Driven Apart

By Brendanational

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( COMPLETED ) Type a young omega is been forced into a marriage to pay his father debts, but along the line... More

The Proposal
His New Home


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By Brendanational


Tharn and Type were both sitted at the table in Type's quarters, it was dark outside, already evening,  they had just finished having dinner and we're waiting for  type's man servant to clear the table.
This evening, they were unusually quiet, no one said a word during the meal, the atmosphere was tense for some reason and they both knew why.

Today was the last day to complete the two months assigned to Type for his recovery, and earlier that day the physician had came to see Type ,so she could conduct her regular check ups.


The physician had just finished up with her checkup ,that's when she asked,
''Type what your relationship with the prince, I have heard some strange stories about you too, but before I make my conclusion, I would like to hear it from you first, so tell me what is it''.
Type felt embarrassed by this, but he should have expected it, people are always going to talk, whether it concerns them or not.

''Prince Tharn is a very good friend,'' type said.

'' Well whatever your relationship is, concerns me not, what I care for is your health, and from my results, Type you are beyond healed, your body responds like that of some one who never even had Omega Lisis, your time here and the prince's care has helped you recover''said the physician smiling.

''Really '' asked Type shocked and in disbelief.

''Yes I am''she said ''you can even go back home now ''

''so what you are saying is that I am well enough to go home ''asked Type

''Yes you are, but it's up to you of course, you can choose to stay here in the palace or go back to your Alpha, it your choice, you have the right to make the decision best suited for you, okay?''she said actively looking at Type's eyes.

''Okay, thank you''said type

''Just make sure to tell me your decision before your next check up, so I know we're to go, okay'' the physician added, then after she left Type to his thoughts.

The present

Type's Pov
Type had been thinking on his decision, on what actions to take.he was also worried, why? One may asked.
Firstly he was not sure he wanted to return back to Lhong, you see he didn't even see the man as his Alpha anymore, when ever he thought of the man, all he felt was this emptiness that threatens to eat away at him, but also he felt obligated to go back to the man, after all he did save his family six years ago. But the truth of the matter was that, whatever love he had for the man died when he went into Lisis and Tharn's care was what brought him back.
Yes! Tharn, the crown prince, this man made him so happy, for some reason he could lighting type's heart with just a smile ,and the past month the man had cared for him and had treated him with so much kindness and respect that type couldn't lie that this made him alittle suspicions of his actions.
Type wonders, why did Tharn care so much, was it because type  was his best friend's mate or because he was like that to everyone or may be, just maybe ,Tharn had feelings for him. If it was the first, this left a bitter feeling in his heart , but if it was the last reason type was confused on how to respond to that, so yes type was really In a dilemma.
Should he stay and be a burden on the prince or go back home to his family and ending his union with Lhong thereby risking his families safety or should he go back to a man he didn't love. What was he to do?.

General  Pov

They both watched as the table was cleared and tea brought for them, while they sat quietly.
Tharn was the one who spoke first.

''So what did your physician say? '' he asked trying to make his voice sound neutral even though he was dreading type's answer.

''She said l had healed better than expected and was free to leave the palace when ever I choose, that it was up to me'' answered Type  a little sad, was this it  was the Tharn finally going to asked him to leave, of course he was, why won't he type has been nothing but a burden on him the last two months.
That's when Tharn  smelled  the sour aroma in the air, the scent  was coming from type.
This past month of spending time with the Type, as allowed him  the privilege of knowing the scent emitted by type whenever he was sad or worried ,and he hated it, he could not stand the fact that he was the reason for this sadness.

Tharn wanted Type to know how special the man was to him, he wanted to confess his true feelings, that he loves him, but he knew this was not the time for that. Type was still recovering from a heartbreak, so Tharn settled with just letting the omega know he was wanted.

''Stay''said tharn, ''I want you to stay for as long as you want, having you here the past months has brought me so much joy, so I will be selfish and asked right now to stay, please. ''said type looking at type, in other to lock eyes with the young omega, but Type still refuse to look up, his face was down cast look at his fingers instead.

''Type look at me ''said tharn as he reached over the table to raise type's faces with his finger gently so that the young man was now looking directly into his eyes .
''please stay, I want you to stay here with me'',said Tharn.

Type could not deny the sincerity in the Alpha's eyes, the man truly wanted him to stay, and with that  came the realisation, the ever present feeling of happiness and longing, for what he knew not, and as quickly as those feelings came, so also the feelings of guilt and fear for his family and something else he could not really make heads of.

''I don't want to be a burden on you, this past two months, you have devoted so much of your time to me, neglecting others, I can't stay any longer than necessary, I should leave before I caused any more trouble for you,'' type said.

At this words Tharn let go of type's cheek as if burned.

''What are you  talking about?, neglect who''asked tharn confused.

''You have concubines who depend on you for  love and care, because of my presence here you have neglected those duties and this makes me feel  responsible for their sadness,  After all I know what it's like when you loose someone you love, '' added type a wave of sadness taking over him again. He could feel the tears gathering in his eyes as he tried to will them away.

Tharn watched type and he knew something else must have happened to make the young omega speak this way, and he was going to find out which one of his concubines had had the audacity to speak of his neglecting them, to type, and he was sure going to punish them for it. How dare they try to come inbetween him and type.

''Type which of my concubines came to you, tell me'' asked tharn.

''No one did''lied type.

''you are lying'', said tharn in an agitated voice, it was clear he was getting angry.

''If you refuse to speak then I will punish both of them and everyone in their residence including the house servants, so I ask again who came to  you''said asked tharn again.

Tharn was stirring at type waiting for an answer and it was clear he was not bluffing, the man was been serious.

Over the years type has gotten to know this man, he has come to learn that Tharn was a man of his words and when he said something he always went through with it never going back on his words. So when he said he was going to punish everyone if type didn't come clean he sure as hell meant it too.

So type decided then he was not going to be the reason why innocent people are punished, not when what, that SoSoNeon of a woman had said, was partly true no matter how hurt he had been after words.

''If I tell you, you have to promise me that you won't punish anyone not even the culprit, promise me!''said Type.

''fine, I won't, now will you tell me? '' asked Tharn.
''fine, it was a few day ago I was at the garden'', said type


General Pov

Type was sitted at the garden as usual, nursing a book ,when the light on his book suddenly got darker, so he raised his a head to  check if the sunlight had been covered by clouds, only to discover it wasn't clouds but instead the figure of a beautiful young omega woman staring down at him, he was shocked, how had she gotten so close without him even noticing,he must have really lost himself  in this book.

Type stood up from his sit to greet her.
''Good afternoon my lady, sorry for not noticing your presence earlier.''said Type
''No worries ,it's fine, my name is SoSoNeon, the first concubine of the crown prince Tharn and you must be Type his best friend Lhongs only concubine, if am correct'' she said making it sound like an insult instead of the fact it is.

''Yes, that would be me''said type in a calm tone, so this was one of Tharn's concubine, he only knew of their existence, never really met them though, after the palace was a big place with three exit, at least that was know by everyone, not counting the secret passages Lhong always talked about, he said Tharn sometimes use them to sneak out at night but he always refuse to tell them their location.  So if you actively do not which to see someone it would be easy to evade them.

''So my lady what do I owe the honor of your visit , please have a sit''said type showing her the bench .

''Thank you '' sosomeon said as she sat down.

Now that they were both sitted. SoSoNeon looked at type before speaking .

''My prince told me of your arrival two months ago and about your illness, I am sorry about what happened to you, it's such a pity. The prince also said that we should leave you alone to heal that on no circumstances should we border you, and that all the help you need will be provided in the form of servants .

He also said that you were precious to his friend, and that he left you in his care because your Alpha trust him the most and he had made a promise to Lhong to take care of you.

So naturally we obeyed our Alpha, but you know what, he lied to us, the reason he wanted us to stay away is not because of what he said, but instead because of his feelings for you''said said SoSoNeon.

''what feelings?, where are you going with this?, ''asked Type  getting scared, what was this woman trying to say.

''what I am trying to say is that the prince is in love with you, and he knew if we his omega's saw you too together, we would know and he wants to keep it a secrete.
well the secret is out everyone knows, for heaven's sake anyone with eyes can see it ,the man looks at you like a goddess, he finds every tiny excuse to touch you, and his scent when you are around is so strong that most Alphas stay away from you two'', Said SoSoNeon.

''Now what is suspicious about all this is the fact that his feelings for you didn't just start, in fact I think he has been in love with you for a long time, and then there is you, for an omega who just went through Lesis,you sure did bounce back fast'', said SoSoNeon .

''Okay, why don't you just say what you want to say, humm'' said type getting angry with every word this woman spit from her mouth, how could she accused the prince of this, he was an honorable man and he would not pursue Type, this woman was just making up stories.

''What she is trying to say is, are you in love with the prince,and was all this a lie so that you could come here and be with him and be together '' said someone from behind type.

Type turned back to see a very handsome young man a beta no less, he had a small statue and big doe eyes, if not for the situation he was in he would have called the man handsome.

''And who are you! '' asked type feeling trapped all of a sudden, who ever this man was had fire in his eyes and it was clear he came for a fight.

''I am Tar, prince Tharn's second concubine  and you are the whore who has been flunting himself in front of the prince, seducing him, do you have no shame, just because your Alpha left you does not give you the right to steal someone's else Alpha you overgrown omega, you taboo, men are not supposed to be omega's, do you here me, that's why so are barren, just a freak of nature, there is nothing special about you. I don't even see  what he sees in you.
You must be very good at sucking his dick, because thats the only use for those big lips of yours''said Tar smirking, he could see the look of anger in type's eyes, all that remains is for the man to get so angry that he hits him and that's all he needs to get him out of the palace.
So Tar walks forward and shoves Type just enough to get the point across but not so hard  that he falls on the ground.

''what you have nothing to say, that means I'm right, you are nothing but a lying whore. '' said Tar.

The few minutes Type has known this man, he had realized he hated this man, he had never been so insulted in his life before  and for what? jealousy.

Then to make matters worse this man shoved him and at that moment he almost snapped and wanted to break his neck.
But then he reminds himself, he was a guest here, and whatever he does will only tell if he was innocent of this accusations or in fact guilty.
So Type took in a few calming breaths,  turned around so he was face to face with SoSoNeon.
''I have no intention .......of stealing yours ........or anyone else's Alpha......... and no .......I am not in love....... with Prince Tharn ......and also I did not....... fake Lesis'', He said the last part almost in tears, feeling completely drained, why can't he just have peace.

With that Type was ready to leave and not look back when SoSoNeon  held his hand to stop him.

''If you have no feelings for him, then tell him now, before his feelings develop any further, you have nothing to offer him, but shame and disgrace ,so please end things, she said in a calm voice unlike tar's, then she let  go of his hand  , he walked away with a new found heaviness in his heart.
Since that day he had been troubled, and he kept asking himself one question, was he in love with tharn and was tharn in love with him and how long has he been in love with him.

The present

So that's what happened, said type finishing the story.
Tharn was beyond angry, how could his concubines do this to poor type, By the heavens, Type, who had endured those insults, Tharn knew if it had been him  in that scenario, he would have buried them alive.
So saying tharn was beyond angry at the moment was an understatement. Tharn kept thinking of ways to punish both his concubines without having them floged when he heard Type ask him a question.

''What did you say? '' asked tharn.

''I said is it true what they  said? '' asked Type.

''Is what true ?'' asked tharn.

''Is it true that you are in love with me? '' asked Type.

The air in the room was immediately sucked and tharn could hardly breathe, at least it was for tharn.

How he answered this question would determine his future with Type, should he lie or come true about his feelings. He was contemplating this when he heard the commotion coming from outside type's quarters, he immediately got up to investigate, thanking what ever deity was out there for the rescue. But when he got outside he realise he had spoken too early.

There standing below the steps and been held abay by guards was no other than Lhong himself .
''I said let me in! '' said Lhong in a loud and angry voice.
''let me in so I can see my mate, I have the right to see type, the two months are over, let me in so I can take him home''said Lhong.

''Master Lhong, I am sorry but that not possible, no Alpha is allowed to go near master Type without the prince's express permission ''said one of the prince's guards who had accompanied the prince here to have dinner with Type.

Lhong looked closely at the guards that is when he realized these were no ordinary guards, they were Tharn's personal guards and one thing he knew was,  they were always by the prince side, so if you saw them it meant the prince was close by, therefore the only reason they would be here is if the prince was here as well.
That's when it doned on him, Tharn was in the room alone with his omega, only heavens knew what he was doing  in there with type.

''He is in there isn't he'' Lhong said with so much resentment as he reached for his sword ready fight his name Way in.

Not wanting the situation to escalate any further, Tharn walked down the stairs to meet Lhong.

''My friend I don't think there is need to raise your sword, I am sorry for my guards behavior, they were only obeying orders, I told them earlier that no Alpha should be allowed into Type's residence. Sorry again, please do. Come in so we can discuss.

They both made their way into the room as Lhong walked ahead of him inpatiently .

When he got inside the room, he saw Type sited at the table looking even more beautiful than he remembers.
He immediately made his way to the omega and sat beside him ,then taking Type's hand in his.
Tharn sat opposite them watching the seen on fold before his eyes, he could not deny the jealousy eating away at his heart at that moment.

Lhong watched Type, he could not deny the fact that the man looked better than the last time he saw him and his skin shined in the candle light.

Then he looked at the room, there was no evidence of fowl play, tea was placed on the table and two cups were already filled ready to be drank.

Type at that moment felt loss for words ,and his skin crawled with Lhongs touch, and his scent made him feel uneasy, he just wanted the man gone and away from here.

''My friend it's always good to see you, but why are you here at this hour demanding to see Type, you could've come tomorrow morning, as you can see all is well and okay, or is there something going on that I am not aware about ?''asked Tharn.

''I don't know, after all you are the one who has been with type all this while, why don't you tell me why there is a rumour going about town that my omega has become your new lover and that you too spend every waking hour together, and also that you   spend  hours at night in his quarters or in some cases yours ,together ,so it's safe to say, I get worried, After all my omega is as beautiful as the morning sun ,it won't be a surprise if it happens that you fell in love with him. ''said Lhong.

''Lhong I never took you for the kind of man that listen to rumors and gossip '',said Tharn.

''So its all lies then, okay fine, look me in the eyes and tell me you still have honor ,and have not fallen for my omega and that all those rumors about you courting him are untrue '',said Lhong.

Tharn knew he had to lie or Lhong would take Type back if he knew his true feelings for the omega in the room, Lhong would not only take Type away from him but make sure Tharn never saw the omega again, even though Lhong had messed up, in the eyes of the law, Type was still his omega and had all rights to the man, not even Tharn can break their union.

This law was passed centuries ago after a particularly powerful Alpha used his influence and wealth to steal the mates of others, but no one could do anything to him,because those mates left willingly, so a new law was made that no union can be broken unless both parties agree to it and any child conceive should be given a loving family unless in situations were one party died.
So it was, you could cheet on your mate even take concubines, but a permanent separation can not be archive onless both parties agree to it.

''No I do not love Type in a romantic way, but I do love and care for him like I do you and by extension him as well, that's why I have been so attentive to his care, please don't let what people say drive a wedge between us '',said tharn with every fiber of his been rejecting his words, he could feel the bile in his throat, treating to come out, his heart ached as well.

Type On hearing those words felt his body loss all it's strength, it was like someone had pulled out his spine and his heart at the same time  and crushed it, he felt his throat become dry, when he tried reaching for the tea cup to quench the dryness, his hands felt heavy and began to shake, it was like the night Lhong told him of his lover all over again, he knew then with all his might he had fallen in love with Tharn but the man had broken it again.
No !type thought he was not going to suffer this a second time, so he searched within him and buried the feeling so deep that in the end all he felt was emptiness as he took one breath and all his emotions went with it as well.

''Well that's good to know said Lhong,
Then I would spend the night here and by tomorrow I will take Type back home with me, were he belongs, and Tharn, thank you for taking care of my heart''.Lhong added smiling.

But Tharn was in disbelief, he had lied so Type would remain here but now Lhong was taking him  away anyway, why!?he had to say something.

''Are u sure about this, the physician expressly said Type should stay here,'' said tharn .

''Don't worry tharn I won't put Type danger like that, I have spoken to her and she said Type could go back home whenever he wanted,'' said Lhong .

''Then let ask him if he is ready'',said Tharn.

''I am'' said Type saying something for the first time since Lhong arrived.
''Are you sure '' asked Tharn as Lhong smile in glee beside Type .

''yes I am, now I wish to sleep, please will you two leave me be, thank you''. Type said it all in a neutral and emotionless voice that scared tharn and Lhong, they have never heard the omega speak like this before .

At the end they were both so confused to ask anymore questions so they left the omega to himself.

Unknowing to them, that day Type had made a decision, his choice to lock his heart and soul from everyone and then

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