
By 227bomba

42.1K 533 67

Where Natalie and David come up with a new concept called "Date-alie", as a way of getting their minds off of... More

New Book!!


1.1K 13 4
By 227bomba

Nat's POV:

I was looking in to the Hawaii trip making sure all the details were down. In the end it was faint to be: carly, erin, david, me, heath, matt, zane, mariah, jason, jeff, todd, scott, kristen, and corrina. It was just the 14 of us because there were a couple others who weren't able to come. The trip was going to be 5 nights long and per David's request, we were taking a redeye. It surprised me to learn that we had never actually taken a trip as a group before and few trips were always just a few it was never all of us.

We were leaving tonight but we still had the entire day ahead of us. I was planning a huge surprise for David while in Hawaii because he thought that the trip was the only birthday even so he wouldn't be suspicious of any other surprise. I had only been talking about it with Jason and Taylor to help me organise it because Taylor wasn't going as she was getting the week off and Jason always helped organise these. I had told everyone to bring an entirely white outfit but I didn't say for when Only not to wear it until I told them to do so. I didn't ell David though because I would be the one packing his bag and unpacking it again so he may not even take notice.

At the moment the three of us were in the living room and we had told David that we were making sure that everything was ready for the flight but in reality we were making sure all details for the surprise were perfect. Meanwhile David was out filming a bit with Carly, erin matt and Zane and god knows what they were up to.

"Okey ist hat all?" Taylor asked

"Yep" I responded "thanks you guys"

"No problem" they both said at the same time just as David walked in with Zane, Matt and Tod along with their suitcases. He didn't hesitate to come to the kitchen counter where the three of us were and wrap and arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head. Thankfully I had closed my laptop screen a second earlier so he didn't see anything "Hey, Everything is sorted"

"Oh great thanks" he responded

"Who's ready for vacation?!?!" Zane screamed and we all laughed.

Next I had to make sure that our bags were packed so I went up to our room and put in the final things and moved on to David's. I grabbed his bag and started. I put in ac couple of swimsuits which surprisingly none of them were black and then some casual clothing which was all black. I then took out a bag of white clothing which was a shirt and white shorts. I had to buy them because this guy didn't own a single white shirt or white shorts that weren't tennis shorts. I decided it would be best to keep them in my case because it was safer for him not to see because otherwise he would start questioning. I finished up and closed them and put them out in the hallway along with the rest. I then proceeded to sit next to David on the sofa "hey"

"hey" he said back as he kissed the top of my head.

Throughout the rest of the day, more and more people started showing up until we were all there and ready to go. We got in the Tesla with Taylor so she would bring the car back later and the rest took an uber. We were at the airport and everybody was messing around but I'm not their babysitter so they can worry about themselves. The only person I had to take care of was David and of course he was the one that drove all of the craziness. after an hour delay, I was practically falling asleep and so were the majority of the girls. Luckily David had calmed down and I was able to put my head on his shoulder.

Not long after we were finally let on to the plain which I barely remember as I was half asleep. We were all sitting in business class like usual and we practically took the entire space up. Most of the flight was spent sleeping and at one point Jason tried to pull a lame prank on Jason and I but it didn't really work.

When we arrived in Hawaii, we were all still dead tired. We got in to a minibus that I had hired to take us to our villa and throughout the drive, we started to regain our energy. We pulled up and that's when the energy spiked up. We were all excited to go in and see our new home for the next couple of days.

We went in to the living room and all sat around for me to explain the plan for the day and how we would spread out throughout the house. "Okey, so there are 7 rooms in total. 4 have double beds, one is a single and the other two have two singles. I was thinking that the double beds go to: heath and mariah, scott and kristen, David and I and finally Jeff and Todd. Then the rooms with two singles to: matt and Zane and the other goes to Jason. Then the single to Corinna which is still pretty big. If you guys want to change anything around you can sort that out between yourselves. Uhmmm... oh yeah, you guys can go to sleep or do whatever you want, there's a pool outside or the beach. The only thing is that we have lunch reservations for the whole group at 2 so please be ready at 1:30 for the minibus to pick us up. And yeah that's it."

"Yes mom!" zane screamed and that made us all laugh.

"come here" david said to me and I got up and sat on his lap as he wrapped his arms around me and I almost fell asleep on him

"aww" I heard a couple of them say

"Okey, lets get to our room" I said getting up and pulling David by the hand and he followed. We reached the master bedroom as it was his birthday weekend and we each carried a suitcase. He immediately threw himself on the bed while I went to unpack our stuff in the closet making sure to sort of hide the white outfit I had brought him. I then joined him on the bed and we cuddled. "I'm so excited that I'm here with you" I told him

"I know, me too." He said and he hugged me a little tighter. "let's take a nap and then we can go to the pool or the beach" I simply nodded because I was already half asleep.

Around 2 and a half hours later I woke up and kissed David to wake him up too. we were tangled in each other and once again he hugged me tighter. We cuddled in bed for half an hour longer and kissed each other a couple of times. I eventually got up and wen to the closet to put my swimsuit on. David followed me and asked me where I'd put his trunks so I told him. I then proceeded to take my clothes off so I could change but before I could put my swimsuit on, he pulled me in to a kiss and said "No, stay like that" and I laughed. I then put on my bikini and he said "wow, you look gorgeous" which of course made me blush and i kissed him.

"Okey, let's go" I said. As we walked out of our room, we saw a couple of our friends each doing different things around the house. David and I wen to the pool and we found Jeff, Todd and Corinna "corinna, I thought you only knew how to skinny dip" David said and we all laughed. We got in and there were two sides, the smaller jacuzzi side and the larger normal side. We were all sitting on the benches of the Jacuzzi and I didn't know what was up with David but he was a lot more comfortable around me and showed this side of him where he was much more affectionate. Rather than me sitting next to him, he told me to sit in between his legs which I glad fully did of course. After around 5 minutes Jeff left leaving just Corina, Todd and us in there. There were each on one corner and slowly getting closer until they were one next to the other. I noticed Todd put an arm around Corina which wasn't really out of the ordinary for our friends group but then I saw Corinna lean slightly in to his side and put her arms underwater. The Jacuzzi had bubbles so we could barely see anything under the water. However, I could feel the ever so slight hard coming from behind me. I could also imagine what was happening on the other side of the pool between Todd and Corinna but I kept it quiet and continued our conversation for a couple more minutes until I noticed David's urgency and I suggested that we leave which he gladly accepted. To make sure they didn't see, He stood up but I was standing in front fo him. He then turned around and got out of the pool and I followed. I then got in front of him so no one in the house would see. That was until we got to our room.

"David!" I half shouted and half laughed.

"It's your fault" he said and I approached him and kissed him. One thing led to another and we ended up in bed.

An hour and a half later I got up and told him to get up swell because we had to shower and get ready for lunch. We did and it took around half an hour which meant we were done by 1:15. We went out to the living room and found some of the others already there. We caught up with them to see what they had been up to until we were all ready and zane screamed "lunch time Baby!" and we all sort of cheered because we were all starving.

We hopped on the bus an this time the boys were bing crazy at the back, Carly and Erin were in the middle of a conversation, Jason was up front talking to the driver and I chose to sit next to Corinna strategically. "so, what's up?" I said so she knew that I knew something but she didn't want to admit it.

"not much" she said but it sounded more like a question

"really?" I said "because a little bird told me that you and t.." she cut me off before I could continue by covering my mouth with her hand

"Nat, I'll talk to you later and tell you all you want but you have to shut up right now because I don't want anybody else to find out" she said happy and blushing

"fine" I said in surrender.

The rest the way was pretty chilled, we talked about random stuff and eventually reached the restaurant and we got out of the bus.

We all sat in a long table, I was once again sitting next to David and I had Jason on the other side of me. We had a really nice dinner and it happened to be one of David's favourite places so I'm glad he enjoyed it swell because he is usually very picky. I was nice to have a meal the whole group together. We were laughing the whole time and of course David ha his camera out the majority of the time filming Zane who was in front of us.

When we finished I told them that the rest fo the day was just chilled going to the beach and stuff and then we had a dinner in the house all together.

When we got back, the others went to get they swim stuff on and went to the beach but I pulled Corinna aside because I wanted to have hat talk with her.

We sat on mine and David's bed and she asked "so, what do you want to know?" rolling her eyes but with a smile

"What's up with you and Todd?"

"What do you mean" she played dumb

"I don't know. maybe the hand job you are giving him in the Jacuzzi" and she laughed in embarrassment. "Come on spill"

"Fine, what do you want me to tell You?"

"everything!, when did it start?" I asked excited

"well... He was really there when my boyfriend and I broke up about month ago but really just as a friend and I thought he had really matured. We had been getting close but as friends only the last couple fo weeks when the other day we were both drunk and we sort of kissed. we haven't really talked about it but I feel like he's changed so much since we first went out, I feel like he's actually ready for a relationship now. But the thing in the Jacuzzi today was a first time thing like I knew we both wanted it but we haven't even kissed since that time"

"Oh my god cuteeee. Does anybody else know?"

"yeah, well um, jeff sort of because he's sharing a bed with Todd so Todd came to my room this morning when we landed instead of going to their bed and I'm guessing he's picked up on it but he didn't know for sure."

Well, as long as you guys are happy, I'm happy for you and you know David will be happy no matter what because it means more content for him"

"Ughhh, I know just if you don't mind don't say anything to anyone not even David because i want to make sure that I know what's going on before we tell anyone. Do you think he saw this morning?" she asked worried

"Honestly no. He was too worried with a certain situation of his" I said as I looked down so she knew what I meant

"Oh my godddd Naaaaat! And you're talking about me!!"

"hey, I wasn't the one to give a hand job in a Jacuzzi with our friends in it!"

"yeah but you gave him a boner!?!?!"

"It wasn't my fault he can't control himself" and we both laughed.

"So, I see it's going good between the two of you then?"

"yeah. I am so happy. I could have never imagined being in this position. To be honest, although I always sort of liked him, there was a part of me that believed at one point that it was never going to happen"

"I always knew you two would end up together. Its like you're magnets and you just had to find your way to each other"

"aww thanks. Also, lately I've been noticing that he's being more affectionate towards me like he's not afraid to kiss me or cuddle me in front of you guys and he definitely wouldn't have done that before. I love that he's more comfortable"

"well, I'm glad you two are happy. Where do you think this is going for the two of you?"

"well, at the moment, we have a house but we're still too young to get married or children. Although, we did sort fo talk about not wanting to raise them in LA and as soon as we were ready we would move out so he wanted our current house to be our last one"

"Aww, that's so cute, but I agree, you guys are too young like you've got your entire life ahead of you for children. Although, you might consider getting married a little sooner so he can get a green card you know. That way you guys can travel and he doesn't have to worry about it anymore."

"that would actually be smart but it would have to be in like a years time or so. I'm more the traditional sort in that sense where I need to have been with him for some time to be able to say yes"

"nat, you've practically been with the guy for 10 years. And if you really see this going somewhere int he future, you might enjoy the few years you have to travel now before kids come along"

"yeah, I guess you're right. Woe, I can't believe I'm talking about stable relationships and marriage with Corinna" We both laughed. "hey, just make sure you talk before anything else happen. That way you can avoid what happened last time and give it a real shot if you're honest"

"Yeah, I think I'll go talk to him tonight before dinner I'll pull him aside."

"great. Here" I said opening my arms wide for her to come and hug me. We hugged and I said "hey, by the way, Me, Jason and Taylor planned a surprise for David's birthday which he doesn't know about. Its why I got all of you to bring a white outfit"

"wait, really, tell me about it"

"okey so I got Ilya a ticket to fly out here and join us on the third day which is his birthday and then come back to LA with us"

"okey, he's going to love it already"

"then, I prepared a dinner at the beach with fireworks and two cakes, one for heath to destroy and the other to eat."

"Mhm" she nodded while smiling

"then we got him and the rest fo the group tickets to go skydiving which will give him footage and a wheel of things to film. One of which is me agreeing to kiss for his vlog"

"oh my god, he's going to die. Is that the present or did you get something on top of it?"

"well, because you just said about the marriage thing, I could marry him in like vegas or in court for him to get the green card and that could be used for a video or something and then in like a years time we have an actual ceremony"

"wait, that would be great and he could call on FaceTime from a different country and like prank the others like he can't come back or something"

"oh my god that would be hilarious. Okey but make sure you don't tell anybody, that present will be a secret."

"I'm so excited now."

"I know, me too. Okey let's go join the other's"

"fine but let me pick you out a swimsuit, I want you to show a little extra for David today"

"corinaaa" I said blushing

"Come here" she said draging me to her closet "here, put his on"

"wait, its gorgeous" I said excited

"I know and I know someone who will think so too"

"who zane?" I said sarcastically before we both laughed

"Okey I was thinking of David but in reality yeah both"

I did as she told me and put it on. I have to admit, I think I look pretty good in it. I looked over and she was wearing a one piece and I looked at her in surprise

"what, I don't want to give todd any ideas before we talk"

"Okey, I agree, let's go" I said and we both headed to the beach to join the others.

As we ran across the sand, I could see David with his camera pointed at me and he was practically drooling. Once I reached him I said "Take a picture, it'll last longer" and I laughed. He finally snapped out of it and asked me "where've you been?"

"Oh, I was in the house talking with corinna"

"about what?" he seemed intrigued and I knew he would be

"nothing, just girls stuff" which of course made him want to know even more but he knew I wouldn't budge so he let it go. He grabbed my hand and we went over to the others so he could continue filming them. We spent a wonderful time on the beach but after a couple of hours, we went back to the house to get ready for tonight. David was editing some footage and I was on my laptop answering emails when Ilya texted me. I asked him if he had everything ready and he said yeah. We made sure that everything was settled for him to arrive tomorrow morning and surprise everyone. I then went back to answering emails.

After a good 30 minutes We both started to get ready. We took another shower, this time together and I told him what to wear so he looked nice for pictures and stuff int he sunset. Of course he complained a little but I managed to get my way. We eventually went out to meet everyone all nicely dressed and we took pictures as a group. We then proceeded to go to the table and ate a wonderful dinner which was sort of like a buffet and David wouldn't stop making fun of my eating habits. We then all got little drunk, some more than others and we laughed the night away. I made sure not to drink too muck because I had to be up early to Open the door for Ilya when he arrived and hide him somewhere.


The next morning, I received a text at 6am and I knew it was Ilya, I looked and he said he had arrived and would be here in about 30 minutes. I decided to get up, make myself a coffee and one for him when he got here and start thinking of a place to hide him. Not long after he showed up and I already had so much more energy. We greeted each other like old friends and then I told him not to make noise because they were all sleeping. We looked around the house for a good 20 minutes before I told him to hide in Jasons room and if anyone came in, he should go in the closet. He agreed and we proceeded to got to Jason's room.

We opened the door and he was awake and talking to his kids on the phone. We greeted Ilya quietly and we told him our idea. Once everything was settled, I went back to bed and cuddled up to David so he didn't know that I had gotten up.

About 3 or 4 hours later the house started to fill with noise and David and I woke up. We remained in pyjamas and we went out to have breakfast. We realised that everyone was already up and we were all sitting around the living room having a bite to eat. After about half an hour when we had really woken up, I signalled for Jason to start. I quickly ran to our room and got David's camera and hid it so he couldn't see it. The rest were too involved in the conversation to realise Ilya crawl over to behind David's couch. 3 seconds later, Ilya had jumped up, leaving everyone screaming in shock and excitement and David asking where he had come from. Once everything was settle down, we explained to him that this was his surprise which wasn't the whole truth but it also wasn't a complete lie.

David was happy to have him here and couldn't believe that we had been able to pull this off without hi knowing. I then showed him the camera and once again he got excited to see all the reactions. He hugged me and kissed me as a thank you and I winked at Corinna.

A little later, the rest of our friends were out doing something and I once again pulled corinna aside to see what they got to last night.

"sooo? what didi you tell him?"

"well, we had a serious talk"

"that's a first"

"Okey, so, anyways, we talked about where we wanted it to go wand what it meant for the both of us and we got to the conclusion that we want to be fully committed in this and give it a go so we are officially dating"

"oh my god I so happy for the both of you" I said while hugging her

"Okey and we hay or may not have slept together last night" she said cringing a little"

"Well, I didn't doubt it would happen but so much for taking it slow" and we both laughed. "honestly I'm happy for the both of you and I will keep it quiet until you guys are ready to tell"

"thanks nat" she said while giving me another hug.

I gathered everyone in the living room and said "so, I have planned a second surprise and everyone is going to do it for the clog of course and there is no saying no."

They were all excited but terrified at this point to I said, Get dressed in casual wear and meet me outside in 20 minutes!" I said and they all scrambled to get ready.

"nat can you at lest tell me what it is?"

"I'm not telling anyone, specially not you"

"come on?!?!" he said like a little kid

"Don't worry, you're going to like it"

"fineee" he said while grabbing my ass

"hey" I sort of jumped

"that's karma" he said and we laughed.

We were all now ready to go in the minibus and I told them all to wear blindfolds. The drive was only 10 minutes and I filmed them all with the blindfolds having a conversation not knowing where to point their heads. It was hilarious. Once we got there, Jason and I lined them all outside and said, okey, you make take you blindfolds off because you are going to need to see when you are skydiving. As soon as I said that, everyone went crazy. There was some excitement, some people were terrified but they were all willing to do it because of David.

We were now all on the plane and ready to jump. A we did, each in our own turn, I turned to David, kissed him and then jumped. He jumped straight after me. Overall the experience was great and I know I earned him a lot of footage which is what he was most thankful for. Once we were heading back he said "Is there anything else that I should be preparing for?"

"I think that was enough surprises for one day don't you think"I said while laughing and so did he. The rest of the day was spent being our usual 5 year old selves until I sent them all a text at 6 which read "all be ready at the beach at 7:30 wearing you all white outfit for pictures, and the sunset" Not wanting to give out more of the surprise that was to come. I saw everyone leave to get ready and I took David with me to our room. He was curious as to what we were doing tonight but I wasn't going to reveal anything. I took him in to the shower with me and he said "what is thins for" as he enjoyed it

"well a pre-birthday present" I said and kissed him

"well, don't stop. I just wish it was my birthday everyday."

After we got out, I went to the closet and I put on my white outfit and handed him his. He looked little confused but I said "It's so you look nice plus I wanted to match with you tonight so we could take pictures" I kissed him and he gave up and put it on.

"nat, It doesn't nook good on me" he complained

"david, you look so handsome" I said surprised

"really?" he said not sure of himself

"Im positive" I said while giving him another kiss. Everyone else was out but the beach ready for the shoot and that made it easier for them not to spoil the surprise with their all white outfits. We reached the beach hand in hand and he was surprised to find that everyone was in white

"wow, we all look sooo cute " erin said and we all laughed. We took so many pictured that night and I even agreed to some of David and I kissing. We eventually moved on to the meal and at the end of the meal they brought out two cakes. David looked at me confused

"Ones for Heath and the other is to eat" now they all seemed to cheer and that was when David realised that the night ahead was going to be a long one. We all sung happy birthday and he blew out the candles. Right after, he turned to me and kissed me. They all cheered and we went back to party mode.

Around 20 minutes later when we had all started to drink a little, I called everyone over "so, it wouldn't be a real david birthday party without the wheel of dobrik!" and everyone cheered. "Since we are in Hawaii, there are a couple of different things on it but its' still the same concept. David, I'm granting you with three spins" Everyone cheered and David got his camera ready.

I pulled out the wheel. He got ready and he spun it. We all waited impatiently until it landed "Todd and Corinna takeout???" of course I had asked them before hand if it was okey and they had agreed. Everyone else was surprised but they didn't even hesitate. They just went for it and everyone cheered on.

Next spin and it landed on shooting with a paintball gun to whoever he wants which he of course took as every boy.

Last spin and we were all excited to see where it landed. He placed his hand on the side of the wheel and with full force he spun it. We all crowded around impatiently waiting for it to stop and then suddenly, it landed on david and I makeout for the camera and he looked at me in reassurance but I just went for it. I grabbed the back of his neck without hesitating and pulled him closer to me, I closed my eyes and lifted my chin up slightly so I was now kissing David. I noticed that he was getting deeper and deeper in to it and I allowed him entrance. I was lost in him. I couldn't even hear our friends chant and scream for a good 5 seconds until I regained consciousness and I pulled back. Both of us left with dumb smiled on our faces still staring at each other. I approached my mouth to his ear and whispered "Later" and licked my lips and I saw the hairs on his neck rise as he smiled weakly.

After a few more seconds we joined the rest who were getting ready for Heath to jump on the cake.

The rest of the night flew by and we took it in as much as we could but we also partied like never before.


I woke up the next day with a banging headache. The sky was completely clear and I looked over at my phone and it was 2pm. I couldn't hear any noises from outside which meant that everyone else must still be sleeping. Wow that was one hell of a night. I turned in between the sheets until I was facing David and I noticed that he was slowly waking up. I kissed him to fully wake him up and I said "happy birthday love" in a gently whisper and he returned the favour with another kiss.

"Last night was great" he told me and I looked around and all I could see were out clothes scattered on the floor

"yeah it was" I said with a smile as I remembered the events of the party last night and later on our own private party in the room. I snuggled up closer to him if that was even possible and laid there in his arms.

"I feel like enjoying today. we already got so much footage yesterday, I feel like today we should take it slow"

"well thank god because its already 2:30pm so is that slow enough for you"

"that seems about right."

"hey, I had a vlog idea for you and I think that if we do it it could be one of your best ones yet but it will take a lot of time and I don't know if you're down for it. It will be like my personal birthday present to you"

"what, all of yesterday wasn't enough?!" he said chuckling in disbelief

"well this one is more personal for you and I"

"Okey, go ahead"

"well, one of your most famous videos is the marriage one, right"


"And the only one thing that you don't have is a green card soo?"

"Go on" he said intrigued"

"I thought that you and I could go to vegas or to the court house and get legally married..." I was interrupted

"Nat..." But I didn't want him to say anything

"just listen and then you can tell me."


"so we get married, then file for you to get your green card. That will take a while which we can keep a secret. Once you have it, you and I can organise a flight to wherever you want and we go there for a couple of days. Once we are there, without telling anyone, you FaceTime them and tell them that you have been deported and won't be able to come back in the US for 10 years. That will sure give you a reaction and the liberty to go out of the country. And I know you're going to tell me that you don't want to marry me just for the video but, I don't mind if we can have an actual ceremony in like a years or two years time when we are ready to be married. I know we are still young but we know that we want to spend the rest of our lives together and we should enjoy the little time we have now before we have kids to travel and to as much crazy shit as possible"

"Nat..... I... I don't know what to say"

"David say yes"

"Of course that sounds like a great video but are you sure? I mean what will our parents say?"

"David, you got married to Lorraine"

"i know but that one was a joke, I actually want this one to be real. I've told you how much you mean to me"

"that's why we can have an actual wedding another time" I reassured him

"Are you 100% sure"


"okey, then, we're getting married. Come here" I did as he told me and I kissed him passionately.

after about 10 more minutes of just cuddling and going through tiktok together, we decided to get up. I guess we were happier than we thought because as soon as we came out of the room, David and I had the craziest smiles on our faces and a couple of our friends pointed them out asking if we had just had sex. We merely brushed it off and said that it was because ti was his birthday which they simply ate up.

When we were all having breakfast they asked if we had a plan for today and I said that today was relax and get over our hangover because tomorrow we were going to a theme water park. They all agreed that this was a good idea and we all went to get out swimsuits. Once again, I pulled Corinna aside and I asked her how Todd and her were doing "well, its still going great. He slept in my room last night so I'm guessing Jeff now knows but we didn't do anything. It was purely to cuddle and it felt good" she said all this while a huge blush appeared on her face. "so, are you going to tell me why mr and mrs dobrik are so happy?"

"shut up!!!" I said giggling, no one is supposed to find out, but he said yes"

"oh my god congrats!!!"

"thanks" I said and hugged her. We then each wen back to our rooms to get Changed. 

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