Hero's Journey (A Percy Jacks...

By PLPanda

281K 5.1K 3.4K

After defeating Gaia Percy is being forced to become god, but instead he asks to be sent to the world where n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25

Chapter 24

3.2K 59 22
By PLPanda

A/N yes, Hero's Darkness is the working title of the sequel to this story. But I will not be writing it at least until November if my publication plan works.

"Wh-What do you mean return. I died."

"Indeed. But you weren't judged yet. Gods can't enter the sealed world just like that. Yet, there exist some... loopholes to this rule. I need you to...

For the next half an hour, Hades explained certain things to Secret. Finally, she thought about it for a moment.

"But... Are you sure I will be able to become normal again?"

"It remains to be seen. It isn't exactly something that happens often. Or ever. I can promise that you will always have a place at Elysium, provided you fulfill your end of a deal."

Both Persephone and Nico remained silent for the whole ordeal. Their expressions didn't even change. Those who did not know better could think that they are indeed mother and son and not step-mother and step-son.

Secret gave it some more thought. "I agree."

November 13, 00:16

When Hades offered her the deal, she did not expect the task to be so hard. When she was just a kid, she loved to watch all this superheroes fight bad guys. Now she was supposed to help dispose of one of the greatest bad guys in the history. But in the cartoons finding villain always seemed so simple. Just go to a bar, ask for him and he will come. Or ask some thugs who will cower in fear and point you to him. Real life was much harder.

Secret was merely ten. She had no way of going to the bar and common thugs had no knowledge where to find who she was looking for. The man commonly known just as 'Wizard'. It was part of the greater plan and Hades with his son chose him for it. She was just supposed to do the hard part of finding him and doing the deed. That's why she found herself in a gloomy bar in liverpool. She was still dressed like the way she died, with eerie aura surrounding her. The whole place seemed empty except for a bartender who had his back turned and one other man sitting by the counter with half-empty bottle of whiskey. He was smoking even though next to him was a sign 'No smoking in the bar', but since the owner didn't mind she figured they must be friends or something. Secret walked to the man and pulled his duster to get his attention.

"Mister Constantine? May I have a word?"

John Constantine, in some circles known as Hellblazer or just prick, was an experienced magician. He could feel the aura of death approach him, but he did not expect a prepubescent girl in white dress and white hairband. "Who in the bloody hell are you, girl?"

Secret was really nervous. Even in life, she was always a shy one. Her only friend was her older brother. At least until he lost his mind and killed her. "Secret!" She blurted without control. It was kinda an instinct, to answer all question with that word. Nico called it... 'her ghostly quirk'. Apparently, some spirits had it after death. It was still better than more violent alternative: Obsession. She was not keen on forever trying to kill her brother or haunt her place of life just because she was restless.

"Huh?" Constantine was confused. He tried to get a grip on this girl and when he opened his 'third eye' he almost fell from the stool. "You are a bloody ghost."

"S-Sorry sir. I-I meant that my name is Secret. Not like I don't tell you. It's just what I am called. Secret." She babbled for a moment. Get it together. You are here to get it done with and hopefully return to normal...

"Listen girl. I don't know what happened to you that you can't have eternal peace or whatever bullshit, but I am too sober to deal with it. Come back in three hours and I will try to send you on your way." John was in no mood to do anything. He just learned his sister died, killed by a demon to get back at him.

"Mister. I am here as a messenger from Hades." She gathered herself.

"Huh? Bloody hell. What are you talking about?"

"The lord of the dead wants to ask you for a favor. I need to find a man known as 'wizard'. I was hoping you might help me." This man was slightly too intimidating. There was this aura of 'I don't care whether I live or die'.

"And what might Hady offer me, huh? It's not like the old guy can protect me from damnation." Constantine was too skeptical.

Secret closed her eyes for a moment and looked like she tried hard to concentrate on something. After she opened them again, she was far more confident. "He asked me to tell you one name: Cheryl."

In an instant, John dropped his bottle. "What?"

"He says that he is willing to give her to you in exchange for help."

"Bullshit. Hades never releases souls. He has stick too deep into his ass to even slightly bend rules. Everyone knows it."

"It is not the case here. He is looking at the bigger picture. Sir, if you are unwilling to help, I will understand and take this matter to someone else."

"Bloody hell I am interested." All the caution was thrown out of the window. John was willing to risk many things if it meant fixing this mistake of his. It was worst decision ever to go and see his sister. Especially knowing that demons were after him. But how could he know that they would kill her just to spite him.

"Good. Sir, I need you to find and help subdue William I. Zard, also known as Wizard."

"That's it? He is in Belle Reve with the other idiots who separated the worlds of Adult and children a while back." Hellblazer almost chuckled at how easy the task was. "Now about my sister."

Secret closed her eyes and concentrated once more. This time, it was far shorter. She smiled and opened her eyes. "Your sister will return soon, once my ordeal is sorted. Be patient. He told me to thank you for the cooperation."

Belle Reve
November 13, 0:33

Secret entered the prison without any problem. Among her powers were mist transformation and shadow-travel. She slipped through all the guard patrols and walked into the Warder office without any problem. She was so excited. It was like this spy cartoon she watched, about a girl who became a spy and saved the world, except she actually had superpowers! Silently, she walked to the computer and opened the catalog with files regarding the prisoners. Wizard was apparently in solitary cell because of his magical power. The problem? It was warded against most magic (courtesy of Zatara).

"Uh... Maybe..." She pressed another button and noticed that the doors to the cell opened. She panicked and in a puff! of smokey mist she disappeared from the office. Secret found herself face-to-face with William I. Zard.

"Huh. Who are you?"

"Um... Are you mister Zard?" Secret asked, even is she knew the truth.

"Why yes my child. I am indeed Lord William Zard the second. Now what would a lost spirit like you want from me?" Obviously, he already knew that the girl was a ghost. Aura of death around her was unmistakable.

"I am the messenger of the god of Magic. I came to say you..." Suddenly, her eyes glowed deep purple and the aura of death flared. Zard tried to blast her, but he was too slow. She rose her hand and purple beam hit him. "Mage vilem abierunt felis veniam familiaribus. Qui venturus est in mundum ut efferant universa serve Dei Magia. Non erit alligatus, quem tandem abutere in virtute. Quaeque tua est pietas, ut ne mors custodiebantur per ipsum" [1] In an instant, purple smoke enveloped the sorcerer and when it died down, in his place stood a Persian cat. He was mostly black with gray sideburns and golden outline of his right eye. Secret pulled out a silver collar from a hidden pocket and put in his neck. There was a symbol emblazoned on it: A skull and two burning torches.

Suddenly, both cat and the god shimmered and disappeared just as guards in tactical gear rushed to this wing. They looked around, only to find empty solitary cell and no traces of convict.

Wally and Artemis decided to follow the strange teen. They seemed to recall someone like that from mythology, but the details couldn't just come to them. It wasn't like it could turn much worse than that anyway. They were already two souls floating in the void.

"At least we are together." Wally grabbed Artemis' hand to make sure she is there.

"So cute I almost want to go and shoot someone for balance." Nico groaned. "You act like some son of Aphrodite. I am not in a mood for this. Now hurry up. I must lead you out of the void before we can properly get to my father's palace."

After floating for a bit two heroes and a god found themselves stopped by some invisible force. Or maybe visible, but in the same color as everything else here: black. Wally was about to ask what to do now when Nico pulled one of his swords and slashed. Both heroes felt a brief pain all over their bodies before light enveloped them and caused temporal blindness.

Once their sight returned, they found themselves in a giant throne room. They boy who escorted them was now sitting on a throne next to a middle-aged man in black dress. He had a jagged crown formed from blue flames on his head and held a bident with a set of keys attached to it. His face was deathly pale, which contrasted with shoulder-long black hair of his. Further to the right there was a beautiful woman with straight black hair that reached to the middle of her chest and dress in color of blood. She also wore a crown on her head.

They noticed that besides them, there was one more man in the room. He held a giant scythe, but it wasn't the most prominent feature. More important part were his giant black wings. He had skin in color on teakwood, which was almost all on display since the only thing he wore was a piece of black fabric that covered him from belt to mid-tights. When he spoke, he sounded both young and old at the same time. he gave the feeling of timelessness. "You stand before the court of King Hades. State the business which brings souls before his majesty."

"Uh... I... We..." Wally didn't know what to say. This was all too weird and strange. There was no way really to explain what has happening with science. He looked around and made a mistake of looking behind him, where he saw over a thousand... souls. Semi-immaterial beings crowded in the gianat hall, peacefully awaiting their turn to approach the king. Not even he could deny it. It was magic or some higher power. To get some assurance he strengthened his grip on Artemis' hand. He was glad when she sent a 'pulse', reminding him that she is still by his side.

"We were told that his Majesty wanted to speak with us." Artemis took over from Wally. She could see his mind trying and failing to comprehend it all. It was strange for her too. It was one thing to accept magic is real and completely another to stand before king of the afterlife.

"Indeed. I asked my son to bring you here. For some time we, gods, knew that Ares is meddling in your world, but my brother decided to ignore it. He is too paranoid with the prophecy that might foreshadow his demise. I believe you've met little miss Sandsmark. Poseidon saved her, at the same time trying to help his son. But I am also not going to stand idle while a whole world falls to this stupid, overconfident son of my brother." While at first Hades tone was mostly calm, by the end he was furious. It was clear he tried to keep himself in check. "I devised a plan to add my own figures to the chessboard." He smiled and it was not a pleasant smile, but it wasn't a vile one either.

"With all due respect... but why do you even care about the world of living? I mean you are the king of the dead. Don't you want more subjects?" Wally asked. He was still afraid of the man, but his curiosity overpowered other feelings.

"Look behind you. all of them died only recently. I do not need help with getting more subjects. Underworld is one of several places where soul can go after death and it is connected to every other world in existence. I have more subjects than any other Old God ever. I do not need Ares to send me more." He frowned at the question, but was not angry. It looked as if he expected it. "Now, you two are technically dead. Ares forcefully ripped your souls from the bodies and put them in his personal demi-plane as a trophies."

Hades paused and Nico spoke instead. "It was extremely stupid of you to bargain with him. You forfeit your afterlife. He would take your souls for himself anyway after he was done with you or made you into his harbingers of war. Now you are traitors of your own kind. I would not be surprised if they did not accept you back."

Artemis and Wally immediately tried to defend their decision. "I did it to save him/protect her!" they both said at the same time. Nico just slowly shook his head.

"And that is why I really hate Eros and Aphrodite." Seeing his step-mother send him amused glare he continued. "We will not discuss my love-life in front of them mom. Please." Persephone had a teasing smile, but Hades spoke before his wife could embarrass his son more.

"Because in the end you tried to defile him and were willing to sacrifice yourself to save the world, I can allow you a pass into the Fields of Asphodelus, instead of eternity in the fields of punishment. Treason is one of the worst faults, which can not be treated lightly."

"Wait. So you just saved us so you could punish us?" Wally was angry. He blurted this before realizing he back-talked the god of underworld who was right now his ultimate superior.

Persephone was smiling at him. "I like this one. He is feisty one." This earned a collective chuckle from the gods and even Artemis smiled. The queen continued. "But to answer your question, no. You are still alive and your bodies belong to Ares, so we cannot stop you. But we want to give you a choice. You can go away, never to return and allow Nico to destroy your current bodies, or fight for the future."

Artemis and Wally looked at one another. "What do you mean by go away?" She finally asked.

"You know that there is more than one alternate reality. We can offer you safe passage there, but no way of returning."

"And the catch." Wally asked. "I am more than certain there is one. Percy told me that this is almost exactly how he got tricked. A promise of peace in exchange he never returned."

"That world is... beyond the Source Wall." Nico finally relented. "It means that we have no way of knowing where you are going. It can be anywhere and anything."

Hades picked up from where his son stopped. "In the essence, even we don't know where you are going, only that this is earth of some sort. And that is the only solution for you to survive the death of your previous bodies. The alternative is that you stay to fight for the control over your bodies and most likely die. Ares is too powerful for anyone except the big three to fight. And I cannot enter your world."

"So our choice is to go back and die trying to return to our bodies or start a completely new life on entirely different world which no one knows of?" Wally summed it up. "What do you think babe?"

"We would need to give up our families, our friends and everything."

"We would still have each other, Right?" Wally sent questioning look to the ruling family. Hades nodded. "I already almost died once and you brought me back. It's because of me that now you are in this situation. Whatever you choose, I will follow." He finally stated. Artemis looked him deep in the eyes.

"I... I choose..."

November 15, 14:45

Percy woke up with a killed headache. The last few hours before he passed out were hazy. He could not exactly recall everything. He knew that he traveled to Qurac to gather some info, but somehow he ended up in some bed, with his armor off and wearing his backup mask. He tried to stand up, but sharp pain went through his back. He could feel the wound somewhere around his right shoulder blade. He groaned and laid back. Next to his bed was his trident and what was left of the previous mask. The beauty of the magic was that it would fix itself soon enough.

After two minutes pain was mostly gone, so Percy tried again. This time he made sure not to put any pressure on his right hand. It worked and he was able to stand up. He could feel his legs being wobbly and the pain in his arm and shoulder was still strong, but he could managed. He tried to grab his trident, but it shocked him. It was not as strong as he'd seen some others suffer. It was more of a friendly warning.

"Da Hades?" He shouted. At that moment the doors to his room opened and Tula, Garth and Kaldur squished inside. Percy could also see the rest of the team outside, but this three were the closest to him. Through the last months, he forged a kind of bond with them. They could relate to his feeling of being 'fish out of the water' in this world. They also shared the same love for things like swimming and surprisingly, old ships. It was something Percy never knew he liked until Garth took him to explore a sunken Spanish galleon south-east of long island. He actually could feel the ship calling to him when he walked through the deck. The ship, even underwater and abandoned for centuries, knew the prince of the seas when he walked on it. The eerie beauty of barely lit chambers and half-destroyed decorations appealed to Percy so much that he went exploring this kind of vessels quite often with his atlantean friends.

"Percy! You are awake!" Tula cheered. Her voice was rather high-pitched and made his head ring for a moment, but he quickly got accustomed to hearing it.

"Yes. But what are you guys doing here? Weren't you supposed to be doing some other mission for captain Atom?" He inquired.

"Uh... Funny thing. You've been asleep for a whole day..." Garth smiled sheepishly at him. Percy's eyes widened at the statement.

"What? What is the situation on the front? Do you know anything about Ares? Did UN agreed to send help?" He bombarded them with questions.

"It might be best for you to sit down." Kaldur pointed to the bed.

"That bad?"

"The United Nations Headquaters were attacked. Apparently Zoe Nightshade threw a temper tantrum at the comittee, who then fought between themselves. It all ended with both Amazons and United States preparing for war, more and more League members being drafted into their respective military and Zoe being wanted criminal. They did not believe in Ares and now the world is blaming Themyscira for trying to create conflict to swipe more lands unto their rule. And Superman died in battle against ultimate monster." Kaldur explained shortly. At the last part everyone got gloomy. Percy gritted his teeth.

"I sure hope Zoe was not arrested. I would hate to have to break her out. And break few jaws on my way in and out." His voice was a mix between amusement and anger. A dangerous combination, especially with anger dominating.

"She is okay. Nobody there actually dared to touch her." Kaldur tried to clam Percy.

"Well, actually one did." Robin, who also sneaked inside the room smiled and showed them a photo of corridor with at least a dozen guards pinned to the walls with silver arrows. "She got angry and decided to make a show. There is also this." He showed them another video, this time with her taking the doors out of the frame and then shattering them into tiny splinters just by clutching her hands.

"Remind me not to get on her bad side." Garth joked.

"Welp, they asked for it." Percy just chuckled. He then tried to remember what happened before he passed out. Slowly, the memories of his fight with Ares returned. How he battled with the war god and got served, only to shadow travel after insulting his enemy. "We might have bigger problem. There is more to Ares. His new host... It is not human." This earned a questioning look from the others.

"An atlantean then? Or Amazon?"

"Worse. A full-fledged kryptonian. The kind with laser eyes and flying. Add super strength and invulnerability." He explained, earning a grasp.

A sharp pain reminded him about the wound in his shoulder. He pulled a vial of nectar from his belt and was about to drink when suddenly Tula screamed and tackled him. Three things surprised him. One: her actions. Two: The fact that she tore the vial from his hand and tossed it at the wall. Three: she was strong enough to do this.

"What in Hades?! What was that about Tula." He screamed at her.

"I... I don't know. I just felt this vial boil. Magic energy from it was volatile and aggressive. Like it was trying to escape you. I... I don't know how to explain it, but it felt like it was going to attack you. I know it might sound stupid..." She looked guilty. Percy wanted to apologize for yelling at her, but Zatanna started talking first.

"Actually, it is not. I can feel the change in Percy's aura. This aura of power that always accompanied him... It is gone."

"The smell of the sea is also gone." Conner added. They all (including Percy) were starting to get worried. Demigod tried to call some water to himself, but he only felt an empty pulling in his gut. Nothing happened. He pulled a bottle of water from his belt, opened it and tried to manipulate it's content, but nothing happened. In last desperate attempt he poured it over his head. In dismay he felt himself get wet even if all his focus was on not getting wet.

"Guys... I think we might have a problem."

"I think we might have a bigger problem." Robin spoke before pointing through the window. Several drones were flying at them. Immediately the heroes run away from the room onto the lower levels. A machinegun series went through the house, shattering the windows and making holes in the walls. At least some of the heroes would be dead if not for Tula. Thinking fast, she formed a wall of water in front of them, stopping the bullets. The downside was that she destroyed all the plumbing in the house, but it was still better than the alternative. There was no point in hiding inside, so they all went outside. Percy activated his outfit, which luckily was fixed with little belt magic. The hunter-seeker drones fired a barrage of missiles, but M'gann redirected them back at the attackers. Five out of the six attacking drones were disposed of. Superboy leaped in the air and punched through last one, but not before it fired another missile. M'gann tried to destroy it in the air, but only managed to make it instead hit the barn, which was next to them.

With the threat disposed, they sighted. It was only until panicked Marie Logan run toward them. "Has anyone seen Garfield?! Please tell me he is alright!" She practically screamed at them. It was clear she deeply cared about her son. They looked around, but couldn't see anyone. That was until M'gann scanned for his brain activity. In distress she flew close to the barn. The building was completely obliterated, but the surrounding area was mostly undamaged if you do not count the destroyed planks and some broken medical equipment laying around. She lifted one of the larger planks with her telekinesis and moved a young boy from under it. He was unconscious and had several wounds. Immediately, she handed him to Superboy who moved him inside. Others followed through, but Percy stopped them.

"It's not over." He pointed to the savanna in front of them. At least two dozen transport cars pulled nearby, assisted by several tanks. They were all very old-fashined, probably remembering Second World War or even the Great War. Hundreds of skeletal soldiers flooded the plain in front of them.

"We are so dead..." Miss Logan moaned. Just then 'Back in Black' by AC/DC started playing. Out of the shadow cast by now decamouflaged bioship walked a young boy. He looked thirteen, maybe fourteen, with pitch black hair that almost melded with the surrounding and contrasting pale skin. He wore oversized bomber jacket, black cargo pants, black heavy combat boots and a shirt saying 'Back in Black' and a symbol of two torches. They noticed two black swords with some violet glimmer on them attached to the boy's belt.

"Neeks?" Percy screamed in mixture of happiness and befuddlement.

"Just a moment Perce." He smiled and turned to the army. 'Back in black' was now on full volume. He grabbed his two swords and they immediately came alit with green flames. His eyes had been in color of obsidian a moment ago, but they also became two balls of emerald fire. "I must dispose of the trash." He turned to the armies and pointed one of his swords. Almost immediately, a large crack opened in the middle of the army, separating it in two. From there, an army of spirits flew out. They looked like normal soldiers, expect they were transparent and all green in the same color as the fire he commanded. The two armies clashed with one another. It was truly magnificent: ghost fighting skeletons. At least it was not bloody. Nico himself was just standing there, shooting volleys of green fire at the armies. Each time one of his attacks connected, a whole group of Ares' warriors were immolated. At first he focused on tanks, but once they were gone he turned his wrath to common soldiers. It was maybe five minutes when almost all of the army was gone. Having no more enemies, the spirits then dissolved. Nico then plunged his sword in the ground and green flames errupted, traveling in arc. Anything of godly origin that was touched by it suddenly faded like it was never there while natural life and other such stuff was left alone. There was even one desert fox on the battlefield and he was completely unharmed by this.

"Okay. Now we can talk." He turned to the stunned group of heroes.

"Dude." Percy walked to him. Nico offered him a hand and percy grabbed it in roman-style handshake before pulling him into a hug. "Oh man I missed you." The others didn't see him smile this wide since the day... he never smiled this widely with them.

"Let. Me. Go." Nico managed to say through the anger. He hated the physical touch. His personal space was just that. Personal. Percy broke away, but he was still smiling. "I am glad to see you as well." He smiled weakly before stumbling and almost falling. Luckily, the son of Poseidon caught him.

"sorry. Still adjusting to this. And my stupid familiar is not here!" He said last words with venom. As on Que a Persian cat walked to them from the shadows and meowed something. Nico scowled. "I don't care if suddenly some aristocratic cat came your way. You are not here to look for a mate." He grumbled before stumbling once more. "Great. My anchor is weaker than I expected. Like I always said... 'With great power comes great need to take a nap'. Sorry guys. I hoped to be more help." He said before falling asleep in Percy's arms.

"Can someone explain me what was that about...?" Zatanna in awe at the power this boy showed. He was supposedly her age and yet there was this aura of power around him. If she was to guess, Percy in his prime was still weaker than him. And he is quite handsome... She thought to herself, forgetting the mind link was still on and she was sending her to the entire team. Robin scowled at that and Tula gave her a teasing smile. Suddenly, they heard another voice on the mind link. "Not interested. Not stop with it and let me sleep." They all shrugged at the blushing Zatanna and returned to the main building.

Back at the house, M'gann just finished blood transfusion. They pressed play on TV, but instead on the news came an episode of 'Hello Megan!'. Robin, Conner, Kaldur, Tula and Garth watched in utter shock. The only one calm about it was Percy. M'gann tried to stop it as fast as possible, but she couldn't. Finally, Percy took mercy on her and just turned the player off.

"That was... You... That's why you look like her..." Garth connected the dots.

"Wait. You guys really didn't catch on it?" Percy chuckled. "I mean I told you I bought a full set of old VHS, including complete 'Hello Megan!'."

"Yeah, but we thought it was your excuse to take Zoe out on a date or something." Tula teased.

"Seriously? How long do you think we've been dating?" Percy asked.

"Uh... Since the 'Injustice League'?" Robin smiled mischievously.

"It's a thing only since Halloween... Okay. Doesn't matter." Inside, Percy was smiling that he diverted the talk from embarrassed M'gann. He turned the TV to media channel. They were repeating the video of Superman's fight. Demigod watched how two powerhouses clashed and destroyed half of the city. Then, suddenly, in the middle of the fight appeared a the presenter back in the studio.

"Last minute: An unknown man just appeared in the middle of battle scene between Superman and Doomsday. While the police had it all under lockdown until the recovery of the bodies, the man somehow managed to with a swipe of his hand disable all of the officers." The screen changed to show a video from nearby a crater. Percy instantly recognized him. It was Ares. He indeed only once swiped his hand at the policemen who tried to stop him and they all fell onto the ground, probably dead. The video continued with him walking down toward the body of superman, but he turned last moment and instead walked to doomsday. He touched the beast and it slowly turned into red particles and flowed into him. Suddenly, his whole body almost doubled in muscle mass and he could see his fiery eyes turn even more alien. He then flew up in the air before he spoke so loud that even with the distance between him and the camera they could record it perfectly.

"I am Ares, the god of war. When I returned to this world, I met stagnation and false sense of security. I was ready to leave until now. The war amazons started in my name is not my doing, but it is neccessery. Soon, the earth will face threats bigger than petty conflicts between nations. I can give my blessing to one nation, If they can conquer all others! He declared before sending a red wave in all directions. In a matter of seconds it reached the Animal Sancturaly. Suddenly, the whole team was ready to jump at each other. Only Superboy and Percy seemed unaffected.

Atlanteans started to demand their surrender. Aqualad as a team leader declared that they are all now part of Atlantis military. Miss Martian, against her usually rather peaceful nature started screaming at them how martians were superior in all ways. Robin and Zatanna were ready to jump into battle to protect their home country, but found themselves in the minority and tremendously outgunned. Even if he was trained by Batman and she was a natural at magic, three Atlanteans and a martian were too much. Strangely, Percy and Conner didn't feel anything. It was mostly because the later did not have a home country. He was a genomorph. His race was an artificially created for specific purpose and he didn't feel connection to any specific land. The former had his real home country in another world and knew he had no way of fighting for it. Or at least that was what he kept repeating himself to not be affected by the spell.

The media were going wild. All across the world people were demanding war. Already several countries declared war, but luckily long-range nuclear shields were in power. But nuclear winter was still a matter of hours, days at best. This had to be stopped. Just then, an arrow flew through the window and hit Robin in the arm. He fell on the ground. Then, another few came and disposed of the rest of the team. They were all unconscious. Artemis walked inside.

"Sorry it took me so long. I was out on the walk with Wally when this wave suddenly passed through us. He attacked me before running off. Something about joining the military."

"How are you not affected?" Conner asked. She just smiled.

"I am half-american half-Vietnamese and I also have an Italian citizenship. Don't ask." She quickly added. "Point is, my home countries all all around the world."

"Good. We must still get to the Metropolis. Fast. Ares is still there. He will want to gloat at the destruction he caused." Percy started to give orders. He picked Nico and Robin while leaving the rest to Conner. They moved them inside the Bio-ship and took off.

November 15, 8:59

They no longer had to care about detection. Speed was of the essence, so Conner took them into the outer atmosphere and in minutes they were already in the large city. Percy wanted to walk out of the ship, but Superboy stopped him.

"How exactly do you intend on fighting Ares without your powers? You are gonna die." He was usually a man of few words, but Percy could hear a genuine distress.

"I have a plan. He pulled the box of pills containing godly essence. He was about to open it when an arrow hit him in the hand, piercing it. The pain made him drop the box. It opened and made pills scatter. "What the Hades?" He screamed. There stood Artemis with his bow drawn, but before she could say anything a green-flaming blade pierced her chest. Percy and Conner watched in horror as their friend's lifeless body fell down. Nico removed the head with one swift motion of his sword.

"You... You murdered her!" Conner screamed. He wanted to lunge at Nico, but felt himself frozen in place. Nico stumbled, using his sword as a cane to not fall.

"I saved you both. This was not Artemis. Her soul is long since gone. This was just a mere puppet under the control of Ares. He took the star necklace from her neck and crushed it in his hand. A burnt-red mist left his hand and dispersed in the air.

"Great. He knows we are here." Percy groaned.

"Indeed Punk." A new voice joined the conversation. Ares was there with his swords draws. A quick flick of his hand sent the ship tumbling away, down the street. Percy was the only one left. He tried to pick up the pills, but Ares in an instant covered the distance and punched him. He fell on the ground. Percy still tried to crawl to the box, but before his hand could reach the closest essence, Ares crushed the gift from gods under his metal boot. "No gods can help you now."

He rose his blade, ready to plunge it right through his chest when something slammed into him. Ares looked up to see Conner standing there. This momentary distraction allowed Percy to extend his hand toward the rest of the pills. He prayed to gods for help. Suddenly, a pill floated to him. It was blue with tiny symbol of trident on it. It smashed right into where his heart was and light-blue glow enveloped him.

Percy found himself on Montauk beach. He could hear the calming sound of the wind blowing from the sea and waves clashing against the sand. It was evening and sun was about to set.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He heard his father's voice. Turning around, he saw him. His father had a hawaian shirt and the same messy beard as always. In his hand was the trident he 'gifted' Percy.

It was awkward. Percy had no idea how to react. On one hand, he was still angry with what happened. On the other hand, he was happy to see his father once more. Finally he settled on smiling awkwardly.

"I see you are still angry. Please, forgive what we did. It was the only way so you did not end up as Zeus' toy soldier."

"I am angry, but not because of this, but because you lied. You promised me peace and yet look where I am: about to die at the hands of the god of war!" He scowled at his father.

"I know son. I've beaten myself over it for months. I hoped to at least aid you a bit. I gave you my trident and had Hephaestus make this belt." He looked so sad that Percy actually felt guilty for a moment. Then a pain in his hand reminded him why he was angry in the first place.

"While we talk, my friends might be dying out there. I am sorry, but we must cut this talk short." He could feel the distress of the situation. Conner was practically alone against Ares who had power of ten Superman and Doomsday. He didn't know what this Doomsday was, but it must have been something incredibly powerful.

"I know. But right now time is slowed. It is all happening at the speed in which your brain can process things. Ares is too strong for anyone to beat. He would be able to even even with me. Even if I gave you all your power back, you would die."

"then what?!" Percy screamed. "I can't let my friends die. I won't! Even if it kills me."

"There is another solution. I am fading my son." Percy froze, hearing this words. "All gods are slowly fading. We have maybe two centuries before we all fade. Have you wondered why so many wars happened in such a short notice when in the past it was centuries between them? Because all of the Old Gods are slowly fading into nothingness. We cling to our children, to this little worship that remains, to the flame of the west, but we will all be gone sooner or later. Ask Zoe to explain it all to you."

"So what? You want to dump all your power on me?" Percy asked.

"No. It would only make you fade soon too. But there is a way. There are... aliens. They evolved on planets which served as a magnet for the essence of faded gods. They to some extend living embodiment of universal ideas. I can... artificially make you into one. This 'New Gods' are different from us, the Old Gods with the fact that while We get power from certain specific idea across all realities, they take strength from one broad idea in one reality. You would become the New God of oceans. The blessings you received would remain, but your connection to sea would... change. I don't know how, but I am sure you will know the difference."

"But... That would mean I would be immortal?"

"Sadly yes. But it is the only way." Poseidon explained. Percy was about to protest, but his father continued. "Zoe is a New Goddess too. Don't be rash in your decision."

Percy pondered the question for a moment. It was a decision that would change his life forever. If he refused, he would have to find another way, but probably he would either die before he managed or it would cost him many friends. A sacrifice he was not willing to make. "I will do it. I guess it's my only way to save everyone."

"I am sorry it had to go this way. I can only say that I am really proud of you my son. You are better than all of us ever will..." Poseidon said the last words as his body slowly turned into empty space. Percy could notice a single tear falling from his eye.

He opened his eyes to see that he was floating above the earth. His trident was in his hand and he had his armor on. All the wounds on his body healed perfectly. He really did feel different. the nearby ocean was calling to him. He could hear it's cry. It was a cry of submission. The water all around him was telling him that it was to his disposition. That it would follow his command. He could also feel the slight movement of tectonic plates. He now knew that he could command this force too. He noticed that he was not surrounded by a hurricane. At the same time, the currents in the air were almost visible to him. Ares flew to him.

"So you got your powers back. Shame. I was hoping to end you quick, Punk. Now, I will make you suffer." Ares flew at Percy, but he dodged and slashed with his trident. His mind was racing. He instinctively knew how to use all his powers. It was like he was born with them. He also knew what idea he now embodied: natural cataclysm. Water was at his command to bring tsunamis or to shape rocks or follow him in whatever he needed. The tremors of earth would bring down those, who wronged him. The wind would cut and push and crash what he needed. All of this was at his command.

The slash did nothing to pierce Ares. His armor was too resistant. "Don't give yourself hope punk. I am much stronger than you." The god of war then flew at hypersonic speed back at Percy and slammed into him. The New God couldn't avoid it so he took it at the face value. The clash was followed by rapid series of super-strong punched into his gut. If he was a normal demigod, his bones would long since have been shattered. But it was not the case. New body could withstand this. It still hurt and Percy could feel brusies forming, but he lived for now. While they were still in the air, he reached to the water. Immediately, it responded. Water rose from the bay and smashed int the city. He willed it to not damage anything but his opponent. A giant wave traveled through the city before it surrounded Percy and Ares. They were then both pulled back into the bay.

While normally the super-powered god of war would not have troubles escaping, this time he felt like fighting the whole ocean. He was hanging in the middle of ocean, city far in the distance. Suddenly, Percy smashed into him. His trident managed to make a large dent in his armor and cause a part of it to fall. Before Ares could react, the New God was gone. It was his usual tactic. Hit and swim away. Like a shark toying with it's prey. This repeated several more times. Always striking from somewhere behind him. With all his power, the god of war could not react. It was as if ocean itself slowed him and accelerated the infuriating hero. Ares was fast enough to break ten times the speed of sound and strong enough to lift entire cities. Yet, he was being defeated by some random sea spawn. He would not allow it. His eyes flashed red and a beam of white-hot fire emerged from under the helmet. The water all around him started to evaporate. Percy tired to slash him once more, but the water around Ares was too hot. He couldn't cool fast enough to strike him. Instead, he willed the remaining water to toss the god of war in the air.

Ares found himself propelled with incredible speed. Ocean expelled him like he was an intruder. Soon, Percy followed and smashed into him in the air. The Old and New Gods met each other in the air. "What do you hope to achieve, seaspawn? I am unbeatable. The whole world is in conflict. I can surpass even my father now. You cannot hope to defeat me."

"You might be the all-powerful god of war, but a wise man once said 'there is always a bigger fish'. I am not a mere 'seaspawn'. I am Perseus Jackson, the New God of the Water, the Earthshaker, the Stormbringer, the King of the Oceans, the Ruler of Depth, the heir of Poseidon. I am the bane of Minotaur, the slayer of Medusa, Nemean Lion and thousands of other monsters. I am the vanquisher of Kronos, The vanquisher of Gaia, the Vanquisher of Giants. I survived Labyrinth. I escaped Tartarus, I am the freaking boyfriend of Zoe Nightshade. My name is Perseus Jackson and I am Neptune, the hero who will defeat Ares." Unknowingly his speech was being transmitted to every television in the world. Ares wanted his triumph to be admired by all, but now he lost faith. With each word, Percy was being encased by giant form of water, mimicking his form. At the same time, the trident he held was now in the hand of giant water avatar. Around him, hurricane raged and thunder cracked. Hail, rain and snow all obscured the vision. This display of power was incredible and Ares could sense the essence of Poseidon sipping from him. The old Barnacle-beard poured all of his power into the boy. He didn't have a fraction of Poseidon's power. He had it all and more. The trident gathered the redundant magic in the air. Ares could even feel some of it being drained from him.

Percy swiped his giant trident. Ares tried to escape, but the hurricane slowed him. The giant blade connected with him and sent him flying like a baseball ball. Percy, still in the avatar, followed him. He caught up with him somewhere in arctic. Ares was already on his feet, standing. Suddenly, several water tendrils exploded from under water and enveloped him. He was no longer able to move. All the strength of Ultimate Kryptonian combined with Doomsday was not enough. He was not fighting against ice. He was fighting against Perseus' will. And that was the battle he could not win. The avatar knelled and grabbed Ares' helmet between two fingers before pulling it off of him. It tried to resist, but he was able to still tear it away.

Percy expected this was enough to actually banish Ares. To his surprise, the god of war was still there. Under the helmet was face of superman, but much more pale, in almost gray coloration. His eyes were burnt red color and his hair was longer than Superman. the resemblance was still undeniable. He smiled at him. It served as enough of a distraction that Ares could break the ice chains and dash at Percy. He ripped him from the giant watery-man and continuously punched him. they crashed in some frozen wasteland of Greenland. Percy was laying on the ground, bleeding from his nose. "I will not be denied" *a quick series of punches* "My eternal life" *crushing his rib-cage with his boot* "by some common punk." *kick in the balls* "I am Ares, the god of war. This world belongs to me. No matter who you are, you are not going to stop me! I am unbeatable." Ares rose his hand to punch Percy, but suddenly the ice around them melted and the water encased the hero, healing any wounds. Once he was back at the full strength, he called his trident.

"For the last time." Percy lunged at Ares. He wanted to avoid it, but the New God predicted it and with the use of wind changed the point of impact of his trident. The sharp prong his like under his armhole, cutting him in between armor. "I!" Percy then swiped his trident low and undercut the Old God, making him fall. "DON'T!" He then plunged the trident right where his armor ended and his helmet was supposed to start. Two outer prongs only grazed his neck, but the middle passed right through it. Ichor poured from the god and he was immobilized. "CARE!" With great strength he slashed and decapitated the self-proclaimed 'unbeatable'.

A/N And there you go. Endgame finished. The last chapter will be epilogue with a prolonged Author note about the future. I hope to get it before 8th of February so that I can say that the whole story was finished in three months.

Percy was that strong only because Poseidon poured all his remaining essence into him. After the fight it will gradually disperse and return to the worlds it was pulled from, probably merging with Triton or finding a good host. It was like when after Pan died Grover could use the power, but some of it's power left him.

[1] Vile mage be gone, come the cat familiar. Magic serve the god in coming to world so empty. Bound you be, who abuse the power. May your loyalty be guarded by Death himself

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