Team Weird|Walter Beckett X R...

By GoldenLink145

43.2K 1.5K 2.5K

Walter Beckett has been in the spy agency in Washington working with his partner Lance Sterling for three yea... More

The Beginning: One
Riding With Rockets: Two
A Werid Distraction: Three
A Task In Los Angeles: Four
IMPORTANT! Please Read!
Moving Along at Dawn: Five
The Club Of Fun: Six
A Serious Situation: Seven
A New Plan: Eight
Gumballs: Nine
A Flesh Rotting Street: Eleven
The Little Demon: Twelve
A New Lance: Thirteen
The Freind in San Francisco: Fourteen
Mansion On The Mountain: Fifteen
Hello? Virgin Speaking: Sixteen
Mess Of A Dress: Seventeen
The Dance: Eighteen
Cult of Crows: Nineteen
Winner's Raffle Art
Human Eyes: Twenty
Reverse! Cha Cha Real Smooth: Twenty-one
Sneaky Bud: Twenty-Two
*GASP!* Another Art Raffle?
Airport Friends: Twenty-Three
Crushing On You: Twenty-Four
Welcome to the Agency: Twenty-Five
Winner Raffle Art!
Before Then : Twenty-Seven
Needle Tricks :Twenty-Eight
A True Maliden: Twenty-Nine
Wet Dreams: Thirty (haha 'Thirsty')
The Paper Thief: Thirty-One
GTA: Thirty-Two
I Like You: Thirty-Three
The 'Perfect' Visitors: Thirty-Four
I.S.T.C : Thirty-Five
Fun Head Cannons and Facts!
Russ Takes The Bait: Thirty-Six
The Phone Call :Thirty-Seven
The Teasing Before The Sex: Thirty-Eight
S E X + Third Raffle
The Real Sex: Thirty-Nine
Half-Ass Father: Forty
Cold Kisses: Forty-One

A Simulation Performace: Twenty-Six

590 25 64
By GoldenLink145

(The winner of the raffle will be announced at the end of the chapter!)


The hands around his throat were cold and cruel; pressing harder and making him choke for air. Out of everything, he didn't think he would have to do this. It was such a brutal and harsh way of 'teaching.'

Lance's arm pushed softly up against fake Walter's chest, in an attempt to push him off; his back against the steel wall. Sweat ran from his forehead to his neck and he kept tears from falling, he couldn't do it, this was torture, he can't kill Walter, even if it was only a fake one. . . He can't.

He was growing weaker and weaker. And as soon as he felt the dark creep in the corners of his vision, he fell on the ground helpless.

"That's enough for today 'Tom,'" Alice said. She stood in the corner of the room, watching them and letting out a dissatisfied sigh. "Is it really that hard Lance?"

'Tom' walked next to Alice, turning back into the middle-aged man he had first seen, while Lance coughed and stood with shaking knees.

"Will it disappoint you to say yes? I-it is very hard, " Lance replied, trying to sound confident and collected.

"Yes, it does disappoint me. . . I don't see what's so special about Walter Beckett, " The little girl puffed her cheeks. "It pains me to do this to you."

"Have you ever had someone you cared so much for you would risk your life for them?" Lance asked with bared teeth.

"No. Why would I need to?"

"Then you will never get it. . . You won't ever know the pain that this causes me."

Alice tilted her head. "The hero isn't supposed to have a weakness. . ."

"This hero does, " Lance pointed at himself. "And so does many others."


"I say the best thing we can do is to kill off Walter Beckett. That would get him going, " 'Tom' suggested.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!" Lance yelled, he was going insane in this room of nothing.

"No 'Tom, '" Alice said. "He'll learn soon enough, but we don't have to kill him."

'Tom' scoffed. "Lady Alice, with all due respect--" he began but was interrupted.

"Who's the boss here?"

"You. . . Of course. . ."

"How long are you going to keep me here? . . How long are you going to keep doing this to me, " Lance asked harshly while holding his head in agony; it pounded with pain.

"Until you are able to kill your weakness of course," she said. "You will learn."


They had just arrived at the entrance to the tower; the flags flew in the cold breeze and the building looked rather intimidating. Owen had to admit that this area was gorgeous with its colored leaves and blue cloudless sky, but of course, he would never say that out loud; especially when Walter was right in front of him. That bastard would turn back to him and smirk that ugly smirk. . . That bitch grin.

People were already waving and smiling at them as they passed- well not really all of them- more at Walter really.

If his brothers or father were with him right now he would be so ashamed of himself. . . Owen Coslynn Maliden traveling with Lance Sterling's sidekick? How did this come to be? Oh right, because of Brett of course. Though Owen was beginning to think that Brett didn't favor him as much. But who wouldn't favor him? His family is very wealthy! Surely he had mentioned that to Brett quite enough, perhaps he needed to be reminded. Yes, he could make Brett very rich, and with that comes happiness! Oh, the smile on his little chubby cheeks when he orders him a bed of gold they could both sleep in!

Yet, Brett still had a weird obsession with Beckett! He's always speaking of him as if he was his religion. Now he had to find out a way for his darling to notice him. Though, he couldn't do cool stunts, and he didn't have those strong arm and chest muscles that Walter had, but Brett will find out how truly strange the boy is sooner or later.

"Wait. . . Where are my bags?" Owen realized.

The doors to the skyscraper opened to reveal a large lobby room; it looked very ordinary, almost as if it was a doctors waiting area.

"We put them on a bus, " (Y/N) told him. She was holding a large steel box which Owen assumed to be the possible 'bomb'; Brett was helping her carry it as well.

"WhAT!?" Owen exclaimed. He had some of his best outfits in his luggage!

"Yeah, I didn't have anywhere to put them in my car, so I shipped them to my address. they should be there by now, " Walter said while glancing at his watch.

"Your address!?"

"Yeah, where else was I suppose to put your shit?"

"Anywhere but your house."

"Oh, stop complaining! At least he didn't leave it on the side of the road! " Angelina said while rolling her eyes.

"For me, that's almost equivalent to shipping it to his house."

"I mean- if you want to sleep somewhere else tonight, be my guest. But I'm not helping you carry them, " Walter told him, sounding tired and irritated.

They walked to the front desk; there was a woman seated on a blue spinning chair, her back was turned towards them as she typed rapidly on her computer. The desk was large and circular, and on the sides of her computer, there were two holographic screens that almost curved around her. She would swipe a finger every moment or so, and the words on the hologram would scroll faster than what he could read. Not like he wanted to though; it was gibberish to him anyway.

Walter coughed to get her attention and almost instantly she turned in her chair, fixing her reading glasses.

"W-Walter, " The lady said with a slight blush on her face. She had light green eyes and golden hair that was tied into a ponytail.

"Lila, " Walter smiled softly, but that only deepened the girls blush. "I need a quick check-in. I'm already very late."

"Y-yea! Go right on ahead! I'll check you in-- do you want me to check Lance in or--"

"Oh, no--no, just me, " Walter said while walking along past the front desk and to an elevator.

There was already one man in the elevator, he shifted to a corner rather nervously as he saw Walter and them. By his small badge on his coat, Owen saw he was in the emergency department and that his name was Conner Rayfield.

"What number?" Walter asked the male doctor. His eyes seemed to shimmer when Beckett faced him.

"UH!--" The man chocked. "Level nineteen, please."

Walter nodded and pressed the number '19' as well as the letter 'A,' (which was below them).

Of course, they went below first; it was closer to the lobby floor and once they got off it almost seemed like a completely different place. The floor below them was a glossy white, and there were many more people in the same attire as Walter.

"Hey! Walter Beckett!" Someone shouted from the side of them, they were headed towards the elevator.

"Hey!" Walter smiled at them and continued walking to the security area.

"Beckett!" A woman at security said. She was dark-skinned and older, with a wide and gentle smile.

Walter waved at her and told Brett and (Y/N) to place the steel box onto the counter next to the women. "I need this confiscated, red card, code seven."

"Sure thing. WE GOT A RED ITEM HERE, TAKE IT TO LEVEL B!" She shouted and immediately someone took it away.

"Also, these two, " Walter whispered so only the women and the group could hear while pointing at Brett and (Y/N). "Hunters, with trackers that need to be surgically removed from the inside of the neck. I'm only telling you this because if they go through the scanners they may or may not cause an alarm to go off. Is there any way I could just let them through?"

The woman sucked in a breath and tapped her fingers on the desk. "Mmmm. I don't know about that Beckett. . . You know I could get in a lot of trouble. And you aren't supposed to let anyone come in here if there is a possible 'tracker' on them."

"Please Millie, we can't get them removed anywhere else. One screw up could mean death for them. A-and we have some of the best doctors here!" Walter explained with puppy eyes.

Owen's eyes widened; he didn't know of this! Trackers? Hunters? What was all this about!? Angelina seemed just as confused as he was. Brett was mostly what he was worried for. His darling looked too scared to hear of this, though, not so much as (Y/N), she looked sort of relieved.

"Alright alright, " the woman sighed, looking away from his eyes. "Just don't tell Dr. McEntire I let them pass, she'll be on my ass for months."

"Yes! Thank you, Millie! I owe you one!" Walter smiled.

"I know. And Sterling owes me five. The damn bastard always has excuses."


This was all too amazing to her, it was so out of the ordinary. There were blue lights stringing like roots on the walls, little disked robots scurrying to clean the floor; one had almost hit her but it apologized. Yes, that was another thing; it spoke and scared the shit out of all of them, (mostly Brett, he practically almost jumped in (Y/N)'s arms). But of course, Walter was unphased, this must be normal for him.

As they continued to walk forward many other spies waved and smiled, even calling out Walter's name at times; Walter returned their smiles and waved back at them, he didn't miss a single person.

"Whoa. . ." (Y/N) gasped while gazing up at the ceiling. It had changed to glass the further they went. Different colored Fish swam above them so she assumed they were under the large body of water that they had first seen when they arrived.

"Hey! Walter!" Someone shouted from the right of them, they hovered towards them; their shoes spewing smoke from the bottom.

"Hey Kappa! Getting used to the jet shoes I see," Walter smiled at him. God--(Y/N) thought his smile was adorable. . .

The boy, Kappa, landed, it was quite a messy landing really; he almost fell but managed to balance himself and walk beside Walter. He had long greasy black braids with red-colored beads tied in with his strands and he wore a yellow band on his left arm.

"Yeah! Did you hear about what happened in California?" He asked.

"Yes, and unfortunately. . . I was there. Uh-- Where is your brother?"

"He's in the simulation room, section one! Also! Check this out--" Kappa tapped on his chest and a hologram screen appeared in front of him, he strolled through the screen and pressed a specific spot and suddenly the blue hologram turned itself into a small baseball. Of course, it was pixelated and a bit transparent, but his tech gloves allowed him to grab the item and hover it over his fingers. "Lee finally finished his project! As long as the item is downloaded into your suit you can literally carry any virtual item!"

Walter chuckled while the rest of them stared in wonder. "That's great! Lee is a genius. But what does it do when it comes into contact with something in reality?"

"Well--" Kappa scratched his head, "In the simulation room it bounces off the walls, but--uh--in reality-- Let me just show you what happens."

Kappa held the ball in his left palm and chucked it towards a wall in the building. Unlucky for him, he almost hit a group of passing spies and as the ball came crashing into the wall, the pixels flared out aimlessly and dissolved into nothing on the floor. The passing spies screeched and glared around for the person who threw it; immediately catching eyes with Kappa.

"KAPPA CARLSON! GET OVER HERE!" One of the ladies shouted. She looked about the same age as Walter was but wore a blue band on her right arm.

"Uh oh-- Gotta blast," Kappa said quickly while pulling out a little black box from his pocket and tapping on the small button. Instantly it changed itself into a skateboard and he skeeted away from Walter and them. "It was nice talking to you, Walter! See ya!"

"You too," Walter waved to him.

The lady and a couple of other spies who were with her started chasing after Kappa.

"Hi Walter! bye Walter!" One of them said.

"Hey Beckett!" Another one passed.

"Yo Walter!" And another.

(Y/N)'s head was spinning nonstop. Did everyone know Walter here? But Brett had already asked that question.

"D-Does everyone know you here--" Brett squeezed in between Walter and (Y/N).

"Rumors and names spread quickly in the Agency, and a lot of people already know who Lance and I are, even outside the Agency. I get a lot of beginners coming into my lab just to have a conversation," Walter shrugged and smiled. "They are all so sweet. They look up to me and Lance. I just hope that I'm good enough for them."

"Do you think i could get a little box that turns into a skateboard?" Angelina questioned with excitement in her voice.

"Do you even know how to ride a skateboard?" Owen scoffed.

"No. . .But I could learn."

Walter laughed. "We'll see if we could get you a skateboard but I'm pretty sure if you're not a spy you can't use or handle gadgets, (Even if it is just a skateboard). They are specifically made to help you in dangerous tasks, not toys."

"I'll just become a spy then!" Angelina exclaimed.

"HA! You? A spy?" Owen laughed loudly, and Angelina kicked his leg.

"It takes a lot to become a spy, you have to work hard and push yourself harder," Walter said. "Take it from me. Lance had me thrown off a building multiple times.

"W-WhAT!?" Brett yelled.

"For training. . .Of course, we have a room for that as well but Lance thought it would be more helpful to actually practice in real-life situations. It was rough. . . But it did get me going."

"Room for training?" (Y/N) was getting more and more giddy about this place, pushing Brett out of her way and moving next to Walter.

"Yeah, the simulation room, its where we are headed to. I need to talk to Astro, he's one of our best doctors and one of the best spies. You guys will like him."


They passed by the large board of different colored cards and numbers. There were a lot of spies standing and looking or hurrying to pick one card of their appropriate number and color.

The doors to the simulation area slide open as they neared them. The room was always dark, with stringed blue lights illuminating the black floor and walls. Spies walked in between the pathways of the simulation rooms; which were very large separate places for training.

There were two of these areas within the agency's building. However, they are currently in section '1.' (They were both similar to each other as well, you can't even tell the difference)

Each section has about six rooms in total and only spies past a 'green band' can enter them, (This just means beginners can't access the simulation rooms).

You have to swipe your spy ID card next to the machine at the door in order to access a room. The machine will remind you what rank you are on and gives you 'fake tasks' a little above your capability for you to challenge yourself.

Some of the fake tasks could include: saving a little girl from a gang while marching through thick snow, or, sneaking around and confiscating a suitcase. But all end results are the same; if you get shot or simply let the timer run out, it's game over.

Once in the room, you are given the task you picked and have to compete it in the time given while avoiding virtual death. (It could be five minutes or more)

All spies are to wear a skin-tight suit, specifically for this area and the rooms in order to get the full experience.

FOR EXAMPLE! If the mission says you are wearing a heavy bag, the suit will become heavier on the back. If you picked a task that has fire, the suit will make you hotter. If you are in thick snow, it'll be harder for you to walk.

All enemies, weapons, items are pixelated within the simulation except for you and your gadgets that you choose to have on you. (It's great for testing those out)

If you complete a task in it's given time, your color and number will change and that will allow you to choose harder card missions from the board which will give you an even better chance to improve your rank.

(Author: I am very proud of this, can you tell?)

Walter smiled as his group stared in awe at the area, even Owen raised a brow of interest. They past by spies dressed in their simulation suits having a small conversation to the left of them--

"The bullet didn't even hit me! I swear that thing is broken!" One of them said.

"No, your just really slow. . ." Another told him.

And another complied to the right.

"GAME OVER, " The machine inside one of the rooms boomed.

"WHAT!? Come on! This is like the fourth time this week! uughh--" scoffed the person inside the room.

Walter heard Brett gasp from beside him. "D-does that guy have Heelys!? I want Heelys!" He said as he watched a spy in simulation wear roll by on his shoes.

"Is that seriously the only thing that impresses you?" Angelina stared at him.

"Don't be mean to him, he's just being adorable, " Owen smiled.

"Oh wow, look at you being all sweet. Gross."

"I want heelys. . ." Brett said once again.

Walter stared at (Y/N) lovingly as she ran up to one of the rooms everyone was crowded near. He went beside her and made a little space through the people so they could get a better look.

It was a good thing he did to, Astro was completing a task in the simulation room. They watched as he whipped out a grabbling hook and throw it towards a building; pulling and flipping himself on the wall, all while avoiding pixeled bullets. He was also sweating profusely so Walter assumed he was working a task in intense heat.

As he climbed on top of a 'building' a pixeled figure charged after him, but he manages to simply dodge him by activating his zero-gravity shoes and gracefully flipping over them.

(Y/N) stared at him in amazement, a sparkle in her pretty eyes. But it was then that Walter felt a small bit of jealousy arising within him.

"He's so cool!" She said as she stared at the dark braided haired male.

'I can do that. . .' Walter thought while clutching his hands and pouting.

"Whoa, " Angelina said from behind them. "Who is he?"

Walter turned to her. "He's Astro Carlson, he's an 'S' rank spy and works in the emergency department. He's the one I was talking about. Kappa is his little brother, he's uh-- a 'F' rank, only because he just causes trouble wherever he goes."

"OoO, he's a doctor right?" Angelina asked while fixing her hair.

"Yea, I'm hoping he could help (Y/N) and Brett. I want to talk to him before they call me into McEntire's office."

"C-call you? McEntire?" Brett asked.

"Um-- well I'm definitely in trouble, so I just assume I'm gonna be called and get scolded sooner or later. Dr. McEntire is the boss of a certain part of the Agency. Not the entire Agency, but parts."


Shortly after the crowd clapped for Astro as he delivered the 'item' to finish the task and walked out of the room, sweaty and hot. As soon as he saw Walter his eyes and smile widened.

"WALTER BECKETT!" He yelled in joy as he ran up to him and picked him up, spinning him while Walter gave a shy chuckle. He was a very tall man; over Lance's height even.

He had red beads in his hair and dark skin; same as his brothers, and his arm muscles were huge! Walter had bet that Astro could crush him into bits if he wanted to. But he was a very gentle man.

"H-hey Astro, " Walter gasped from the tight hug. The spies around them all gazed, whispering at each other.

"How are things smalls? Where's my man Lance Sterling?" Astro questioned while putting him down.

"Well uhh--" Walter was beginning to say.

"OO! You should totally show everyone here how to work the simulation room! You are a beast!"

Everyone nodded; agreeing to Astro.

"Oh, no-no, I don't have time, actually I'm here for something else--" he stopped when he heard a small gasp from (Y/N).

"Walter I bet you're amazing in there!" Her eyes sparkled towards him, making his heart leap in his chest.

'Hhhhhh--' FUCK--Walter couldn't say no to that! "Okay, okay, let me put on my suit real quick. Uh-- stay here guys."

He ran to the changing rooms with his hands on his bag straps. 'God! Walter! Why do you get yourself in these situations! But it's a cute girl so it's okay-- *slaps* you've learned too much from Lance! You're the man Walter!'

He swiped his ID card on a device and confirmed himself, instantly a pill-shaped object the size of his arms slide from a tube pipe next to the device.

Walter opened the bottom of it and Walked to one of the empty stalls; they were fairly large and empty.

He slid the pill-shaped object into another tube inside the stall and stripped himself down until he was naked.

He usually would change himself but because he wanted to do this quickly he needed a bit of help.

Walter clicked a button on the door, letting the room lock him in and spreading his arms out as little claw robot arms began dressing him. It was a fast process, the skin-tight outfit was often hard to pull on.

He also had to cover his genital area because he didn't quite trust the whole robot claws; he had heard horror stories about these stalls. One person even said someone left cockless, although Walter didn't believe that one, but it was pretty scary nonetheless. He also just hoped not to get an erection. . .while in the suit. . .

Once he was fully dressed he shoved his tuxedo safely back into a little compartment and locked it. With that, he fixed himself and pulled on the straps of his backpack and walked back towards the simulation room his group and all the others stood by.

He felt a little shy with the huge crowd staring at him, he usually does. Especially with him feeling completely naked, his form showed very well in the suit.

"Walter!-- you look great!" Angelina said.

"Yeah you do! I've seen you in tuxedos so much, this is just completely new, " (Y/N) smiled.

Brett just gaped at Walter's figure, then looking down at his own with disappointment, however, Owen just scoffed and pulled Brett closer.

Walter chuckled awkwardly. "Thanks," he said and went to the little machine in front of the door, scanning his card, once again, confirming it was him.

He scrolled through the tasks and numbers until he finally selected one.

|RED| Retrieve the stolen bag from the vault.

Time- 5 minutes
-intense winds
-Level nine enemies
|Number 6|

"MY MAN!" Astro shouted while patting his shoulder rather harshly; it made Walter jump in surprise. "Show them how it's done!"

The door slid open for him and as he walked in. The crowd cheered and gave words of support.

However, when he looked over at (Y/N) through the transparent force field it gave him an idea. An idea that made him laugh out loud for a second before stepping on the light blue block; where he was supposed to stand to begin his task.

It scanned him, and a moment after a huge hologram screen appeared.

You will be traveling to a very intense windy area to locate and retrieve a stolen bag. You will have five minutes to complete this task, once you have found the item bring it back to where you began.

Walter stretched as it went on, chuckling to himself as he thought more about his plan. As he did the area began changing around him, the flat floors turned into building and pixel figures with guns started to appear.

If you get shot or let the timer run out, it will be game over. Try to avoid that as best as you can. Are you ready to begin?

"Yes, " Walter responded while fixing the straps on his bag. The hologram had changed to a digital timer set to five minutes.

Your mission will begin in-

Walter ran to a side of the building and took cover as bullets sped past him, hitting the walls. He raised his right arm and pressed onto his watch, scrolling through various codes.

His plan was to hack into this specific simulation room, he only needed to hold off for a bit before it updated onto his watch.

He scoffed as one of the pixel figures came charging towards him. Swiftly, he pressed a button on the strap if his bag and activated his jet pack, flying on top of the 'building.'

Walter pulled a small ring from the inside of his bag and stretched it over his head, leaving it to hover. A screen appeared around him; it was to alert him if anything were to come from behind him.

It beeped when a bullet shot towards him, he dodged it without a problem; then he dodged another; and another; and another until he grasped his pen and spun towards one of the close pixel figures, tapping the button and gluing them to the floor with pink goo.

Another small sound came from his arm. finally, it connected! He smirked at the crowd and pressed on his wristwatch, scrolling then pressing, then scrolling again. Everyone stared at him in confusion.

With one last click, it was almost like the entire simulation stopped, though the timer kept counting down.

4:20, 4:19, 4:18.

(Author: This is for you RedDevision!)

Walter quickly pulled out some small items from his bag and threw them at the wall. Immediately they began playing music, not soft music, or hard metal music, maybe in between; it was definitely upbeat for sure.

Little drone-like devices popped from the objects on the wall and flew around with colored smoke of pinks and greens.

The pixel figures then began changing into a ray of different colors, flashing and began synchronized dancing to the music, they even had little hats and jackets.

Flying down on his jetpack, Walter snapped his fingers and allowed the dancing pixels to throw their own pixeled bombs, which exploded into a rainbow of colors and almost created soundwaves.

Walter glanced at the confused crowd pointing and smiling like a fool at (Y/N) to which she giggled and facepalmed.

He too began to follow the dance moves of the pixel figures, throwing more small drones in the air, creating more colorful smoke.

3:15, 3:14, 3:13

Making her smile was what his goal was, and so far he was succeeding in that. She giggled along with a smiling Brett and a 'what the hell' look on Owen.

He moved aside and took out his rectangular little box, forming it into a hoverboard and racing to the back of the dancers.

Quickly he held his bag in front of him and threw multiple other gadgets; almost perfectly in a row. And as they hit the floor they exploded into shades of different colors as well!

He pulled out another thing, dropping his bag on the ground completely and slipping on black leather gloves. He held his arm up at one of the 'buildings' as he sped around on his hoverboard.

2:25, 2:24, 2:23

He clicked a button on his gloves and instantly the gadget shot out thick webs, locking it onto the walls. He pulled and swung himself, running on the sides of the building and putting the pen in his mouth, (just in case it falls).

He flipped himself on top of a building and pressed another button on his watch, in response, the small drones he left flying around spat out pink glitter in the shapes of different animals; they almost looked as if they were moving.

1:23, 1:22, 1:21

The pixel figures still dances below him, they put on quite a show, one even tipped their hat to (Y/N).

Walter smiled the biggest smile.

He ran off the large 'building, ' with a backflip and hurriedly grabbed his pen from his mouth, pointing it to the ground while falling.

A second later he pressed down on the back and a huge white cushion sprawled out in front of him. He fell on the soft pillow and got back onto his feet.

Walter ran back to the front of the room and stuck his tongue out at (Y/N), making her do it as well. And as the song began to end he raised his pen to the ceiling and pressed it, spitting a huge pink sparkling heart made out of glitter, covering him with it.

Sparks flew out of the tip of the pen.

29, 28, 27

As the pixel figures finished their dance sequence they bowed and Walter lower his arm while shooting a thick web on the force field near the crowd. He grinned as he pulled himself up, tieing the string to his waist and allowing him to swing and hang upside down, facing (Y/N). The colors, smoke, and lights dancing behind him.

"Can I get a thank-you kiss?" Walter pointed to his lips. But she must have thought he was joking.

(Y/N) blushed and laughed. "You are such a dork!"

3, 2, 1

Thank you for reading lol! Vote and comment for more!

And now for the winner of the raffle! There were about nineteen of you but the God wheel chose the number " 17 "

Congratulations peachycafe!


Thank you joining this raffle if you don't win second place there will be more future raffles.

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