Fulfilling Fate - Book 3

By vayathorn

1.5M 49.7K 27.2K

Morelli Mafia Series - BOOK 3 | 18+ Passion. Love. Lust. Erotic. Violence. Crime. Strong female lead. After... More

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Chapter 1 - Within A Moment
Chapter 2 - It's Only The Start
Chapter 3 - Forgive Me, Father, For I'm About To Sin
Chapter 4 - My Rearing Stallion
Chapter 5 - Ally or Enemy
Chapter 6 - Seek And You Shall Find
Chapter 7 - The Heat Between Us
Chapter 8 - Promises
Chapter 9 - The Notes, Secrets!
Chapter 10 - Time To Go
Chapter 11 - Open Fire
Chapter 12 - Truths Revealed
Chapter 14 - Can't Stay Away
Chapter 15 - Counting Down
Chapter 16 - Asimina Alexiou
Chapter 17 - A Sight For Sore Eyes
Chapter 18 - Emotions Run High
Chapter 19 - So, It Begins
Chapter 20 - Painfully And Cruelly
Chapter 21 - Spanish Donkey
Chapter 22 - Moments Like This!
Chapter 23 - The End Of A Blood Line
Chapter 24 - Old Habits
Chapter 25 - Milos
Chapter 26 - At The Church Step He Waits
Chapter 27 - Dance For Me
Chapter 28 - These Rare Moments
NMatthee & Rrosemayaa
Chapter 29 - Another Chance
Chapter 30 - Complications
Chapter 31 - Yield & Follow Orders
Chapter 32 - The Truth Hurts
Chapter 33 - Promises
Chapter 34 - My Sweetheart
Chapter 35 - My Beast, My Demon
Chapter 36 - Brotherly Bonding
Chapter 37 - The Walls Around Me Crumble
Chapter 38 - Lying Here With You
Chapter 39 - Fear The Woman Standing Behind The Man
Chapter 40 - To His Feet He Stands
Chapter 41 - Dance With The Devil
Epilogue - Here, With You
Authors Note
Amazon Merch - Morelli Mafia Series

Chapter 13 - The Proposal

32.7K 1.1K 883
By vayathorn


I struggled to sleep last night. Even the thoughts of Asimina weren't enough to settle me. I think back to before she was in my life. I believed I had it good then. I didn't realize what I was missing. This is every man's worst nightmare falling for a woman, the idea of love. That someone has so much control and power over you, consuming all your thoughts.

I'm anything but weak, not physically, mentally, or socially. Yet I'm vulnerable to her, surrendering completely. It's not uncommon for women to express these feelings. It's an odd thing for most men and even more bizarre for me. I can't sleep if she's not next to me.

I lift myself on the pull-up bar once more before jumping off. The burn in my muscles has me groaning in pain. Shaking it off, I take a few quick steps and stand in front of the mirror. Picking up the dumbbells, I start to pump my biceps.

A smile surfaces as I picture Asimina's sweeping eyes and drool running down the side of her mouth. I love her reactions, those flaring cheeks, and lustful eyes. It excites me.

I push through the excessive burn in my biceps. I need to weaken myself enough to get through this meeting with Roberto without killing the cunt. I let my thoughts drift back to Asimina, and I wonder if she likes the house in Santa Barbara. Everyone did their part in turning that house into a home for her. The theatre room is decked out with recliner chairs, framed pictures autographed by the actors from her favorite films, Rocky, The Godfather, and many more. Tommy, along with Petro, Mark, and Sal, ran to different actions sourcing the signed Hollywood posters. They cost a small fortune. I surprise myself with the things I'm willing to do to earn a gold star.

My family is currently scattered, and I hate it. My son is with my parents, Asimina is at our house. I'm here at one of the Morelli properties. Soon we will all be under the same roof, and I will never allow anyone to tear us apart.

The intense workout has my muscle aching beyond a tolerable level from the lactic acid build-up. Dropping the dumbbells, I finish my time in the gym with stretches, getting ready for a quick cold shower. When I first met Asimina, the sexual tension was suffocating between us, and for once, I looked forward and desired those freezing showers.

I check the time as I make my way back to my room. I have an hour before the meeting with Roberto. I need to contain myself, which is easier said than done. Vivid images of slicing him up the abdomen keep appearing. My parents will be present at this meeting. I'm half expecting my mother to slap me. My father will be furious, but this needs to be done.

Turning on the cold water, I stand underneath, the burning in my muscles subsides quickly, and cold shivers take over. Washing off the sweat, I close the water and grab a towel. Drying myself off, I head to the walk-in and throw on a shirt and pants. I need to be strategic; it's not only Roberto that needs to die. It's the Di Vitto mob's entire inner cycle. Sliding on my shoes, I head down to my office. Taking a shower and getting dressed is a quick task when Asimina is not around. Walking into my office, the Capos and my parents are all seated. Nathan's little green eyes shine when he sees me. Squirming out of my mother's arms. He takes hurried steps. He has the hang of walking now.

Picking him up, he nuzzles his face into my neck as I squeeze my arms around him. He is the most extortionary gift I have ever received. Placing a kiss on his head, I walk over to my chair and take a seat with him.

Ignoring everyone, I talk to my son, "Hey, little man. Missed me?"

I never get tired of hearing his baby babble. However, today becomes special as he blurts out, "Dada."

Who would have thought my malicious heart could melt. Excitement at hearing him talk has a wide smile on my face, which grimaces instantly because his mother cannot share this moment. Placing a kiss on his cheek, I close my eyes and swallow down my anger, reminding myself a few more days, and the three of us will be together.

I turn to my men. The only ones missing are Mark and Leon, who are guarding Asimina, until tonight when Sal, Alex, and Tommy take over.

"Update me," I order.

Sweeping my eyes over to Tommy, Sal, and Alex, the boys, reassure me with a nod.

"I have a lock on the new Agosti Capo Dei Capi. Whenever you're ready, we attack," Mariano confirms.

"Tonight," I blurt. I need that threat out of the way to focus on the bigger picture, and as long as the Di Vitto's think I'm distracted, he won't see what I have planned coming.

"One of the priests has flown back to Italy," Matteo meets my eyes, "The other two are still here in California. I have the location and tracking them constantly."

"Their turn will come. Keep tracking them for now." I respond. The Saint Mary's priests are the last of my concern. However, I still have to dispose of those fuckers.

"Raffaele, Di Vitto has arrived," Antonio advises.

Nodding, I hand my son over to Bianca. "Everyone, get out! Except for my parents, Tommy, Stefano, and Antonio. You lot stay."

Standing to their feet, a mass exit occurs. No one asks any questions. Petro and Sal struggle to contain their anger. Tommy walks over, handing me a drink without faltering his eyes. Ten in the morning, and I'm already sculling down bourbon as if it's water. I need it to help me get through this meeting. Watching the cunt walkthrough with a slight grin has my chest heaving with rage. I want this fucker dead.

"Raffaele," he greets.

Clenching my fists under my desk, I try not to grit, "Roberto." I motion him to sit. "What do you want? And why do you keep insisting on this meeting?" I get straight to the point, sculling my first drink. Tommy takes my glass. He is trying to keep himself distracted.

"Can we speak in private?"

"No," I cut it short, "They remain, talk! I'm losing my patience," I spit.

Squirming in his seat, he becomes agitated as I lean my elbows on my desk, "I have always played by the rules in hopes of gaining your acceptance," he begins to say, narrowing his eyes.

"Your marriage to my sister has always been questionable," My father interjects. He's unaware of what this fucker has done. His hatred for that family stems from before his sister married into the family.

Abruptly snapping his head towards Luciano Morelli, he grits, "I loved her, and she loved me. We were married for years. When are you going to accept that?"

I sit back, studying him. I'm tempted to give him a round of applause for the outstanding, dramatic performance.

"Don't raise your voice with me," my father warns, itching closer to him. Standing behind his chair, he leans down to his ear, "It won't take me long to plunge a knife in your throat."

Without flinching, his tone softens, "I come in peace with a proposal."

Rubbing my jaw, I study his every movement, "What's this proposal?"

The internal battle has my blood reaching the boiling point. I'm so fucking close to pulling out my gun.

"Camila and I," he lowers his head, pretending to be lost in thought, "We were meant to be in Italy retired. I'm not meant to be Capo Dei Capi of the Agosti mob."

"How does that become our issue?" Antonio irritably questions. Unbuttoning his suit jacket, he takes a seat on one of the sofas, "Your nephews bought on their own end."

"I agree, the boys overstepped, and we can all agree that I took a step back and allowed the consequences to take place. Regardless of their actions, they were my family, and those losses were painful." He retorts.

Leaning his elbows on his knees, he buries his face in his hands, "I only have Angela left. My niece is not capable of running and taking over the family business."

"Is the search for a husband over?" I mock. He's about to ask me, and I need him to get on with it. The grim reaper is sitting directly in front of him. That's how close his death is. If only he knew how hard I'm fighting with myself not to hack him the fuck up right now.

"Possibly," he responds and swallows the lump in his throat. Taking a deep breath, he makes his intentions known, "I want to hand it over to you, Raffaele. I want to retire."

"Absolutely not!" my mother screeches and stands to her feet. "Our families will not be merging. Get out!" She spits with hatred.

"Sit down, mother," I stop her from going on. Her heated gawk is burning holes through me. She's struggling to understand and is momentarily taken back.

"Your conditions?" I ask, trying not to spit my every word.

"Marry Angela,"

The moment those words leave his lips, my father and mother furiously yell in Italian. The room fills with rage instantly. My suspicions were correct. They wanted to rid of Asimina, and my son would be next.

"You want my brother to marry that puttana?" Tommy scoffs, playing along. However, the insult left his lips passionately. My men would never respect her.

"Watch your mouth Tommaso," Roberto threatens.

Tommy takes aggressive steps towards him. Stefano quickly stands in front, stopping him from proceeding. "Don't use a threatening tone with my brother," Stefano warns Roberto viciously.

"Watch my mouth? That bitch lied about a pregnancy. Have you forgotten Roberto?" Tommy's anger escalates as he bellows over Stefano's shoulder.

"She was young and stupid. She has matured and learned her lesson," he pleads her case, rubbing his face, saying, "She will love your son as her own."

"She will not be going anywhere near my grandson!" my mother screams, cutting him off. She slams her hand down on my desk before storming over to Roberto.

My eyes snap to my father. He has no idea what is going on, but he trusts me enough to sit back and see what this is about. Luciano is a smart man. He knows I have an agenda. Pulling my mother back, he wraps an arm around her, holding her into place.

"My son had a mother. Angela will never be that to him!" I spit and push my chair back. The overwhelming need to slaughter him has me unable to contain my rage. I can't sit still. "You have sixty seconds to tell me what you want before I pull my gun out," my eyes narrow, and the malicious intent shines with every one of my actions.

"Any children you have with Angela will be heir to the Di Vitto fortune. Nathan will have the Morelli's," He blurts out quickly as a glint of fear flashed through his eyes.

"Seems like you have all this planned out?!" I state and walk over to the bar refilling the drink, hoping it will keep me at bay a little while longer. He knows what I'm capable of and fears me, yet he raped Bianca's and attempted a hit on Asimina.

"I just want her looked after. I can't force her to be with another man. She claims to be in love with you," he falls defeatedly back into his chair. Once again, his performance is outstanding.

"Is that so?" I ask, turning to face the group. My mother gives me a death stare.

"I will leave for Italy and only attend the engagement and wedding. Looking down at his lap, he sets the final condition, "I only need ten percent of the Di Vitto takings to sustain myself in Italy."

My mother thrashes in my father's hold uncontrollably. She's ready to pounce and tear his limbs off. She has never been a fan of the Di Vitto's and attempted to talk Camila out of the marriage. The way he's come into our house and so ballsy making requests have infuriated all of us.

My father lifts her kicking feet off the ground, and he, along with Antonio, remove her from my office as she screams profanities at everyone. Eleanora Morelli is no tame cat. If my father hadn't stopped her, Roberto would be missing his throat.

"Is Angela aware of this proposal of yours?" I question. I don't doubt she has taken part, but I need that confirmation.

"Yes. She made it clear she will not marry anyone other than you."

Angela is a confident bitch. Little does she know soon she will be in the hands of a vicious queen. That undoubtedly will end her spectacularly.

"I wasn't available! In fact, I was engaged to another woman. What made your niece think I was an option?"

I put Roberto on the stop. His eyes widen. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he quickly corrects his mistake, "She has only just expressed her desire."

Blowing a breath, he diverts his eyes as he speaks, "You have suffered a loss, and so have I. You're still young and can rebuild Raffaele."

"Where is Angela now?" I scull my drink and take a deep breath preparing to face the bitch. My guess is she's around. This was all pre-planned.

"Waiting in the car. Do we have a deal?" He questions impatiently, crossing his legs.

"That depends on your niece. Call her in," I order.

Pouring another drink, I impatiently wait. Asimina's threats ring in my ears, "If she touches you, I'm gone. Nothing you say or do will bring me back!" She meant those words wholeheartedly.

I will not lose her over Angela Di Vitto. The woman doesn't entice me in the slightest. My erection that night was at thoughts of Asimina ridding me. The heartbreak in her eyes when I confessed what transpired broke me. She never fails to express her pain with raw emotions. I was shattered. I hurt her again, and I hate myself for it. I respect Asimina. Therefore, I couldn't lie to her.

I come out of my thoughts as Angela walks in with a wide smile. I refrain from rolling my eyes. Her fake lashes hit her eyebrows, and her lips have had far too much filler. She walks over to her uncle, placing a kiss on his cheek, "You asked for me?"

Clearing my throat, I once again push away the urge to kill them both. "I did," I grab her attention. She attempts to walk over seductively, completely disregarding the presence of her uncle and my brothers. Both men scoff at her pathetic performance.

Placing her palms on my chest, she asks, "What can I do for you?"

Grabbing hold of her wrist, I squeeze, causing her enough pain for her to flinch. What I really want to do is snap her fucking hand. "Your uncle has come to me with a proposal." I lean in, narrowing my eyes. "Is it what you want, Angela?"

Swallowing the lump in her throat, her breaths are uneven, "I want you," she says fearlessly in her uncle's presence.

Flicking her hand away, I make things clear, "To be my wife and stand by me, the slut act disappears. Do you understand?"

Gasping, she places her hand over her mouth and glances at her uncle, who give her a nod. "Y-yes," She stutters and doesn't attempt to protest.

"You follow fucking orders and do not talk back. Is that clear?" I continue setting ground rules.

Smiling, her eyes fill with excitement, "I can follow orders, anything you want." She straightens her shoulders, biting her bottom lip.

Ignoring her, I bring my focus to Roberto as I instruct, "In four days, we sign a contract. Have your lawyer present."

Looking down at Angela, I continue, "We will host our engagement and announce it in four days at the Morelli hotel. I will give you an engagement ring, and only when you're wearing my ring will you come home with me."

She nods in acceptance and stands on her toes, whispering into my ear, "I can't wait to taste you."

Tommy and Stefano stand there, shaking their heads in disapproval, struggling to keep their mouths shut.

Seizing her by the jaw, I emphasize, "Fail to follow one order, act like a slut again, and the deal is off."

"I understand," she retorts quickly and recoils.

My grip tightens as I fantasize about snapping her neck. Shaking my thoughts away, I drop my hold. I'm not taking this away from Asimina. Turning to Tommy, I order, "Transfer fifty thousand to Angela's account. So, she can plan our engagement." I swallow back the bile that rushes up into my mouth.

"Start planning," I order Angela and turn to Roberto. "Arrange for the inner cycle Di Vitto men to attend, underbosses and Capos. So, they can meet their new boss. You will receive the contract that night. No signature, no engagement."

Roberto nods and stands, "I'll hand it all over as long as the contract states ten percent of Di Vitto profits will be transferred to me monthly."

Extending his hand, I reluctantly shake it. I've surprised myself and how I've managed to keep the Demon at bay. The night of the engagement is the night it all ends. The entire inner cycle of the Di Vitto mob meets death.

Watching them walk out of my office, I slam my glass down on the bar shattering it to pieces. All I wanted was to kill them both. The urge was suffocating. Turning towards the window, I focus on Roberto and Angela's body language head to their car. He abruptly pulls her by the arm spitting something in her face. She rips her arm out of his grip and climbs into the car slamming the door shut. My hands ball into fists, and my jaw clenches. Patience. Do this right! That is all I keep saying to myself.

Walking over to me, Tommy clasps my shoulder, whispering into my ear, "She loves the house!" Those words seem to calm me briefly. "The boys finally picked up Troy. He's in your draw," I turn to face my brother, a stupid grin plastered on his face as he says, "She was mortified."

Stefano gives us both a questionable brow and feels left out. However, even he can't know yet. I don't want him keeping something this big from Jaz.

I need to see her. Somehow undetected, I will take that drive, spend a few hours at least. I will ensure I'm not followed. I will not risk her safety or our sons. I turn at the sound of the door, watching my mother storm over. She stops inches away from my face, fuming she seethes, "That puttana will not become my daughter-in-law."

Poking me hard on the chest, she screams while tears run, "My grandson will not have a connection to that puttana."

My father intervenes, talking to her in Italian, trying to come her down. She pushes him aggressively on the chest. "Nora, stop!" He demands. "Let's see where our son is going with this first," he meets my eyes, hiking a brow.

My father once told me; he knows how to read each one of his children. He's picked up on something. But even he couldn't have guessed Asimina is still breathing, and they are behind everything, including his daughter's rape. Luciano Morelli knows the man he raised and is giving me the benefit of the doubt.

My mother refuses to see past the grief. All she focuses on is Nathan and his constant pleads as he yells out for his mother. She only sees Asimina standing next to me, becoming her daughter-in-law. The relationship they built is strong, and my mother not only respected her but loved her.

She gasps for air as her face reddens, her entire body shakes with rage while threatening me, "I will strip you from your Capo Dei Capi title. You will no longer lead this family. Do you hear me, Raffaele? You marry that whore, and you lose everything."

Yay or Nah?

Thoughts on Raffaele?

Thoughts on Roberto? The proposal?

Thoughts on Angela?

Thoughts on Nora? Her threat to Raffaele?

Thoughts on Luciano?

Thoughts on little Nathan finally saying dadda?

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