The True Gods (Highschool DxD...

By TrueRisingFTW

407K 4.4K 2.3K

Great Red and Ophis are known as the strongest of the strong, but what if I were to tell you that there are t... More

Kuoh Observation
Who are you?
A Little Trip To The Next World
Black Magic and Times Anger
The Warning and Purification
Alpha Origin
Arrival in Crocus
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 (Part 1)
Day 3 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Part 1)
Day 4 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Final)
Split Up Time
Two Unknown Powers
New Worlds Within Mischief
Mischief and Despair
The Bridge to Freedom
Supersonics and A Crystalline Beast
Display of Power
Return to Destruction
One's True Ruler
Clash of Titans
Next World Vote [Closed]
A Fairy Goodbye
World of the Gifts
A Festival In Digit Five
Prophecy of Death
The Game of Death Starts
Cloaks Revealed
Life and Death
Battle In Space
A True Battle Of Life And Death
Next World Vote 2 [Closed]
Two Worlds Collide

A Relaxing Day?

4.4K 54 29
By TrueRisingFTW


A/N: The next chapter will be the travel to the next world, last chance of voting before I will soon close it off.


A portal could be seen opening as two figures could be seen walking out, they were none other than Palkia and Dialga.

"Back in this word, huh?"

"Yep. Wonder what has happened since we left, unless we ended up coming back to the same time that I was here previously."

Dialga had responded to Palkia's statement. They were now back in the first world they had visited since waking from their slumber.

While they sensed that it didn't seem to have changed much, if at all. Some things must have happened since they had come here last.

They both seemed a bit surprised when they looked at where they had landed, from what Palkia sensed, it was quite a bit away from civilisation.

In front of them was a rather large mansion, almost like that of a castle, but far more modern. Probably composed of maybe marble.

What they both could also feel that there was a barrier placed around the place, probably done so by their father to make sure they weren't detected as well as so the place couldn't be found.

They both then heard footsteps and turned around to see three other figures walking out from the portal they had come from.

They watched as none other than Wendy, Chelia, and Carla all walked out and looked around before going bug-eyed.

They were all staring in complete shock at the massive place that was in front of them, it was far bigger than the palace at Crocus.

They were also looking around in interest, they were now in a world completely different from their's, not Edolas or Earthland.

"We should check it out, right?" Palkia smiled as he clicked his fingers in front of the girl's faces. This made then snap out of their trance.

They all looked towards the boys, with Dialga staring into the distance before he turned towards them. They just nodded dumbly.

"Then let's get going." Dialga voiced as he began making his way inside. Palkia followed as the girls also soon followed quickly behind them.


Around only an hour or so had passed as they had visited a good number of places within the mansion that Arceus had gifted them.

It looked like a pleasant place to rest, though maybe quite too large just for them. A nice regular sized place would have done nicely.

"Do you guys hear something?" Chelia voiced. They all stopped in confusion before listening, it was quiet for a bit before something sounded.

Wendy, along with Carla, seemed to have closed their eyes as they listened. Wendy then said. "Yeah... it sounds like music."

"Quite peaceful and calming too..." Carla added her own thoughts. Both the dragon gods listened as they both smiled.

The song sounded very familiar to them, it was something hard to forget. They both listened for the source before hearing where it was coming from.

"We know where it's coming from." Dialga had voiced as the girls looked at him. They saw him walking as they all followed after.

Being curious as to where such tranquil music was coming from. They went towards the source of where the sound was being produced.

It didn't take long before before they had made it to where the music was coming from. The girls noticing that both the dragons stopped.

They looked to see that the boys were staring upwards, to which they followed their gaze before widening their eyes in surprise.

A figure could be seen sitting on an open space on the wall of the house, which was someone familiar to them all.

The figure appearing to be playing what looked like an ocarina as they had their eyes closed as the serene sound played.

The person sitting down and playing the song was none other than Lugia! They all could only listen in silence as well as surprise, aside from the boys.

As soon as the song stopped, everything was quiet as Lugia opened his eyes before noticing the five of them staring up at him.

"Oh, hey guys!" Lugia smiled. He them jumped down and landed softly as he walked up to them before looking down at them all.

"Sup, Lugia. What are you doing here?" Palkia asked curiously. Lugia looked at then and responded. "Huh? Didn't you know? I'm living here."

"What?" They all muttered in confusion.


"Oh, that makes sense. No wonder the house was so damn big." Dialga nodded his head in understanding as they all could be seen sitting down on couches.

They had decided to all have a seat as Lugia explained everything that was going on and why he was here.

Apparently, the reason for the abnormally large house was that many others were going to be living with them.

Those being people like Lugia, Ho-oh, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos and many others. The only ones who most likely weren't were Regigigas and the Regi Trio.

Regigigas needed to be at his temple and the Regi Trio needed to be there to help protect Regigigas from any possible intruders.

"Exactly. I'm surprise Lord Arceus hadn't told you guys." Lugia said as he leaned back on his singular couch.

"E-Excuse me Mr. Arnav- I mean Lord Lugia!" Wendy had quickly corrected herself as Lugia turned his attention to her.

"Is there something you need?"

"I-I was just wondering, where are the others True Gods? If you're here, where are they?" Wendy wondered curiously.

"Yeah! Wouldn't they be here as well?" Chelia added in confusion as well. Carla just sat down on the couch as she crossed her arms while listening.

"They're busy as of right now, they should be arriving some other time." Lugia answered. "I'm not sure when specifically though."

"Aside from that though, I think we need to pay greet this guest of ours." Palkia voiced with narrowed eyes.

"Agreed. It would seem they're on the outskirts of the residence." Dialga agreed as he then thought. 'This energy... it feels familiar.'

Lugia seemed to know what they were talking about, but the other three didn't as they looked between the boys in confusion.

"You guys wait here, I'll be right back." Dialga voiced as he stood up and began walking out of the room as they all watched him leave.

Time to pay this visitor a... visit.


"I knew it, I knew the energy was familiar."

"You have arrived. I actually hadn't expected this source of power I felt to bring me to you as well."

"So, what is it you want... Ophis?"

True to Dialga's voice, in front of him was none other than Ophis, the dragon that he had met a good bit of time ago.

He had left the room and flew up here with incredible speed, only to end up seeing Ophis flying in the air above the residence.

Though, he doubted she could see the base, only sense its power. While this would be impossible for other beings, aside from Great Red, it seems that she is proficient enough to sense the base's energy.

Now, that begs the question. Why in the world was she here now?

"So, mind telling me why it is that you're here?" Dialga asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. She just stared before flying over to him with her usual calm and expressionless face.

"Nothing much, just here to stay true to that deal we made." Ophis responded. Dialga blinked in confusion before thinking back.

"Oh... oh yeah, I had completely forgotten about that." Dialga muttered. He remembered exactly what the deal was now. "I assume you want to go on this... date thing?"

"Yes, and we shall get started as soon possible." Ophis smiled blankly as he had wrapped her arms around his neck, though he didn't give the slightest reaction.

"Very well. I'll need to inform my brother that I will be gone for a bit then." Dialga sighed. Ophis nodded before adding. "Then I'll be waiting at Kyoto for you."

Dialga watched as she flew off, he had mo idea what in the world this was going to involve. But, hopefully nothing too tiring.

He then turned around before flying back towards the base to inform the others of this.


When Dialga returned, he had found out that Lugia had left to deal with some important business that needed his immediate attention.

After which Dialga then began to explain everything about the visitor they had, to which he then told about the deal he made.

To which the girls all staring at him with considerably widened eyes, though Wendy had a visibly more stressed look on her face.

Palkia just blinked at what his brother had told him, his brother was going on a date? He really didn't know what to think, he wasn't any better at that stuff than his brother was.

"So, can you tell me where Kyoto is? She said that she'll meet me there." Dialga requested. Palkia nodded before his eyes glowed slightly.

"It's not too far, just head north-east from here and you should reach it in two minutes maximum." Palkia explained.

"Alright, thanks. I'll be back later, guys." Dialga said before running out of the room as they were all still in a state of surprise, aside from Palkia.

"That was... something." Chelia muttered as she snapped out of her confusion and shock. She then looked at Wendy.

Only to see that she was still looking forwards with her jaw lowered and her eyes shadowed completely by her hair.

Cara had also snapped out of her shock and noticed Wendy's state as well, to which Chelia then snapped her fingers in front of her face.

This action, after a few times, managed to get the dragon slayer to snap out of her current state and blink a few times.

"Wh-What happened?"

"Don't worry! I know exactly what we need to do!" Chelia announced. They all looked at her in confusion as they heard this. "Time to follow them!"

"Say what now?" Palkia rose an eyebrow as he heard this. Carla did the same as she asked. "Are you sure that's such a good idea?"

"Is-Isn't that an invasion of privacy? Should we really...?" Wendy seemed to agree with Carla, though there were hints of wanting to go.

"Of course! From what he told us, this Ophis girl probably doesn't even know the first things about a date! Though, I don't really know."

"But, why does that make it necessary for us to follow him?" Palkia asked while still confused about the reasons.

"He's your brother, isn't he?! Don't you feel like it's your duty to see how it goes?!" Chelia demanded as she slammed her hands onto the table between them.

Palkia blinked at this, he really didn't know. He was never good at stuff like this as him and his brother had other stuff to address.

"Alright, I guess I'll go along with this..."


"This is ridiculous..."

"It's not! We need to stay disguised so he won't notice us!"

"This is not going to work..."

The group were now in Kyoto, which was a massive beautiful city. The girls were shocked at its size when they first saw it.

It was far bigger than Crocus as well as far more advanced than anything they had ever seen in their entire lives.

They had arrived through the use of Palkia's portals as they could be seen waiting and staring towards Dialga, who was just leaning against the wall of one of the buildings as people walked past.

"Are you getting used to your body, Carla?" Wnedy wondered as she looked back to see a young girl with white hair and cat features.

"I am, though it is a bit strange." Carla had responded. This wasn't a joke, this was truly Carla herself.

While Dialga was confronting Ophis back at the base, Carla had requested of Palkia to teach her how to transform.

Palkia hadn't minded at all as the idea of it was a pretty simple thing to do, as long as you did the steps correctly.

Right now, they could all be seen watching Dialga. Palkia was leaning against the wall, Chelia was up front and staring forward intently with Wendy peeking out from behind her.

Carla was standing next to Palkia as they both watched the girls as they waited for Ophis to arrive. Dialga seemingly calm and relaxed as he was waiting.

But, what all of four of them had in common was that they all had a pair of sunglasses over their eyes as they watched.

Palkia had his doubts that Dialga wouldn't recognise them if he saw them, thankfully his brother couldn't sense them since he put up a strong barrier though.

"Wait, I see someone! Look!" They all heard Chrlia shout in a whisper as they all turned to look in the same direction she was.

When they did, they saw it was a young girl appearing around their age with long black hair and wearing a rather simple yet decent looking outfit.

They all noticed the girl's rather emotionless face, much like how Dialga explained to them about the girl beforehand.

The two girls could also tell that this girl was rather on the attractive side when it came to boys their age, having beautiful fair skin and a cute face.

It kind of made them jealous, even Wendy was rather jealous of her appearance. The only thing Chelia could use to boost her moral a bit was that she had a bigger chest area.

"Ah, there you are." Dialga said as he pushed himself off the wall to see that Ophis was walking over with a blank smile on her face. "You changed?"

"Yes. I have learnt that my attire beforehand is not suited for standards of society today." Ophis explained emotionlessly as he nodded.

"That is understandable. It was a bit revealing." Dialga nodded. He then gestured behind him. "So, you ready to go?"

"Yes." Ophis nodded before Dialga began walking, to which Ophis had quickly grabbed onto his right arm and walked alongside him.

"I'll let you lead this date thing then, it is your goal to try and swell my emotions."

The others peeked back round the corner to see them walking away as Wendy twitched slightly after seeing them.

"Alright! Let's do this! Operation Stealth is go!" Chelia declared as she flicked the sunglasses that she had on as they gave off a glint.

"W-Wait up, Chelia!" Wendy called out as she saw the girl running after the two. Carla snd Palkia sighed in unison before following after them.


"Alright, subjects are currently sitting down at a small cafe."

Chelia voiced as she was holding a notepad in her hands and writing down everything that was happening during the date.

Two hours or so had passed since it started, and not too much has happened. It started off with walking around the city with each other.

Which then went to the current time of them sitting at a small restaurant. Dialga, being a True God, currency wasn't exactly an issue.

Dialga was honestly a bit surprised that Ophis knew some things about this dating thing, he just assumed that she must have learnt some things.

"Isn't this enough? It seems to be going just fine." Palkia voiced as he crossed his arms. Chelia shook her head and stated.

"No! We need to see this till the very end, plus c Wendy also seems determined!" Chelia said as both Carla and Palkia looked towards the girl in question.

Wendy appeared to be staring rather intently towards the two people they were spying on as she was next to Chelia.

"I suppose we have no choice." Carla muttered with her hand on her face. People were walking past them and gave them strange looks.

I mean, it wasn't exactly a normal thing to see four twelve year-old looking people wearing sunglasses spying on two people.


The group were now watching as both Ophis and Dialga were sitting down on a bench in a nearby park that was rather empty as it was a bit late.

They were hiding in the bushes and stared as they saw Dialga leaning back on the seat with crossed arms as Ophis was resting her head on his shoulder.

"Oh~, it's just like on of those scenes!" Chelia smiled gleefully as she took in the view of what was happening in front of her.

"One of those scenes?" Wendy repeated in confusion. The other two seemed just as confused as the love freak girl seemed giddy.

"Yeah! They sit alone on a bench, and before you know it, the girl or boy will... oh, I think it's happening!"

They all turned back to watch as Ophis seemed to be getting up from Dialga's shoulder as she gave him her usual smile, though with a bit of red on her cheeks.

"So, did you enjoy today?" Ophis smirked as Dialga shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure. I guess it was a bit entertaining, can't really say."

"Is that so...?" Ophis seemed to widen her smirk a bit. Dialga was confused when she placed her hands on each of his cheeks.

Though, he soon widened his eyes slightly when Ophis ended up placing her lips onto his. He blinked in confusion when she did this.

The action had caused all, except for Palkia, to jaw drop in shock. Chelia though, she did end up giving a  small squeal as she witnessed this.

Wendy had turned completely red as her eyes were shadowed in a comical fashion. Carla was shocked at the events, and Chelia excited.

They watched in silence as the kiss that Ophis had done lasted for a good bit, to which she soon then stopped and moved her head back.

The redness on her face had grown a considerable amount as she had wrapped her arms around the True God's neck.

Dialga stared at her for a second before giving off a small chuckle, her actions were rather amusing to him.

"I must say... it seems that you've succeeded. You have actually managed to swell my emotions a bit." Dialga chuckled. "So, I'll consider making you my mate. It's not certain, understand?"

"Of course. I know the deal we made." Ophis smiled as she ended up snuggling herself into Dialga's chest as the others watched.

"That's what I call romance if I've ever seen it!" Chelia whisper shouted as her eyes had hearts inside of them.

"Huh, that was... a thing." Palkia said simply as he crossed his arms. He still didn't really understand it much, but he was starting to... maybe.

"Oi! Wendy, snap out of it!" Carla called out as she shook the shoulder of the Sky Dragon Slayer. The girl having been red in the face the entire time.

"Don't worry, Wendy! Just try harder and you can do it too! Don't give up!" Chelia cheered as the girl whipped her head towards the pink-haired girl.

Her face only now releasing unimaginably amounts of steam as Palkia just watched with a roll of his eyes, but a small smile on his face.

"Eh? Is that you guys?"



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