Team Weird|Walter Beckett X R...

By GoldenLink145

43.5K 1.5K 2.5K

Walter Beckett has been in the spy agency in Washington working with his partner Lance Sterling for three yea... More

The Beginning: One
Riding With Rockets: Two
A Werid Distraction: Three
A Task In Los Angeles: Four
IMPORTANT! Please Read!
Moving Along at Dawn: Five
The Club Of Fun: Six
A Serious Situation: Seven
A New Plan: Eight
Gumballs: Nine
A Flesh Rotting Street: Eleven
The Little Demon: Twelve
A New Lance: Thirteen
The Freind in San Francisco: Fourteen
Mansion On The Mountain: Fifteen
Hello? Virgin Speaking: Sixteen
Mess Of A Dress: Seventeen
The Dance: Eighteen
Cult of Crows: Nineteen
Winner's Raffle Art
Human Eyes: Twenty
Reverse! Cha Cha Real Smooth: Twenty-one
Sneaky Bud: Twenty-Two
*GASP!* Another Art Raffle?
Airport Friends: Twenty-Three
Crushing On You: Twenty-Four
Welcome to the Agency: Twenty-Five
A Simulation Performace: Twenty-Six
Winner Raffle Art!
Needle Tricks :Twenty-Eight
A True Maliden: Twenty-Nine
Wet Dreams: Thirty (haha 'Thirsty')
The Paper Thief: Thirty-One
GTA: Thirty-Two
I Like You: Thirty-Three
The 'Perfect' Visitors: Thirty-Four
I.S.T.C : Thirty-Five
Fun Head Cannons and Facts!
Russ Takes The Bait: Thirty-Six
The Phone Call :Thirty-Seven
The Teasing Before The Sex: Thirty-Eight
S E X + Third Raffle
The Real Sex: Thirty-Nine
Half-Ass Father: Forty
Cold Kisses: Forty-One

Before Then : Twenty-Seven

533 26 53
By GoldenLink145

(This chapter is more wholesome, next one will be---uh--- 🙊)


She stared at Walter and (Y/N) as they smiled at each other. The jealousy rising within her. But she didn't know why she was so jealous, she basically just gaped expressionless at Walter's performance and seeing (Y/N) laugh made her teeth grit in anger.

Everyone around her clapped and giggled while some others gazed in confusion and awe. The performance was certainly unexpected but Angelina hated every bit of it. She would have loved it if it was her instead of (Y/N); if he had pointed at her; if he had asked her for a kiss. And she loathed (Y/N) for that. . .

The pixel figures disappeared along with the surface of the room flattening again, while the hologram screen flicked from: 'Mission Failed,' and 'Game Over.'

Walter still hung upside down, crossing his legs as if he was sitting while Brett and (Y/N) laughed and poked at the force field shielding where his face was.

"WALTER BECKETT!" An angry voice boomed from the entrance; outside of the simulation area. It was so loud that it made everyone silent and scurry away, (Except for their group and Astro). It also caused Walter to jerk his body, resulting in him falling from the string and onto the hard black floor of the room.

Passing spies made a pathway for the angry old woman who stomped towards them; her face was as red as a cherry and her brows wrinkled above her eyes.

Walter rapidly stood and fixed his form to stand up straight and formal. He walked out of the simulation room slowly, while smiling timidly.

Two other spies walked next to the lady, one was very tall; about Astros height, and looked grim. However, the other was short and wide, he wore a hat over his eyes and had dark hair.

"Uh-- Hello Dr. McEntire, " Walter said while running a nervous hand through his hair; Angelina noticed that he did this quite a lot.

"Sup Walter!" The little male spy said.

"Hey Ears. . ."

"To. My. Office," The old woman said through bared teeth. She had gray hair tied neatly in a bun and wore oval framed glasses.

"Yes ma'am, I just need to change--"

"NOW!" She cleared her throat and sighed. "Right now Beckett."

"Yes, ma'am. . ."

Astro put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll put all your stuff back inside your lab section."

"Thank you, Astro. . . Could you show them the way as well, they just got here, " Walter mentioned towards his group.

"Sure thing man."

They watched as Walter began to walk away with Dr. McEntire and the two other spies. (Y/N) had reached out for him but then anxiously pulled her hand back. "I hope nothing bad happens," she said. "Maybe we should all talk with her about it."

"I-i think Walter can handle it," Brett reassured her.

Angelina nodded towards them. "Yeah, it's best not to get in the way of things."

"No one ever stays mad at Walter Beckett," Astro smiled and scanned his spy ID card inside the machine next to the simulation room. Quickly, he grabbed Walter's bag that he left behind and some of his other small gadgets; he tried to not miss anything, it was very dangerous to leave gadgets in the simulation rooms; it could mess with the system or possibly cause an injury. "So--Uh-- Where are y'all from? I haven't seen you guys around. Are you beginners?"

"We are from California. Walter--uh--found me and Brett, we are in need of help. . ." (Y/N) said to him, her voice was shaky and timorous.

"California!? Oh wow, you must know what's going on then, huh? More than thirty dead. . . Real nasty what's going on over there. . ."

Brett fixed his collar. ". . . Y-yeah, there is so much more to that story. . ."

"We know who's doing it, he means," (Y/N) said.

Atrso raised an eyebrow as he swung Walter's bag onto his shoulder, the simulation door sliding closed. "Are you serious? We need to know, you need to speak with Dr. McEntire o-or Dr. Timmph immediately."

"W-Walter said to let him do the talking-- w-we just do as Walter says," Brett said.

"Well, it doesn't matter. They're going to want to talk with you guys anyway. You were with Walter during that time, were you not?"

"I. . .Don't know what we're talking about. . ." Owen said, he looked annoyed.

"Me neither. . ." Angelina admitted.

"We didn't meet them until later, as of right now, they are just traveling with us, " (Y/N) shrugged.

"Oh, alrighty, " said Astro. "Let's not talk about this around here-- a lot of snoops in the Agency. I'll show you to Walter's work section."

Although Angelina had no idea what was going on, she could tell that it was serious. Perhaps she has overheard a couple of things in the past but unfortunately, everything seemed to go over her head. She just hoped whatever was happening didn't affect her family back in California. She really does wish the best for them and their safety.


Very buff guys terrified Brett, so he was a bit intimidated by Astro. Of course, he knew he was a good person-- I mean-- Walter was friends with him! The only reason why he was frightened by big men was because of Grudge! He always used to push him around and poke fun at him. . . Though, he couldn't help but wonder how he was doing, along with the boss and (Y/N)'s mom.

He followed behind (Y/N) while they walked through the corridors and rooms to another elevator. He felt safer around (Y/N) then everyone else. Of course he felt safe around Walter and them as well but he had known (Y/N) for a while.

Astro pushed the number '5' on the call buttons of the elevator. And as they got off of their stop they were nearly knocked down by a couple of people in lab coats.

"Sorry sorry! We're in a rush!" One of then apologized while rapidly clicking on the buttons of the elevator.

"Be careful next time, " Astro rolled his eyes and led the group out.

"Will do! So sorry sir!"

"W-what was all that about?" Brett questioned, but Astro shrugged in response.

"Someone's always in a hurry on this floor, always be knocking into someone, " he said.

They passed by people testing out gadgets towards hanging rag dolls; people rolling in huge hamster balls; people in boarded rooms testing spy suits while bullets are being shot rapidly from a machine. Owen even accidentally ran into someone with a bucket of rainbow glitter, to which he scoffed and flipped his hair.

"All I see are Walters. . . Ugh," Owen complained.

"I think it's fantastic!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"Of course you would. You're the one dating him."

Angelina made a somewhat irritated sound, she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms; frustrated. 'What's wrong with her?' Brett questioned to himself.

"Oh, w-we're not dating," (Y/N) told Owen. "We're just friends."

Owen laughed loudly at this. "Silly! I'm not dumb!"

"B-but it's true!"

Astro chuckled as well. "I'd have to agree with blonde; i haven't seen Walter ever do anything like what he did, and he's the weirdest person i know."

"Can we like--stop talking about this?" Angelina spoke, her voice had a bitchy tone to it.

(Y/N) and Brett stared at her confused and worried.

"Are you feeling okay?" (Y/N) asked.

"Huh? . . . Yeah, sure, I'm fine," she responded without even looking at her.

"A-are you sure?" Brett questioned.

"I'm fine!" She said loudly making Brett jump.

Owen glared at her and held Brett's arm. "Hey! Don't raise your voice at him! He's just baby."

"I-I'm not baby. . ." Brett whimpered.

(Y/N) smiled. "You are baby. Walter would say the same."

"Well, now you're making me not want to say it anymore," Owen huffed at (Y/N).

Angelina had stayed silent the rest of the walk. Brett had just figured she may just be having a bad day. Maybe she was just homesick, or hurt? However, he didn't have a chance to ask her what was going on; (Y/N) and Owen kept teasing him about being 'baby.'

Walter's work section was fairly average in size, perhaps it was once larger but there was so much clutter on the desks; Brett couldn't really tell.

There were three computer screens that almost curved at the ends on a small desk near a blue office chair. A lab coat draped over the front of it and hung close to the floor.

The long white coat had a few pins and a name tag with Walter's photo clipped to the front. It had his full name printed and above that, it had his Department: 'Gadgets and Science testing.'

Brett guessed that the picture of him on his ID was old; Walter looked smaller and he didn't have the scars like he had on his cheek.

The pins on the coat were colored silver and gold, one had the words, 'Certified Spy' in a small rectangle and the other was of an American flag with a smaller star pin next to it.

Next to the computers there were papers and blueprints with complicated math and filled with words that Brett had never seen in his life before. He didn't know what they meant or how to pronounce them nor does he know what math was on the papers-- I mean-- Brett can't even do long division, and he was twenty years old!

There was a mechanical pencil on top of the papers and a very worn down stuffed unicorn that lay in the corner of the desk. There were also boards around the room filled with writing, tacks and strings; and trash cans filled will crinkled papers; and framed awards; and photos; and newspapers; and kitten posters. The whole room screamed Walter Beckett.

Astro placed Walter's bag close to a wall and sighed. "Well, y'all stay here, i need to get back to the simulation room."

"Okay, thank you, Astro. OH! And-- uh-- Walter was going to ask you-- w-we have these trackers that need to be removed," (Y/N) said while touching her neck. "Walter said you were a doctor and maybe--"

"Oh? You know what-- I'll meet back up with you guys when Walter is back. I really need to get back right now, I'll see what I can do then."

"Right! Thank you."

Astro smiled and waved as he left the room.

They all stood there awkwardly. . .

". . . Let's snoop the room!" (Y/N) said excitedly, running to the office chair, the caster wheels rolling backward as she sat.

"(Y-Y/N) I don't think w-we should do that. . ." Brett told her. "It's Walter's stuff."

"Come on! He won't even know, we might find some interesting things!"

"I think he will know. . . He's not stupid," Angelina said, she seemed a bit better but still sounded bitter.

Owen crossed his arms and stood straight. "I'm not touching anything of Walter's."

"You guys are so boring, We have to wait for him to get back anyway. And Owen-- there is a possible chance we might find something embarrassing~ Wouldn't you want to hold it against him?" (Y/N) questioned with a smirk.

"This is terrible. . . I'm in," Owen said while walking over to the desk.

"Alright, fine," Angelina sighed, she stood on the opposite side of Owen, watching as (Y/N) powered on the computer.

Brett shifted away from them. "I-i still don't think we should do this you know? I-i-it's his private stuff. . ."

"Awwwwee! It's okay baby wittle baby, we'll watch over, " (Y/N) smiled evilly.

". . ." Brett huffed at her. "Fine. . ."


"We need his password, " (Y/N) said, clicking on the small bar on the computer. "Are there any papers or anything that might have his password on it?"

"Uuhh-- I can check the papers on the desks, " Angelina shrugged, looking at the blueprints.

"Have you tried clicking on the hint box?" Owen questioned to (Y/N).

"Hint box?"

"Right there you idiot!" He pointed at a little box that said, 'forgot password?' "I used to login to my brother's computer all the time."

"Y-you have brothers?" Brett asked surprised.

"He has two-- they all have long hair and they're all assholes, " Angelina told him.

Owen bared his teeth and furrowed his brows. "Shut the hell up bastard. At least my brothers come from the same mother. "

(Y/N) laughed as Angel punched him in the arm, clicking on the small box Owen had pointed at.

Roommates Name

"Where does he live? In a college dorm?" Owen chuckled.

Angelina rolled her eyes. "You know you can have roommates without living in a dorm room right?"

"I-i didn't know he had a roommate, he never mentions them, " said Brett.

(Y/N) tried typing in 'Lance, ' then 'Sterling, ' then 'Lance Sterling, ' then in all lower case, then upper case, then--


". . . did you just call me a nonce?"

"Yes, yes he did, " Angel nodded with disappointment.

"You're a nonce!" (Y/N) pointed angrily at the blond male.

Brett tilted his head in confusion. "W-what's a nonce?"

They all stared at him.

"Protect the innocent, " (Y/N) said.

"Protect the innocent, " Owen agreed.

"Protect the baby, " Angel nodded.

Brett just stared at them blankly, partially annoyed.

"Let's just try to find this roommate's name, it has to be somewhere, " (Y/N) said while searching the back of the computers.

They all split apart to look for a clue to what Walter's roommate's name could be. Brett and Angelina searched the papers on the floor and on the desks; and (Y/N) and Owen searched the boards and any sort of little opening, (well, mostly (Y/N); Owen was too lazy to search).

(Y/N) managed to find a few things in the clutter of the room: Some little opened notes that (Y/N) assumed were from fangirls and thank you letters from children in hospitals, (those ones made her smile). She also found a small orange jacket folded nicely on top of another desk, it could fit her, but it was definitely too small for Walter, so she was confused about why he would have it in his work station.

"Uuhh--t-these seemed to be-- something? M-maybe, " Brett said while searching through crinkled papers in the trash can. He tilted his head as he handed them to (Y/N). "They look like they were from a notebook."

(Y/N) flattened the papers on a desk.

June 16th
It's been a while since I visited mother's grave in Virginia. But to be honest, I don't miss hugging the cold stone and feeling sorrow every time I read her name engraving. I know she wouldn't want me to be depressed, and I know now, if she saw me, she would have been proud. Even now, i don't talk about her as much. I talk to Lance mostly, and my therapist. Sometimes even my dad. . . But he only ever calls me if he needs anything from me. I feel like he just doesn't give a shit sometimes.

(Y/N) sighed a shaky breath. . . Maybe they shouldn't have gone through his stuff. But she began to read the other papers.

September 15th
Dad stopped by today, we had a couple of drinks together. Things were going really well up until the next morning. I should have been mindful, the guy came for good alcohol and money for his ragged pockets. . .But I may have been a dick to him once or twice during that night; by that I mean cry and given him a bit of an attitude. . . I'm disappointed in myself for that, I just turned twenty-three and I'm still acting like a teenager. Perhaps it is me. But I'm not the one who left mom. He's still family however, I still wish the best for him, and for Lovey; and Lance; and Marcy.

". . ." (Y/N) slowly crinkled the papers back up. She refused to read the others. But all the ripped papers seemed to mention Walter's father, he must have torn them out recently.

"Find anything?" Angelina smiled, goggles in her hand.

"Uh, " (Y/N) cleared her throat. "Type in Lovey, and if that doesn't work-- try Marcy. . . Here Brett, put these back, exactly where you found them, " she gave him the papers.

"S-sure, " Brett said.

Owen immediately went over to the computer and typed, 'Lovey, ' and the screen started loading in and a moment later the middle screen turned into a photo. "HA! Brilliant! We are in."

Hello! Walter Beckett

"On second thought guys. . . Maybe we shouldn't be snooping around in Walter's stuff, " (Y/N) said, touching her arm nervously.

Owen scoffed. "Are you kidding me? We just got in! Whatever-- I'm still doing this."

The wallpaper image was very cheerful. Lance and Walter had the biggest smiles on their faces, with their swimwear on and a beautiful beach behind them. Three pigeons perched on Walter's shoulders and their hair were both damp and sandy; even Walter's skin looked a bit red with sunburn.

(Y/N) felt really awkward as Owen clicked on a few files and scrolled, so far there were mostly random codes and saved signed docs that Owen just 'X'ed' out of.


There wasn't really anything interesting to Owen; mostly just paperwork and diet lists. Boring stuff really.

He clicked onto his gallery images and more than a hundred pictures popped up. Some were just random pictures of blueprints and a pigeon; mostly the same one; Brownish and white. There were a few pictures of Lance and him as well, in different places of the world with beautiful backgrounds, and sometimes it would just be photos of Sterling.

Owen sighed, getting bored of the pictures as he kept clicking for the next one. He finally pressed out of it when he came across a shirtless picture of him, of course, the girls were mad at him for it.

"AW! Why did you do that Owen!? " Angelina complained

(Y/N) puffed her cheeks. "He shouldn't be controlling the mouse!"

"I'm not here to look at the bastard shirtless, " Owen flipped his hair, giving them an annoyed glance. "Dear Brett gets what I mean, now don't you?"

"I-i-i don't mind. . ." Brett coughed. "Looking at him shirtless. . ."

". . . Traitor."

Owen ignored them and focused back onto the screen, he clicked his 'friend book' and was surprised to see how many people were following him. . . He literally only posts dumb quotes and pigeon pictures, and he has over a million followers! He still couldn't believe people actually liked Walter.

He went back to the main screen and clicked on the gallery again, but this time he went to 'saved recording, ' and a good fifty or more came up. He scrolled all the way to the beginning and played a random video.

°Three years ago°

"Walter you have to at least try, buddy, " Lance spoke. He must have been the one holding the camera, it paned over to a smaller male who stood nervously holding the traps of his bag on a large mat. He was in a simulation room and wore a much smaller right red and blue suit from what they last saw him in.

"I-i-i don't--" Walter stuttered. "I-i don't know anything about parkour! I can't even do a summersault, Lance!"

"That is why we are practicing, " Lance said. "Do you want to be better or not?"

"I do! Trust me! B-but I'm not-- I'm confident one second and the next I just freeze!

"What is lesson number four?"

". . . Uuhhh, " Walter thought for a second. "Don't-- Don't back out?"

"Show them no weakness. If you are going to be a spy we need to hang on to that confidence and dangle fear off the edge. I'm not saying you shouldn't be afraid, it's part of being human, but if you show them that you're vulnerable then that just makes you even easier to kill. You can feel, but do not show. . . You know?"

". . .Mmmmm. . ." Walter shook on the mat.

"You know what-- uh-- let's try something easier."


The video stopped there and they all gasped.

"HE WAS SO SMALL!" (Y/N) squealed. "BABY!"

"Oh my God. . . He was smaller and thinner than Brett. That's adorable!" Angelina smiled.

"W-what happened, he turned into a complete hottie. . ." Brett fixed his glasses.

"Oh stop, it's not even that impressive. Close your jaws you idiots, " Owen huffed and clicked the on a different video.

°15 years ago°

"For this project, I put all my thought into it!" Walter smiled, showing his missing tooth and his chubby cheeks. He was in a classroom filled with other kids above his age; Walter was about eight years old. He seemed to be presenting something in the front of the room.

"My project is-- drum roll please!"

Walter went under a desk and pulled out a bucket, to which he struggled to bring up to the table; it was taller than him, all the kids seemed taller than him as well.

"Glitter!" Walter exclaimed, fixing his huge goggles.

Everyone looked at him strangely, including the teacher. Then they started to laugh. But Walter just stared at them confused.

"W-why is everyone laughing? Did something funny happen?" Walter smiled.

"This is why they shouldn't let kindergarteners in our classrooms!" One kid yelled out.

"Wanna count the A, B, C's for us Walter!" Another kid shouted.

"Settle down kids!" The teacher told them. "Let Walter finish his presentation, he was just as patient with all of you."

"Well-- uh--" Little Walter stood there embarrassed and unsure, but that was until he turned to his mother, the one holding the camera. She gave him a thumbs up. "Well! Glitter can trigger a certain part of the brain that makes you happy! Combine that with kittens or bunnies! People love those as well. If we were to create a big explosion of glitter, it could be used to help cops! Like a distraction!"

"Am I seriously going to have to sit through this?" A student complained with a sigh.

"The kid has a disease of weirdness!"

"Be careful everyone! We might catch the weird!"

"He's better off dead."

"FLORA!" The teacher yelled. "We don't say those things! I-im so sorry Mrs. Beckett, they usually never--"

"Could you please let my son finish?"

"It's fine mom! I'll just speed things up! I'm only at the boring part!" Walter put down a small music box and pressed a button. And when it started popping every child was suddenly interested, getting a closer look.

A moment later and a long thick tube poked from the top, and with a few more pops and sparks, a high amount of glitter spat from it, covering almost the entire classroom. Students ran out of the room screaming with their eyes covered and their hair coated with glitter.

"Uh--" Walter began while wiping the front of his goggles, it was covered in glitter. "There may have been-- a malfunction, possibly a loose screw. But that's okay! It's all about trial and error!"

His mother brushed her hair, the glitter dancing off of her. She one of the few that didn't run out, perhaps she was used to this. She clapped for her son. "You did wonderful my little Walter, " She said with a smile.


Owen sighed, this reminded him of a similar situation he had when he was a child with his brothers. Wait. . . Was he really going to relate himself to Walter!? This is wrong!

"The other children are much taller than him. . ." Angelina noticed.

"Y-yeah, but Walter skipped a few grades when he was a kid. I read about it. . . A-also uh-- I read about his mother's death. . . That's probably why he has this saved, " Brett said.

"Another! " Angel moved Owen's hand and clicked on a different video.

°2 years ago°

"How do you feel? Do you need any more water?" A doctor questioned, feeling Walter's head and checking his eyes.

"I'm alright. . . But. . . what happened? " Walter asked, his voice raspy and dry, he had a bandage around his head and arms and his face looked red.

"Suffering from memory loss, I'll write that down," The doctor said.

"You passed out from one of your attacks and fell off the building during an explosion. . . Lance caught you though, thank God, " Marcy told him, she looked so relieved. "You've been asleep for three weeks. You must've hit your head o-or something. Lance was devastated. . ."

Walter began to cry, his face filled with concern. "Lance. . . Where is Lance!?" His breathing became quick.

"Relax, " the doctor pushed him gently onto the bed. "Don't shout, he's out right now. He refused to leave your side, we were worried for him; he has gotten zero sleep, so we sent him elsewhere. I will let him know you have woken, he'll be so happy."

"Eye's went to go get you some water as well, " Marcy said. "We didn't want to bring everyone here and overwhelm you."

Walter sighed and whipped his teary eyes with the hospital blanket. "It's alright. . ."

"And uh-- whatever happened, it left some permanent scars. . ." The doctor handed him a mirror.

Walter trembled as he took it, touching his cheek while he looked into his own reflection. "Ha. . . Wow. . . That guy really wasn't messing around. . ." he said, touching his new scars.

"Does it. . . Bother you?" Macy asked while chucking dryly. "To be honest. . . It doesn't look half bad on you. . . The boss of the hunter's group. . . He--"

"These are just a few scars of many. . . It doesn't matter if it bothers me or not."

"Your attacks are getting worse. . . Do you really want to continue being a spy?" The doctor questioned.

"I'm not giving up, this is what I was born to do. I'll just need to become stronger."


"Well. . . He wasn't lying when he said becoming a spy was hard, " (Y/N) sighed.

"Do another, " Angelina

"Yeah yeah, " Owen rolled his eyes.


°1 Year Ago°

"Are you ready?" Lance questioned

"Born ready!" Walter responded. He stretched in his swimwear. He was taller and more muscular this time, and he had the scars on his cheek; he looks just as he does now.

"Alright, don't get too cocky now, " Lance chuckled. "Ready up, "

Walter touched the racing line and bounced. "Ready, ready!"

"Set. . . Go!"

Just like that they both took off running, the camera jiggled as Lance held it in his hands. The sand made it hard to run, Walter had almost tripped a couple of times.

"What's the third lesson!" Lance yelled.

"Don't let your mind become the enemy!"


"Be prepared for anything!"

Lance purposely tripped Walter in the sand, his face now covered and red as he spat.

"HA! What's the sixth lesson!"

"Get up. . . " Walter smirked as he began to stand. "Get up, keep going! That's also cheating!"

"I never cheat!"

"You're such a liar!" Walter laughed.

"BOOM, " Lance front flipped onto the finish line. "Doesn't matter I woooonn! In your face!"

But Walter still ran, furrowing his eyebrows as he focused on Lance.

"No--" Lance began to say. "No no no no no---AHHH!"

Walter tackled Lance to the ground, sitting on his back and making the camera tumble out of his hands. "You're the best, " he said.


". . ." these videos were all too sweet to Owen. . . Disgusting! He didn't want sweet things! But also it made him smile, and that's what made him want to call quits. "Alright I'm done here, " he said as he powered down the computer.
Thank you for reading this chapter! Vote and comment for more!❤❤❤

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