La musique la ramène

By novelfanatic_

10.2K 311 47

Amelia stayed in Paris after fighting for Frances freedom, which came in 1945, when the war ended. A year on... More



370 10 0
By novelfanatic_

"You are certain your okay about this?" Bruno rechecked with me, looking down at me while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Yes." I gently smiled, leaning up and to him. "We need to get Hans."

"We will find him." He promised, which only made me smile more. "I'll be right here when you are done."

"Promise?" I begged, not baring the thought of losing him again.

"I promise." He repeated, kissing my lips gently.

"You ready Amelia?" Louis asked, walking around the corner.

"Yes." I breathed out.

"Good luck." Bruno smiled, watching Louis and I walk away.

"So Adele and Maria are in the car." Louis said. "They will be at the front to pick us up straight away. Bruno will meet us outside and we will get the papers and leave straight away." We both walked into the building, which was very fancy - a glass building were everyone was in suit and ties. "What's your plan?"

"Follow after me." I mumbled, walking to the front desk. "Hello." I wave to the woman at the front.

"Hi welcome to Schliemann Corporation, how can I assist you today?" She faked a smile, which I did not blame her.

"Hey, I'm here for a meeting with Mr Mann." I said, fiddling with my fingers and hoping that she would let me through.

"What is your name?" She asked, looking down at the list of names. As I looked down, I couldn't see any of the names - panicking I had to use plan B.

"I am his sister, Amelia." I lied, hoping it would work again.

"Oh okay-" She smiled. "His office is at the end of the hall and turn right. His name is on the door."

"Thank you so much for your time." I smile, nodding my head before walking away with Louis, arm in arm.

"You did it." Louis praised me, as we walked in the direction of the office. As I turned my head around, I could see Bruno following behind us.

"You ready?" I asked Louis, reaching the door. Bruno looked to me and nodded from afar, I knew we were ready to get what we needed.

My hands shook slightly, as I hit the door with my knuckles. Louis held onto my hand, as we waited for the door to open.

"Can I help?" The man said, as he opened the office door.

"We wanted to have a chat with you." I mumbled. "I need to show you something."

"I don't just go off with random people-" He laughed mockingly. "Thanks, but I'm okay."

"I know about her." I blurted out, starting to speak out of my backside, hoping some of it would relate to him.

"Pardon?" He gasped in panic. "How do you-" He began and looked to Louis. "You can leave."

"But I-" Louis began but I looked to him, letting him know I'd be okay.

"leave!" He snapped, which made me jump slightly.

My heart felt as though it was about to jump out my through, it was pouring that fast in fear of being caught out in the web of lies.

"How do you know about her?" He snapped, seeing he was getting more agitated. I said nothing, not really knowing what to say.

Dragging me into his office, I looked to Bruno who looked as though he was about to kill the man. Shaking my head, I went into the office and he pushed me against the door.

"How?" He shouted again, making me flinch.

"I know a lot." I snapped, getting annoyed. "So I suggest you get off me."

He stepped back and anxiously ran a hand through his hair. Muttering things under his breath, he stopped in his tracks and looked to me.

"If you say nothing, I will do anything you ask." He begged.


"How do I know you will keep to the agreement?" I played along, knowing whatever his big secret was - he definitely wanted it kept under the rug.

"I will do it right now." He panicked. "What do you want? Money? Jewellery?"

"I want the book of the men who have been sent away from France." I interrupted him. He stopped in his tracks and looked to me.

"I can't give you that." He mumbled, looking to the ground. "Why would you want it anyway?"

"I need some information." I replied, saying no more. "I need the book and we have a deal."

He slowly nodded his head and walked away to his glass cabinet; while opening the box inside up, it revealed a book - the book that I knew was filled with information.

"How come the book is here?" I asked, folding my arms.

"I was a trusted soldier during my time fighting-" He began. "-then when I moved to Switzerland, they let me keep it safe - so all the dirty Germans would be kept away from us."

I held my tongue, not wanting to ruin my character. Looking over to the book, he had turned away and looked to the window.

"It's a shame really." He began. "That it had to be like this." I was half listening. "Did she tell you about the child?"

"Yes." I answered, hoping it was the right answer.

"I knew you were an intruder!" He yelled, pulling me back into his chest and screaming out.

All of a sudden, the fire alarm went off and everyone was leaving the building. I stayed in arms, trying to break free from his tightening grip.

"You are probably one of those wrenches, that wants us to mingle with these barbarians." He growled in my ear, tugging some of my hair back.

"Get off of her-" Bruno bellowed, as he walked over to us.

"Bruno Von Falk." The man smirked with an evil smile across his face. "I should have known you'd be behind this."

"Just let her go Jacob." Bruno shook his head, not wanting for me to get hurt.

"She lied to me." Jacob taunted, looking to Bruno and down to I.

"She has nothing to do with this." Bruno calmly spoke, stepping forward.

"Well, you have involved her now." He growled, tightening his grip - which made me Yelp.

"Let her go. Now." Bruno snarled, leaning across and trying to grab my hand.

"Fire!" Someone shouted. "Everyone please leave your offices."

As Jacob was distracted, I elbowed him in the ribs, which caught him off guard and winded him. Grabbing the book quickly, I ran with Bruno and joined the crowd of people that were evacuating the building.

"It has been quite an adventure with you." Bruno whispered in my ear, leaning down from behind me. "Nothing is ever boring."

"You'll get used to it." I smirked. "Now lets get out of here!"

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