Team Weird|Walter Beckett X R...

Door GoldenLink145

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Walter Beckett has been in the spy agency in Washington working with his partner Lance Sterling for three yea... Meer

The Beginning: One
Riding With Rockets: Two
A Werid Distraction: Three
A Task In Los Angeles: Four
IMPORTANT! Please Read!
Moving Along at Dawn: Five
The Club Of Fun: Six
A Serious Situation: Seven
A New Plan: Eight
Gumballs: Nine
A Flesh Rotting Street: Eleven
The Little Demon: Twelve
A New Lance: Thirteen
The Freind in San Francisco: Fourteen
Mansion On The Mountain: Fifteen
Hello? Virgin Speaking: Sixteen
Mess Of A Dress: Seventeen
The Dance: Eighteen
Cult of Crows: Nineteen
Winner's Raffle Art
Human Eyes: Twenty
Reverse! Cha Cha Real Smooth: Twenty-one
Sneaky Bud: Twenty-Two
*GASP!* Another Art Raffle?
Crushing On You: Twenty-Four
Welcome to the Agency: Twenty-Five
A Simulation Performace: Twenty-Six
Winner Raffle Art!
Before Then : Twenty-Seven
Needle Tricks :Twenty-Eight
A True Maliden: Twenty-Nine
Wet Dreams: Thirty (haha 'Thirsty')
The Paper Thief: Thirty-One
GTA: Thirty-Two
I Like You: Thirty-Three
The 'Perfect' Visitors: Thirty-Four
I.S.T.C : Thirty-Five
Fun Head Cannons and Facts!
Russ Takes The Bait: Thirty-Six
The Phone Call :Thirty-Seven
The Teasing Before The Sex: Thirty-Eight
S E X + Third Raffle
The Real Sex: Thirty-Nine
Half-Ass Father: Forty
Cold Kisses: Forty-One

Airport Friends: Twenty-Three

579 26 29
Door GoldenLink145


(Y/N) watched as Walter nearly dropped his bags.

There were two women; one had flaming curly red hair that was tied in a ponytail. She wore large glasses and a grey turtleneck shirt with a long lab coat over it. Her pale freckled skin complimented her eyes, she was also very slim.

The other had tan skin with very short dark brown hair; styled in a pixie cut. She looked about five inches taller than Walter was, and carried a heavy winter jacket. A fuzzy beanie covered the tips of her ears as well; (Y/N) assumed she traveled somewhere cold.

They walked over to Walter with a smile on their faces. (Y/N) wasn't sure who they were exactly; she hid behind Walter as they came closer.

"It's so good to see you again Beckett!" The lady with the short brown hair exclaimed. "You look really good! . . . Well- besides all the bruises."

"It's really nice to see you too! Wonderful to know the both of you are alright," Walter said.

"Dang! I mean holy shit --you've grown a lot, Beckett! To be honest, i almost didn't realize it was you. How long has it been?"

"A year and a couple of months I think, they didn't inform me you were leaving to do a mission in Antarctica, I never got to say goodbye. . ."

"Don't stress about it, It's Sterlings fault he forgot to say anything. Where is that bastard anyway?" She asked while looking around.

"That's something i would like to discuss about in private. . . Here is not the best place," Walter said with a depressed look on his face.

Both of them glanced at each other with confusion, then turning back to Walter, nodding; a stern nod.

"Is that your girlfriend Walter?" The redhead teased, mentioning to (Y/N) behind him.

"Oh, n-no, " Walter chuckled. "This is my friend (Y/N), She's---"

"A hunter!?" The redhead perked loudly, fixing her glasses as she stared at (Y/N). Her glasses must have the same X-ray vision as Walter's little eyeglass did.

"That is also something we should talk about in private, " Walter whispered to her, gesturing to lower her voice.

"(Y/N), this is Marcy Kappel and Eileen Gillan, " Walter said, pushing her back slightly towards the two. "Karen works in the lab at the agency, but she gets partnered often with other spies. Marcy is a certified spy herself, she's been here much longer than i have."

Marcy held her hand out to (Y/N), to which she nervously agreed to shake. Her grip was tight and strong; this was definitely a woman she didn't want to mess with. Eileen, however, was very hesitant to shake her hand, perhaps it was because she knew she was part of the Hunters group.

"They call me eyes, " Eileen smiled.

The closer (Y/N) got to Eileen the more she realized how tall she was; she looked sweet but she had to admit, her height was quite intimidating.

"What's up with all the bags?" Marcy questioned.

"This isn't mine. Someone gave us a lift here, this is their bag. We are meeting up with a few others near gate 'B, ' back of the building. How long have you guys been here?"

"We got here an hour ago but Marcy lost her luggage. . . so--" Eileen shrugged.

"I didn't lose it, i put it down for a second to go to the restroom then the next moment it was gone, " Marcy replied.

"You lost it."

"Did you report it?" Walter asked.

"Yeah, and they still haven't found it so that probably means someone stole my shit. But it's fine, i can just track it, it just takes a minute for it to connect. Good for us as well, we managed to get here much earlier," Marcy responded. "How long have you been hanging around?"

"Oh-- we're not supposed to be hanging around, i-I'm actually supposed to be heading over to the agency right now. . . Kinda late. . .
It's a 'red card AND code seven' mission. . ."

"OOF!" Wheezed Elieen.

"Oh my god, Walter! You're gonna get your ass beat. . ." Said Marcy.

"Yeeaaahh. . . I know, " Walter huffed. "I gotta get going though guys. See you when you get back! I'll most likely be staying late."

"Alright, see you. Tell me what happens after you get your ass kicked," Marcy waved.

"Yeah yeah, " Walter rolled his eyes, smiling as he watched them walk in the same direction they came.

"Uh. . ." (Y/N) began as she and Walter continued on their path. "What's a 'red card and code seven?"

"Oh! Well-- There is this pinboard we have at the agency with these little note cards that are colored depending on what rank you're on and how serious it is. The green cards are the most simple; that's what beginners started off with. While the red cards are the most difficult. They all have numbers on them as well; the higher the number the quicker it has to be investigated and taken care of. The highest number I've seen was ten."

"Ranks?" (Y/N) tilted her head. "You guys have ranks?"

"Yeah, we don't want to lend a beginner a 'red card.' Almost all the time me and Lance are given the mission directly. We rarely use the board. . . This mission was from the board though."

"What's your rank?"

"Uh-- 'S, ' top rank. Me and Lance both are 'S' (even though he's so much better than me). . . I'm pretty sure we're getting bumped down after this, " Walter coughed the last bit.

"Ppfft-- is it really that bad?"

"Y E A H! uh-- it's pretty B A D. Most red cards are dealing with large explosives annndd we were supposed to be back early yesterday. . . Not only that but Lance is gone."

"I'm really sorry Walter. I wish i could do something, i know you just want to get Lance back."

Walter sighed. "Yeah. . .But it's okay, Lance is titled the number one world's greatest spy for a reason. He'll make sure your mom is safe as well. . .If your mother cooperates. . ."


"Oh, Brett. . . Why must you always speak about Walter. It's like you're obsessed!" Owen sighed dramatically.

He decided they should eat before they head to gate 'B.' But Brett knew they needed to get going; they had spent far too long eating cheesecake. Why did he let Owen drag him here? Because he liked the idea of trying cheesecake? Brett has never tried it before, and he has found out that they are quite filling. Though Owen kept buying him more than he can eat, and he would feel absolutely terrible if it went to waste.

"I-it's not that I'm obsessed, Owen. . . I-it's just that we told Walter we were going to be there. I don't want to make them wait for us, " Brett told him.

"There you go again! Walter, Walter, Walter. I fear that my Brett might have a crush, " Owen teared up just from the thought.

Brett sat there confused, staring down at his untouched piece of cheesecake, this was his fourth one. "*wwhheeeze* HA! are you kidding me? he's WAY out of my league! A-and i rather look at him as if he were a big brother."

"Then why do you speak of him so much!"

"B-because we told him that we would be near the back gate! A-and what do you think he's going to say when we tell him we lost Angelina. . ."

"Oh, I'm sure the little girl will find her way back home, " Owen said while checking himself out in his little travel mirror. "What I'm worried about is my bags, i don't want Beckett dragging them all over the floor."

"W-what if she can't find her way to the gate?"

"Then i guess they'll have to call animal control and bring her back to her bastard sisters, " Owen laughed. However, Brett just stared at him with a blank face.

". . . I'm going to look for Angel. . ." Brett finally said while standing up from the wooden chair.

"Wait Brett! But you didn't finish the rest of your cake! . . Eh, oh well. They were bland anyway."

"We're at an airport Owen w-what do you expect?"

"But wait I'll accompany you!" Owen yelled while running to him.


As usual, it was dark in her bedchamber. Her blue light was the only thing that illuminated the room, it made her ceiling star stickers glow; she has had them ever since she was little.

Her room was her favorite place in the entire building. She loved the dark, it made her feel comfortable and safe, and she was allowed to play her own music as loud as she wanted to.

She hummed as she sharpened her long sword, glaring at the tied mutt in front of her. He whimpered and shook annoyingly above the drawn pentagram on the carpet.

Rue thought she might just shave off all the dog's hair first, perhaps make it into a nice scarf. . . Nah, that would smell gross.

An abrupt ringing sound came from under her pillow, interrupting her thoughts. She shifted in her black attire and her short dark hair draped over her pale face as she picked up her phone.

Angelina 😇 🍁
Incoming Video Call. . .

Rue gasped dryly and answered. "Hello Angel, " she said as she propped her phone on a desk.

"HELLO RUE! Oh my! I miss you guys so much! Is daddy doing alright?"

"Since you left he has been very depressed. He'll get over it. . . Eventually. Cops are after Owen, that part is funny."

"Oh my-- i thought you said you would make sure nothing terrible starts up."

"That's not terrible, " Rue responded with a blank expression. "It's amusing."

She heard Angelina sigh. "Well okay. . . I might send you guys some souvenirs from Washington!"

"Oh yeah, how're the virgins? Did you find out if Walter is a top or bottom? Has Owen gone to prison yet?"

"Uuuh-- well-- I'm sure they're alright, i kinda got lost. But i found some REALLY cute stores! You see my shirt!--" she tilted her phone so Rue could see; it just said 'Washington State' in fancy letters. (Kinda boring to her)

"How did you managed to get lost already?"

"Eh, I'll find my way around. Ooo! There's a cool pin store! LOOK AT ALL THESE CUTE PINS!"

'She's gonna go poor before she even finds her way back,' Rue thought to herself. "Don't blow all your money away, Angelina. . ."

"I won't! I promise! What are you doing?"

"Sharping and polishing my weapons while listening to the 'beetle juice' musical on a three-hour loop. I want to be one with Lydia and absorb her talent. . . Shake shake shake senora--"

"Uhhhh. . .I don't think it works that way. . . I can't believe you are still into that stuff."

"What the hell are you talking about? We literally dressed up as the Schuyler sisters last Halloween."

"That was a phase-- but look, please check on Anna and dad once and awhile, please?"

"You got it sista. -----Six FOOT seven FOOT eight FOOT BUNCH!"

"And please, for the love of god Rue-- untie the dog."

"Mhm mhm, " Rue shook her head instead of nodding.

"That's not-- does that mean no?"

". . .Good night, Angelina."

"Wait-- wh-- it's like--morning"

"Good night," Rue said as she hung up and went back to sharpening her blades.


This was the first time he has ever sat on a throne; a throne of bones to be precise, and right next to the lead man of the cult. To be honest, he was kind of bored, all he did was sit on his ass while the crows brought him 'food.'

"Why do you no eat?" Questioned big bro. "The chosen one has to eat."

"BawwwwwWWWW, " (Naw fam i ain't hungry) said Isaac.

"Maybe he only eats glass, big bro. That's how much of a real lad he is!" One crow exclaimed.

"I-i don't think that's good for his digestive system you retard, " Joey pointed out.

"Shut the fuck up Joey. . . If the chosen one wishes not to eat then he will not eat. CARRY THE FOOD AWAY!" Big bro yelled.

"As you wish, " Zipper said as he carried off the disgusting glop of flesh.

"Right then!-- now let's all gather! This is very important business VERY important."

Ned, the retarded crow, turned his head around, away from the rectangular device.

"FUCKING NED! Just STAY! I haven't fed you in two days h-how is it that you haven't starved?"

The crows all gathered, (except Ned) murmuring and cawing. There was a very large amount of them, but Isaac felt bigger and stronger than every one of them.

"As you all know, we had a very successful feast a few days ago. No cats, no landlords, nearly no PIGEONS!"

"YEAH FUCK PIGEONS!" Someone shouted in the crowd.

"I agree!" Joey said.


"But, " Big bro continue. "It has been getting colder, and you know, we've lost just too many fellows last season, it's time we take our leave to someplace warmer for a bit."

"We can't leave the shack big bro!" Exclaimed Zipper.

"I'm afraid we have to. This month will be colder than the last, we need to be prepared for what's coming."

"Coming?" Cap questioned. "Winter?"

"Winter is coming, " Big bro nodded.

(I have a raffle thing look at my last author note for more details if you want to join!)

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