Chapter 23

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A/N this was supposed to be up three days ago, but I got sick and I was in no shape to write. But as a compensation this chapter is packed with action. I loved writing it. Finally some more actual combat!

"We are facing a global crisis here. Qurac has some strong support in UN. Many see their preventive attack as just. ..."

...They were Ares personal army. The fallen who lost the battle and had to pay their debt to the god of war.

"...Not even your League will stop me in time. Partially because I have other things to keep them busy. I am like ten supermen. ..."

"It's awful. Who would do such massacre." M'gann almost cried.
"A professional." Artemis gritted her teeth.

"...Miss Nightshade is in not a member, employee, nor an associate of the league. We did not sanction any mission."

"My master demanded to release the beast..."

"You are already too late. The monster was released. He will prepare the world for my arrival. Soon, you will all fall before my power." This voice was nothing like what they knew. It was... ancient.

Images of all the current events were displayed on a glowing mirror in the air. The Highfather watched with distraught. By looking into The Source, he could see glimpses of past, present and future. This confirmed what Zoe Nightshade, the newest New Goddess, told him.

"Now you understand? I need your help. New Gods are the only one that will be able to fight him. The Justice League is outmatched and too tangled into politics." She reasoned. "If earth falls under Ares' dominion, they will wage war on all universe. And by his blessing they will be able to win. The bloodshed must be stopped before he unites the Earth under himself."

Inzaya pondered her words. He had to be very careful when dealing with old gods, but Miss Nightshade made a good points. Left to his own, Ares could become a problem. At the same time, he was also constrained by the laws and tradition of New Genesis. They were forbidden from intervening in the matters of 'lower civilizations'. Until any country on earth actually embraced Ares or allied themselves with him in any official way, he had to treat this as a hearsay or at best a legitimate accusation needed to be proven.

"I see your point, but my hands are tied. Nothing I could do would be fast enough..." The old ruler bowed his head in regret.

"What! That is ridiculous!"

"I am truly sorry child. Time is not on our side." He started to walk away. "I wish there was something I could help you with, but I have no idea..."

Zoe was fuming. She thought that New Gods of all people would understand her trouble. They were at the state of constant war with Apokalips. Surely they would be willing to help with very similar problem. She thought when traveling here. Oh! How naive. By now she wasted probably two days of earth time. Her last, greatest and only hope of allies. This was all or nothing. And it turned out nothing.

While strolling through the beautiful, highly advanced town toward her chariot she encountered dreamer. The Huntress was in no mood for any talk, but pink-clad woman stopped her. "Zoe! What are you doing here? How did you even get here?"

New New Goddess sighted. "I needed help. This was the last place I could find any. Now... Now I..." She was at the loss of words. For a moment she was gonna give up, but her instincts kicked in. She was a warrior and sooner the Olympus would fall than she would surrender. "Now I must find another way. By now Ares have already plunged the world into conflict."

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