red and green (drarry)

By JasperAlexander001

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Draco malfoy is defeated after the war and Harry Potter befriends him, draco is weaker then he used to be and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter two {first day back}
Chapter 3 (Malfoy, popular no more)
Chapter four (a new friend-ship)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (term resumes)
Chapter 8 (first kiss)
Chapter 9 (holiday 3)
Chapter 10 ( term 4)

Chapter 11 (end of term)

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By JasperAlexander001

Harry's POV 

We all passed our exams, I did end up getting all of the marks I needed to become an auror, and hermione passed every newt receiving an outstanding mark on every single one, man that women is crazy and really smart. 

We ate our last diner at hogwarts then went to bed, it was our last night at hogwarts, in the morning we would have breakfast and pack our things,

(Morning) we woke up got dressed and went down to the hall we received a goodbye speech and I got a thanked by the entire bloody school, we ate breakfast slowly and we were the last year 8s to leave when we went up to the common room we packed our things we all walked out together and since we were the last ones, once we left the person in the painting disappeared and the room was gone. We didn't dwell on it though, we carried our bags down to the carriages witch took us to hogsmeade station were we boarded the hogwarts express for the last time, "I'm going to miss hogwarts" "me too 'mione, me too" we got a compartment to almost to ourselves but Luna was there but we were friends I think, then she said "Harry why didn't you tell anyone that you two were engaged?" We were hiding the rings "how do you know?!" List obvious isn't it?" "No it isn't" "well I found out and it was very easy to do so, so stop hiding your rings"I then took my hand out of my pocket and held Draco's hand "you make a cute couple" "uhh thanks Luna?" She then smiled, pulled out a copy of the quiddler and started to read it then someone knocked on the door and opened it "anything from the trolly dear's?" "Uhh two chocolate frogs please" I then handed her some money I gave one to draco and ate one myself, I got professor mcgonagal on my card and draco got some one named Alberta toothill, then she closed the door and left because Ron, Luna and hermione weren't hungry, well Ron was but already had food with him.

When we arrived at kings cross we went over to mrs weasley and told her the news, "can we have the wedding at the burrow like we had bills wedding." "Yeah that sounds great" then mr malfoy walked up "son" draco looked scared but tried and was almost successful to hide it "yes father" he said while grabbing my hand and pulling me to help him take a stand "so it's true that your dating potter ey?" Draco then took a deep breath and said "no Harry isn't my boyfriend... he is my fiancé" he then showed the ring to his father who looked absolutely disgusted "no" "what!" "I said no draco! You are a malfoy and are getting married to Astoria green grass!" "Listen father, I am not a malfoy, I am a malfoy potter now and will not date that brat!" "How dare you raise your voice at me!" Then I had an idea, i used the fact that mr malfoy was under semi arrest sort of probation and had someone from the ministry near him to an advantage and got her to take him away from draco and send him home, we then went to the burrow were molly announced the news of our engagement, Ginny started screaming then molly pulled her away, Arthur, George and bill walked up to me and they all said things along the line of "congratulations" at least they were happy for us, then they asked if they could speak to draco, I said okay.

Draco's POV 

When they pulled me away they and then bill started "draco, I'm happy for you and Harry" then George said "and I am sorry for everything I have done to you" "you know I'm sorry too, I was really mean to everyone but I didn't want to be I swear" "we know and we forgive you, but if you hurt Harry!" "I won't I promise" "you know your a whimp" "George!!" "Sorry, it's just Fred" then I smiled empathetically at him and they let me go back to Harry, I went back to Harry and hugged him, then molly walked down "so what kind of wedding do you two want?" "Uhh something small with only friends and family, and can I be the only slytheren because they aren't my true friends, unless you have a nice slytheren friend" "sure draco dear" 

At the wedding after party thing (sorry the last wedding I went to was when I was two so I just made it up)

Me and Harry danced and enjoyed the night, we both wore suits and we invited our friends, it was kind of sad not having my parents there but hey life goes on then Harry left and when he came back in he was with... my mother!! "Hello sweets, I am so glad you are happy and not with someone who you don't love, I support you and Harry entirely" "thanks so much mum!" "Now mr malfoy potter would you care to dance with your mother?" "Of corse" that night was my happiest memory I have.

My mother stayed the night, and was up helping molly make breakfast "morning you two, sleep well?" "Good, you?"  "Good" we ate breakfast and then we decided that we should check for any open positions at the ministry, when Harry mentioned wanting to become an auror they said that since tonks and west both died in the war there were two spots and said that I had the qualifying marks then hr brought up me, and Kingsley tensed up, then he saw me "I see, he is clearly no death eater and he has the marks I will give you both the job, even though you are fresh out of school" I know he only gave me the job because of our hero Harry Potter but still I am happy, hermione got a job as a junior assistant to the minister and Ron got a small job in the department of magical law enforcement, so we now all had jobs and I was married, I was finally happy and safe

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