Dark mind

By Ali_Adair

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It was like we were playing a sick game of chess, trying to guess each others movement's and at the same time... More

Author's note
Dear Diary
Dear Diary Part. 2
I Hate Her, I Hate Him
Point Break
Not So Dark After All
Blast From The Past
The Past
The Truth
Just Another Normal Day
Theres No Escaping The Dark
True Intentions
A Happy Distraction
Getting Answers
He's a keeper
Falling Apart
Four Month's
Nothing but Trouble
The Encounter
'Crazy' Run's In The Family
Secret's Of The Past
Mommy Issues
His Orders
Hidden Within Pages
Twisted Reality
Time's Up
Envelope with a Letter
Where I Belong
Never Alone
A Bittersweet Ending
What You Left Behind
Broken and Missunderstood
Desperation and Hope
Epilogue II
Thank You/// Acknowledgments

Epilogue I

13 1 0
By Ali_Adair

15 years later
Juniper POV

Juniper POV

"Mommy? Why are you crying?" I heard a tiny familiar voice say.

I looked down from the tree I was perched in to see my little boy looking up at me, with a blanket wrapped around him and the Batman onesie I bought him, his blue eyes seeming to glow in the dark.

I quickly wiped my tears away as best as I could and sniffled.
"Baby, you shoudint be up at this hour." I said and he frowned.

"On my way back from the bathroom, I checked your room and I only saw dad. I figured you would be here."  Henry told me and I smiled weakly at him.

"Why dont you come up here honey?" I asked and he wasted no time in climbing up towards me, doing so with ease. He was always quite the adventurer, Tyler say's he got that from me and he is not wrong.

When he was within reach, he extended his small arms towards me and I grabbed him, pulling him up towards me. I sat him on my lap, his head on my chest and his feet on my stomach and slightly dangling off the branch.

"Besides your father, I think your the second male who know's me as well as I know myself." I cooed in his ear and he let out an adorable giggle as I wrapped my arms around his tiny frame.

"Why do like it here so much momma?" He asked me suddenly.

"Well, when me and daddy were house shopping, we came across this one and I instantly loved it. I knew it would be the perfect place for you and daddy and me. I remember the day we came to see it. I had just found out I was pregnant with you, and while daddy talked with the man who sold it to us, I had the urge to climb this tree because I wanted to see the view from up here. So I did just that. " I explained.

"I bet daddy didn't like that." My little Henry said and I laughed.

"He didn't. But I didn't care. The view was worth it. Plus, you're father forgets I'm a pro at climbing and I'm the boss of not listening to him and doing whatever I want." I said as I lightly tickled him and he laughed. I swear to you, there is no better sound then hearing my baby boy laugh.

"Momma aren't you cold? You can have my blanket if you want." He said to me after a moment and I shook my head and kissed his hair.

"It's alright honey, mommy's fine." I gently told him.

"Then why are you crying? I don't like to see you cry mommy. It hurts me to see you hurt." My little boy told me as he turned in my arms to face me and placed his tiny hand on my cheek as more tears came out of my eyes.

As I tyed the blanket around his neck lightly, making it like a superhero cape so woudint let it fall I let out a little hiccup, hating that I coudint even keep it together infront of my own son.

"It's complicated baby." I managed to tell him as I looked at the view before us. I've always loved how quiet and tranquil the country was, that's why I told Tyler I wanted to buy a house here. And we found the perfect one. A two story marble house with more glass windows than you could count, on top of a hill overlooking the whole entire city with plenty of vegetation around. Despite Tyler's protests, we used some of the money my father left me to pay for the house and everything that came with it.

"I'm a great listener. Maybe I can help you." His adorable voice tried.

I smiled warmly at him.
"Just like you're godmother, wise beyond you're years." I said and totally meant it.
Henry was only 7 and he was so smart and wise, he reminded me of my best friend.

I was 24 when I had him. I remember being so scared when I found out I was pregnant. It wasn't because I didn't want to have a child. I mean, after all, me and Tyler planned it. We both wanted a baby, half of him and half of me. Our age hardly mattered in that moment. I was finishing studying journalism and Tyler was finishing his studies to become a teacher. We felt like it was the perfect time, regardless of what other people said.

Spoiler alert for all the haters that said I got knocked up and that I ruined my life: in the end it turned out just fine for us.

I just wanted my baby to have a better mother than I ever had, but I knew nothing about motherly love.

What if I screw up? I had asked Tyler countless times and he always said the same thing, that I was not my mother and would never be her. And that when I saw the little bunddle, I would know what to do.

He was right, but don't tell him I told you because I will not hear the end of it.

When I heard his cry, when I felt his tiny hand on my cheek, when I saw his tiny miniature body covered in my blood and I held him in my arms as he looked at me, I knew what love meant, what the love of a mother really felt like.

And I knew there was no way in hell I would turn out like Claire.

He looked so much like Amy's child, like the Henry from my dreams. Sometimes, I wonder if I dreamed with my son when I was younger. Regardless, I love him, just as much as JJ loved me.

" I would never judge you. You can tell me anything and I will never stop loving you. You will always be my momma." My Henry said, bringing me back to the present.

I caressed his cheek and smiled sadly at him.
"I know baby. It's just hard for me to talk about." I told him and hugged him tight.

"When I was a little girl, a bit younger than you are now, I had a brother. His name was Jason, he was my big brother and my best friend. I used to have nightmares growing up, and Jason would always help me through them. When I was sad, he would cheer me up. He was everything to me." I said, my voice surprisingly steady.

"What happened to him mommy?"

"He... he had to go to heaven baby, he had to go with the angels. And he became an angel. Now, he watches over us." I said with tears in my eyes.

"How are you sure?" Henry asked me as he snuggle closer to me.

I kissed his forehead and looked at his blue orbs, so similar to my brothers eyes.
"When someone you love goes away, it's obvious that they have to leave you. But there love stay's with you forever, and everything that made you love that person will always be right here." I said, placing my hand on his heart.

"And it is through that love that guarantee's us that we will see our loved ones again, and that until that moment comes they will watch over us."

"Like the stars?" He asked softly and I nodded.

"Yes baby. Exactly like the stars." I pointed at the night sky, so clear and filled with bright dots.

"Every star belongs to an angel that was once loved. To keep that love going, every night the stars shine bright so people can admire them, and love them." I told him, looking up at the sky, where no doubt my brother was, watching me and finally at peace.

"Mommy look! I think I found Uncle Jason!" My little boy piped up and pointed at one particular star, who's light pulsed like the beating of a heart. It took everything in me not to burst into tears infront of my baby boy.

Henry surprised me by leaning his head with mine so our foreheads were touching. His next words made me love him even more than I did, if such thing were possible.

"I know mommy's are supposed to be strong. I know you want to be happy so I can be happy but sometimes we have to be sad. I don't want you to be strong , I want you to be sad because that's how you feel right now. And if you're sad, then I'm sad."

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I looked at my son.

"I just want to be a good example for you, that is what mom's do." I told him gently.

"You already are mama! You're the strongest woman I know! Nothing you do will change that. My mommy is the best, and she has the prettiest heart." I could no longer hold my tears as I hugged my son tight.

No words could express how much I loved him. I would do anything for him, and I will always protect and make sure he never has to go through the pain and torment I went through as a kid. 

I don't know for how long we sat there, me crying and Henry holding me tightly, telling me he loved me. All I know is that my eyes startes to dry up until I was no longer crying.  And I started singing to Henry, he loved when I did that.

"Born on, the wrong side of the ocean, with all the tides against you.
You never thought, you'd be much good for anyone, but that's so far from the truth." I hummed in his ear but stopped as I heard his light snores. I chuckled lightly and placed his head on my shoulder.

"Juniper?" A voice called and I looked down to see Tyler, my husband and the father of my child.

Carefully and with agility, I climbed down with Henry still sound asleep in my arms. When I got to where Tyler stood, I placed a finger to my lips and he nodded.

"I know there's pain in you're heart, and you're covered in scars. I wish you could see what I do." I sang quietly to him as we entered the house and climbed up the stairs.

"Cause baby everything you are, is everything I need. You're everything to me." I lay him down on his car bed and he stirred a bit as I untied his "cape" and tucked him under the covers, giving him his teddy bear which he wasted no time in taking.

"Baby every single part, is who you're meant to be. Cause you were meant for me, and you're everything I need." I kissed Henry nose and smiled.

"Good night tiger. Mommy and Daddy love you so so much, don't ever forget it." I whispered and silently tip toed out of his room. I closed his door softly and made my way downstairs, outside towards the porch, where I found my phone. I tapped the screen awake.

It was 12:00am, the date June 24. I sighed.

"Happy Birthday JJ." I said softly into the night.

I shivered as I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and another one going around my waist. Then the hands went away and were replaced by hoodie being thrown over my head. I inhaled the mushy, spicy, outdoor scent and sighed in content. My back met a hard chest, and arms went around my stomach. After all these years, I still got butterflies and goosebumps every time we touched.

"You're freezing, love." Tyler said as he snuggled his head into my neck.

"I didn't realize." I said honestly.

We just stood there for a moment looking at nothing in particular.

"Jason would be proud of the woman you have become." He told me and it took me off guard.

"You think?" I asked him, unsure.

"I know so. He forgives you, he's happy that you have moved on and made something out of yourself, despite all the obstacles you faced and despite what he did to you."

I bit my lip.
"I miss him." I whisperd. "So much. I don't think I'll ever stop missing him. He would have been 41 today, if my math dosent fail me. And there's also my father, who should been here to walk me down the isle of our weeding. It's the little things, the reminders, that hurt." I admitted.

"Baby, you will never stop missing them. Jason and Jordan love you tremendously, and they are with you even though you don't see them. They are with you and with Henry, keeping both of you safe when I'm not around." Tyler said as he tightened his hold on me.

"My father would have loved you, you know? He would say you're good to me. My brother would say the same too. You have A+ in they're book." I said as I playfully pinched him and he made more pressure to my stomach. I hit his hand as a sign that I gave up and I could practically feel his victorious grin as he kissed the side of my face.

"Henry loves you, and you're doing a great job at being his mother. You're a natural, and to think you were so scared." Tyler said in my ear and I laughed.

"Well yeah I was scared. I didn't know the first thing about taking care of a child, my own child." I said.

"Well, as per usual, you thought you were going into it alone. I had remind you that you did not make that baby yourself, I helped too. Actually, I think I did most of the work." He teased as he bit my ear gently and I giggled.

"Excuse me, but I was the one in labor for two hours, it was I who pushed you're son out so he could come into this world." I said to him, acting offended.

"Well yeah, but have you seen him? He looks like a mini version of me!" He gushed.

"True, but he also has some parts of me, mainly in his personality. He has JJ's eyes, my small nose, you're smile. He's half you and half me." I said with a smile.

"Mmmm, then I guess I did a good job." He teased again and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay Romeo, I think I get you're point." I said as I placed one of my hands on top of his.

"Do you ever regret it? Having Henry when you were 24, getting married at 27?" He asked in a hushed tone and I shook my head.

I turned around and placed my hands around his neck. After all these years, my Tyler never changed. He was exactly the same guy I met at the abandoned house 15 years ago.

"I woudint change anything. Except maybe the fact you took so long in proposing." I teased and he laughed, the sound so similar to my tigers laugh.

"I have an amazing house, with a spectacular view. I have a son, who I thank God to for every day. And I have you, my high school sweatheart, who I am beyond lucky to be with after so long. I owe you everything Tyler, I'm happy, free and alive, thanks to you." I looked up at his green eyes tentatively.

"Thank you for dealing with me, all those years ago. For not letting me go, for taking care of me, worrying for me, and for loving me even when I didn't think I was worthy of being loved. And most importantly, thank you for saving my life. I don't think I would be alive if you hadn't forced me to be you're friend and girlfriend." I said shyly.

Tyler lifted my chin up gave me a look that held nothing but love and happiness.

"You dont have to thank me, love. If I could do it all again, I woudint change a thing. You have no idea how incredibly lucky and proud I am to call you mine after all these years, Ms. Parker." he told me, rubbing his nose with mine.

"And, to be fair, you gotta admit that you were just dying to be my girlfriend." He teased.

"I was not." I pouted and his gaze went from my eyes to my lips.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that, you might just end up believing it." He said and kissed me.

And still! After all these years, he made me feel like I was back in high school. Only this time, it didn't make me that mad.

"I hope you aren't this friendly with you're students. I've heard you have quite the charm, you're class pays extra attention to you." I said jokingly as I pulled away a bit.

Right after Henry was born, I basically forced Tyler to purse his dream to teach. He got a job as a History teacher, coincidentally in the same high school we went to as kids.

And everytime I went, trust me this did not fail, I would swarmed by groups of girls.

Are you really Mr. Parker's wife, or is that just a rumor?
What's it like living with him?
Is it true you two have son?
The list goes on and on, and those are only the nice questions. Believe me when I tell you that they have tremendous courage, that's all I'm going to say.

"Oh, I woudint know anything about that." He told me, an glint in his eye as he tried to give me a Cheshire cat grin. He should know that only I know how to do that.

"So nobody is getting extra credit?" I tried and he laughed.

"Jealousy is hot on you, Juniper." He smirked and I shoved him playfully.

"Now why would I want some girl when I have the perfect woman waiting for me at home?" He asked and I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I probably looked like a fish.

"You're too good with words." I whined.

"And you're supposed to be the writer. I'm still waiting for my money." he rolled his eyes.

I was about to respond when I let out a long breath, suddenly feeling very fatigued. I swayed a bit to the side, and Tyler held onto me tighter.

"You okay?" Ty asked as he noticed this.

"Yeah, just a little tired that's all." I said, warning bells going on in my head.

"You should go to the doctors tomorrow morning. You've been puking a lot, and then there's the fatigue and dizzy spells you told me about."

And the fact I missed my period. I thought.

"I'm just tired babe, I'm sure its nothing." I lied and thankfully, he let it go.

"Come back to bed, its late. I dont want you to wake up sicker tomorrow. Plus, remember Madelane wants to see us." He reminded me and I nodded.

"Okay, okay. You have a point. I-" I was silenced with his lips on mine. He gripped my waist harder and after a moment I pulled back to get some air in my lungs.

"You said its late." I reminded him.

He shrugged. "It's never too late." He said breathlessly and picked me up, silencing my giggles.

"Henry Jay Parker Thompson, if you don't lower the volume I will throw you're tablet out the window." I warned him as we drove towards town.

"Hey buddy, dont you have you're headphones with you?" Tyler asked him gently, one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding mine as he rested them on the gearshift.

"Yeah, they're right here. Sorry mommy." Henry apologized from the backseat and my demeanor softened.

I sighed. Stupid hormones. "It's okay baby. Im sorry I yelled at you, just put you're headphones on. You're father and I are trying to have conversation. I'll let you know when we get there, okay tiger?"

"Okay momma!" The video he was watching abruptly stopped and its sound was now minimized, which meant he had plugged in his headphones.

"What did the doctor tell you?" Ty asked as we drove on the highway.

"He... had a lot to say." I said nervously.

"When was your period supposed to begin?" The doctor asked me.

"About three weeks ago." I answered, my leg bouncing up and down with nerves.

"Are you sexually active?"

"Yes." I answerd, my heart hammering. God, why am I so anxious?

"And you say you've been feeling fatigued, more tired than you would usually be. Anything else?"

"I've also been puking, a lot. Every single morning when I wake up." I admitted as he wrote something down.

"Doctor, I'm not sick." I told him with knowing eyes. "I think.... I think I might be pregnant."

He smiled at me. "I think so too. But let's run a few tests shall we?"

After a few test's, he gave me the results.

"Congradulations, Ms. Parker. You are two weeks pregnant."

"It's nothing serious right?" He asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No, no its not like that. He just said I need to rest more, that's all." I could tell he wanted to push for more so I quickly changed the subject.

"Where are we going? " I asked him.

"Baby, I already told you. Mads told me she would meet us downtown. She and Sebastian are hunting down venues. She wants our opinion."

"Okay, then why did you tell me to 'dress up'? Jeans would have done the trick but no! You just had to force me into this." I gestured towards my outfit.

I wore a gorgeous strapless dark blue dress, which was short on the front and long on the back, and it sparkled every time it caught light. I paired it with silver jewelry and some silver pumps I had found at the back of my walk in closet. I had done my make up, dark smokey eye and a dark shade of lipstick, and my silver curls (some things never change) were falling below my waist freely.

Tyler and Henry were matching with dark blue long sleeved buttoned up dress shirts, formal jeans and dress shoes.

DRESS SHOES! In all my years of knowing and being with Tyler, I knew he hated beyond anything to "doll up" or dress up. He prefers his eboy emo looks.

"You never dress up. And now suddenly you do, all for seeing a venue and going to get a bite?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

Tyler just laughed, kissing the back of my hand.
"You're overreacting. We could easily be going to a fancy place to eat."

"Are we?" I tested.

"You know why I realized you were irresistible? Because of how feisty you are, it drives me loco." He smirked at me and I turned to face the window, my cheeks burning.

Cocky bastard.

"Cat got you're tongue?" He joked.

"Shut up." I told him in the best serious tone I could muster. He just laughed.

We finally came across the venue. It was enourmous, cream colored with tinted windows. There was a bunch of cars lined up. That just made me more curious.

"Is there an event going on today?" I asked Ty.

"Nah, place is empty. Its probably people that are in the city. You know how traffic gets." He said.

If he thinks im that stupid, he's sleeping on the couch tonight.

We rounded up the corner until we found a parking spot in the back. As soon as the car stopped (Tyler still has his BMW if you're wondering ) my son got out of the car and opened my door.

"Here, let me help you momma." He offered me his hand and I took it.

"What are you doing charming my woman ahh?" Tyler asked as he too offered me his hand and I just had to smile.

"My two gentleman, thank you." I said sweetly to them as they helped me out of the car.

"Baby, you look absolutely dashing. My little man." I gushed at Henry as I picked him up and twirled him in the air not after pempering his face with kisses, making him giggle.

My eyes were drawn to the back door of the venue to see my best friend, Henry's godmother, the girl who had been my best maid at my weeding, my sister beyond words, Madelane Stacy. She was wearing a peach colored dress that hanged loosely around her frame and some nude pumps. Her hair flow freely and she had a daisy crown on her head.

"Look who it is!" I told Henry and he practically jumped down out of my arms.

"Auntie Madelane!" Henry ran and threw himself in my best friends awaiting arms.

"I swear, he's stealing you from me, my own son!" Tyler said from behind me as he pouted.

"You are adorable, Tyler." I said and gave him a quick peck.

"I am not." He grumbled as he reluctantly grabbed my hips.

"Who did you marry?" I asked him.

"You but-"

"Who do I claim to love?" I asked.

"Me, but-"

"And who would murder any girl who even batted the're stupid fake eyelashes at you?"

At this he blinked and laughed.
"You." He answered.

"Exactly." I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Henry is like a mini version of you with some parts of me too and I love you both equally, I'd give anything for the both of you." I gushed at Tyler, who rolled his eyes and smacked my hands away every time I tried to pinch his cheeks.

I swear, sometimes he could be the biggest baby ever. But hey, that's love.

"You look very handsome babe." I told him softly as I looked up at him like a little girl.

"Okay, okay. That's enough." He said and tried to push me away but I kept clinging to him.

"Didn't you want the attention? Well now you have it." I pinched his cheeks and he rolled his eyes. One second my feet were on the ground and the next I was being hauled, bridal style, by him. On other circumstances I would have fought him but this time I just nuzzled my head into his neck. Don't blame me, blame the heels.

"Heyyyy! How's my little tiger doing?" She asked him as she perched him on her hip.

"I'm really good!" Then he whispered something in her ear and she giggled.
"Yes, everything is ready."

I frowned.
"What's ready?" I asked.

"Don't tell me you're preggos again." She said with mock seriousness as she stared at me and my eyes went wide, something Madelane did not miss. Luckily, my smart mouth saved me.

"Hey, have you seen these?" I gestured to my very high heels. "I don't really mind being carried around. This better be good since I was forced to doll up." I told her with what I hoped was my normal voice as Ty put me down once we had climbed the stairs.

"What's ready?" I repeated.

"Oh sorry mama J but that's a secret between me and tiger." She said to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Can you stop calling me mama J?" I asked her as Tyler made his way towards them.

"How is my beautiful best friend doing?" Ty asked Maddy as he engulfed her in a hug.

"I'm good Ty." She said, returning the hug as best as she could with Henry in her arms.

Tyler and Madeline have remained closer than ever. It warms my heart to see the strong bond they share.

"Hey tiger, why dont we go inside and find Uncle Sebastian? Let these fine ladies chat." Tyler told our son and he nodded enthusiastically. Henry then met my eyes as his dad picked him up.

"Dont be too long momma!" He exclaimed as he and his father disappeared inside. I tried to get a peak but all I could see was black.

"Well, are you going to say hi to me or am I going to have to choke it out of you?" Madelane said with crossed arms and an eyebrow raised.

I laughed as I hugged her tight.
"How've you been wifey?" She asked me as we pulled away.

"Oh you know, same old same old. Never gets boring with the boys around." I said with a grin.

"You okay today? I know how hard it must be for you to be here. With it being.... Jason's birthday and all." She said tentatively.

"You know, I think its the first time I can say I'm actually okay and happy to be here. Jason would have wanted this, and even though I miss him, I'm okay." I said honestly and she smiled at me, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it tight.

"How about you? How've you been?" I asked her.

"I've been very good actually. I went to visit mom yesterday. She said that next time I come, she wants me to bring Ms. And Mr Parker, as well as little Parker." She said

"Name the date, and we'll be there." I said with grin.

Linda had gone to a group home for the elderly, prior to her wishes. She demanded to be taken there, and demanded Madelane and Sebastian visit every Sunday. Last time I saw her was a month ago, and she was happy playing bingo with the rest of the seniors.

"And you're dad? Have you heard anything about him?" I said and squeezed her hand.

"Not much. Last I heard, he was trying to hide his money from Cleo and Rachel. They got divorced, shocker, and now she wants every last penny of his funds. The great Antonio Pierce was stupid enough to sign a document that basically stated 'what's mine is yours'. The company is almost at bankrupt, let's just say things aren't too hot for him."

She looked at me with a totally calm gaze.
"He hasn't talked to me personally but something tells me he thinks of me often. I forgive him, but that doesn't mean I want him in my life." She said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I know a thing or two about that." I said and winked at her, making her laugh.

"How's the book coming along?" She asked me as she leaned on the wall behind her.

"Its good, im almost done. Just needs a few twicks and tadda! And about time too, my editor has been bugging me about the deadline. I told her 'you try and do it while taking care of a hyper child and a cockyass husband'" At this, Maddy giggled.

"Tyler dosent help much?"

"Oh, he helps a little too much. He likes to switch teams too. He is currently on team Henry so I'll let you figure the rest." I rolled my eyes. "I swear, its like I had twins. They're identically frustrating and experts at distracting me. "

"Sounds like wonderland." She told me with a grin, which I returned.

"You don't know the half of it. Anyways, how was Europe?" I asked, delighted that I was distracting her.

A couple weeks ago, Maddy had skyped me saying Sebastian had surprised her and they had flown to Paris. We probably talked every second of the day while she was over there.

"It was amazing! Every girls dream really. I'm sorry I coudint be here for you're birthday though." She said, looking guilty.

"Dont worry, you didint miss out on anything. Henry came down with the chicken pox and Tyler had to leave for a board meeting the school was hosting abroad. A bunch of idiots failed his class and the directors wanted to question him, you know how that is." I said dismissively.

"So you're telling me you didn't do anything fun for you're birthday? Honey, its not everyday you turn 31!" Madelane scolded me.

"Well, my son comes first. He even made me a cupcake and apologized for being sick. It was a sweet gesture. And Tyler made it up to me by buying me flowers and taking me out to dinner, despite my reluctance. They both felt so bad for supposedly ruining my birthday. Its just a number, no big deal." I said genuinely.

"No big deal?! Woman you have lost it." Maddy grumbled and I giggled.

"How about you? How are things with you and Sebastian?" I asked her and she suddenly seemed nervous.

"Well, you know, the weirdest thing happened the other day and..." she trailed off and looked directly into my eyes.

Does anyone become psychic just by looking into you're best friends eyes? Its like you don't have to say anything and you already know what they're thinking. And what I saw in Maddy's brain made my eyes go wide.

"No." I deadpaned, my hand flying to my mouth as I gasped. There was no way this was happening.

She didn't say anything, just twirled a strand of her auburn hair in her finger.

"Am I going to be an Aunt!?" I exclaimed, with a wide grin and tears in my eyes.

"I'm pregnant!" She said nodding and we both squealed like little girls. I hugged her once more this time tighter, so overwhelmed with happiness.

What a coincidence.

"Omg! How did Sebastian take the news?" I asked excitedly.

"He basically broke down in tears. He said he coudint believe how lucky he was. I'm having a child with the love of my life, Juniper. I have no words." She said as her eyes filled with happy tears.

"Oh Madelane! I'm so happy for you! You will be the best mother ever, you'll see! And I promise to be there every step of the way." I told her as I wiped the happy tears from her face.

"You mean it?" She asked as she started at me weakly, her smile never leaving.

"Of course! You've been my best friend, my sister, ever since high school. You were there for me when I had Henry, now its my turn to be there for you and Sebastian. And let me say, its about time the bastard did something useful!" I exclaimed and she laughed.

"Okay, okay! We get it!" She said and then looked at her stomach, where a little bump was barely noticeable. "I already have some names in mind."

"Oh! Spill please!" I gushed.

"Well, if its a boy I want to name him Hugo, in honor of Sebastian's dad who passed away from cancer. But if its a girl, I want to name her Juni." She met my shocked gaze. "In honor of the girl who made me stop counting the days that passed and start living them."

"Maddy, you dont have to do that!" I exclaimed as the tears welled up again. Jesus, even if I turn gray I think there won't be a day where I dont cry.

"I want too." She said with a smile and I just hugged her tight.

"So since I just told you my 'secret',  Is there something you want to admit, wifey?" She asked me once we pulled away and I laughed nervously.

"Nothing gets pass you, does it?" I said and squeezed her hand.

"Nu uh, now spill."

"I missed my period, three weeks ago." I blurted and her eyes went wide.

"Holy shit, are you sure?!" She said with a gasp.

"Doctor confirmed this morning. I'm pregnant." I admitted with a smile.

"I knew it! I fucking knew it! And at the same time, were preggo's at the same time!" She exclaimed.

"Lower your voice Maddy!" I said with a giggle.

"Wait, Tyler dosent know? You have to tell him J!"

"I know, and once we get home I will. I promise. I want it to be just us, unoccupied." I said and she nodded, her eyes glazing over.

"Oh Maddy! Don't cry, you'll ruin your make up!"  I said as I fanned her face with my satchel.

"Stupid pregnancy hormones." She cursed as she dabbed her eyes and I laughed.

"I mean, look at us." She gestured towards the both of us. "And to think we thought we weren't going to make it." She said and I smiled at her.

"Were too old for this shit." I said as I wiped my eyes, careful as to not ruining my make up. Maddy just laughed.

"Take some time to yourself. I'm going to see what the boys are up too." She told me. She winked at me then entered the building.

Suddenly, my phone beeped. I took it out to see it was a message from Aunt G. It was a video.
Found this in the old computer Jordan used to have. Thought you'd want to have it ;).

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I sold my old house, the one where I grew up with JJ, the one my dad left for me. I realized I didn't want to raised Henry in a place I never considered home, thanks to my mother. So I sealed the deal with none other than Violet. She recently got engaged to this guy called Trevor and they where searching for a place to settle. So I helped her out, warning her that the evil spirit of my mother, drinking cheap wine, haunted the hallways and if you looked hard enough, you could find empty bottles laying around the place.

Speaking of Claire, I haven't heard of her ever since she came to visit me a couple of days after I woke up from my comma 15 years ago. I have no grudge against her despite everything she did to me and I even forgave her for everything she put me through. I simply don't want or need her in my life, like at all. And certainly not in my son's life. She was never a good mother figure and I don't want Henry to be around someone as unstable as her. I suppose she's still in the asylum, the exact same one dad got sent to.

As for Jimmy, he's still serving his sentence. Turns out after they let him go for drug using, he went on a robbing spree and actually murdered some rich dudes who lived outside of town. Last I heard, he was transferred to the Upstate Correctional Facility located in Malone New York, part of Franklin County, where they housed high risked males who were also difficult to handle. Au revoir to the the both of them. I already closed that chapter.

"Momma!" I suddenly heard my little boy scream from inside, followed by what sounded like a bunch of glass hitting the floor. Then there was silence.

"Henry? What's going on in there?" I shouted at the closed door and suddenly a thought crawled its way to my head.

You'll break, just like glass.
I shook that thought, feeling a sense of deja vu.

I wasted no time in entering the building. It was pitch black, I coudint see shit. I kept tripping over stuff thanks to the damn heals.

"Henry?! Where are you?" I called out again as I walked, my phone being the only beam of light around.

"Hello? Madelane? Tyler? Where the fuck did you all go? Did the white rabbit come and take you all to fucking wonderland?" I all but shouted, getting irritated. Oh wait until I get my hands on those three, Sebastian included. I walked down what looked like a hallway until a reached another door, which I pushed open and I found myself in main room. I could barely see even with my phone on hand, the flashlight totally useless.

"Guys? This isin't funny anymore!" I yelled and surprisingly my voice didn't bounce of the walls.

The same phrase kept going over and over in my head.
You'll break, just like glass.

Do NOT go there Juniper. Keep it toguther, deep breaths, don't freak out. In and out, just like you're therapist said. Focus, FOCUS!

I was starting to feel dizzy and my breathing was getting hard. If I didn't find the light switch asap I was going to pass out. I turned towards the wall and sighed in relief as I saw switches. Holding the tail of my dress a bit, I walked towards them and pulled both of them down. Light shown from behind me and I breathed in relief. I turned around and was too busy focusing on turning off my phone's flashlight, I hardly payed any mind to what was infront of me.

"I am going to fucking kill all of you ba-"


I screamed so loud I think the spirits of the titanic heard me.


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