The tour

By RockHardBrit

11.8K 307 40

A young aspiring guitarist named Kristina gets the chance of a lifetime, when she is offered the place as the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 11

355 11 0
By RockHardBrit

Kristina woke up the next morning feeling exceptionally happy and well rested. Normally she would have nightmares of events from her past, but this night she hadn't woken up a single time. With her eyes still closed she smiled and stretched her body. Then she felt a fear inside of her and instantly opened her eyes, because she had felt something next to her. She almost jumped from the bed and gasped when she realized that Michael was lying next to her, and that she had been cuddled up around him. Then she looked under the sheets and was relieved to see that she was still fully dressed.

What the hell happened last night? The last thing she could remember was watching a movie with Michael in the living room. Had she fallen asleep? Had Michael carried her in here? Why the hell was he in bed with her? And would she be able to leave this room without him waking up? Her head was aching from the wine they had been drinking and she started to feel like a bad one night stand the morning after. She hadn't slept next to a guy since... Before it all went wrong. Then Michael started moving.

'Oh God, oh God, oh God,' Kristina panted inside. She was mentally slapping herself for letting her guard a little down last night. Look where that had brought her! This was going to be awkward. She seriously thought about just jolting out the room and fleeing, but it was too late. Michaels eyes were open and he was smiling at her.

''Morning,' he whispered.

'Good morning,' Kristina said, her voice a little too pitchy. Michael could tell that she was uncomfortable with the situation. He sat up.

'You fell asleep during the movie, so I just carried you in here-'

'That's okay,' she interrupted him. 'You could have just woken me up and I would have taken a cab home.'

'I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful,' Michael said and raised his hand to try and touch her cheek. Kristina pulled away.

'Why were you lying next to time?'

Michael looked shyly towards the floor.

'When I put you on the bed you asked me to stay.'

Kristinas eyes widened, probably from panic at the thought, Michael figured. It had been quite out of character for her to do something like that.

'I did what?!' she exclaimed.

'Calm down. You were asleep and I guess you just didn't-'

'I heard you the first time!' Kristina interrupted him angrily, getting out of the bed.

'Look, it was really nice of you to invite me to dinner and cheering me up, and I had fun playing your instrument, but-'

Michael chuckled and Kristina realized what she had just said.

'Playing the guitar in the studio, I meant!' she yelled, and Michael laughed even louder, holding his stomach.

'Ugh! But you're basically my boss now, and this is not appropriate!'

'Why not?' Michael asked with a more serious face. His look sent shivers down Kristinas spine and suddenly she couldn't think straight.

'Because... B-because-'

'You're attracted to me, aren't you?' Michael asked, slowly rising from the bed and walking towards her. Kristinas heart skipped a beat, her body stiffened and her mind once more yelled at her to get the hell out of there.

'No I'm not,' she whispered in a tone she didn't even believe herself. Michael just smirked in an extremely sexy way. He was standing right in front of her now, stroking her hair behind her ear.

'I think you are. I think that if you weren't, you wouldn't have come with me last night.' He let his finger stroke along her jawline.

'You wouldn't have enjoyed yourself as much as I know you did.' His hand went down her neck.

'You wouldn't have been comfortable enough to fall asleep, basically in my arms.' He walked closer to her, their faces now only inches apart.

'And if you weren't attracted to me, you sure as hell wouldn't have worn that sexy dress last night. It almost made me go crazy when I saw you in it,' he whispered in a low, sexy voice, as he grabbed her by the hips pulling her to him.

Kristina let out a little gasp, and almost experienced it in slow motion as Michael bit his lip and leaned in to kiss her. Her whole body was reacting to his motion and her head was screaming at her as the wall came up around her. Without thinking clearly, she slapped him quickly, turned around and fled from the apartment, her heart racing like crazy. Michael held his cheek, which was now burning from her slap. But he wasn't angry. He watched as she ran out the door and smiled. She liked him. Now he just had to wheel her in. He didn't mind a challenge.

A few blocks down Kristina finally slowed down, breathing hard and taking her hands to her head. What the hell was wrong with her?! She thought. She was such an idiot! And how the hell was she going to get home? Michaels limo had brought her here. Her car was at home. She searched for her phone in her pocket and felt just a little lucky as it still had battery. Then she dialed Joeys number and prayed that he wasn't too hungover.

'Gurl, I have been waiting for your call! Where you at? At don't you lie to me, I know you didn't sleep in your bed last night, you dirty girl!'

'Joey, please, I really need you to come and pick me up!' she panted.

'Sure thing, miss Thang. Where you at?'

Kristina looked around her. She really felt out of place in her evening dress in this fancy neighborh-ood on a Sunday morning.

'Hollywood Hills,' she sighed.

'What you been doing there?' Joey asked surprised.

'Could you please just come and get me? I promise I'll explain later.'

'Aight gurl. What's the adress?'

Kristina looked around for a number or a street name. In the same moment a limousine pulled up next to her and the window came down. It was James, Michaels chauffeur.

'Miss Jensen?'

'Yes?' Kristina said. She really didn't hope Michael was in the back of the limo.

'Mr. Jackson asked me to drive you home. Is that okay with you?'

Kristina looked at him for a minute. Then she picked up the phone again.

'Nevermind Joe, I found a ride,' she said and hung up. She smiled at James and got in the back.

She was surprised as she saw that there was a small table all set up for breakfast with freshly pressed juice, pancakes, scrambled eggs, different fruits and bacon. There was also a small vase with a single red rose in it and a note addressed to her. She nibbled at a piece of bacon and opened the note.

'I was going to serve you breakfast in bed, but I guess this will have to do. I'm sorry that I startled you, that was not my intention.

You were absolutely right, it is not appropriate for me to sleep in the same bed as one of my workers. I sincerely apologize, and promise from now on to stay at a completely professional level with you.

I will see you at the next rehearsal

Regards, Michael'

Kristina let the note fall on the table and stared straight out, caught in her own mind. She had not expected this from him. He seemed so cold from the letter. Not what she had perceived him as at all. In her own mind, Kristina had started to think that maybe Michael actually did have feelings for her, but this certainly proved otherwise. And what was with that 'Regards'? That was so impersonal! Like she didn't mean anything at all. But okay, it wasn't like he meant anything to her, right? Right. He absolutely didn't. He was her boss and their relationship was strictly professional. The way she wanted it. She was not looking for love or anything else and certainly not from someone like Michael. So why did she feel so empty inside right now?

Kristina looked at all the food and pushed it away. She had lost her appetite.   

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