Redefining Love

By olamijibanks

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Love has always been something technical and we have always defined it in a way; romantic, fun, happy... But... More

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four

Chapter Three

65 14 2
By olamijibanks

Getting married was a big deal in Nigeria, no matter what tribe you are and most people in my position would be happy but I wasn't, I was just hopeful and curious. Mama came into my room at that moment.

"Aisha, your father wants to see us." she said.

"Okay ma." I stood up to follow her as I put on my hijab.

Baba was as usual seated on his reclining armchair chewing on a piece of kola.

"Assalam waylakun. (peace be upon you.)" I greeted my father as I took a seat next to mother on one of the chairs.

"Walaykun salam." He replied to my greeting, cleared his throat before he finally stated the reason of the small gathering.

"Aisha, we just wanted to inform you that your fiancés family is ready to come and ask for your hand in marriage, thus you should be prepared. We have given you enough time to get used to the idea and from what I have heard, your meeting with your soon to be husband went well." Baba said, he stopped expecting some kind of reply from me.

My throat was dry as I tried to form coherent words but my mouth wouldn't even move. I wondered who had told him the meeting had gone well, if it had been Al ameen and what Baba's expression would have been like if he had heard the words we had really exchanged at the meeting. I stared at baba for a while before nodding realizing baba and mama were waiting for me to say something.

"Okay then, I would call my in-laws. Your engagement and nikkah will be in a month's time." Baba concluded as he dismissed us.

Mama followed me upstairs and started to fuzz around, asking what I wanted and where I wanted it to be. The colour of cloth I would like to wear and how we had to sow them quick before it got to a state where we would start rushing. I inhaled deeply to prevent myself from lashing out at mama since I was already getting frustrated and irritated by her constant nagging.

"Mama, Thank you. You can take care of the rest but my friends and I would take care of my dress."

"Okay." She said and exited the room, with a promise to get in touch with the best caterer she knows.

Most times, I wondered how mama had felt when she had first gotten married to baba, I knew she would have been complaint since she still was.

I wondered if baba asked her to jump, would she say how high or ask why she even had to jump in the first instance. Knowing mama, she would probably ask how high? She wasn't educated and hadn't come from a rich family unlike baba so I knew she must have been happy and thought herself lucky when she had gotten married back then but now, I wondered if could I ever feel happy in that kind of marriage.

I started to make a mental list of what I had to do and not to picking up a pen and a jotter as I laid on my bed.

"Clothes, Shoes, Hijab...." I noted down as I decided I would go with Gold and brown theme for my dressing.

I picked up my phone as it starts vibrating. "Hello..." I trailed off since I didn't know who was calling, it was an unknown number.

"Good afternoon, what's your favourite colour?" He went straight to the point.

I feigned ignorance as my heart started racing in annoyance, "Please, who am I speaking with?" I ask

"Ooh please, that's the problem with us Nigerians. We answer question's with question's rather than answering the previous one before asking another? But anyways, that's none of my business. Its just your stupidity at show again. What's your favourite colour?" He repeats his question in obvious agony.

"Black." I replied deciding not to make a fool of myself anymore.

"Good." He said simply.

"So, you..." I started but he had already ended the call

"Arghhhhh!!!!" I screamed in annoyance, "What exactly is wrong with this man, he thinks he's the best thing huh and thinks so high of himself mtcheew." I hissed as I laid on back on my bed dialling Ada's phone number.

"Hi." She sounded dull as she picked up my call.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask

"Nothing much, just work issues." She said.

"Ooh okay, sorry about that. I just wanted to tell you I have decided on Gold and brown colour." I said

"Ooh okay, come over later and we will talk about it okay. Talk to you later, bye."

"Bye." I sighed as I dropped the call.

It was hard enough that I was getting married to a man I knew next to nothing about but he was also cocky, egotistic and very proud. To cap it all up, he's going to have his real love around and I'm going to just end up being a show wife, a thing to strengthen the bond among two families. I didn't know how to feel about it, because there was nothing to feel but I just hoped I would be fine. I sighed as I prepared to go meet Ada.


It is finally the D day, my wedding day. Its funny though that I never thought months ago that I would be getting married in two years time but here I was at 22, getting married.

Al ameen was graceful enough not to bring his real fiancée and also act like the happiest man on earth as I wondered what he would be his gain from the marriage.

Right now, probably nothing but in future when he finally becomes the head of all his father's company, maybe he will understand and see what our fathers saw right now that made them both agree it was a great union. But...... what about me?

"Aisha, its time to change to your second attire." Ada whispered into my ears where I was seated beside my newly wedded husband deep in thought while the mc drowned on about something.

"Okay." I replied. "Please excuse me." I said to Al ameen who sat down next to me majestically like he had no care in the world.

"Like I care?" He sneered. How he managed to smile saying that kind of words baffled me but I guess he's really used to doing things for the camera and my heart felt for him.

"Lets go." Ada said pulling me along as I cleared my head of unreasonable thoughts.

Ada and Kemi, who was looking absolutely stunning with her little baby bump rushed around the room to get me glammed as Ada retouched my makeup and Kemi got out my cloth and shoes from the package it came with and within minutes, I was looking fresh again.

"Its finally time for the bride and groom to dance!" The mc announced as I slip on my very low heels.

"Ooh no! I don't want to dance with that devil." I mumbled

"Well, either you like it or not. That devil is going to be your husband very soon and you will live with him." Kemi said urging me up as they pushed me out of the changing room following behind.

"Well, Well... here comes the bride, dazzling and beautiful. She's going to scatter this stage a bit for us with her friends before her husbands comes on stage to join her. Let's see who can dance best, may the best dancer win!" He cheered as a song came up from the dj

I started to dance as Kemi and Ada urged me on dancing with me and displaying the latest styles of dance as I got into a competitive mode and danced with them. I was finally enjoying myself when the mc announced that my husband could join me.

My friends winked at me and left as Al ameen came on stage dancing. I stopped dancing, turning into a statue as I moved left and right.

"What's wrong. Is our bride shy or tired?" The mc ask as people from different direction in the hall replied with one or the other, Shy being the most obvious. Turns out my new husband was a good dancer, "Is there even a fault in this guy?" I wonder, losing myself to my thoughts again right there on the stage.

The wedding ended up being a massive one with numerous important people, and at the end of the day. I could even say I felt happy as I passed out in the guest room of my new home.

It has been exactly two months after my wedding and it has been hell just like I foresaw. I never saw my husband, the only time we see is when we all sit together to eat dinner. When I say all, I mean including his wife Halima and even that period, they always make me feel like an intruder talking about friends, acquaintance and family I have never met.

My days would have been worse though if I didn't have Kemi and Ada. We all spent most of our time at RPH (Royal Palace Hotel) which was Kemi's dad hotel since Ada was still trying to secure a new and better job since she lost her old one. Watching Ada's face light up though whenever she gets chosen for an interview or how Kemi gets excited when talking about the hotel shows that they really love what they do and I have also started thinking about getting a job.

I mean, think about it. I have a BSc in mass communication, a good result and besides the work will distract me from my personal home issues. My phone rang breaking my train of thought.

"Hey babes, what's up?" I ask, it was Ada calling.

"I'm fine ooh, just wanted to ask if you are coming over today?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm already in a taxi. I'm almost there." I replied

"Okay, can you please get me some folic acid, tonic and pain reliever at the pharmacy."

"Ooh sure, no problem."

"Thank you."

"You are welcome, bye."

"Sir, please stop at the nearest pharmacy. I want to get something." I told the cab man as he replied with a simple "okay ma."

I arrived at Kemi's few minutes later, I greeted Tessa, the receptionist as I walked past her. She had a lovely smile that always prompt guest to smile back at her including me. I took the elevator, got off at the top floor, knocked and entered Kemi's en-suite.

"Hey girls, what's up?" I ask as I dropped the pharmacy package on the table.

"Hi babe, I'm cool. Just cooling my heels since it gets puffier everyday." Kemi joked.

"Sup." Ada said, as I smiled at Kemi and settled my self on one of the couch's.

"I'm fine ooh." I replied Ada as I freed myself of my 3-inch heel. A comfortable silence ensued as Ada continue working on her laptop probably still searching for a job while Kemi was working on some files scattered on the table.

"Babes, I have been thinking about getting a job." I broke the silence.

"That's superb!" Kemi said surprisingly pleased.

"Finally, my baby girl is growing! And I can now start picking out formal outfit for your wardrobe." Ada said as I shook my head, trust her to always want to glam me up.

"I could help, I know a friend that works at a radio station." Kemi said

"I hope its not one of those upcoming radio station shaa?" Ada asked, rolling her eyes.

"Of course not, its Union Fm." She said, I gasped and Ada nodded in satisfaction.

"You mean the biggest radio station in the whole of Africa?" I asked.

"Exactly!" She replied.

"I don't think I'm ready for it. I'd rather start from somewhere small..."

"Ooh shut it there, you will do good. I know you will." Ada said, gasping immediately she turned back to face her laptop.

"I just freaking got a message from DAC (Dragmat Advertising company) guys!" She exclaimed shocked.

"What does it say?" We ask

"To resume on Monday!" She said, excitedly jumping up and down.

"Wow, congrats love." I said

"This calls for celebration." Kemi said, standing up to ask the kitchen to bring up a bottle of wine which is of course, non alcoholic.

DAC (Dragmat Advertising Company) is one of the biggest advertising company in Nigeria. This is due to the fact that its just a little part in the big chain of Dragmat companies. They have a food producing company, an advertising company, an airline, Tv stations, numerous plazas, banks and even lots of other businesses. It has always been my dream to get into the company but I had never imagined that I'd get in. It was only by sheer luck that I was chosen for the interview and finally chosen as their new Major Account manager.

I took a deep breath as I parked at the parking lot in front of the tall building. My previous work place looked like a measly storey compared to the 5-storey building that stood so magnificent, tall and beautiful.

I raised my chin, straightened my slack and walked inside.

"Good morning." I greeted the lady at the reception.

"Good morning ma, what can I do for you?" She asked politely, a smile graced her lip.

"I'm here to see Mr Adebayo."

"Okay, just a minute." She said as she picked up the landline, she spoke to someone for a few seconds, turned to me and asked for my name.

"Miss Ada." She nodded, told the person on the other side of the phone my name then replied with an "okay ma." before dropping the call.

"Take the elevator to floor 4. You will meet Mrs William at the reception, she will attend to you." She said.

"Thank you." I smiled at her as I took the crowded elevator. By the time we got to the fourth floor, it was just I and a man who couldn't be a day over 40 left and we both alighted.

"Good morning." I greeted the receptionist who looked very busy typing some things furiously on her computer.

"Good morning ma'am, can you please take a seat over there. I'll attend to you shortly, I have to finish these schedules before they all resume." She replied mumbling the last part to herself.

"Okay." I said as I took a seat.

She finished soon, stood up and walked over to me. "Sorry about that, you must be Miss Ada?" She confirmed.

"Yes, I am."

"Well, Mr Adebayo isn't yet around but he has instructed that I show you around and make sure you are comfortable before he arrives, so let's get to your office." She said smiling genuinely, the way a mother would smile to her child. I guess she sees me as her child because she looked older, I couldn't exactly be sure but she looked like she was in her early 40's also.

"This is the Creative manager office, then the Media managers, then the Sales manager, the Major Account manager. I believe this should be your office. The other offices are for the production manager and lots of other managers." She stopped while I nodded.

"The down floor is simply the waiting room, also used by the cleaners to store their supplies, there's a kitchen there also as it is in every floor. We also have a production room there and store rooms for costume.

The first floor however, is for the sales department. The second floor are for the content writers and some other creative designers who make use of the space for their work. Hence, it's called the creative department.

The third floor is mainly for the marketing department. The fourth floor which we are right now is the management/account department, everyone has an office with the post pasted on the door. There's a rest room down the corridor and a kitchen at the other side. It's mainly quiet.

The top floor is for the CEO which is occupied presently by the CEO'S son who is the Account director. The office leads to a room which is an en-suite, it looks more like a pent house to me but anyways, the boss doesn't go home sometimes so he sleeps there. There's a kitchen also." She rounded up.

"Woah, that's quite a lot to take in. Thank you."

"You are welcome, everyone's pretty nice except Lisa."

"Who's Lisa?"

"That's Elizabeth but she calls herself Lisa, she's the boss receptionist but she see's herself as his Personal Assistant and she's bossy as hell, just avoid her. She's a drama queen." Mrs William said hissing lightly.

"Okay, thank you." I said as I wondered if it matters that she calls herself the boss PA, she was after all his receptionist so isn't it the same thing. The elevator dinged at that moment as Mrs William rushed out of my office.

"Make yourself comfortable, there's a list of numbers beside the landline. Call me if you need me and also, I'll call you when Mr Adebayo is around." She said, shutting the door behind her.

I dropped my bag on the table and collapsed on the couch placed beside the wall in the office. I breathed in and out, in and out, in and out. I was so caught up in my routine that I jumped in surprise when the landline started ringing. I looked around, spotted the phone and cleared my throat before picking it up.


"Miss Ada, I just wanted to inform you that Mr Adebayo is here and he said you should see him in his office." Mrs William said

"Okay, which office is his?" I ask

"He's the Account Executive. Just check on the doors to the left."

"Okay, thank you." I ended the call.

It wasn't difficult to locate his office. "Come in." I heard after knocking.


I had just gotten back from Kemi's place where I had gone to after my interview when I met Halima and Al ameen kissing and making out in front of the Tv. His hands were groping her breast and hers was dangerously near his manhood. I looked away before I could see more.

"But.... what all this!" I exclaimed. "Don't you have any shame, why make out in the sitting room where anyone can enter anytime or even the maid can see you." I shouted in anger, pained.

"Well, if it isn't my dear senior. Anyways, to answer your question. We don't have any shame because the day shame was being shared, we went out on a date and also, the maid has been asked to go out and won't return until we call her to. So, could you do us a favour by stop screaming, we are trying to make a baby here." She finished off sweetly with a fake smile.

I stayed glued to my position for a long time just staring at them, I just couldn't believe they were already planning on making children while I was still awaiting my husband to make love to me. I could already feel tears building up my chest.

"If you know you aren't going to excuse us, you might as well join us. A threesome would be nice." Al interfered in his usual deep voice that surprisingly sounded sexy to me at the moment.

"But then, why would I even want to have sex with you. You have the body of a child, I'm sure it's all flat like a paper. You will just end up turning me off." He added, sighing in pity as Halima started laughing and that was the icing of the cake as I ran off to my room in tears.

I cried till I couldn't anymore before eventually falling asleep.

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