Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfe...

By vegito1308

97.5K 1.7K 683

Two monsters who were scarred by the world and left to suffer in isolation, but what happens when you put one... More

Dead Inside
Finding a Key
The Queen
Social Struggle
The Silence
Land Ho
Settling for Something
Lead that leads
The suburban fight
More Problems
Super Soldiers
Sight Seeing
Relieving and Relishing
Notice of Contingency
The New Leaf
Battle of Limbs: Lucy
War of the past: Alex
Tag Cross Blast
Duo Finisher
Not alone, ever again
Nyu is cute
I Remember
Fighting Blackwatch Hordes
End of Mission
Dana Mercer
Missing him
The Unforseeable future
Alex awakens! Our Sweet Home
The End is Just the Beginning

Power Contrast

832 19 11
By vegito1308

Alex flopped to the ground breaking his legs upon contact to the ground. Craven fell head first to the floor as well, having been caught off guard by the reverse spinning kick the prototype pulled on him.

Craven broke his neck in a snap as Alex slammed the ground, having his muscle mass activate that coated his arms a grey black

"Hahh... Get up!" Alex yelled at himself, standing up as his legs snapped back to normal.

The infected Craven did the same but with a visible broken neck. His giant body festered with the blacklight virus was beyond fast to heal that injury "Slow... Very slow Project Zeus... I wonder whatever happened to the great weapon we build-?"

He flicked in Alex's vision as the prototype was tackled away and crash slammed to a wall, becoming stuck like a nail.

He reformed his now hidden arms in the rubble into claws, watching this new Supreme Hunter wannabe walking to him

"I'll tell you what happened to you. You were always a failure. An error Blackwatch tried so hard to destroy. You are still human even with all that power...." Craven slashed Alex's armored head with a swipe of his mutated claws.

"Shggh- well... At least I was something. Not a victim like your secretary..."

Before he knew it, Craven had slammed himself in a tackle and knocked Alex through a reinforced wall and now the two were outside the temporary base walls.

Alex fell to the ground as he scratch it and dashed passed Craven with a sudden halt, the viral monster barely taking in the fact he was slashed 10 times in his body

"Wahahahaha-! You thought some decent scratches will be enough-? Think again." Craven stuck his gooey hands that again, to Alex's surprise, seeped to the very ground and picked up a boulder he hurled like a sling. The sticky tentacle was a new weapon Alex very much wanted in his arsenal.

The Prototype took it head on, changing weapons again to Muscle mass that punched through the boulder and struck Craven in his strangely human but giantized head.

Alex double kicked him in the mouth as he jumped back to see his regeneration kick in.

'Son of a bitch is strong' Alex thought as he tried to find a way to fry or kill him before the fleshy growths on him overcame the damage he took.

He configured his body for damage as he was noticing the botox thing inside his system was slowly being filtered out.

Small wounds and gashes in his face began to heal, smiling at the idea he could out pace this monster.

'I bet his brain became as small as a raisin with all that supreme hunter bulk up' he brainstormed ways to hinder him and be able to absorb him quickly.

"You power hungry bastard... To think someone had saved themselves a vial to consume out of their own volition... YOU LOST YOUR GODDAMN MIND! HAAAAAA-!!!"

Alex charged by flyin up to him with claws at the ready. The prototype took too much airtime as Craven slumped down to the ground and then kicked back his tree trunk sized legs to kick Alex to hit the roof.

He slammed way too fast as parts of his armored self crumbled and fell off him like shell shards. Decending back to hit the floor, Craven didvnot move as gravity pulled Alex to him again so he unfurled his legs to become giant streams of fast piercing tentacles.

"So long pretty boy! HAHAHAH-"

Before he could have the last laugh, Alex transformed his left arm to be a full shield. Craven tried to pierce it but saw only his attacks bounce from it.

Alex tilted his legs to strike Craven's body, striking his stomach with modified legs to resemble eagle's talons. To the enemy's horror, the talons stretched inside his guts and pierced through to the floor he was layed flat to and anchored there.

"GHHAAAAARRR-!!" Craven roared as Mercer tilted his upper body to the max backwards like an arc to them recoil the shield and slam it to pierce his chest.

Blood spewed from his stomach and injury to the chest. The prototype reformed his armor as so did his injuries by constantly eating him in this position. He unleashed his full parasitic ability to try and consume some of him but incredibly he was met with top tier resistance.

Even much more than that of the Supreme Hunter.

When his fleshy miniscule parasitic tentacles tried to tear and render off his flesh, he could feel a horde of the ability as his counter acting his own.

He rearranged his right arm to a blade as his left shrunk back to a claw. He sliced into Craven like a turkey and try to saw more flesh off him but was stopped as intestines brotted off him.

"HAGH-! OH NO-!" Alex voiced as those intestines became living creatures with scissor like mouths. They were small but anyone who knew of blacklight could tell from their fleshy tendons surrounding each of them was a minituare version of what would be knowned as Hydras.

The prototype got an arm cut off with incredible force and speed which he reacted by backing off again to reform the limb with armor sprouting back on

Alex saw that his severed arm was then grabbed by one of them and consumed into Craven's body as he began to heal back.

"Ghhrrgghhh... Hahaha... Project Zeus you have lost condition! I can see too that your resiliency against my strain of virus is not as effective as I thought it would have been, but no matter. Nothing ever comes perfect at first when a human makes it... That's why it is imperative I have to consume you and learn from your strand to make THE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM-!!! HAHAHAHAHA!" Craven's voice distorded at the end as the hydras in his stomach latched out to grow bigger and attempt to slash at Alex's body.

Mercer saw the impossible lengths he had to injure this bastard and actually planned to try an escape until he saw his attack having done real damage.

"Ultimate form my ass! If I remember correctly, none of you infected bastards consider having that yellow ooze coming off you as a good sign!" Alex called his attention to his stomach and Craven gasped at the truth.

His body may be tough, durable, regenerative, and very resilient but a key weakness was that it was all temporary.

Alex dodged two hydras that aimed for his legs. The first slashed at a knee height which Mercer dodged then skipped right over the second one that tried to snip his other leg but he tucked them as he climbed over the hydra slash.

Then the prototype swung his spin widly like a shiruken straight at his target. Craven bellowed all mighty as he launched his right arm that became fleshy fluid like a vast infected vat of yogurt that shot to Alex.

The target did not flinch as he kept on to strike the attack head on and tear it in half

"Impossible!" Craven garbled as his attack was torm through and Alex swirled in the mass of flesh to then come out and strike his head.

With a piercing disgusting wooshing sound, Alex encrusted his blade passed his forearm as the whole blade had split his head like a watermelon in two then as Craven's body tried to heal the wound with the blade still there to consume it, Alex struck it out with a swing so mighty one half of his head was torn for him to comsume. He back tracked to a clear distance he could dodge anything that came his way.

"Plghah- yo-uo- Basshg-TARD-!!!" The remaining half attached to his head and the one severed mimicked his voice as the latter was integrated to Alex's body.

The yellow glowing puss thing emanted more from him in disgusting quantities before they were healed.

Now there was a sizeable puddle of the stuff all around him as it spilled all over and tainted the area around them.

"If you think that will be enough-! I got a whole-"

"Heh. Fire in the hole, asshole!" Alex said as he stridded over and scratched the surface near the yellow puss mass

"WAAAAAAGGHH-!!!" Craven realized too late as it caught fire and he was set ablaze. Alex dodge the fiery implosion as he went full shield with his armor adding more defense to hold on the scorching element



"-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Lucy screamed as she tried to slice and dice the devilish secretary, but her armor proved more than a pain in the ass.

She slammed 10 vectors right down to her shield as she was pushed down into a hole but suffered no damage.

"Hohoho~! You have no chance Project Athena!" She teased as for the last couple of minutes it was her who was dealing the damage.

"Shit!" Lucy jumped back to avoid a continuous stream of a lazer attacked that followed her until she swung a piece of reinforced steel and Viktoria was forced to cut the steel in parts eith both arm lasers.

"Aww what a lecherous brat! Didn't those taking care of you ever teach you to not throw things at people-?" Viktoria teased as Lucy held her tongue to hide her presence for now.

Lucy has been on the offensive and has tried to put up barriers to defend herself but Viktoria's suit had a great leverage against her powers.

An EMP specialized to neutralize telekinetic forces neutralized her arms, "cutting" them off as she struggle to create more.

This severance was a great handicap to Lucy who was thinking her best to come up with an alternative.

'Man... I hate that stupid device...' She recited in her head as again Viktoria pressed that damned red button seeable from the exterior of the reinforced glass protecting her from any exterior physical attacks.

The device was like a square thing inside the chambers that she would activate every once in a while.

Lucy has tried to ambush her, distracting her to strike only a couple times before having her vectors severed, and thrown stuff to disturb her vision only to be weakened to then be attacked by tiny missiles that swarmed Lucy. Then she would fire those guns that are so strong she would dare compare them to the mounted guns on choppers or blasted by those quick firing lazer weapons.

This last round she tried to cover her vision by slamming a piece of metal and curling it to stay stuck on her suit's protective glass. Using four vectors each, she grabbed both arms to then slam her legs and pull with all her might to tear them off.

It only lasted two minutes before the EMP shot off and her vectors were sliced, falling below to scram away as Viktoria almost stomped her.

"Come one Lucy girl! I ain't done with you!" She laughed at the end as an array of missiles struck were Lucy was hidding and she swiftly glided over like a wild monkey to hide again from sight in the slowly appearing darkness. The walls rocked within the area they were in.

'Wait... If she could activate that thing always... Then why did she have to wait-? That means she needs the thing to cool down. So if I-' Lucy thought, crawling on a floor near equipment racks.

'Then I need to constantly rush to her. I bet that EMP can damage itself if used repeatedly. Only after that can I attack those guns.'

Lucy had an idea as she saw two grenades strapped to the side of one of the stacks of weapons.

"Freaky girl... Come out and fight me-!"

"Here you psycho bitch!" Lucy yelled, enraged eyes with red veins showing she was beyond reason to hold back.

She threw the grenades as they lost their pins, releasing vectors to slam the grenades up to her protective glass.

"What the hell-?!?!" Viktoria shrieked as she activated the EMP and Lucy's vectors were severed but she pushed through the sharp pain and launched four more to hold her mechanical arms back as the grenades kept thinking



The last tick came as the EMP shot again but Lucy ignored the searing quick pain to jump back "'-YOU!"

An explosion insued that rocked the area and a terrible echo threatened to split Lucy's eardrums as she ducked and covered being a steel support.

The shockwave dirtied everything as sound slowly came back to Lucy with an eery whine.

The mecha suit sustained heavy damage by the shouldes and had thrown it a couple meters back but Viktoria was all okay and fine with the reinforced glass still intact.

"Ugh... Crazy freak..." Viktoria picked her glasses from the control monitor and fixed them to herself until she realized that she had lost some teeth.

By the explosion, she slammed hard back to the seat and forward onto the glass in the small cockpit for the user to be protected. It seems Lucy found a way to hurt her even in her commodity of high tech

Her hair was a mess as she coughed blood and noticed the glass may have resisted the explosion but now it had holes

"You bitch! My hair! My beautiful smile too! Oh how dare you-! AAAAH-!" Viktoria ranted too much and almost missed the sharp stake like rod send to strike the glas of her suit.

She dodged by scooting to the far left of the cockpit and the rod hit the seat as it succesfully broke through the defense.

Shakily, Viktoria recomposed herself as she began to cockily laugh "AHAHAHAHA OH SWEETY-! It seems you really needed school for those javelin lessoms huh?" She smiled gleefully at the failed attempt at her life.

"Wasn't aiming at you miss secretary" Lucy sterned her eyes as her smile turned menacingly dark.

Viktoria looked again to her side and noticed it had curved up a bit... No the pole she threw was curved upwards to hit the EMP device

"OH NO!!!!" Viktoria shouted as Lucy giggled at her fright now present in her stupid arrogant face

"Oh yesss... Yes. yes. I'm going to kill you now..." Lucy summomed her max, putting out 15 vectors to swing wildly all over herself

Viktoria didn't miss a beat as she began to fire the lasers and mini missiles at her. Followed by gunfire, Lucy remained standing in the same spot only for her power to do all the job.

The vectors swatted the bullets and grabbed on to the laser arms to aim away of their target. And the missiles were crushed in invisible fists.

By the end, a black smoke cloud remained. Viktoria squinted her eyes only to be surprised as Lucy swiped the dark cloud and dashed forward with the vectors held back with moving impatient hands.



Gomen, Gomen-!

I forgot to post this...

I hope I can write more routinely of this but expect more!

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