Love Triangle

By HersheyKandii97

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Mario sighed before he closed his eyes "Do you still have feelings for him?" he asked. I bit my lip "Does it... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: The Plan
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 13

535 13 23
By HersheyKandii97

Chapter 13 guys, fasten your seat belts. Shit is about to get juicy 😁 Don't forget to comment and vote

Chapter 13

Chasity's POV

"OH MY GOD TY!" I cried out as I reached my climax, my body shaking and jerking in the process.

Tyron came up from between my legs, a wicked grin on his lips as my juices leaked from his beard. Oh my God he's gonna kill me. Here lies Chasity Jones, cause of death, heart attack due to multiple orgasms.

I quickly shook my head "Ty, no more. I feel like imma die" I said breathlessly as I closed my eyes, not even having enough energy to keep them opened. 

Tyron laughed as he climbed up on the bed and laid next to me "Well then Ms Jones, next time don't bet that I can't make you cum 5 times in a span of 5 minutes" he teased.

I took a breath "Noted. I won't bet that ever again" I stated, gathering up enough energy to sit up and rest my back against the headboard. 

He chuckled "Are you hungry baby?"

"Hungry, no. Thirsty as hell, yes" I stated, making him burst out laughing. Having multiple orgasms back to back can leave the body dehydrated, this is a future Nurse speaking.

He smiled "Okay Brown Sugar, I'll be right back with something for you to drink" he said as got up off the bed and walked out the room, shutting the door softly behind him. That man will be the reason that I end up in the hospital. I almost feel paralyzed laying in this damn bed. 

I then sighed as I rested my head back against the headboard and stared at the ceiling. So this has been a regular routine for me for the past few weeks. Every Friday after school and work I pack an overnight bag and spend the weekend at Tyron's house.

I know what you're thinking, 'What happened when you confronted Mario about the medication incident?'. Well...I didn't. I never confronted Mario and told him what his mother told me. Every time I think about me and Mario talking about the situation all I can picture is him going crazy on me. From what his mother told me, Mario STILL hasn't been to the Pharmacy to pick up his medication. So that's going on a month and some weeks of him not taking his pills, which in my opinion is enough time for his disorder to unfold completely. I don't know about you, but I'm not too confident in approaching a Bi Polar and Schizophrenic man about anything. Now, scared would be too strong of a word because nobody but God puts fear in me. So imma just say that I'm....cautious about being around Mario right now. Which is why I haven't saw or spoken to him in weeks.

Nicki Minaj suddenly began rapping through the speakers of my phone, and I rolled my eyes already knowing who it is. I took my phone from off of Tyron's nightstand and held it up to my face. Of course it's Mario.

I took a deep breath as I pressed decline, feeling my heart breaking in half. This whole incident is really hard on me I'm not gonna lie. My boyfriend has a sickness and he doesn't want to take his medication to make him better. Which means that at any moment he could snap and I would be a victim, which is why everyone including his mother demanded that I stay away from him for right now.

I just wanna know why would he hide it from me. Did he think that I wouldn't love him anymore because of a sickness that he can't help that he was born with? Does he think that I would judge him? Because I won't. That's not the type of person that I am, I'm not heartless.

I'm just hurt that I was with Mario for 3 whole years and he never once told me about this sickness that he suffered with. He's never even snapped on me before in the past. I mean he would get angry and stuff out of nowhere, but it was nothing too crazy. So I don't understand what's the difference now and why he's acting like this. Ugh, this is all too much.

I then suddenly heard Tyron's bedroom door open, snapping me out my thoughts. Tyron then entered the room with a clear glass in his hand with a brown drink inside of it with ice. I pushed all of my feelings about Mario behind me and I smiled at Tyron.

"Thank you" I said as he handed me the glass. I took a's Iced Tea.

Tyron grinned "So what are the plans for today? Me and Sierra are going down to Chassy's to check up on everything. You coming with us?" he asked as he plopped down on the bed beside me. 

I shook my head "Nah I already made plans for today. Me, Yandy and Ronney are going to the mall to do some shopping and hang out" I informed him. I haven't saw Ronney since his birthday party two months ago and I low key miss him.

Tyron nodded "Sounds like fun Brown Sugar. Maybe after me and SiSi check on the restaurant I can take her to that new Aquarium that opened up across town. She's been buggin me about that place none stop for 2 weeks now" he said, grabbing my hand and kissing it gently. He's so affectionate.

"Aw! That sounds like so much fun Ty, I know SiSi will enjoy that" I beamed. Damn, now I wish that I could cancel my plans and go with them. The last time I've been to an Aquarium was with my dad when I was 7 years old. We had so much fun that day and we took so many pictures and afterwards he took me to an Ice Cream Polar and we got Sundaes. I smiled at the memory.

You know, sometimes Tyron and Sierra's relationship reminds me of how me and my dad's relationship was. When you see the way that he looks at Sierra, you could literally see the love he has for her shining in his eyes. Even when he talks about her you can feel the passion that he has to be a good father. It's such a beautiful thing to see.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Tyron asked suddenly, snapping me out my thoughts.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "Staring at you like what?" I asked dumbfounded.

He looked over my features for a minute with a small smile playing on his lips, before he reached up and ran the back of his hand softly down my cheek, making me sigh in content.

"You're staring at me like...I don't know.'re staring at me with your heart. Your eyes are shining" he said softly before chuckling. 

I smiled "I was just thinking about what a great dad you are. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a single father. You've been holding Sierra down since she's been born and you are so strong for that" I stated.

Tyron always expresses how it was hard being in College and taking care of Sierra at the same time. Sierra's mother got pregnant with Sierra while her and Tyron was in high school and gave birth right when Ty started College. But she would leave Sierra with Tyron consistently to go out and go partying, so Ty was basically raising Sierra alone while trying to get through school. Every time I think about that story it just pushes me even harder to finish school. Tyron did it and he was raising an infant by himself, so I damn sure can do it.

Tyron grinned "Thank you Brown Sugar. I'm not a single father though" he said amused, caressing my face.

I frowned as I thought that over. Oh yeah I forgot, he's not. He has a girlfriend.

Jealously ripped through my heart which forced me to turn my face away from Tyron's touch. I keep forgetting that he has a whole girlfriend....and I have a whole boyfriend. Well...kinda, because honestly I don't wanna be with Mario anymore at this point. It's complicated. But bottom line, we're both in relationships and here we are having sex none stop like we're not committed to other people. Tyron even took the condom off last night, and I didn't care because I was so heated in the moment. But thinking about it now that wasn't smart. He said that him and his girlfriend hasn't had sex yet, and me and Mario obviously aren't having sex right now. So me and Tyron are are only having sex with each other. Ugh, this whole thing just feels wrong. We're both with other people but yet here we are giving our all to each other that we're not even giving to our partners...and neither of us care. 

I think that the next time I talk to Mario imma have to end things. I'm getting too attached to Tyron now and it's almost like Tyron is my real boyfriend instead of Mario. But even if I do end things with Mario who's to say that Tyron will dump Adrienne? I'm not sure how serious he is about her being that he doesn't talk much about their relationship. He consistently throws subs about her though to let me know that she's still in the picture, but other than that he doesn't talk about her.

But he'll be smiling at his phone a lot so I know he be texting her, and sometimes when I'm over his house he'll step out the room to talk on the phone, so I know that's her that he's talking to. And I'm pretty sure that on weekdays when I'm not over here he's spending time with her. So he thinks that he's gonna have me whenever he wants and then go to her whenever he wants as well....just like I did to him with Mario. It's funny when the shoe is on the other foot. This is too much right now.

"I have to get ready to meet up with Yandy and Ronney" I mumbled, pushing Tyron's hand away from my face. He just pissed me off.

He frowned "What's the matter?" he asked, concern on his features.

I shook my head "Nothing, I gotta go" I said as I prepared to get off the bed, but Tyron took the glass of Ice Tea from my hand and placed it onto the nightstand, before grabbing my hips and pulling me into his lap so that I was straddling him.

"Brown Sugar, what's wrong baby?" he asked softly, making my chest feel warm from the sweetness in his tone.

I sighed "Ty, I understand that you have a girlfriend and all, and it's bad enough we're both cheating on our partners. But I don't need you throwing her in my face every five seconds" I snapped, my tone coming out harsher than I intended.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion "What are you talking about Chasity? I didn't even mention Adrienne".

I rolled my eyes "I sat here and gave you a compliment about being a great single dad and you sat there and said 'Thank you but I'm not a single dad'. Like you could've just took my compliment and that's it you didn't have to say all of that" I stated, feeling jealousy creep into my heart again. Even though we're both in relationships I don't consistently bring Mario up like he brings up Adrienne. It's almost like he enjoys seeing me be jealous.

He stared at me confused for a moment longer, before understanding crossed his features. He then ran both of his hands up my thighs to grab my butt, and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as a reflex.

He chuckled "Brown Sugar I wasn't talking about Adrienne... I was talking about you. I'm not a single father because I have you. You're the only woman that I've brought around my daughter and you're the only woman who my daughter looks at like a mother figure. I know in my heart that if my daughter needs anything you will be there for her. When you come over here on weekends you actually spend time with Sierra. You and her go to get ya'll nails done, you braid her hair, you buy her clothes, you give her lunch money for school. And it's crazy because you do all of this and I don't even ask you to, you do it because that's what you wanna do. Because you look at my daughter as if she's your daughter as well, and it's been like that since ya'll met. So no Brown Sugar, I'm not a single father because you help me raise my baby girl. You're more of a mom than her biological mother could ever be" he said tenderly, his eyes watering up slightly. Oh my God that's so sweet.

My heart swelled up with love and adoration as I crashed my lips into his, making his grip tighten on my ass. He sucked on my bottom lip and I opened my mouth, allowing him to slip his tongue inside. We gently massaged our tongues together as we kissed with so much passion that it made me light headed. I love him so fucking much yo.

Tyron pulled out the kiss and rested his forehead against mine, trying to catch his breath

"You wanna take a ride on daddy before we get ready for our day?" he asked, his lips brushing against mine as he spoke. I swear this man has the sex drive of a Porn Star.

I chuckled "Another orgasm? Are you trying to kill me?" I asked

"Maybe..." he trailed off huskily, reaching under my shirt and grabbing my nipple between his fingers. He pinched it gently and ran his thumb over it, making an instant river flow into my panties.

Yandy and Ronney won't mind if I'm late, right? 

"Ronney I don't know just pick one!" I groaned, tapping my foot against the ground impatiently. I swear I've never met a man who shops like a woman until I met Ronney Cole.

Yandy scoffed "Um okay, I don't know about ya'll but Victoria's Secret is having a Semi Annual Sale today on their bras and panties so I would like to get there before the line stretches from here to Africa" she snapped before crossing her arms over her chest.

Ronney frowned as he stood up from the chair that he was sitting in, before he walked over to the mirror that was in front of us. He narrowed his eyes down at the Jordan 11s on one foot and the Jordan 13s on another foot, looking deep in thought. Oh my God this is ridiculous!

"RONNEY!" me and Yandy cried out in sync. We've been in Foot Locker for a hour now and this is his fifth time trying on a pair of sneakers. I'm hungry and I want to go to Sephora!

Ronny then spun around to face us, a hard glare on his face.

"Look, you two are not sneaker heads so I won't expect you to understand. But when shopping for a shoe you must connect with it. You and the sneaker must become one. You are the sneaker and the sneaker is you" he said passionately, making me roll my eyes. Never mind, I thought I missed him but I don't.

Yandy groaned "Yo I swear you're the weirdest man that I've ever met. Come on Ronney pick something already!" she whined.

Ronney sucked his teeth "Fine. I'll just buy both" he grumbled, walking back to the seat he was at and began taking the sneakers off. Thank God! 

Ronney took off the sneakers and slipped his Timbs back on, before putting the sneakers back in their boxes and going to the register to pay for it. As Ronney was paying for his sneakers my phone began beeping like crazy in my hands, and I glanced down at it and immediately rolled my eyes. Of course it was text messages from Mario. My phone then beeped in my hand 7 more times, making me raise an eyebrow in curiosity. Let me see what the hell he's talking about. 

Oh my God he's lost it...

I couldn't help when my mouth dropped open as I read over Mario's messages. I knew that it was bad, but this is just...oh my God I don't even have the words to say.

"What's wrong?" Yandy asked curiously, turning in the seat to face me.

I didn't know what to say so I just handed her my phone, feeling a sourness creep into my stomach. It's worse than I thought...

Ronney then came back over to us, a Foot Locker bag in each hand.

"Okay, you two Negative Nancy's rushed me and now I'm done. So now we can go to whatever girly...panties and bra... perfume make-up stores that ya'll wanna go to" he said, a smile playing on his lips. Not now Ronney.

The smile dropped from his face instantly when he noticed my expression. I can't see my face but I'm sure I look distraught.

He sighed "Aight what I got your period? You need a tampon? You know I keep spare one's in my car" Ronney said, making me roll my eyes. I'm convinced at this point all men are just idiots. 

Yandy snorted"Wait hold up, did Malik just have the audacity to say that he doesn't need medicine before proceeding to prove why he needs medicine" she said slowly, shaking her head at my phone. Yup, that's pretty much it.

Ronney gasped "Oh ya'll talking about Mario? Yo you need to call him forreal Chasity. That man comes by my job every day asking if I spoke to you. The man his heart broken" he said. What?

I frowned "Ronney are you dumb? I was with Mario for 3 fucking years and he failed to tell me that he was on medication because he has Bi Polar Disorder and Schizophrenia. And on top of that he doesn't like to take his medicine which causes him to act like a fucking nut case!" I hissed out, feeling anger boil in my blood. I was holding my cool about Mario for weeks now, but after those messages I now see just how far he's taking this.

Ronney blinked twice "Oh...okay well don' him then" he trailed off before rubbing the back of his head. Ugh, now I'm annoyed.

I stood up from the seat I was sitting in before I walked out of Foot Locker with Ronney and Yandy hot on my trail. Did he really just text me and say that I can't throw away 3 years when he already threw away this whole relationship when he decided to not tell me that he was on medicine. Please tell me that he's not serious.

"You know Chassy, you really need to decide what you wanna do as far as ya'll relationship is concerned" Yandy stated as she walked beside me, sipping on her Frappe from Starbucks.

I snorted "I don't need to decide anything, we're done. I just need to tell him" I said gruffly. To be honest though, I'm nervous to break up with Mario. What if I tell him that it's over and he stabs me or something? That man is legit crazy, and after reading the messages that he sent me I've come to realize that he's oblivious to his crazy ways.

Ronney cleared his throat "Okay... just so that I'm getting a clear understanding, you're upset with Mario because he didn't tell you that he was on medication?" he asked. 

I nodded "Yes I am. That was wrong and fucked up. How could you be with someone for that many years and hide something like that from them?" I snapped.

"Exactly, and not to mention he doesn't want to take his medicine because he's convinced himself that he doesn't need it. Lord knows what he can do to Chasity the next time he has an episode" Yandy inquired, handing me back my phone.

Ronney nodded slowly "So basically your anger is stemming from secrets. So if we're being fair, if you break up with Mario you should cut Tyron off as well" he stated. Huh?!

I frowned "What am I cutting Tyron off for? When did he keep a secret from me?".

Ronney stared at me like I grew two heads "Uh, remember the first 3 months of ya'll relationship he hid the fact that he had a daughter from you? You found out on your own that he had a daughter and you stayed with him. So what's the difference with Mario?".

I stopped in my tracks to face Ronney, anger laced in my blood

"Okay first of all, I was only with Tyron for 3 months at that time like you said, he may was going to tell me about Sierra but didn't get a chance to because I had found out already. Tyron also owned up to the responsibilities of his actions and even told me that if I wanted to leave him because of his daughter I could. I didn't. Mario on the other hand didn't tell me for 3 years...3 YEARS! Are you really sitting here comparing 3 months to 3 years? And on top of that, Tyron having a daughter didn't affect my life in a negative way. Mario however is acting like a maniac because he hasn't taken his medicine in a whole month. He's practically a threat to me" I spat acidly. Is he serious right now? 

Yandy scoffed "And Ronney, Chasity is your  friend. Why does it sound like you're defending Microwave over her?" she asked before she crossed her arms over her chest. EXACTLY!

Ronney rolled his eyes "Okay hold on, nobody is defending anyone over Chasity. Ya'll know that I'm a level headed person so I like to hear all the sides of every story. I just wanted to know what's the difference between Mario hiding his disorder and Tyron hiding his daughter that's it. Plus I kinda feel bad for Mario, the poor man walks by my shop everyday looking like a lost puppy" he said.

I sighed as I looked up at the ceiling in frustration. Why does this have to be my life? Shit was going so smoothly for 5 whole years and now all of a sudden my life is back to shambles once again. You know what, maybe this is my karma for cheating on Mario. Maybe I deserve everything that is happening to me right now. I don't know, but all I do know is that once me and Mario break up I'm cutting all ties with him. I'm blocking his number and all his social media accounts, and depending on how severe this Bi Polar thing is I may have to go as far as to get a restraining order against him. Ugh, this is all just too much.

We put the talk about Mario to a pause once Yandy spotted Victoria's Secret. We did a little shopping in there before going to Sephora, and then we went into the Michael Kors store for Yandy to buy herself a new wallet and purse. Once we were done shopping we stopped off at the food court and got Chipotle. I ordered a chicken bowl with black beans, lettuce, cheese, and extra sour cream before we all took a seat at a empty table. I was starving while we were in Foot Locker waiting on Ronney to buy a pair of sneakers, but now suddenly it seems that I've lost my appetite. 

"So when do you plan on telling Mario that you don't wanna be with him anymore?" Yandy asked before taking a bite out of her burrito. 

I sighed "I'm honestly afraid to. What if he snaps on me after I end things with him?" I mumbled, playing with the chicken chunks in my bowl with my fork. 

Ronney shrugged "If you're afraid of him going off on you, why don't you have a chaperone with you when you tell him. What could he really do to you if you have other people there" he said. 

I felt my eyes widen as I stared at my best friend. So there is a brain in his head after all.

I nodded "Ronney...that's actually not a bad idea. But who's willing to come? Tyron is out of the question because that's just a fight waiting to happen. Plus I already assured Mario that Tyron wasn't in the picture, if he finds out that I've been lying to him he's going to go crazy" I stated. Tyron is defiantly not an option.

Yandy took a sip of her water from a water bottle "He goes crazy even when nobody is lying to him, but I'll go. And Ronney will come too because he feels 'sorry for him', so maybe he could keep him calm. And Trent will come just in case Marbles gets out of line and needs his yellow ass face knocked in".

I quickly shook my head "No, the Anderson brothers will not be involved. They both hate Mario and I don't want there to be a fight. I just need to tell Mario that I don't want to be with him anymore and then we can all go about our marry way. You and Ronney will have to do" I said sternly. I don't want this to be something more than it has to be, I just have to break up with Mario and then move on. It's simple.

Ronney clapped his hands together "Okay, so what are we waiting for then? Me and Yandy are already here so let's go. Let's drive to Mario's house right now and get this show on the road" he said, his eyes shining in excitement. Why does he look like he's enjoying this.

I frowned "Why do you look excited about this whole situation?".

He sighed "Look, all I do is work okay. This is the most entertainment that I've had in a while. Well...minus the fun that I have with my other female friends of course" he said, grinning pervertedly. Ew I think I just threw up in my mouth.

Yandy rolled her eyes "Female friends aka his thots. Anyway, Ronney's right. We're already here so let's go" she stated.  

I bit my lip as I stared at my two best friends, my stomach feeling like it's twirling inside my body. I'm nervous as hell. Even though Yandy and Ronney will be there, what will stop Mario from stabbing me real quick before either one of them could grab him. Okay, maybe I'm jumping the gun with the whole stabbing situation, but still. I know sane mood swing having Mario, not crazy Bi Polar Schizophrenic off the meds Mario. Now that I'm thinking about it it's almost like I'm about to break up with a complete stranger because I have no idea who Mario is right now.

"Heeelllloooo, earth to hazel eyes. Are we going or not?" Ronney said as he waved a hand in front of my face, snapping me out my thoughts.

I groaned "Fine we're going. But not a word of this to Tyron or Trent. I don't want either one of them getting involved" I said sternly, pointing a finger at Yandy. Yandy and Trent are engaged but you would mistake them for two teenaged girlfriends the way they gossip with one another. Whatever Yandy knows, Trent will surly find out after. 

Yandy sighed "My lips are sealed depending on how Microsoft retaliates. If he takes the break up well, then fine. However if he gets all psycho on you, I'm calling Tyron and Trent immediately to stomp a mud hole in his ass" she said, and judging by the look in her eyes I knew she wasn't bluffing. 

Ronney placed a hand over his chest "And what the hell am I? Chopped Liver? Imma be right there why can't I just whip Mario's ass myself for getting out of line with Chasity".

"I've never saw you fight Ronney so I won't put no trust into you. I however saw both my hubby and Tyron fight so I know that either one of them could take Macadamia-Nut down" Yandy said confidently.

Ronney frowned "I'll have you know that my hands work very well. When Chasity got kidnapped me and Tyron drove to Connecticut to go rescue her. There were two big ass body guards outside and I had to beat up one while Tyron beat up the other. So please put some RESPEK on my name" he said fiercely.

Yandy rolled her eyes "I heard the story but I however didn't see it happen so your statement is invalid" she taunted. Ugh I don't have time for this.

I held my arms out "Okay like I've said on numerous occasions, nobody is fighting Mario. If shit goes left then we're calling the police and I'm getting a restraining order. Nobody is fighting anyone" I snapped. Regardless of Mario keeping a secret from me I still love him and I don't want anybody getting hurt.

 Ronney sighed "Okay, are you guys done eating your Trashpotlie so we can get the hell on out of here? Chasity has a psychopath to dump" he chirped, making me roll my eyes. He's going to have to calm his happy ass down.

I frowned as I packed up my untouched Chipotle and stood up from the table. We all then got onto the escalator and took it downstairs before exiting out the mall.

The whole walk to Ronney's Jeep felt like I was walking a mile, as my heart began beating a hundred times in my chest. I'm about to go to Mario's house to confront him about him not telling me about his disorder or medication... plus I'm about to break up with him. 

Shit is about to get real....


DUN DUN DUN! How do you guys think Mario will take the break up? Will Yandy have to end up calling the Anderson brothers to come to Chasity's rescue? Let me know in the comments. There will be a new Chapter up next week you guys, I love ya'll  😘


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