure what out?"

"How to get out."

"Get out of what, Brooklyn what are you saying."

I look down at my hands then back at her, "I like him. I wanna stay here with him."

"You want out...of the company."

I nod my head back at her.

"That just doesn't happen."

"I know which is why, we have been trying to figure it out."

"Did you come to any situation?"

"No, actually we didn't." I look back at her.

She nods sitting back on the bed, "Why didn't you text me or something."

I put my arm around her, "Don't be sad, i needed you to think i was gone too."

"I have been living with Sebastian for two weeks. I need another reason to get out."

"Oh please, I'm sure the late night rolling in the bed isn't hurting." I glare back at her.

Harlow shoves me a little with a grin.

"Oh see!" I laugh back at her when my phone goes off. "Hello?"

My smile fades as I hear Chris.

Harlow watches me as I get up from the bed grabbing my bag. "Brooke?"

I don't answer her as I keep listening to him.


I finally turn back to her. "We are going for a ride."


"Lets go, we need to take a ride."

Harlow looks at me confused as she grabs her jacket following me out.

Boston Town Hall

Boone leans against the doorframe as the judge walks out of the back office.

Sebastian walks up to him, "How long?"

"Three hours now."

Sebastian looks down at Ana who works on her laptop, "Anything?"

"I can't break through that wall."

"Tap into his cell phone. You can get his number from Brooke." Sebastian comments back.

Boone rolls his eyes back, "His father is one of the biggest Irish leaders, who is back in Boston man."

Sebastian nods his head looking down at the text from Harlow. "I know this Boone. I know this very much."

"Then why are we just standing in the back corner waiting. We do what we do best."

"And our commander doesn't want that." Sebastian snorts back.

"She got dick and got blind man."

Ana glares up at him.

"Boone, shut up." Sebastian snorts again.

Boone groans turning away from the door as Ana sits up. "Ana?"

Ana stops as she looks up at Sebastian.

"I don't wanna know." Sebastian mumbles back.

O'Connor Estate

Patty walks around the kitchen smiling as she waters the plants on the island.

"Patty, do you have that notebook?"

Patty stops and rolls her eyes, "What notebook Finn?"

"The gold one."

"That isn't better!" Patty shouts back as she puts the pitcher of water down moving out of the room.

"You are fucking stupid." Harlow hits my arm as I push the door open from the garage.

I wave my hands back at her, "Stop."

"This is the O'Connor Estate. Like we are gonna die here!"

"Just trust me Harlow."

Harlow glares at me as I move up the back steps. "What are we even here for?"'

"We are here to get what Chris knows will tie them to the murders."


"Sebastian and Boone."

Harlow stops as she looks at me, "He has the evidence?"

"He has DNA. Apparently one of them, left their gloves behind at a scene."

"That isn't possible. That isn't possible."

"Which is why Chris told me to get it from his room. The evidence vanishes then they will be ok."

"It went through a lab Brooklyn."

"I have some guys on that." I look back at her.

Harlow nods her head back at me, "Of course, you do."

"Hey, i am trying here. Do you mind?"

Harlow narrows her eyes, "Move along then."

I move down the hallway faster heading for his room.

"Wait, how do you know where his room is..."

I keep moving as I walk into his room.

"Holy shit, you have been here for the past two weeks?"

"Can you stop talking?"

Harlow rolls her eyes looking out the door, "It is like insanely silent here."

I start digging through his case files.

"Like, isn't that housekeeper always singing or something."

"Harlow, shut up."

Harlow looks out the door more, "I am serious Brooklyn, where is her talking."

I look up as she is right. I move over to the door looking down the hallway both ways. "Harlow..."

"What." She looks back at me confused.

"Run." I take off running down the hallway as I hear the heavy footsteps.

Current Time

My breathing picks up as my eyes stay on his.

Harlow keeps her hands up, "Oh fuck."

Finn walks up to the front of the line of police officers as his eyes stay on me, "She is hostile. Deadly force is needed."

My eyes start to widen at his words.

The cops on either side of Chris put their guns on Harlow and myself.

Harlow looks at me then at them, "Wait,!"

I clench my jaw together as my brows come together.

Finn keeps his eyes on me as he walks over to Chris, "She was hostile, she killed Patty."

Harlow shakes her head hearing him, "What? Brooke, no you didn't..."

I keep my eyes on Chris as I swallow back the pain.

"She came here to ruin your case. She came here to kill me."

My bottom lip quivers a little as I hold myself together.

"She came to take everything you have been working toward away from you!"

Harlow covers her face as the gun fire rains over the parked cars hitting cops and sending glass all over.

I keep my eyes on him as Andrea covers Finn moving him out of the way.

"Lets go ladies." Ana calls over to us from the car from the side street.

Harlow runs keeping her head low as I keep my eyes on Chris.

"Brooke!" Ana shouts back at me.

Chris drops down behind a police car as he looks at me shaking his head.

"Brooklyn!" Harlow shouts at me. "Let's go!"

I slowly turn away from him as I run for the car.

"Brooke...Brooklyn..." Chris mutters out watching me close the car door. " no!"

Ana pulls away from the house fast heading back into the city as the gun fire stops.

"Chris, are you ok?" Andrea calls back over looking at her brother.

Chris scrambles up looking around, "No,! What have you done?"

Finn glares back at Chris, "She is a murderer."

"No, that isn't her!"

"You don't know who that girl is and what she is capable of doing."

Chris shakes his head back at him, "I love her, I don't care about her past or what she has done. I love her."

Finn looks at him confused, "You are delusional. Get him to the ambulance!"

Chris shoves Andrea back, "I know what I feel. And that girl, is someone i love. And you just ruined this all over some old fucking war!"

"That old fucking war is something her father will make you, you die in!"

"Her father is already dead!"

"Her father was seen entering the states yesterday."

Chris shakes his head, "I don't believe you."

"Love is blind young man."

"You are, you are an angry old man." Chris snorts walking around him.

"Chris, hey." Andrea reaches for his hand.

"No, no. Don't." Chris pushes her hand away as he heads away from the front yard.

Andrea turns back to Finn, "What have you done!"

"I am protecting my family."

"Watching your own family burn is not saving them!"

"You will understand one day." Finn smiles back at her.

Andrea closes her eyes as tears start down them. "You sick old man."

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