
By 227bomba

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Where Natalie and David come up with a new concept called "Date-alie", as a way of getting their minds off of... More

New Book!!


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By 227bomba

Nat's POV:

"Isa Lauren!!" I screamed as they ran over to us to hug me and David. Right behind them were david's sifters and they ran up to hug David first and then me. The excitement radiated from them. They told us about their flight as it was all of their first times flying alone across the country and they had really enjoyed the experience. We made our way to the car and the younger two sat at the back while the older two sat in the middle row.

"do you guys have any plans in mind of things that you want to do because we tried to come up with a few but we really didn't know" I said

"Well, we are talking about it on the flight and we wanted to experience a good vlog squad week like all the crazy stuff that you guys do" Esther said and we both laughed

"that might be little hard considering you guys are underage and I'm not going to shoot you with a paintball gun" David said

"How about we go to Disney one day?" O suggested

"Oh my god yess" the four girls screamed in unison

"are you excited to see the new house?" David asked

"Yesss, like we've seen in in the videos but I wan a full house tour" Isa said excitedly. "I can't believe you guys have only been dating 5 months or so and you have already moved in together" Lauren said

"I can't believe they've only been dating 5 months, it seems like you've been dating 5 years" David's younger sister said and we all laughed although I noticed my cheeks heating up.

"Well, we were already living together int he same house and we were going to move anyways so it made sense" I said logically and David threw his arm across the console and placed it on my thigh and stated stroking it. I placed my hand on top of his.

"you guys are so cute by the way" Isa said

Soon after we arrived at the house and once again the level of excitement from he back of the car multiplied by 10. We pulled all the luggages in and started the tour. They were so excited to just get to see the house and then their rooms for the week. I felt so happy that they liked what I had done to the house to decorate it and I just loved the feeling of hosting them.

We were all tired so we sat in the living room, I was cuddled up to David and he kissed the top of my head and I just snuggled in deeper in to his chest. Our sisters just looked at us with huge smiles. We spent a couple more hours on the sofa watching a movie and then Isa and Lauren called me over to have a talk with the in one of their rooms. I didn't know what they wanted to talk about but I was definitely intrigued so I followed them but not before giving David a quick kiss.

We all sat on the bed and I said "what's up?"

"what do you mean what's up? Nat, I have never seen you this happy, you are completely in love" Isa said and of course I blushed and covered my face.

"Nat, we're not only saying this because we are your sisters, we truly feel it, we are so happy for you"

"thanks guys" I said as I hugged them and felt a tear crawling making its way down my cheek.

"so, do you think he's the one?" Lauren said with a grin

I couldn't even speak in response at the fact that I was admitting it to someone else, specially my sisters, so I just nodded and they screamed in excitement.

"where do you see this going like are you guys going to get married or...?" Isa said

I regretted not being able to tell them the truth so instead I just said "yeah, marriage and I guess eventually kids"

"I'm so happy for you like you've always wanted to be a mom Nat, I can't believe this"

"I know" I said

"do you guys ever think of moving back to Chicago?"

"well, we've talked about it but once we raise a family you know, we don't want to do that in LA but at the same time, if David gets an opportunity as a late night host we might stay here a little longer but we both want to move back eventually"

"well, I can't wait for that to happen" Lauren said

"what about you guys, Specially you Isa, have you thought about Uni?"

"Well, I really want to go to uni but I'm not sure what I want o study. Also, Esther and I have talked about following in your footsteps where we move out to LA. I don't know, I just think it would be so fun"

"well I'm glad but I would always want you to go to uni like I did because to be able to do what David did, you have to have a very special mindset and be very lucky"

"No, of course" Isa said and nodded in agreement

"hey, have you guys talked about marriage and kids?" Lauren said bringing back to the topic

"well... we've talked about marriage in like one or two years time and we talked about kids the other day. Like he didn't know that I wanted to be a young mom and he wasn't put off by it he was like if he's the right mindset he would be up for it"

"No way!" they both screamed and I laughed

David's POV:

When Natalie left with her sisters, immediately my sisters came and sat right beside me and looked at me desperately and I asked "what?" not knowing what they wanted

"Okey, you two are so happy, I have never seen you so happy David" and I didn't know what to say. I just blushed and smiled.

"Have you guys talked about the future?"

"Maybe??" I said and they both screamed in excitement clearly aware that I meant yes

"Oh my god, you guys would be great parents"

"well Natalie would anyways, I'm not so sure about you."

"yeah you're right" My sisters said "Oh and you would have the cutest babies"

"Shut up" I said laughing and cringing

"david you are so in love" and I just covered my face at this point

"have you thought about when you are going to propose or have children"

"okey, can you guys calm down, we've been dating 5 months"

"don't kid yourself"

"fine" I said "I thought I wanted to wait until next year at least, I din't want it to be too soon. Also the baby thing, well she told me she wanted to be a young mom and I din't actually know that but for some reason I felt like I did too like maybe not in one year but I also don't want to wait until 30. Like I was surprised at myself that I wasn't opposed to it and I got excited about having family with her"

"Oh my god David" they both said and I covered my face in embarrassment once again

"Okey but please don't tell mom, she will call me and you know her" and they both nodded in agreement.

That night I was in bed with Nat and I turned to her "so, what did they want to talk about?"

"Umm, us"

"huh, that's interesting" I said sarcastically "my sisters did the same"

"do you thin they talked about it and now they are going to talk in between them to see what each of us said?" she said sort of laughing

"Oh 100% that they are talking right now"

"So, what did you tell them?" I asked with a grin

"well I didn't admit that we were married buuuut, I told them how happy I was and what we had talked about with children and stuff. they were so happy for the both of us" she said and I saw tears of joy forming in her eyes

"They asked me more or less the same things" I said and I brought her closer to me and kissed her

The next morning we woke up little earlier than usual in car our sisters were already up and we went to the kitchen. We didn't see them there so I went to grab something to eat and meanwhile Nat wen to see if they wanted breakfast. 2 minutes later she showed up at the kitchen again and said "guess what, they were all asleep in one room which means that we were right they were literally talking about it last night"

"they are so nosey like they are almost more invested in our relationship than we are." I sad and we both laughed.

Soon enough they came down and we all sat having breakfast "you guys are not discrete at all" I said and they all laughed

"how did you figure it out" One of them asked

"well, we talked about it last night and then this morning the four of you woke up in the same bed. You do know, we talk, as a couple, we sometimes, not often, but from time to time, we do talk" I said sarcastically while I rubbed Nat's back and she leaned in to me and gave me a kiss

"Sorry, but I think I'm gonna get tired of all this PDA, how do your friends stand you?" Esther said sarcastically as she was bitter that we had found out.

That of course only made Nat and I make out in front to them longer and they all screamed "ewwww!!"

We then all laughed.

"so, what are we doing today?"

"well, I thought we could go to disney tomorrow and today we could go the beach and Santa monica pier if you liked?" Nat asked them and they all nodded in agreement.


The rest of the week with our sisters had been hectic to say the least. They had loved coming out here and we promised to have them over soon. The one thing that surprised me the most was Natalie's motherly nature. It was like this entire new side of her where she was always watching out for them, making sure that they had everything they needed and that they weren't bored at any moment. I guess, now that I think about it, she does the same thing with us and our friends, lie when they get drunk and end up sleeping over, she will make sure that they all have a pill for the hungover and water. It's not only that she took care of everyone around her but the joy it brought her, just making sure that everyone is cared for. I guess she does the same thing for me every single day and I am so grateful for it. It made me wonder and think of our future together and having a family. Of course it terrified me because I knew that I was no where near ready but it made me feel better knowing that she was and could ofcourse make everything so much easier.

We were laying in bed, watching a show after dropping off the girls back at the airport and I felt like it would be a good time to bring it up. "hey, would you be up to having a baby in a year's time rather than three or four"

"wait? are you serious?!" she said in shock with excitement in the mix

"Yeah, why" I said chucking at her reaction

"Oh my god, how come you're so ready all of a sudden?"

"well, I guess just watching you this week made me realise how ready you are and although I don't think I am, I think having you there to help me will definitely make things much easier. Also, although everyone says that our lifestyle os crazy, I agree but t the same time I think we could definitely handle it"

"Wait, I can't believe this" she said as she came to cuddle me and kissed me. "you know, the time from when a baby is conceived to when its born is a little over nine months so would that mean that in about 3 months you would agree to start trying?"

"yes" I said and kissed her deeply "unless you want to wait until after the official wedding ceremony?" I asked

"no, way" she said and that led me to burst out laughing

"come here" I said and propped her up on top of me until she was completely laid on me. I honestly can't believe that we were thinking about the future in such ways.

The next morning we woke up to another email of our Lawyer for the next step of the process. Two weeks had gone by and now we had finally set a date for the interview. I told Natalie and we both just started jumping up and down of excitement. The interview was going to take place in 4 days time and we decided to make up an excuse for our friends as to why we wouldn't be able to meet up at all that day so we would be able to prepare.

The day before the interview we met up with the lawyer to make sure that everything was set for tomorrow and we knew everything to make it as efficient as possible.

Eventually, the day came and Nat and I were fully stressed. Nat of course picked out my outfit because we had to dress formally and she wore a dress where she just looked so good. The interview took about 30 minutes and apparently the shorter it is the better because it usually means that they have pretty much made up their minds. We left and I was honestly worried but Nat seemed confident. We sat i the car for a good 5 minutes where she just attempted to calm me down and convince me that everything was going to be alright. I finally collected myself as much as possible to be able to drive back home. Once we pulled in to the driveway, instead of getting out of the car, I took out my camera and propped it up on the dashboard. "what's up guys, so Nat and I just had our interview for the green card and it took mourned 30 minutes. Natalie is very confident but of course I'm not because my freedom sort of depends on it" we both laughed. "okey so they said that the response in the email could take anywhere form 5 minutes to a month and that's what we were most worried about because of how much this idea could be delayed"

"Dave, don't think about it, you are going to get the green card" she said as she rubbed my leg"

"woah natalie we're on camera" I sad and we both laughed. Suddenly we heard a loud ping that sounded like an email in Nat's phone. We both looked at each other with blank stares. "okey guys, this could be it" I said talking at the camera. Natalie then proceeded to look at her phone, showing me the screen at all time. She clicked on the mail app and refreshed it. The wheel just rotating, time ticking and I felt like I couldn't do it anymore. Suddenly it stopped and the new email popped up. She clicked on it and read it out loud. "Nat, I'm gonna be a citizen"

"I now bubba" she said and the both of us were almost crying of joy. She hugged me tightly and of course we then kissed and I cupped her face. As we pulled away, I matinee my hands on either side of her face and we stared in to each others eyes.

"I can't believe this" I sad one last time and we hugged once more. "okey guys, so I guess this is really happening. The email also says that the green card will be ready in 5 days and they will send it in the post so I guess we can book out tickets."

"Oh my god you're right"

"So we decided that we are going to go to Europe. I wanted to take Natalie to a nice place but I also wanted to see my relatives who I haven't seen in ages. I think I'm going to surprise them. But the thing is there isn't that much to do there so we are only staying 3 days and then we are going to Venice as a 3 day vacation" I then turned off the camera and I looked as Natalie as she looked back at me, both wearing expressions of absolute disbelief. We finally went inside the house and went straight to work. Natalie was looking in to hotels as I looked into flights and other things. I texted the rest of the group that they should come tonight to just hang out and chill and most of them agreed.

When they got here, some mentioned that we both looked happier than usual but we brushed it off and some of them thought it was because we had slept together right before them came so they made a little fun of us.

The days were passing and It just felt so slow. Natalie and I were just impatient. We had told the others that we had a project that we were filming for in New York and that on our way back we would go to Chicago for around 3 days to see our family. It wasn't completely untrue as we were filming a video and I was going to see my family.

Eventually Nat started to pack our bags, the green card arrived and we left at night. I was filming the whole thing and I knew most of it wouldn't even make it in but it was a good memory to have. We put an instagram story taking a picture of the screen at the airport of the plane that was going to New York and then Nat put a picture later on on the flight and put location as New York. The flight was so long but we slept almost the whole way through it. We had to fly to London and then get a connecting flight to Bratislava which was the closest airport. We then took a car which was an hour and a half all the way back to my hometown. It felt weird to be back.

Nat, I feel like I'm doin something I'm not supposed to. Like for so long I've been in the US and not able to leave, it feels like I'm not going to be able to get back to the US"

"aww" she said hugging me. We had gotten a hotel in the centre of the town and now we needed to try an get over jet lag as much as possible.

The next morning we were up pretty late and had to ho in to town for breakfast. Luckily it was a small town and I don't think anybody recognised us. At the coffee shop, we sat down and Nat started filming me. I tried to tell the waiter in english but he just didn't seem to understand and Nat looked at me and said "just say it" referring to me speaking in Slovak. I knew it wasn't the best but the people around us looked at us surprised because they had just heard us speak english and now I was speaking their native language. I was so embarrassed and Natalie laughed a little at me while she filmed it. She then turned the camera off and said "that wasn't so bad"

"I know, it's just that I know it isn't the best"

"well it's good practice because most of your relatives only speak slovak"

"I know" I said putting my face in to my hands.

After breakfast we went back to the hotel, we collected our stuff and We went back to the car. We made our way to my grandparents house which was right beside my uncles house. We sat in the car for a good 15 minutes contemplating whether this was a good idea or not. Natalie was of course trying to convince me that it was and I knew she was right I was just scared. They had seen pictures of me from time to time and I had talked to them a couple fo times over the years but not much more. I was closest with my grandfather because he was most like me and my dad.

Finally she convinced me and we got out of the car. We walked the steps up to the door and I knocked. Natalie had a small camera sort of hidden to get their reactions. My grandfather opened the door and as soon as he did, the both of us remained quiet and still just contemplating the sight for a couple of seconds. I felt tears forming in both of our eyes until I finally said his name and he said "david?"

Now I could really feel the tears coming in and he pulled me in to a hug. We both wore crazy smiles and he let us in. He greeted Natalie as he was aware of who she was but they had never officially spoken. We sat in the living room where my grandmother was and she had a very similar reaction.

Once we had all calmed down, I sort of explained to them in my broken slovak what I was doing back and how I had gotten my green card. They told me they were proud of me and that I was really happy which I was. They then called m uncle and told him that they had a surprise for him. When he walked in to the house along with the rest of his family, he got a great shock to see me there and his reaction was much more full of screams and excitement. He spoke a little bit more of english so Nat could understand a little. We all had a meal there and it just brought so much nostalgia.

We went back to the hotel that night full of emotion and I filmed a short clip. "so, I just saw my family for the first time since I was 5 and left Slovakia" I felt tears start to come up again so Natalie jumped in for me "it was really emotional for him and they were literally the sweetest people". We then filmed instagram stories from the hotel to make it seem like we were still in New york.

The next morning we met back up with them so they would show us the town. I tested my oldest sister and told her to turn on a camera to film their reactions because I had something crazy to show them. I then called them on FaceTime and they were a little confused as to what I up to. I showed them the streets and my parents were now a little bit confused because they sort of recognised the style of buildings but still couldn't believe it. My siblings on the other hand had never been to slovakia so for them this was completely new. "hey guys" I said waving at them along with Natalie

"hey where are you" My dad asked

"well, it's interesting you asked" I said excited "We're in this street" I sad and showed them the street sign of where my dad had grown up his whole life

"no, David, I know you are joking" he said. Nat and I just laughed.

"Actually, I'm not" I said panning to the rest of my family so they could believe us. They all started jumping up and down and asking questions all screaming one on top of the other. We answered a couple of their questions quickly but told them that we would call them later when we were at the hotel. We hung up and Natalie hugged me and kissed me "What was that for?" I asked

"I just felt like it" she said.

"later in the day, we were back int eh hotel, Nat and I in the room, on the bed and we called them on FaceTime again.

"So, what ddi you guys want to know"

"david, why have you done this? Now we are not going to see you in 10 years" My mom said crying

"Mom, listen to me..."

"No David, you have dine many stupid things but this is too much"

"mom, I got a green card, I'm a citizen of the United States"

She looked up at me confused and said "what?"

"mom, this has been a surprise that we have had organised fro 2 months. When the girls came to visit us we were already married and we were dating for the paper work. We wanted to surprise you guys. But please don't tell anyone because no one knows"

"what I can't believe this" My father said "now trump controls you?" he said jokingly and we all laughed

"yeah, I guess" I responded "we have one more day in Slovakia and then we are heading to Italy"

"Oh my god I'm so jealous" My sister screamed.

"David, does this mean you aren't having a wedding?" My mom said not really understanding

"actually" natalie chimed in " we got legacy married but we still intend on having an official ceremony sometime next year with him proposing properly and in front of all of our friends and family"

"oh, thank god" my mom said clutching her chest and le all laughed. We talked for a little longer but soon felt asleep because of the time difference.

The next day was our last day in Slovakia and we were heading to Italy at night. We were both so excited but before that, I called Corinna to set up like three cameras in the room and her to connect her phone to the TV for when I called her on FaceTime. He had no idea what was gong on and they thought that I was going to reveal some big project or something. We were in a small cafe using their wifi and Nat called her on FaceTime. the call appeared on the TV and we could see them all in the living room. They were all confused and each had a couple of questions.

I started "so, I was calling because I wanted to know how bad it would affect you guys like carreers and stuff if I left to go back to Slovakia? My grandfather is sick and I sort of wanted to see him one last time"

"wait what? no David you can't" they all practically screamed.

Then Nat joined in on the fun "oof guys, I thought you would all be supportive so we didn't tell you but we are sort of in Slovakia"

"bullshit" they all didn't believe us so I panned the phone around to show them the counter with all slovak names and the waitress started speaking in a broken english

they all still din't believe that I would do this and thought ti was just a set of something so I went outside and showed them street signs, then I shared my location with a few of them and they all started to go crazy.

"David, what are we going to do without you, Like is Nat coming back Or?"

"Well, no, I thought that once you married someone, it sort of meant that you stayed together forever right" and they all looked at me in shock not knowing what to say

"you guys go married!!" Zane screamed

"yeah, about two months ago. I thought we had told you, oh well i must have slipped out minds Nat said" and we both laughed

"wait, so do you have the green card?" Heath asked

"Yeah, Trump officially controls me" i said and they all burst out laughing.

We talked a little longer and eventually we hung up and returned to the hotel to pack our stuff. We then got back in to the car and made our long drive to the airport. The flight was short and this time we landed in Venice which meant that the drive was much shorter. It was night time when we arrived so we went straight to sleep.

The next day we woke up with a mix of excitement and tiredness. Nat jumped on top of me in bed and she woke up in between kisses.

The next few days were relaxing and enjoying doing tourist things. We were both so grateful to have this time alone.

The second night in Venice, Natalie and I went out for a nice meal and walked around the town a little. We had had a wonderful night. We held hands as we made out way back to the hotel. We then walked up to our room and both us laid on the bed. We had our backs against the headboard, her cuddled up against my side. "hey nat"

"yeah?" she said looking up to me

"i love you"

"I love you too" she said and we kissed. It stared out slow and passionate. The desperate feeling started to creep up but before we could keep going, we pulled away and I said "nat?"


"would you want to start trying tonight?"

"are you serious?" she said excited and I just nodded in response. We kissed again. It went deeper. Suddenly, without realising, she was on top of me. We didn't break apart.

After it, we just laid there cuddling, thinking about what had just happened. "nat, you could be pregnant this minute"

"i know, I can't believe this"

"do you really think we are ready to be parents?" I said

"David, I don't think you can really be prepared, But I do think we will be able to manage"

"come here" I said pulling her closer to me until we kissed one final time.


We made our way back to LA. The flight was long but it passed so quickly. The two of us were too excited to be back with our friends and see their real reactions. We were also excited thinking about what had happened last night although we wouldn't tell anyone about it.

We landed and they had brought the Tesla to pick us up. Once they saw us walking over, they all started jumping up and down. I had my camera filming as we sat in the car and zane said "nat you're going to be stuck with him for the rest fo your life now, do you know how much of a commitment that is?" There was laughter from almost every one.

Then Nat said "well actually, there is always divorce, don't worry" and that made everyone erupt into more laughter.

"I still want to know how you guys came up with this idea and how long in the making this had been?" Heath said

"It was actually Corinna's idea" nat said "Like we were in Hawaii when she suggested it and made me realise that it would be a good idea so I brought it up to him"

"Oh so now you take dating advice from Corrina?" Zane screemed and we all laughed

"what's so wrong with her?" Todd asked making his presence aware and we all laughed. It was nice to be back with all of them and all the jokes.

Later on, back at home, Nat came up to me, it was just the two of us and she said "hey, I've been thinking of something"

"yeah, what's up?"

"well, we've been married now and all of our friends know and soon the fans will too and we might be having a kid soon so I was thinking..."

"yeah...?" I was intrigued now

"I was thinking of changing my last name because we couln't do it back when we officially got married but I just wanted..." I didn't even let her finish

"wait, really? you would be a Dobrik?"

"on paper yes, but not intuit crazy way" she said and we both laughed.

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