Our Fate

By crimsoncosmo

9.5K 369 46

Based on Naruto Shippuden The Movie. While on a mission to protect a priestess with the power of foresight, (... More

Land of Ogres
Change of Plans
The End


785 36 14
By crimsoncosmo

Night had fallen and we had made a burial for Taruho nearby. We each said our prayers to him before standing up.

"We'll stay here and stop the enemy. You two go on ahead," said Neji to Naruto and I. "You two will be responsible for taking Lady Shion to the Sealing Shrine."

"Us? But why us?" I asked.

"Neji, their deaths have been foretold and you're sending them?" Lee worriedly looked at Naruto and I and wanted to volunteer to go in our stead.

"Yeah, one of us should g-" but Sakura was cut off my Neji.

"No. That's the reason why they should go. I have a feeling you two can do this."

Naruto and I looked at each other and nodded our heads. I went on over and crouched into a squat to allow Shion to get on my back. Once I felt her get on, I made sure to hold onto her legs. Our friends said some last encouraging words before we left.

It had not taken long before we arrived at a cliff that overlooked an area filled with rocks and across all those rocks was an entrance.

"I guess we're here. I mean it's the only place with an entrance." I felt my grasp on Shion slipping and settled her on the ground. "Your turn to carry her, Naruto."

Shion walked over to Naruto and he hoisted her up on his back. "Alright! Now go seal that Moryo quickly and defy that so-called destiny of yours!"

"They call it destiny because you can't-" she stopped talking once Naruto jumped off the small cliff.

"We'll show you how it's done!"

We landed on the ground and started running but the ground began to rumble. We turned around and saw the rocks begin to break and there appeared the Terracotta Army that we heard about.

"Damn, they're here already. Move forward," I commanded and Naruto kept moving forward and eventually covered some ground while I used a wind style Justu to blast them away.

I jumped away as an axe was brought down in front of me and a shadow loomed over in the sky.

"(Y/n)!" I looked up once I heard Naruto call out my name only to see Shion slip from Naruto's grasp and was slowly falling somewhere where there was no ground she could land on. He motioned for me to catch her and I fled the battle and ran towards the edge of another cliff before using my strength to push off and leap towards her. As I was reaching for her, my eyes wandered down to stare at the vast abyss that lay under my feet, but there was a clear lake at the very bottom.

I lifted my eyes back and grabbed Shion's ankle before I spun myself to grab some momentum. I threw her back up in the air and she vehemently screamed at me, but I could care less about that right now. Naruto managed to catch her in the air and I was now quickly falling.

"(Y/n)!!" Screamed out Naruto.

I rummaged through my pouch and grabbed a kunai and used it to stab the wall, but the tip broke off. I sent chakra to my feet and tried to get my feet to stick to the wall, but they wouldn't and as a result, I slipped off.

I turned my body around to face the ever approaching lake and braced myself to fall in the water. A little water isn't going to hurt me, right?

But I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me. The orange sleeves gave away who it was and we plunged into the water. His hold on me loosened and I pulled his arm towards me and led us up to the surface.

I crawled out of the water and hacked up the small bit of water that made its way into my system. I was drenched from head to toe and my hair was sticking to my face.

"What the...hell Naruto...you should've kept going," I coughed out as I took in a deep breath before whipping my head behind me to see him crawl out of the water as well.

His forehead protector was slipping and covering his eyes, but he grabbed it and took it off. "I wasn't going to leave you behind. What if you had gotten hurt? Those who abandon their friend are worse than scum, remember?" He stood up and extended his hand out to me and I grabbed his hand as he pulled me up on my feet.

I sighed at him and removed a strand of hair that was clinging to my face. "Yes I do, but remember I'm not going to get hurt here. If anywhere it's up there where she foretold my death. Getting Shion to the shrine is more important right now. Where is she anyways?"

He pointed a finger up to the sky and saw what I assumed to be his shadow clone holding onto Shion as they descended down from the cliff and landed right in front of us. He placed her down against a tree and she stared at our soaked appearance before turning her head away from us.

"You didn't have to save me. You should've let me fall to my death," she mumbled.

"We've come this far and you expect us to just let you die? Sorry but no," I grabbed the hem of my shirt and began to wring it out. I ruffled my (h/l) (h/c) hair and ended up leaving it an unkept mess.

"You wouldn't have to die if you didn't save me. At least, not until Moryo destroys the world."

Naruto turned his back to us and ruffled his spiky blonde hair. He shook his head to dry his hair off, but his locks of hair fluttered in the air. The way his hair swayed in the air as the tiny droplets of water dripped from his hair left me awestruck and mesmerized. A blush dusted my cheeks at how handsome he looked right now and from the corner of my eye, I saw Shion stare at Naruto as well and I could tell she was speechless. She saw me looking at her and she turned around in embarrassment.

I mean who wouldn't be able to keep their eyes off him. He was pretty good-looking.

Naruto placed his forehead protector back on and confidently said, "We're not going to die though. There's no way. I'll make sure of it."

"It's useless," scoffed Shion and Naruto argued with her about how none of us were going to die.

"Shion." Shion turned her head to face me and I extended my hand out to her. "Just trust him on this. If he says he won't let either one of us die, then he means it. We'll protect you. So, let's go."

She hesitantly reached for my hand before she grabbed it and stood up. Naruto had crouched down and allowed her to get back up on his back. She tightly held onto him and whispered loud enough for us to hear.

"Promise me."

"I promise on my Ninja Way!"

Shion glanced at me and I mouthed 'I promise' while I kept my hands behind my back with my fingers crossed as I lied right to her face because I didn't want to make any promises about that.

The night I had that dream I was trying to save Naruto and I'll do it again in a heartbeat. If that's how I die then so be it.

But I'll make sure he lives.

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