
By Ko-Ko-star

687K 18.1K 4.3K

Alexis was a forgotten run away, escaping a life of abuse. She was homeless, completely alone, and in desper... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69

Part 39

5.6K 148 96
By Ko-Ko-star

Nichole's POV:

"Babe, your squeezing my hand", I said, as her nails dug into my skin.

"Sorry", she said, loosening her grip.  "I'm just nervous."

"It'll be fine.  There's absolutely no pressure", I said, as I opened the front door to the agency.  

Today was a big day.  It was the day that Alexis was going to model for the agency for the first time.  I was going to do a photo shot of her and then show it to the agency.  And then they were going to decide if they wanted her or not.  And although there was pressure, because she was going to be judged.  Her photos were going to be scrutinized.  Picked apart.  Detail by detail.  She was going to be looked at from every angle.  Analyzed down to the smallest imperfection.  So, although there was pressure, I didn't want her to feel it.  And honestly it didn't really matter.  It's not like Lexi really wanted to be a model.  She was just doing it for extra money for college.  So, if they decided they couldn't use her, it wasn't the end of the world.

"Ok", she said, in a quiet voice, trying to convince herself.

"It's just gonna be you, right?  Just you taking the photos?"

"Yes, babe.  It's just gonna be me.  I'm gonna be the only one in the room with you.  It's just gonna be us", I said, reassuring her.

"Ok.  Because I wouldn't feel comfortable with anyone else", she said, as we rounded the corner to the room where we were gonna do the shoot.

"I know.  And I wouldn't either."  And it was true.  Because although we weren't doing  any nudes,  we were going to do some rather racey photos.  And although they were gonna be viewed by the entire agency, I still knew we both felt more comfortable with it just being me and her in the actual photo shoot.  Especially since it was her first time modeling.

Just as we were about to enter the photo shoot room, an unexpected surprise, and I should a rather unpleasant, unexpected surprise happened.  Someone rounded the corner at the same time, and almost nearly ran into us.

It was Sydney.  Fucking shit.

She looked at me. Then at Alexis.  But to much my displeasure, she kept her eyes on Lexi, glaring at her. 

"Hey", I said quickly, trying to evert Sydney's attention away from Lexi. 

Reluctantly she looked away from her and then turned her attention to me.

"Hey", she said back.  Then, she thought for a moment.  "What are you doing back here?"  

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You never shoot back here.  You're always up at the other end", she said, suspiciously.

"Well... I'm doing a different kind of shoot", I said, trying to leave it vague.

"What kind of shoot?"she asked, noisily, glancing back and forth between Lexi and I.

"That's none of your goddamn business", I snapped. Because, quite honestly, she was starting to piss me off with her nosiness.

"Why are you acting all secretive?" she asked, obviously not taking the hint.

"I'm not acting secretive.  It's just none of your business is all."

"Well, if you have nothing to hide, then why won't you tell me", she said, obviously not wanting to let it go.

"Well, it's still none of your fucking business, but if you must know, I'm doing a photo shoot of Alexis."

She stopped dead in her tracks, then looked at Lexi, then back at me.  Then she started laughing in the most sarcastic, smart ass way possible.

"Her?" she said, pointing at Lexi, still laughing.

Lexi coward behind me, as I could tell she felt afraid, uncomfortable and even embarrassed.

I suddenly felt myself starting to get angry.  It was pissing me off how she was acting and I sure as hell didn't appreciate her disrespecting Lexi like that.  

"Lexi, why don't you wait for me inside.  I'll be in a few minutes", I said, putting my arm around her.  I had a few things I wanted to say to Sydney.  But,  I didn't want to upset Lexi.  Nor did I want to expose her to Sydney's childishness.

She looked at me, wide eyed, not completely sure what to do.

"It's ok, baby.  Everything is fine.  Just wait for me inside, Ok?"


"Baby, it's fine.  I just wanna talk to Sydney for a few minutes in private."

"Ok", she finally said, in a quiet voice, but still didn't move.

"I'll be in a few minutes.  It's ok."

She looked at me, then at Sydney, then after a moment, she reluctantly agreed and went inside.

"Damn, was that pathetic", Sydney said.

"Look", I said, once Sydney and I were alone.  "I don't appreciate you acting that way and laughing at Lexi like that.  That was so fucking rude."

She laughed again.  "I wasn't being rude, I was just being honest.  Why is she modeling anyhow?"

"Because the agency is considering giving her a part time job.  So, we're doing a photo shoot.  Then, they'll decide from there."  

She laughed again.  "But she doesn't even have a body."

Suddenly, I could feel my face heat up, as I was getting even more angry at her continued insults towards Lexi.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I shot back.

"Well... she's all... skin and bones.  She's too skinny.  The agency will never want her."

"Well, for your information, the agency is very interested in her.  They've already seen her.  And they like her.  And besides, Lexi happens to have a gorgeous body.  And she would be perfect for the agency."

"Well, if you like skin and bones.  And obviously you do.  Seeing how you're fucking her."

And that's when I just about lost it.  "You bitch.  She happens to be my girlfriend.  We're in a committed relationship.  So, we're not just fucking, as you like to put it."


"We're actually in a serious relationship.  And I don't appreciate you disrespecting her like that."

"I don't give a fuck about your relationship, Nichole.  If you wanna settle for something like that, then go right ahead.  That's your problem."

"What do you mean, settling?" I snapped back.

"I mean, come on Nichole.  You went from someone like me.  To someone like her.  Someone gorgeous and sexy and curvy.  To skin and bones.  From someone who's confident and has a great personality. To someone who's scared of her own shadow and no personality whatsoever.  It's actually embarrassing for you."

I felt my anger rising even more.  

"You know what?!  I've had just about enough of you saying shit about Lexi.  First of all, none of it is true.  She happens to have a gorgeous body.  And I happen to like skinny girls.  So to me, she's perfect.  And I don't really give a fuck what you think.  And second of all, Lexi has a fantastic personality.  She's kind, sweet and loving .  And you, on the other hand, have one of WORST personalities of anyone I've ever known!  Ever!  And it's not confidence that you portray.  It's just that you're a fucking BITCH!" I said, in a loud voice.

She glared at me with a look of pure hatred, and seemingly surprised at my aggressiveness towards her.  "How dare you call me a bitch!" she yelled back.   "You're a bitch!  And so is your little girlfriend.  And plus she's annoyingly as hell!"

"Annoying?! You wanna know who's annoying?!  It's you!  You're annoying!  And no wonder I dumped you!" I yelled.

"Fuck you Nichole!  And I'm the one who dumped you!" she yelled back, now completely enraged.

And just as I was about to fire back, I suddenly felt a small presence behind me.  I quickly turned to look.  It was Alexis.  She was as white as ghost and looked absolutely terrified, as I was sure she had heard us yelling.

"Baby, go back inside, ok?" I said, not wanting her to witness the ugliness of Sydney. 

"But, I heard yelling.  And I got scared", Lexi said, her voice trembling.

"Oh my god!" Sydney blurted out, staring at Lexi.  "What are you... like 10 years old, or something?!  You're like a fucking child!" 

I could feel myself begin to fill with even more anger.  It was one thing for Sydney to be rude and ignorant and to fight with me, but to say rude things to Lexi was completely uncalled for.  And I wasn't gonna stand for it.

I turned towards Lexi.  "Alexis, go back inside.  NOW", I said, sternly.  She immediately looked at me, surprised by my tone.  Because I never talked to her like that.  But, this was different.  


Lexi, Now.  Please", I repeated.

"Ok", she said, sounding terrified, and retreated back to the room.

"Listen, you little fuck" I said, getting in Sydney's face, once Lexi was out of earshot.  "Don't you ever talk to her like that again.  In fact, don't ever talk to her at all!"

"Oh ok, Nichole.  What are you gonna do about it?  Get your fucking mafia family after me?  Please.  You're not gonna do shit", she said, sarcastically.

"Actually no.  You know what?  If you so much as go near her, I'll make your life a living hell."

She laughed.  "Oh, and how are you gonna do that?"

"I'll refuse to do any of your photo shoots", I said, knowing that this would get to her.  I was the only one that could tolerate Sydney.  She was absolutely impossible to work with.  She bitched and complained constantly.   She was bossy, rude and degrading.   Nothing was ever good enough.  And all of the other photographers either had already refused to work with her or she had refused to work with them.  Unfortunately for me, I was the only one who knew how to deal with her.  And plus,  she liked working with me because I had a way of making her photo shoots near perfection.  Because I knew her body inside and out.  I knew her best side, what features to accent.  So with me, she was always happy with the end product.  So much so, even though we hated each other's guts, she now insisted on only working with me.  So I knew taking that away from her, would piss her off more than anything.

"What?!  You wouldn't do that!"

I laughed.  "Just watch me."

She glared at me, completely speechless.  Not sure how to react or what to say.   "You bitch!"  she blurted out.

"Me?!  You're the one who's a bitch!  I told you before to leave Alexis alone.  And you refuse to do it!  So maybe this will teach you!"

"Oh my god!  It's absolutely ridiculous how you baby her like this!  Why can't she stand up for herself?!  Why do you have to always defend her?!  Why can't she do it herself?!  Is there something wrong with her something?!"

"I defend her because she's my girlfriend!  And there's nothing wrong with her!   And just because she doesn't feel comfortable being around a bully like you, just means that she doesn't want to stoop to your level!"

"My level?!  What about your level?!  You're the one who's threatening to stop doing my photo shoots!  That's so fucking low!"

"Well, then leave Alexis alone then!  And then I won't have too!" I snapped back.

"Look, for the last time, I don't give a fuck about your goddamn, skinny ass, annoying, afraid of her own fucking shadow girlfriend!"

"Oh my god!  There you go again!  Taking shots at her!  When I just fucking told you not to do that!"

"Well, if she wasn't such a fucking annoying weirdo I wouldn't have to take shots at her!" she yelled back.

"Why does she annoy you so bad?" 

"Because she's always around you.  Like she's glued to your fucking side or something.  And the public display of affection between you two is outright sickening.  It's disgusting."

Then all of a sudden, it hit me.   "You're jealous", I said, point blank.

She was immediately taken aback.  "No, I'm not", she said, laughing nervously.

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not.  Why would I be jealous of her?"

"Because you still want me" I said, looking her directly in the eye.  Sydney had always been a very jealous person. She was jealous of everybody for everything.  And I could tell, just by the look on her face, that this was no exception.

She again was taken aback and laughed nervously again.  "What are you talking about?  I don't want you", she said, obviously lying.

"Yes you do.  You still wanna be with me.  Admit it."

"I do not wanna be with you, Nichole!  You're delusional."

I laughed.  "Oh really?"

"Yes, really.  I know it's hard to believe, but not everybody wants you."

I laughed again.  And just then, I decided to mess with her a little bit.  Just for the fun of it and to irritate her even more.  

"Tell me you wouldn't fuck me right now in my office if I wanted you too", I said, in a low voice.

She looked at me, completely shocked and taken off guard at what I had just said.  "No!  I wouldn't fuck you even if you begged me too."

"Are you sure about that?" I said, glancing down the hall to where my office was located.

She didn't say anything for a long time, and I could tell she was thinking.  "So... are you asking?" she finally said.

"Why not?" I said, playing with her.  "Just for old times sake."

She looked around  nervously.  "But what about your girlfriend?" she asked, taking the bait.

"She's fine.  She'll never even know.  It'll just be a quick fuck."

"You're just fucking with me", she said, clearly confused.

"Try me", I said, enjoying getting her going.

She looked around again, making sure the coast was clear.  Then at me.  

I didn't say anything and neither did she.  And her blue eyes burned into mine.  Then after a few moments, she pushed me up against the wall.  Hard and rough. And she put her hand loosely around my throat.   "You want me to fuck you?  Is that what you want?" she said, in an icy tone.

I gulped loudly, taken aback by her assertiveness and roughness.  I didn't know what to do.  Because she had suddenly turned the tables.  And now she was the one in control.  

Then, suddenly something unexpected happened, something I wasn't anticipating... I got turned on. 

"Is that what you want, Nichole", she said in low voice, as her lips grazed my neck, and I took in her familiar scent.  And she suddenly, without warning, she bit down hard.  

I winced in pain.  Then, I gulped nervously, because I couldn't even think straight.   She had me under some kind of weird spell.  

"Do you want me to take you into your office right now and fuck the shit out of you?" she said, barely above a whisper.  "Is that what you want, Nichole?"

I didn't know what to do.  I was so fucking turned on by her dominance.  And not to mention how  sexy she was.  No matter what anyone could say about Sydney, she was beautiful.  Hot and sexy.  There was no denying that.  None whatsoever.

Just then I suddenly felt her lips on mine.  She kissed me hard on the mouth.  And I felt myself giving into her, as my lips began to move in sync with hers.  She continued to kiss me hard and rough, as she wrapped her arms around my waist and slid her hand down to my butt, and grabbed my ass hard, causing me to wince in pain once again.

God her lips felt so good against mine.  So fucking good.  'But wait... no' I suddenly thought, beginning to come back to my senses, and coming out of her spell.  

I pulled away and shook my head, then pushed her back away from me. "No... th-this is wrong."

"Is it?  You want me just as much as I want you.  Just admit it.  The sexual tension between us is obvious" she said.

"No", I said, shaking me head, suddenly feeling extremely guilty for what I had just done.  "I-I... I gotta go", I said, quickly walking away and running to the nearest bathroom, leaving her standing there completely confused.

I ran to the bathroom sink and looked at myself in the mirror.  My hair was messy, my face was flushed, my lipstick was smeared, and a deep bruise was already forming on my neck where she had bitten down.  Of fuck, what did I just do?  I thought nervously.  

I turned on the water and splashed cold water on my face, and tried the best I could to pull myself together.  

I sat on the bathroom floor, reliving what had just happened between Sydney and I.  And I suddenly hated myself for what I had just done.  I just cheated on Alexis.  The girl I love.  The girl who means everything to me.  Why did I do that?  I had never even thought of cheating on Lexi with anyone.  Ever.  I loved her.  She was everything I ever wanted in a woman.  She was my heart.

How could I have let this happen?  It was obvious that Sydney still had some kind of hold on me. There was still a sexual tension between us.  But still, that shouldn't have mattered.  I had a girlfriend that I loved.  That's what should matter.  Lexi and I and our relationship is what should matter.  Not Sydney.

I sat there for what felt like a long, long time, still in complete shock at what I had just done.  How could I have been so stupid?  I had just cheated on Lexi with Sydney.  And what was worse.  What I couldn't quite get past.  What was even worse.  

Was that I had gotten turned on...  I had enjoyed it.  

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