Wish We Could Start All Over...

By JnxxieMonroeGriffis

2.5K 71 35

Jack is a nerd Alex is popular Alex, to keep up his social status, hates Jack. Jack however, couldn't care le... More

Nothing Personal
A Tuesday Afternoon
Why Can't Thursday Last Forever?
I Can Be Your Lost Boy
They're Coming To Get Me
I'm a Walking Travesty
My Lungs Gave Out
Long Live The Reckless And The Brave
Do It For The Memories
Do It For Baltimore
Do It For Me
Time Bomb
I Will Shamefully Lust
Say Goodbye To The Halls And The Classes
Lazy Lover

Let's Get Away

162 4 0
By JnxxieMonroeGriffis

Alex's POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" Hey, so... next winter, do you wanna go with me and my mom and May on vacation?" Jack asked at lunch one day. I shrugged.

" If I'm allowed." I replied.

It'd been a month since we got together, and a month since the world found out I have a boyfriend. Most of the stuff was normal now. Beau dropped out if school, though. Most joked that I scared him off, but I know the real reason is that he gave up trying because he wasn't popular anymore.

"You know, we haven't even thought about a new song." Zack said.

" Yeah, but with school and stuff it's so stressful." I mumbled.

" Especially since it's the end of the year." Jack added. " We only have a month and a half of school left. Then it's summer."

"Which means parties!" Rian exclaimed happily. We all cheered except for Jack.

" I don't party. I'm more of a 'sit on my couch and play video games and drink soda' kind of person." He said. I laughed.

" Cute. He thinks we go to real parties" I smiled.

" Ha!" Zack laughed loudly. "No, no, no. We all pick a house, usually mine, and we cram into the basement with either soda or liquor,  and we badly play video games or instruments, and get obnoxious."

" Its true." I said and grabbed his hand. He laced his fingers with mind and laughed.

" So, basically, like a nerd party." Jack asked. We all nodded. He laughed again before there was an intercom that silenced everyone.

" Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat to the office please. Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth." The voice said. We both grumbled and stood up, walking from the room. When we got to the office, both my mon and his were standing there.

" Hello...?" Jack said.

"We're having an early vacation." My mom said.

" Really?" Jack asked. Th eyes nodded before we all left. We stopped at Jack's house first.

" Pack for a week." His mom said. We walked to his room and he started packing while I text Zack and Rian and told them.

" I'm ready." He told me. We walked down and saw May was packed, too. Then we got to my house and I packed. We all crammed into one car and started somewhere.

" Where are we going?" Jack asked.

"England." Mom said. "Alex, your grandmum wanted to see us, plus I was talking to Joyce and she said that she was planning an early vacation for them, so we decided to go to England as a group."

"England..." I looked at her in shock. She gave my a slightly sympathetic look.

" Yes, Alex. It won't be as bad as you think." She assured. Jack took my hand.

" It'll be okay." He told me. I nodded and smiled slightly. We got to the airport quickly and all got on the plane. After the impossibly long fly, we landed. I looked and saw Jack sound asleep and poked him.

" Jack, time to get up." I said. He groaned and opened his eyes slowly.

" You sure?" He asked. I chuckled and nodded.

" Yes. Come on, cutie." I poked his cheek. He yawned and sat up as we all began to  unbutton out seatbelts. We all grabbed our bags and got off the plane. My mom called a cab to my grandma's house and we got there early that morning.  My grandma hugged me tightly when I walked in, and I laughed and hugged her back.

"Oh my goodness, Alexander you've grown up so well!" She mooshed and cooed at me, pinching my cheeks and hugging me.

" Its been eleven years." I chuckled and hugged her.

"And these lovely people are who again?" She asked.

" This is Jack, Joyce, and May." Mom told her.

" And you said they're friends of yours?" She asked. We nodded. "Its lovely to meet you."

"Its nice to meet you, too." Jack's mom smiled. Jack and May both smiled at her. She showed us to room, telling Jack and I to share a room, and we all decided to take quick naps. We all got up a few hours later and talked with my grandma.

" Tomorrow, us girls can go to a spa while the two boys go around and have their fun." Grandma offered. The girls all agreed.

"Sounds good." I said. Jack agreed. After, we all had dinner, talked for a while, then went to sleep for the night.

Jack's POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Jack, wake up please." Someone shook my arm. I opened my eyes and saw Alex leaning over me.

"What time is it?" I asked.

" Five in the morning." He said. I gave him a strange look. "Jacky, I keep having the same dream and I can't sleep and I'm panicking." I sat up quickly.

"Calm down. Deep breaths, calm down." I put my hands on his shoulders and gently spoke. He nodded and was shaking ridiculously. "Deep breaths, Lex. It's all gonna be okay."

" I don't wanna die." He gushed out. My jaw dropped and i pulled him to me.

"You aren't going to die, Alex. It's all okay. You'll be okay... it's just your mind playing games..." I told him. He kept taking deep breaths and eventually was just crying. I held him to me until he fell asleep, but I was too awake now. He woke back up st seven when the sun finally made its way to his face. He sat up and stretched before looking at me. I smiled at him and he felt over me. I chuckled.

" What time are all the girls leaving?" He asked.

"I think mom said at eight." I told him. He nodded and kept cuddling me. "Does your grandma know we're dating?"

"I think..." he shrugged and laced his fingers with mine. Around seven-thirty, Alex's mom walked in and said they were leaving and wouldn't be back until later. We got up a while later and showered before getting ready and leaving. We were walking around when he stopped at a place and read the sign, which said 'Rick's Fish and Chips.'

"Come on." He smiled and led me inside. When we got inside, he looked around before waiting to be seated.

"Bloody hell..." someone mumbled. We looked to see a guy about the age 25 standing there in shock. "No, it can't be..."

"Hey, Rob." Alex smiled slightly.

"Holy shit, it is!" He exclaimed and turned around. "Mum!"

"Rob, what do you want? I'm busy." A woman walked over annoyed before glancing at Alex. " Oh my goodness... Alex?"

"Hi, Mrs. Berridge." Alex smiled.

" You're all grown up..." She mused. He chuckled. "And who's this handsome boy?"

"This is Jack. My boyfriend." He smiled at me. I smiled at the woman. The boy, Rob, laughed.

" Congrats,  little brother." He told Alex. "We always knew you'd end up breakin girls hearts. Just didn't know you'd be breakin 'em this way."

"Well, you learn something new every day." Alex chuckled.

" Well, come in boys. I'll fix you up your favorite, Alex, and I'll get the same as him for you." She looked at us and smiled before leading us to a seat. Rob and Mrs. Berridge sat with us while we ate, and talked about life.

" America is good, actually." Alex told them when Rob asked about home.

" Baltimore gets cold in the winter, though." I added. "My mom usually takes me and my sister on vacation in the winter for a while to the west so it's not as cold."

"We'd do stuff like that here, but it's always cold no matter what." Rob laughed.

" Last year we went to Arizona and I almost would have preferred the cold." I laughed back. Alex kept glancing over to a table where two people seemed to be arguing.

"So, Alex..."

Alex's POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Just leave it." The girl at the table told the boy.

"...Alex..." Jack nudged me but i was busy.

"I'm not gonna leave it. You aren't leaving me. You're mine." The guy said and grabbed her arm. She stood and tried to walk off but he latched onto her so she could, and stood up.

"Please let me go." She asked.

"No. You're mine." He repeated. I stood and walked over.

" Dude, just let her go. She obviously isn't happy." I told him and shoved him off of her.

" Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?" He turned to me and let her go.

"Obviously someone smart." I snapped. "She said to let her go. Don't be a dick."

"I didn't just eavesdrop on a strangers conversation and then put in my opinion." He snapped back.

"Well, I can't be the only one who noticed with that loud mouth of yours." I watched him.

" You are so fucking stupid. Go back to America." He grabbed the girls arm again. I grabbed his arm and pulled him from her.

"I said to leave her the fuck alone." I stated.

" Get the fuck back before I knock you the fuck back." He warned. I saw Jack stand up ready to break up a fight.

"And I said don't put your hands on the girl when she's obviously unhappy, you fucking cunt." I clenched my fists. He did the same and punched me before I could react. I stumbled back, but wasn't fully phased by him.

"...Alex." Jack stepped forward before punching the guy hard in the jaw, knocking him over instantly. "Alex!" Jack grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I pulled away and looked at the girl.

"Did he hurt you?" I asked.

" A little..." She said.

"Has he hurt you before?" I asked again. She hesitated and nodded. I saw Rob pull our his phone and call the police. I looked at the guy knocked out on the ground and sighed before turning and hiding my face on Jack's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me.

"Alex, are you okay?" He asked. I nodded.

"You are definitely related to Tom." Rob said beside me. I looked up before my mind started going fuzzy.

You're just like Tom. You'll die like him, too. It's just a matter of time.

" Jack... take me home please." I mumbled, starting to shake. He nodded and instant grabbed my hand and walking me from the building. We got home and he took me to our room and sat down. I didn't feel like I was having a panic attack, but more of a mental break down.

"Alex, what's going on in your mind?" He asked.

"I don't know." I lied. He realized I didn't want to talk about it and nodded before holding me to him and kissing my head. After a while when I calmed down, I looked up at him.

" You okay?" He asked. I nodded.

" Sorry I keep breaking down." I mumbled. He shook his head.

" Its fine." He assured. "That's what I'm here for... I like you, a lot. And that means I'm gonna help you through everything."

"You'll get sick of me..." I mumbled. He sat up and looked at me almost hurt.

"Alex, I'll never get sick of you. I... I love you." He said. I looked up quickly in shock.

"Jack..." I mumbled. He looked away and sighed. "I love you, too." He turned to me in shock before grabbing me and pulled me to him and pressing his lips to mine. I laughed slightly before kissing him back. We moved around so I was on top of him and he was holding me. I teased him slightly, making him moan gently. I reached down and went to pull off his shirt when the doorbell rang. I groaned and sat up before walking to the door, leaving Jack in his awkward shock. I opened the door slowly and saw Rob. He walked in.

" What happened back there?" He asked. I shook my head.

" Its hard to explain..." I said. Jack walked in a few moments later and Rob smiled at him.

"I understand. I won't pry, but... please, just... be careful." He sighed. I nodded, understanding. "Alex, it's hard for all of us, and I can't even imagine how it is for you... but you'll get through this. I believe in you." Jack smiled.

"We all believe in you, Alex." He added and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled at both of them.

"Thanks." I said. We all talked for a few before Rob left for work. Jack and I sat on the bed again and randomly talked.

"I decided we're never gonna be able to do more than kiss because something always happens..." he joked. I smiled and looked at the time.

" Its only 2. We have a while. Knowing Grandma it'll be like 5 before they get home." I told him. He blushed before I yanked his shirt off and began kissing him roughly. He gasped slightly in shock before grabbing me and holding me on top of him. I kissed his neck and jaw line making him tighten his grip on my hips. He pulled my shirt off and tossed it before rubbing my hips lightly. I ran my hands down his chest and unbuckled his belt and jeans before sliding them off of him. We continued for a moment before he awkwardly unbuttoned my jeans and began sliding my jeans off. I slowly grinded my hips on his and he moaned. His fingertips were under the waistline of my boxers, starting to slide them down and I kissed down his neck slowly.

"Hey, are you boys asleep or- oh my god!" A voice said. I jumped up went to move off of Jack, but went the wrong way and fell off the bed, beating my head on the table.

"Fffff..... fuck." I mumbled and grabbed my head. I glanced up and saw Jack awkwardly in shock with wide eyes and his jaw dropped. My mom was in the doorway with her back to us. I lightly slapped Jack's arm and he flinched before coming back to reality. We both got dressed.

" We're dressed." He said. She turned around and I started rubbing my head.

"Is your head okay?" She asked. I nodded.

"Since when does grandma finish up from the spa early?" I asked.

" She isnt. She wants to take us out to dinner and asked me to come get you." She said.

" Let's not tell anyone what you saw..." I mumbled.

"I almost saw my son's arse." She laughed. Jack's face turned red and I chuckled before holding his hand. When we went to walk out, he leaned over to whisper to me.

"Told you something always happens." He poked me. I rolled my eyes and jokingly shoved him before following my mom to the cab outside.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Strip tease.

So, today I was with some people for school because I'm on yearbook committee and we had ad day (where we sell ads to people so we can make money for yearbook) and we were in a small town and it was windy and we saw a giant silver ball ((like the things on the little yard bird baths)) rolling down a hill in the wind and rain, so at the bottom of the hill at the stop sign, weading a fancy sweater with black dress pants amd black flats looking professional and fancy, I got out of the car and grabbed it. It's in my living room in a basket now. I named it Timmy. I carried him in school when we finished selling ads. My teacher was laughing so hard...


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