Ejen Ali- Hidden Twins

By NichoniiItsLuna

6.7K 215 60

After Ali used the Override mode, and after they passed on the academy exam... No one knew even everyone, tha... More

The S-Rank Twins
Ali vs Viper
First Mission with Viper pt. 1
First Mission with Viper pt. 2
The Evil of Motor36k2
Uno's Game pt. 1
Viper and Cobra
Uno's Game (NOT) Pt. 2
Mr. Hypno Revenge. Viper's Rage
Get Help ( pt. 1 )
Get Help ( Pt. 2 )
(Special Chapter) Code: Quarantine
Hoe where's your motivation now?

Get Help ( Pt. 3)

197 9 3
By NichoniiItsLuna

Third PoV

"Well, well well... It seems you arrived safely as possible, but at least you got your companions back" Tikuza smiled evilly.

"Bastard. Where are the two of them?!" Alicia asked him, then he snapped his fingers as Viper revealed to herself in front of them, all the sudden one of the animals brought a person we found out who it was Dr. Alu! His wrists were tied up, however not only they brought him out. They pointed out a hanging man beside the two bears, Ali.

"My god, put him down now!" Roza shouted holding back her anger.

"So that's why you didn't show up to us at first" Cinco replied.

"Of course... but someone's got to fight her, she is hungry for her prey-" Uno replied as Cobra stepped up.

"I'll deal with her, I know how to stop her for now... try to rescue her" the last 4 letters were heard by Cobra's companions and just before he entered the red range.

"Oh yeah, if something happened to me like this... Please get him down ASAP" Cobra smiled at them, they knew he wouldn't make it out alive because of her. Aaron has finally got a look into her right now, her black pupils straightened, her eyes are now emerald, as her hair was still green however her scales are showing and her fingers get's too sharp. Her poison kept dripping to the ground making that one flower rottened til it's ashes were left on that flower.

For her outfit, she is more light of a half chinese-half korean kung fu fighter without her shoes, as the both of them circled and circled around each other, Cobra prepares his knife and syringes while Viper hissed at Cobra as the fight nearly began.

Ali PoV

I feel so numb... I'm overheating all the sudden. What happened? Oh yeah, she poisoned me. But I hear sounds of animals, who was that villain? God I want to wake up- Oh shit, I forgot that she turned into a rampaging animal because of me. I stood up, and I'm still in a hospital gown, dang it.

"Ali, wake up" a distant voice echoed through my dreams, I saw someone in front of me with it's chained wrists and ankles, her naked body was covered by dark ink and finally, she was blindfolded in the dark. The room i'm in reveals a purple fog that spreaded out from her fangs, roots of poison spreading through the ground and flowers are really dying because of her, then I ran up to her trying to remove the chains but unfortunately, it has no lock or anything so I just looked at her.

"V-viper?! What happened?" I asked her with concern.

"Someone, save me... I don't want to kill anymore! Help me!" She cried, I went up to her.

"It's alright, the others will save y-" Just before I held her, her chains loosen as her aura again strangled me.

"WAKE UP!!!" Her emerald eyes staring at mine screamed at me.

"Viper-" I finally opened my eyes, feeling the pain throughout my whole body. I still breathed for more air, I only have a little more time to be awake. I observed my surroundings. Forest. Animals. a man in a coat. a hunter? Cobra!! I took a peek as Cobra was bleeding a lot because of her claws while she was wounded but not yet getting weaker and defeated. I searched for anything that could be useful to me as I took something that was under my pillow, it was the IRIS and my yo-yo, how smart of Roza. Now, I just need to use my remaining life to save her.

30 minutes before Ali's Death..

Cobra PoV

I girpped my arm softly because her poison was killing me, as I see her hissed at me one more time then Tikuza laughed at me "Look at you... Wounded and bleeding in red, she must have take the liking of the red blood. Although, I know that this is your divine punishment against the law of nature Now, dear viper... Finish him "he commanded, she jumped into the air towards me.

"GRAAHHHHH!!" She cried out in hate, I was puking out blood as I trembled and sat on the ground. She walked up to me, I closed my eyes to death. I hear screams of people, most of them tried to help me but too many animals kept blocking their way, then few seconds later. I heard a shockwave between me and Viper that made her jumped backwards then alicia and the others looked at me.

"A-ali?! How are you... Awake?!" Alicia asked, Tikuza's eyes widened.

"How?! Impossible! No one would ever survive her poison!!" Tikuza shouted so angrily as the sound of animals must have calmed down.

Ali PoV

I observed myself for a bit as red and blue veins are slowly turning to purple as my face feels green, I kept inhaling and exhaling never knowing when it would stop. Then I looked at her hissing at me, she couldn't hear the others but she can hear me, I'm the only one who can stop her. I stood up slowly without the help of others "Viper, it's me! Ali remember? The boy who saw you dancing ballet" I replied as I kept panting because of the poison. Cuarto activated some of her drones to catch them in a net.

"I'm not sure if this reach you but, everyone's worried about you even Cobra, Moon, Alicia and ME! We sacrificed ourselves just to save you but for me... I-" I stumbled down all the sudden, the poison... It hurts and burns at the same time!

"Ali!" Moon shouted as I stopped her, using both of my hands to push myself up.

"I know you must have been thinking: I should get back before you hurt me or stay away from me... Because I'm a monster but f-for me, you're not! Ever since every met you agent, we were so excited to hear your stories about your adventures and success but for me... Fighting you is a worth of me, now I know that I can be strong for others "I replied as she stepped backwards gently hissing at me continuously.

"I'm sorry if I made you suffer on the night Mr. Hypno made you into a monster. Yes, I was weak, Yes! I fell for it and yes... It was my fault for being stupid. Every time people looked at the both of you, most of us felt the fear but for me, you aren't scary! You're kind, rebellious, smart and caring at all times! Even if we looked at you with fear in our eyes as we saw your ugly self "I stepped forward until I managed to hold her cheeks.

"We still care about you no matter what you become. So please don't forget, we're always be right here whenever you need us" I replied sadly looking at her, I leaned on her forehead giving her my warmth smile. I felt my heart stopping little by little as darkness took me away.... From the girl I admired.

Viper PoV

I heard a voice, it was warm and smooth that made me wake up as I stood up, take one step and another when I kept running from the darkness leaving my monster self alone crying. I stopped running as I went back then I reached my hand out to her "Hey, wanna come with me?" I asked, my monster-self looked up at me. Her body is surrounded a little bit of scales, her pupils straight just like a cat but the eye color are the same as mine, also her hair was a bit mess, as her clothing was a maid ones.

"After everything I did to him and to your friends, why would you want me to accompany you?" She asked so angrily that it made her sad, I smiled a little.

"I am you and You are me, we're one in the same. Both of us suffer by the same fate that made us one. If you suffer, I will protect you. Let's work together to fight evil, shall we?" I smiled at her, she looked at me again as she sighed and tisked, lastly grabbed my hand.

"You really are a selfish idiot aren't you?" She asked as both of us ran into the light, hearing Ali's voice.

2 minutes before Ali's death ...

Third PoV

"Catch him!" Bakar shouted as most of the agents especially Moon, Roza, Zazz and Rudy tried to catch Tikuza through the forest while Uno, Dos and Seis tries to help out Dr. Alu, Viper's sudden reaction a while ago went back to normal as her scales disappeared and her claws unsharpened giving back her fingernails. However, her eyes looked different; Her emerald eyes turned back into her normal green eyes, then her left eye turned back to it's original circle pupils however her right eye still has it's same straightened pupiled eye.

"Ali! Please hang in there!" Cobra shouted. Rizwan let Ali lay down on his lap as he kept shaking him a little, however Uno stayed but his other members helped the ejens. Then Dr. Alu went down to Viper.

"Thank god he snapped you out, but... Your right eye!" Alu pointed at her eye.

"Oh this? She wanted to cooperate with me, yes she may be hideous and ugly when she's revealed but we are one in the same so you can call me ugly whenever you like but nothing can seperate us. Is that right?" Viper replied , it seems she's talking to her other Monstrous Self. Dr. Alu sighed, he looked at Ali as he remembered what he was about to say.

"Viper, you need to extract that poison out of Ali's body, you only have 1 and a half minute to get that poison out" Alu said in a worry tone.

"I will" She ran up to Ali, most of them were glad to see her but also shocked on her right eye.

"What the?! What happened to you-" Alicia was cut off by her.

"Long story, short. After this i'll explain everything!" She shouted.

Viper PoV

I looked at Ali's situation, his breathing is getting slower and his body feels like burning in hell flames. "Other me, I need your help to suck all out of the poison that you injected into Ali's body" I replied.

"On it" She replied in the back of my mind.

Everyone was clueless whenever I was talking too "Everyone, I need some space now!" I shouted as everyone backed off a little bit. I looked at Cobra's watch, it's 11:59 and I only have 30 seconds to save him.

I grabbed his head and kissed him once again, I heard more squealing in the background no thanks to Seis and Dos. My other self right now was sucking all of the poison in him, I feel myself burning up a bit and my mind almost breaks itself... Must be because of the poison flowing through my body.

I kept kissing him while other self was sucking all of the poison, I felt all of the poison in him was gone. I got up, his veins are still showing... No, is he dead?

"Ali? Ali! This instant! I command you to wake up!" I shouted at him. I felt the aura of despair behind me, Alicia looked away, Dr. Alu, Rizwan, Uno and the others try not to cry.

Then they heard a thud on the ground seeing Tikuza tied up Moon, Roza, Zazz and Rudy came out of the forest to see Ali still not waking up, Rizwan and Bakar gripped on the ropes to prevent him from escaping, next Tikuza lifted his head up to see Ali not waking up he laughed once, twice and a couple of times.

"YOU'RE TOO LATE! HE IS DEAD AND IT'S ALL YOUR FA-" Before Tikuza shouted and mocked Viper, Ali coughed and took deep breaths after being out for awhile.

"Ali!" I hugged him tightly as everyone mostly the Numbers joined in for a hug, I sobbed and felt happy? What is this tingling I feel. There's a part of me feeling joy and sincerity while the other part of me felt like I was in l- I didn't realize that I was blushing, good thing it's still night time cause if not I am so fucked up right now.

"Air... Please? " Ali replied, everyone heard him as most of us especially me backed off. I helped him sit up. Then someone patted my head.

"Glad you're back, Viper" Dr. Alu smiled as he ruffles my hair as me and Cobra hugged him.

Cobra PoV

After Viper saved Ali, Bakar and Rizwan dragged Tikuza and sent him off to jail. After his medical check-up he was sent home with Bakar to keep an eye on him on his way home, while I carried her to bed, she was sleeping peacefully. We were glad that Dr. Alu is our guardian if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have survived from them. I ruffled her hair and gave her her old plushie that she used to hug with. 

I smiled, as I got up to put these venom on my shelf case but a hand was grabbing my wrist, I turned around to see Viper (Lucy) up all the sudden "What is it, little sis?" I asked. 

"I, have a favor to ask" Lucy replied so nervously all the sudden, my eyes widened when she said that one thing that I wouldn't agree with. 

Ali PoV

I rushed quickly to school as I see Viktor waiting for me by the gates, my wound is healing after what happened last week and my dad seems to take care of me, I feel happy about it all thanks to Viper. "My dude! How are you? You've been absent for a week" Viktor asked. 

"Yeah, I got a high fever back then" I lied. Then I saw Alicia walking by and looked away from me. 

"Anyways, did you know?" Viktor asked me. I was confused. 

"About what?" I asked. 

"A foreigner transferred here at this school, but she is in the same section as us" Viktor replied. 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Mhm ... Anyways, you've missed a lot of discussions and assignments when you were absent, I'll help you out later after school" Viktor replied as I nodded. 

Few minutes later after Viktor defeated me again in a game, I whined a bit as I saw the teacher coming in everyone especially Alicia stood up and said altogether "Good morning, Madam".

(It means Good morning maam)

The teacher let them sit down, and sighed as she took a breath for a bit "Everyone I have an announcement to make" she replied. Murmurs filled up the room especially me since I was kinda shocked when I returned here.

"A foreigner has been transferred to the school of SRT Cyberaya 1. Transferee, please come in and introduce yourself" Miss Puan Muah shouted, as the new student entered the room. When the student entered the room, I was shocked to see who it was, everyone in the clasroom awed as they saw her. The green hair, her blue eyes and two-bunned hairstyle, the moment she wrote down her name, is the moment that now... I'm starting to like her a lot. 

" Hello everyone, my name is Lucyrina Dela H. Leaflora, I hope we get along very well " She smiled normally.  


Me: Should I probably thank or what? 

Ali: Gurl, you should! You've reached 2.2k readers on this book ever since you've published it last year. 

Me: Oh yeah, ehem.. Everyone, thank you for helping me reach this book to 2.2k, this was published last year at first, I wouldn't know if anyone would like this book but when it was 3 months after my publish, my readers went high up. It almost feels like that I have answered your prayers. So thank you very much for waiting for this update. 

Uno: Aren't you going to say something about a... special chapter?

Alicia: Where did he come from? 

Rudy: Who knows. 

Me: Oh yeah, I will take a break for awhile and make a SPECIAL CHAPTER: Quarantine, but the author will be there at the book. Keep on reading my book and wait for the special chapter, thank you! And please be safe from Covid 19 y'all!! 😍😊

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