Driven Apart

By Brendanational

237K 9.5K 2.2K

( COMPLETED ) Type a young omega is been forced into a marriage to pay his father debts, but along the line... More

The Proposal
His New Home


9.2K 465 107
By Brendanational


Seven months later

The last seven months has been hell for Tharn After Type left with Lhong, since then he had been trying to get in contact with Type, but every effort he made to see the man was crushed by Lhongs actions, every time he went to visit Lhong in hope that he might see Type, he was always dissapointed, because the man never seem to be home.
At first Tharn thought may be Lhong was lying, and didn't want him to see Type, but on several occasions he saw the longing in the man's eyes when he asked about Type, and then it became clear, something was wrong between  Lhong and Type, but lhong refused to open up to him.
So Tharn spent his days carringout his duties as the crown prince, as his duties seem to grow with each passing day.
The past one month has been especially tense, with the empire of gugaero trying to wage war on the Gusu empire, requesting the Empire of Gusu surrender to their rule.
The Gugaero empire was from the Far East, they had an army that could challenge that of Gusu in equal strength, but unlike Gusu who uses that strength to promote peace and safety for she and her people, the Gugaero empire wishes to conquer all the neighboring lands and empires by making it theirs and a subordinate of their Empire.
Gusu had refused to surrender no matter how many treats  that was sent, but just last month, a little village in the Gusu territory was burned to the ground with nothing left.
children were left homeless and some orphaned as well, women watched their husbands ,brothers and fathers be murdered in front of them and after which some of them were raped and those who fought back killed as well.
The whole situation was a complete tragedy, and that was all the asurrance the emperor  of Gusu needed to wage war between the two Empires .

He was going to take revenge for those innocent lives lost and bring back safety to the empire.
Tharn was filled with rage that could rival the heat of a volcano ready to erupt.
He had spent the last month preparing for war, all the armies were ready to match into battle and protect their nation . He as the General was leading the charge, those bastards must pay for their crimes. He was set to leave in two days.

The past several months as been hell for Lhong, so much has happened and so much has been lost. Lhongs thought he new pain, but his pain started  the day he brought his omega, Type, back home.
He remembers that day like it was yesterday, Type had willing left the palace without any fuss and had came home with him, he was so happy, maybe his mate had started to forgive him or if he was lucky he had already been forgiven, but how wrong he was.

Immediately Type entered the Nnongs residence, he had gone to his quarters and, he didn't come back out until dinner was ready.
He greeted the entire family even and greeted Kim has well, whose pregnancy was now very pronounced, all this he did in a neutral tone like the night before. Now that he taught about it Type had not shown any form of emotion since he came back, not that they had spent much time together, so he didn't read too much into it.

During the entire dinner his family seemed pleased with the improvement of type's health,even his mother who was no longer a Type supporter was happy the omega was doing fine.

is family spoke among themselves as they ate ,while type never saying anything unless he was directly asked a question, which he answered in that neutral I don't care tone. His family alittle worried about his reaction, he didn't even look sad, he just had this poker face that was expressionless, and  emotionless at the same time and this unnerved them all. So they tried covering the tension with light hearted jokes, but not once did Type smile let alone laugh the whole time.

After that dinner, Lhong tried to talked to Type privately in his quarters, but the omega refused his request, with the excuse that he was extremely tired and needed to sleep. So Lhong let him be.

After that day type no longer had dinner with the family and during the day he would wake up very early in the morning and then leave the residence, with no one knowing were he had gone to, sometimes Type would return before the sun sets for the day or after.

His family didn't seem bothered though but he was.
Type keep refusing his attempts to reconnect with him, and he kept leaving all day and coming back just to sleep and even refusing to eat dinner with them.

For the longest time this went on and Lhong was so busy with making sure Kim and his unborn child was cared for that he didn't even notice when Type started spending the night outside the residence. That was until that faithful day he lost his temper, just two months After His son died, he was still grieving and in so much pain.


Lhong was Sitted on the floor,  tea was placed on the table before him, he had started waiting for type since the day before, but the man had spent the night outside the residence, and were he slept at no one knew.

lhong was boiling inside, where was type and where did he spend the night, all this questions has been going through his head since the night before. Was Type cheating on him with some Alpha or Beta or was he having an Affair with the prince tharn, the thought alone made his blood boil.

Type choose that moment to walk in, his man servant had made him aware of Lhongs presence and how the master seemed angry, in the servants defense Lhong was always angry these days especially after the death of his son, two months ago.
But like the past months type expressed no form of emotion to show that he cared or that he was worried, in fact he just looked tired and drained.

''Where the hell have you been?'' asked Lhong beyond infuriated.

''out'' said type in the emotionless tone  everyone knew him for now.

''out....out!! Thats all you have to say!. You slept outside, not telling anyone were you went, where were you ?,and better speak now before I loose it''. Said Lhong fumming in anger.

Type look at him then, flinching at the loud voice he used, Lhong had never directly shouted at him before, maybe at others when he was present, but not him.

''if you want to know, I slept in my father's house ''said type not even showing any signs that Lhongs earlier rant affected him.

''and were have  you been going  everyday for the past six months? '' asked Lhong.
''why the sudden concern with my life now hmm, please I am tired, I don't have the the energy for this line of questioning this morning, can you leave '' said type in a neutral voice as he began his walk to his room, when all of a sudden Lhong turned him around furiously with so much force and resentment that type almost fell down ,if not for the his quick reflexes .

''what the hell is wrong with you! ''said type his anger written all over is face.

''👋'' the slap was what was heard the next few seconds, Lhong had slapped type so hard that he fell on the floor.
Type was beyond shocked and surprised, did lhong just hit him,the man who claims to love him and had never risen  his hand to hurt him the past six and a half  years of union .
He could feel the tears stinging his eyes, but he made a promise to himself a long time ago, he was not going to let lhong see him cry again , he was done crying for this man or any other man.
Type stood up, with all  strength  he could master ,he walked straight to lhong standing in front of him, staring into his face, he could see the look of regret written on it ,but he did not care for it, so when Lhong reached out his hand to touch him and say  sorry he stepped back to evade his touch.

The look on Lhongs face when he did that was one of pure pain and regret, that when he tried to say something, type cut him off, saying in a cold detached voice.

''if you must know, I have been learning, doing an apprenticeship with the medical house in town, I have been learning from the same woman who treated and helped me through my lesis. I asked her for her apprenticeship when I was still at the palace,and as you can see ,she said yes''.
Lhong felt ashamed now, how could he let his anger take over him like that, now he has hurt type again when the omega hasn't completely forgiven him for his last transgressions.
He tried to touch type again and beg for forgiveness, but the man side stepped him again.
''please Type I am so sorry, please forgive me'' he said in a pleading tone kneeling before the omega, panic written all over his face, he can't loose type too.

''please stand up,i have no use for this pitiful display, get up''type said in that cold voice.

The Alpha felt like crying, how could type dismiss his affection like that, he really was loosing the man he loves. He stood up from the floor as his tears fell freely from his eyes.
''why didn't you tell me this,i could have helped you along time ago if I knew you had the desire to learn medicine. '' said lhong still in despair.

''You were always busy with your work and travelling ,and when you came back you always seemed tired and needed me to care for you, I didn't want to add to your burden, and you had already done so much for me and my family, so I kept my mouth shut and took care of you, it was the least I could do ,and I did enjoy taking care of my mate''said Type still in that neutral tone not really showing any  form of sympathy for his crying mate.

Lhong smiled at the memory of  type caring for him all the time when he came back from his trips,that thought  left a warm feeling in his stomach.

''Then why didn't you tell me when we came back from the palace all those months ago, even if you didn't need my help,there is no harm in letting your mate know your were about. '' said lhong in a caring manner still trying to get closer to type who still kept moving away from him.

'' I did not see the use in telling you at the time, you were busy caring for your new mate, you too were still newly weds, I did not want to cause a wedge between that''said type.


While type had been healing in the palace ,Lhongs and Kim's family thought it would be best if they both got married to avoid their grandchild being born out of wedlock, so a quick hasty marriage ceremony was planned and the two got married. Type was kept out of the loop, they all said they didn't want to tell him until he got well and his health was stable enough so as not to cause a decline in his healing process.

Type saw through their bull shit, but pretended to believe, because at the end when he found out he felt nothing at all, it was like been cut with a small blade when a knife was in your gut, it just doesn't matter.


''Are you blaming me for this, she was pregnant, I had to take care of her '',said lhong with a pleading tone .

''I do not blame you, I  understand you had to care for her that's why I said nothing ''said type still with that neutral facial expression that gave nothing away on what he was feeling inside.

''Type please tell me what I need to do to get you back I love you, please ''said lhong.

All this talking was making type even more tired, he had been up all night, helping the physicians patient give birth to a baby girl, and he just wants to take a bath and fall asleep, so when Lhong started begging he lost his patience, letting his frustration show.

''Could you please stop this, I don't want this anymore, you are not my Alpha anymore !! '',said type in a frustrated voice letting the truth out with out even realising it, it was when he saw the alter shock on Lhongs face that he realized what he had said.

Type had made a big mistake and let the truth out, he could come clean now or lie, lie lie.

''what do you mean by I am not your Alpha anymore, type please tell me this is some twisted joke''said lhong  completely shocked and desperate for answers.

Type made his choice, he was done lying, everyone did they wanted not considering his feelings, it's time for him to stop pretending things were okay.

''while I was away ,I read some books on my condition, in those books I found out that omega lesis sometimes was not just an illness cause by trauma, but also a symptom of loss or sudden broken bonds,  In some cases omega's whose Alpha died at a very young age go through lesis in other to break their bonds, it happens subconsciously weither the omega wants it or not, and in the end the bonds formed with their dead Alpha is broken, which is not a bad thing since the Alpha is dead. I think that's what has happened to me, I was not really sure at first, but then that night during the Lantern festival, I came to the conclusion that my suspicions were right. You were no longer my Alpha and our bond was broken ''said type like someone given a lecture to his student.

''No that's not true, you are lying, I remember that night well, we made love and you enjoyed it just as mush as I did, I saw it, I heard your pleas for more''. Said Lhong not willing to believe what type was saying.

''lhong, it's the truth, your recollection of the events are very flawed, you were drunk that night, that's the only reason I don't blame  you for what happened that night '',said type .

''No you are lying ''said lhong.

''well let me refresh your memory then''said type with resentment against the man who hurt him that night.


Two  months after type returned home from the palace, he was feeling lost and out of place, this place he once called home was now a strange land to him. He spent his days doing his apprenticeship and nights reading and then going to bed, his free days he spent in between his friend techno and his sisters.

Lhong on the other hand ,he tries to avoid as mush as possible, which was easy since he was always busy with work or his new family .Type has been sleping alone since he came back, not because lhong had not want to share his bed, but because he always found some excuse or the other to deter the man from his desires .

That night lhong had came into him room completely drunk, the man could bearly string a sentence together, but his intentions was made very clear by his actions ,type knew what he wanted and came for.  Type was not pleased one bit.

''Lhong stop this''said type as the man tried to hold him in his arms as he fought to get away from the man,  but the Alpha was having non of it tonight.
There was a time type love how strong Lhongs arms were, when he would hold him up against any surface they could find and fucked him to oblivion, but now he hated that strength cause it was stopping him from escaping this torture.

Type use to love Lhongs touch, he even craved it, but now all he felt were the tiny ants crawling their way up his body, he felt like he was been burnt alive, every part of him lhong touched   was left with a burning sensation in his mouth and all over his body, he was already disgusted by this man, and it had nothing to do with the fact that he was drunk out of his mind, in fact he had, had sex with lhong on several occasions when he was drunk and he love it, the man always gain this unending starvation when he got drunk, he would fuck type till his body gave out then fuck him some more, and the mornings after we're always heavenly cause the man would treat him like a queen, apologizing for his vitality the previous night, and type will sock himself in the love and attention, while playing up his discomfort until his Alpha  buys him some gift as compensation, it was always wonderful.

But right now that feeling was lost to him, all he felt was the siren pain all over his body, telling him to get away that this was wrong, so he tried to push lhong from him to no avail, until his legs got free and he tried to kick lhong but some how the man knew what he was about to do and pulled away before his foot could connect with his groin.

''Why.... You...... Sneaky..... Little...... Omega, my.... Love, u want it rough tonight like we use too don't you, don't worry, I'm going to fuck you good, soon you will be begging for more'' lhong said in sluggish words that left him smiling.

The next thing type new, some how lhong had caught up with him and trew him on his stomach on top the bed. The Alpha wasted no time in tearing every piece of clothing from type's body, he wanted to scream for help, but he knew no one would come, lhong was his mate after all and they would just think they were having rough sex like they use to. So he decided to go  another route, he begged until his throat was sore but the Alpha seemed to fuck him harder with each plea and eventually his voice gave out as he let himself drift into unconsciousness.
By the time type woke up he was a bloody mess, due to his struggles last night, there had been no preparation and now there was little blood stains here and there on the sheets along with semen, whose, he could not tell.

That day, he use the little he had learn to take care of the injuries he had sustained the night before and left for his family home.

He never spoke to anyone about it, pretending it never happened and burying it inside hoping he would forget.

End of flashback

A lone tear ran down type's cheek as he told lhong of that night.
Type then looked at the man to find a look of horror on his face.
As tears gathered in his eyes lhong looked at him then and said.
'' I keep saying I love you and then I .....I hurt you all the time, I am so sorry  you married a monster ,.....please forgive me just this last time, I promise to never hurt you again, please'' he said on knees in front of type.

''I have already forgiven you '' said type. ''it was not your fault, you were drunk and on top of that neither of us was fully aware our bond was broken. So you don't need to ask for my forgiveness, all you need do is set me free''said type in a calm voice.

''What do you mean set you free,do you wish to break our bond and end our marriage?!!'' asked lhong alarmed.

''Yes, it's the only solution, my bond to you is broken that's why being with you only hurts me now,please if you ever loved me,  you'd do this''said type the pain clearly evident on his face.

Lhong could not believe that everything could go so wrong so fast, he did love type, and the thought of him hurting the omega again was too much, so he did the only thing he could, after all the man did give him six years of pure happiness.

''I will do it, but I need time to accept the fact that I have lost you, you can do as you please, just give me time to think ''said lhong.

''Okay, but while you are thinking, I would like to stay in father's house till your decision is made'' said type

''What if I say no'' asked lhong
''then you never loved me said type.

End of flashback

Since that faithful day lhong had been thinking of a way to win his Omega back but everything he did seemed redundant.

Authors Pov
Sorry guys for the delay, please leave your comments below  and give a star if your like.
Love u all✌✌

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