Team Weird|Walter Beckett X R...

By GoldenLink145

43.2K 1.5K 2.5K

Walter Beckett has been in the spy agency in Washington working with his partner Lance Sterling for three yea... More

The Beginning: One
Riding With Rockets: Two
A Werid Distraction: Three
A Task In Los Angeles: Four
IMPORTANT! Please Read!
Moving Along at Dawn: Five
The Club Of Fun: Six
A Serious Situation: Seven
A New Plan: Eight
Gumballs: Nine
A Flesh Rotting Street: Eleven
The Little Demon: Twelve
A New Lance: Thirteen
The Freind in San Francisco: Fourteen
Mansion On The Mountain: Fifteen
Hello? Virgin Speaking: Sixteen
Mess Of A Dress: Seventeen
The Dance: Eighteen
Cult of Crows: Nineteen
Winner's Raffle Art
Human Eyes: Twenty
Reverse! Cha Cha Real Smooth: Twenty-one
Sneaky Bud: Twenty-Two
*GASP!* Another Art Raffle?
Airport Friends: Twenty-Three
Crushing On You: Twenty-Four
A Simulation Performace: Twenty-Six
Winner Raffle Art!
Before Then : Twenty-Seven
Needle Tricks :Twenty-Eight
A True Maliden: Twenty-Nine
Wet Dreams: Thirty (haha 'Thirsty')
The Paper Thief: Thirty-One
GTA: Thirty-Two
I Like You: Thirty-Three
The 'Perfect' Visitors: Thirty-Four
I.S.T.C : Thirty-Five
Fun Head Cannons and Facts!
Russ Takes The Bait: Thirty-Six
The Phone Call :Thirty-Seven
The Teasing Before The Sex: Thirty-Eight
S E X + Third Raffle
The Real Sex: Thirty-Nine
Half-Ass Father: Forty
Cold Kisses: Forty-One

Welcome to the Agency: Twenty-Five

616 30 104
By GoldenLink145


The souvenir shops were all but too cute to Angel. She had already bought multiple keychains and shirts that she couldn't fit in her carry on bag. They clung and dangled from her arms as she walked. The keychains singing annoyingly as they clang together from her fingers.

This was her first time going anywhere by herself without her family; no sisters, nor father, nor her butler. It was a dream to her really.

Although she did admit, she was a bit lost, and she found out that reading maps were just as difficult as attempting to make Rue smile. Nevertheless, she was determined to find her way to gate 'B.'

She had her earbuds in; orchestra music allowed her to focus more instead of getting distracted by other things. But at the same time, she didn't realize a hand grabbing onto her shoulder, resulting in her wheeling back and slapping the person from behind her.

"OW!" A boy shouted, holding his cheek and whimpering.

Angelina gasped and tore one of the buds out from her ear. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! You frightened me!"

The boy wore a dark green shirt, others had followed him and went to his side. There was about five of them maybe, she assumed they were a group of some sort.

"Ralph, are you alright?" One of the students chuckle at him, watching as the boy held his red cheek.

"Yeah yeah, " he sighed and glanced up at Angelina, looking up and down. "Were you with Walter Beckett?"

She pulled out her other earbud and turned off her music. "Yes. . .Why?"

"You need to come with me to gate 'B,' ma'am. On the words of Walter Beckett," a female student said.

"Oh thank the gods!" Angelina exclaimed. "I've been trying to look for it everywhere!"

". . ." The students all looked at each other with blank faces. "You do know it's just downstairs. . . Haven't you looked at the map?" One of them questioned.

"There's another floor!?"

"Umm. . . Yea? The escalator is right over there--" they pointed to the left of them. There was indeed a stairway down. Was she blind?

"Oh. . . Right, " she blushed from embarrassment and cleared her throat. "Yes, please do take me to gate 'B.'"

They did just that. They led her downstairs and past other small shops which took all her power not to stare and run to them. One of the students even kindly carried her things, though, they did seem to be struggling.

There was a large sign for different gate letters and colors. It would of been a simple find if she had known about the bottom floor, but it was alright now. She just hoped that Walter was not angry with her, she couldn't imagine seeing him angry.

"Why did you try to hit on Walter Beckett's girlfriend dude. . . Are you dumb?" Angelina overheard a guy group talking as she passed, she couldn't help but listen in.

"I didn't know she was Walter Beckett's girl!" Another male spoke.

'Walter Beckett's girlfriend?' Angelina questioned to herself. 'He has a girlfriend?'

She assumed they must be talking about (Y/N), who else would they be talking about? It was obvious (Y/N) had a huge crush on Walter; Angel could tell. And for some reason, it disappointed her. . . Of course, the only reason why she stopped dancing with Walter back at the party was because of (Y/N).

She remembered the conversation they had at the party, and as she did she felt a tiny bit of jealousy arise from her.

(Flash back)

"WHAT!?" (Y/N) suddenly blurted out. Her face looked horrified.

Angelina tilted her head towards her in confusion. "W-what?"

"W-why Walter?"

"Why not Walter? He's good looking, " she shrugged.

"I just. . . don't think it's a good idea. . . To dance with him. . . He doesn't seem like the person who would know how to dance."

Angelina shrugged and raised a single brow. "Wh--" she began to say but then her smile began to widen. "Do you like Walter?"

"W-what? Ew-- no of course not. . ." (Y/N)'s ears and face began turning rosy.

Angelina poked her cheeks and pulled a chair next to her. "You love him~"

"No! I just met him!"

"It's easy to catch feelings. You either deal with them or you don't."

"I don't have feelings for Walter. . . I can't have feelings for him."

"Mmm-- you're taking it the hard way. But you'll learn."

(Y/N) laughed. "You're funny Angel. But I really don't like Walter."

Angelina crossed her arms and laid back in her chair. "Then why are you blushing?"

"B-because I'm not used to talking about stuff like this! I just think it's awkward. . ."

"Oh?" Angelina began. "Don't lie to yourself. . . You want him to hold you, you want him to cuddle you at night and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, you want him to take you in bed---"

"AHHH! Stopstopstopstop!"

"You want him to touch you and kiss you~~" Angelina continued to tease while (Y/N) curled herself up in a ball; her face red with blush.

"MMMM! . . Angel stop please!" (Y/N) shouted. She was shaking. "It feels all weird! I hate thissssss."

Angelina laughed and stuck her tongue out. "OooO~ Someone's in love."

"I-i don't love him!"

As they arrived outside of gate 'B' Angelina immediately noticed the large black vehicle, it was Walter's for sure.

"Angel!" She heard a shout from her left, Walter came running up to her, his eyes furrowed sternly. He was stacking Owen's bags in a large bus; (Y/N) was also helping him. "Where were you? Where's Owen and Brett?"

"Oh. . ." Angelina chuckled nervously. "Well, I kinda. . . sorta. . . Got sidetracked. . .And lost."

Walter glanced over at the souvenirs in one of the student's hands then sighed towards her. "Well, I'm glad they found you. Thank you guys," He smiled softly at the students who escorted her.

Their eyes all sparkled. "No problem sir! The other two are on their way!" One of them said happily.

"Oh, perfect!" Walter breathed in relief.

"UNHAND ME YOU FILTHY MONSTERS!" Their attention was raised towards the side door of gate 'B.'

Four students were helping carry Owen above their heads while he squirmed and kicked; shouting like a mad man. However, Brett walked calmly beside them, with no concern for Owen.

"W-Walter! We're so sorry!" Brett apologized while bowing his head in utter shame.

"It's fine, but we need to leave, " Walter said, chuckling as the students set Owen down on the floor. "Whoa there, uh-- what happened to you?"

"THESE IDIOT BASTARDS TACKLED ME! THEY PUSHED ME TO THE FLOOR!" Owen screamed, his face was red with fury and his glossy blond hair was a mess.

"Tragic, " Walter said, trying not to burst with laughter. "Very tragic."

Angelina laughed at him. "HA! You look ridiculous!"


The students stared at him carelessly, then walked to Walter.

"Filthy Muggles. . ." Owen uttered under his breath.

"Thank you guys, " Walter winked at them. "You did good, I promise I'll repay you guys someday, but right now I need to go."

"No worries Sir! It was an honor to meet you!" They all saluted.

"Also, one more thing, " Walter added. "Could you get him into my car please?" He pointed at Owen.

"Sir, Yes Sir!"

'I love my job, ' Walter saluted back to them.


The cage was lonely. He was lonely. He missed lovey, and Lance, and Walter, and even Isaac! He had been stuck in this old cage for hours! The only thing he was thankful for was getting out if the cold, but of course he was stuck here.

After the black cat carried him off, he was taken to a small house; it was cozy with a little fireplace and the place smelled of wood. It reminded Jeff of the forest, but he knew he wasn't anywhere near a forest; he was still stuck in this hell of a city!

At least he wasn't dead, that's what he kept telling himself. But with his wing sprained and stuck in this house, he has just found himself to be very bored, he feared he might bore himself to death.

There was an unlock sound of a door and Jeff immediately sprung up. His wing was wrapped in a bandage and small stick, but it still hurt.

An old man appeared, walking into the room and locking the door behind him. He took off his large coat and set in on a chair near his wood carving desk.

He was quite a large man, with a long white beard and small framed glasses fitted on his big nose. From the looks of him, Jeff could guess he was around the age of seventy. He had dark gentle eyes as well, Jeff didn't feel threatened by him at all when he first saw him.

Skimpy, the black cat that had carried him here, was by the old man's feet, meowing annoyingly, screaming for food. And he was given some by the old man.

Jeff had learned that the old man was a veterinarian a long while ago, now he works at a factory, and does delicate wood carving of animals. He even did one of him! Jeff thought it was the best one. The old man's name was Shawn, and he had three small granddaughters, one was just born, he had heard. But Jeff never actually seen the children.

Shawn came to his cage, opening the small door and throwing the papers he had in his hand on the small desk. Jeff perched on his finger as Shawn lifted his hand towards him. He couldn't fly away from here even if he wanted to.

"Poor, poor little bird, " the man said sorrowfully. "You should heal soon."

Skimpy glared at Jeff, rolling his eyes as he watched his master lay Jeff down on top of his desk.

"Pretty bird, " the man said while stroking his little head.

"Fuck yeah I am, " Jeff agreed.

"H-HE'S JUST TRYNA MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER MMMM!" Skimpy yelled. Jeff didn't know why but the cat was always fucking vibrating.

"You're just jealous 'cause he didn't call you pretty."




"Skimpy shush!" Shawn yelled. Coughing right after, it was a bad cough. Jeff assumed he must be sick, but that didn't sound like any normal cold.

Even though the old man couldn't understand them, Jeff felt like he could at times. Maybe it was because he worked at a vet once and just happened to understand animals more than anything. Jeff liked that, he like to be understood.

The old man began carving, it's what he usually did when he got home from work. There was no television nor any other electronics. Perhaps he was just used to this lifestyle, maybe once he lived in a cottage in the forest, either way, Jeff could tell the old man hated the city and his work.

Jeff didn't hate this house. Sure it was smaller than Walter's and bland with no television. Did Jeff mention he didn't own a television? Well, the guy didn't. . . But other than that, (and of course the wack ass cat) this place wasn't that bad.

But he also couldn't wait for his stupid wing to heal. . .


The car ride was much longer than Brett thought it was originally going to be. They were still driving, and they had been stuck in traffic for about half an hour.

Angelina, him, and Owen were all squished in the back seat while (Y/N) took the front seat next to the drivers. Of course, this annoyed Owen, he sulked and complained the entire time and even Brett was starting to get annoyed with it. He, however, didn't mind being in the back seat, he felt comfortable, and Angelina was fast asleep; her souvenirs in her lap.

(Y/N) and Walter were talking nonstop, leaving no room for him to be included in their conversations. He didn't care that much about it though, he would just make everything awkward. . . He always does.

He also didn't thank Walter for the donation, he was stunned. But he felt bad for not saying anything, he felt like he needed to. Walter doesn't even know his sister. . . And what he did just proved that he wasn't at all a bad person like the hunters said he was.

"Walter you're such a dork!" (Y/N) giggled. "I can't believe you got kicked out of Walmart."

"Well, I felt like I was going to get trampled by everyone, " Walter chuckled. "The thing is, I had a hood on and a mouth mask on i-i didn't think anyone would still notice me. . . I just wanted milk!"

(Y/N) laughed, putting a hand on his shoulder. "*WHeEzE* I'm so sorry Walter!"

"I hate Walmart. I had to jet pack to my car. I hate it with a passion."

"Was it just milk?"


'Well, they're getting along, ' Brett thought.

"I would hate that if I were you, Walter. Can't they be arrested for crowding you?" (Y/N) asked him.

"It's really not that bad, it's just WaLmaRt. . . And I would hate to arrest people, not unless they're harming anyone. Nothing is more worse than being cornered in Walmart by a bunch of teenagers."

"Tell me another ridiculous story, " (Y/N) smiled.

"Another? . . Hmm--" Walter thought for a second. "Well, I know one about this gorgeous girl that was once part of a dangerous group~"

(Y/N) smirked, a blush on her cheeks. "Go on~"

"Mhm~ I met her in a sex club. Her eyes were the most beautiful thing, that was the first thing I've noticed, I was lucky she wanted to come on this trip, and I was happy to let her come into my life."

'Okay. . . maybe they're getting along too well. . .' Brett smiled nervously.

(Y/N)'s blush deepened as Walter turned to face her. His eyes stared at her longingly until suddenly he whipped his head facing the road.

The next moment he was gasping and turned the wheel harshly, letting the car swirl off the road and into the grass.

There was a bump then. A familiar bump that reminded Brett of the dead filled road of Columbus Avenue.

Brett was filled with fear then. His face engulfed with worry.

"What the hell is wrong with you Beckett!?" Owen yelled.

And of course, the sudden movement made Angelina wake up and ended up almost having a heart attack. "WHAT!? DID WE CRASH!?"

"Walter!" (Y/N) cried out while unbuckling her seat belt and leaning towards him. "Walter what's wrong!?"

Walter looked as if he was hurt, his hands were in his face and he sounded like he was sobbing. His head laid on the wheel of the car.

Brett shook his head trying to straighten himself and concentrate on Walter. "Walter! Breathe!" He touched his shoulder. "W-What's going on?"

Walter sniffled and rolled his head back against his seat. "I-i ran over a squirrel. . ."
They all stared confused. . .

"HAHAHAHA!" Owen laughed out loud. "Walter Beckett crying over a squirrel? How pitiful!"

"Shut up Owen!" Angelina smacked him on the arm.

"I-i think it's really cute, " (Y/N) said.

"Y-yea Walter, don't worry he's in a better place now!" Brett exclaimed.

Walter whipped his tears on his sleeves. "Okay, okay, l-let's go."

"Stupid Beckett, " Owen chuckled, but he was shut up by Angelina punching his arm. "OW! WOMAN!"

"G-geez Walter I thought you were having an attack again. . ." Brett sighed in relief.

". . .Somewhat. . ." Walter said embarrassed.

"Attack?" (Y/N) questioned.

". . ." Walter didn't say anything as he pulled back into the road.


It has been over two and a half hours of driving and Walter was still embarrassed. What if (Y/N) thought he was weak? What if she thought he was lame? He hasn't had a crush on someone in a long time. Yes, crush. He knew he had a thing for (Y/N), why deny it? And if he gets close to her maybe he could make this workout. . .

He made it his own mission to woo her, and that he will make sure he succeeds in.

(Woo just means to gain her love) no fuck fuck)

They arrived at a gated entrance. There was a skyscraper in the distance; different flags that surrounded it on a small hill. A large body of water laid in front of the tower, and there were beautiful autumn colored trees that surrounded it. This area was separated from the city, it was quite a large gated place as well.

Walter chuckled as they all stared at the skyscraper in awe, (except for Owen of course, he just rolled his eyes).

"Is that the agency?" (Y/N) gasped at the skyscraper.

"Only part of it, " Walter said. "The rest of it is underneath us."

"U-under?" Brett questioned.

"Yep, you'll see soon enough. I was going to let you stay in the car before, but we still need to get those trackers out of you."

"O-Oh. . ." Brett sulked, nervously fidgeting. "Right. . ."

"Can I come!" Angelina raised a hand.

"If you want, " Walter shrugged. "Can't force you to stay in here and I'm already in trouble."


"I don't want to be in this filthy car. . . I'll come with you as well, " Owen said.

As they got closer to the tower a blue like wall scanned the vehicle and confirmed it; allowing them to pass through without any problems.

Walter was happy to be back, but at the same time, he grew sad knowing that Lance wasn't here with him. "Alright. . . Who's going to help me carry the 'bomb' to security?"

"WHHHAATT!?" Owen and Angelina yelled in unison.

"Oh yeah. . . I forgot about the 'bomb' in the trunk, " Brett said scratching his chin.

"IN THE TRUNK!? WHY HAS NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS!? I WANT OUT!" Owen screamed while flailing his arms; almost hitting Brett. "I can't believe I let a bomb come into MY private plane, it could of killed us all!"

"Relax. There isn't a bomb in the car, " Walter said. ". . . Probably."

"What do you mean probably!?" Angelina exclaimed.

"I mean I'm mostly sure it is not a bomb, but me and Lance's mission card said it was."

"I'm pretty sure it would have exploded by now if it was, " (Y/N) said.


"Sure thing, " Walter said while pushing a button to his left and unlocking the side doors, to which Owen barreled out of.

"So uh--" Walter began. "let's finish me and Lance's mission." All he needed to do now was confiscate the 'bomb' and hope to God he won't get his ass kicked by Dr. McEntire.
Thank you for reading and I hope you guys like this chapter! You'll definitely like the next one! Make sure you vote and comment more!

Also, I'm going to edit most of my chapters to have these little pictures under them-- just for fun and they look cool under their names so--






Still have to make more for Lance, Rue, Isaac, (Y/N), and Owen.

If any of you are interested, I have a raffle going on until Tuesday!^

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